What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Trying to be topical while the ones before tried to talk about the future?
The switch over to a focus on the side stories ultimately left the main story feeling flat and it could have benefited from a more focused, linear design with a smaller hub.
Planned trilogy and poor marketing. Would rather have waited another 2-3 years and gotten a full narrative
Square Enix.
Sequel bait ending on top of all of the already bad pr from the shoehorned microtransactions and the augment your preorder bullshit killed it.
Deus Ex has always been topical. You just didn't like the topic, which I concede was heavy-handed and half-baked.
What really went wrong was the game getting broken into an unreleased trilogy, the preorder scheme, and the microtransactions. Square Enix, in short. The gameplay and graphics we did get were phenomenal, which is what makes it a real tragedy.
it's honestly really good, I can see why it got flak but it does not deserve hate because the game is so good
lots of things, but mainly publisher greed
DXMD has the best level design of any dudesex game, prove me wrong
This. Honestly, the only true fault of the game is the sequel-baiting ending. Everything else is great. The sidequests, especially, are the best ones I've seen in a game period.
>Old Japanese men in suits get to ruin one of the best vidya IPs out there
Why is this allowed?
1nd game is better
>the gameplay
You mean just HR but being able to shoot a blade and turn invisible?
I have a belief that Square Enix secretly hates Eidos and that's why they give them the EA treatment.
it is better, but DXMD has better level design
square enix? a bunch of Japanese old men playing at running the industry
Underrated gem.
Did SE ever give us any information on the future of the series?
The last game had the entire game stop whenever you moved between areas so that you could:
>A. Get a pat down and ID check for being augmented
>B. Get weird looks from strangers and their children on trains for being augmented
They were trying to go for "not all augs" are dangerous, but YOU ACTUALLY ARE A WALKING WEAPON. THE PEOPLE AREN'T WRONG.
Deus Ex wasn't supposed to be about "muh minorities".
compare the hubs of hong kong, new yawk and paris to the 3 main prague sections of MD, there's no contest
where MD drops the ball hard is the main missions
Old man are the future
Not him but even though I don't mind games talking about racism, it didn't have anything interesting to add and doesn't benefit from the cyberpunk setting the same way the themes of the previous games did. Racism = bad is not a novel concept.
The music in this game and human revolution is so fucking good.
>"Deus Ex isn't dead"
>By the way, we rearranged the Deus Ex team to help on Tomb Raider and "Avengers games" that are in no way MCU shovelware
The level design was great and the new augs were practical.
Was Deus Ex ahead of its time?
there was very little light-hearted moments, it was a very depressing game especially with the ending
To be fair, if the players had actually bought the game, the sequel would problably be in development rn. Just like you can't really blame Bethesda for releasing Fallout76 when Prey sold like shit despite being goty by far.
False equivalency. Prey was finished and didn't have any sort of MTX in it; MD was deliberately gutted.
People whining that it didn't have lots of boss fights and the main story was aparantly too short.
The marketing campaign was utter shit.
Denuvo was a bad idea.
Performance was pretty bad on release.
The players would buy MD if the game didn't had a disastrous marketing with shit like "augment your pre-order"
I'd like to replay it but my current PC can run it on Ultra at 30 FPS or on Low/Medium at 60
That's WITHOUT Denuvo
Runs badly in Prague, 2 of the DLCs are just cut content, boring european setting doesn't fit the game as well as detroit, ends with a cliffhanger
An improvement to HR in almost every way when it comes to gameplay, level design and balance though but still shallow compared to the first game.
Also moving around Prague to do all side quests was tedious as fuck with the loading screens.
To be fair if they didn't pull so much bullshit I would have not waited 2 years to buy it deeply discounted.
Even so, the end result was a very satisfying game and in no way justified a boycot.
This. If MD weren't piecemeal drip feeding, I wouldn't be resentful.
Also, Deus Ex: The Fall had left a bitter taste in my mouth. Go figure, they didn't even bother with the sequels to that either. They also fucked up Thi4f. Squeenix gets off so easy in the Big Bad Publisher outrage waves when they really shouldn't. They're fucking cancerous and they will sacrifice anything to mobage.
the developers would clearly prefer to make their own science fiction series that has nothing to do with Deus Ex
Because these games have nothing to do with Deus Ex.
Even with an NVME it somehow takes forever to get anywhere.
The whole game seemed half as long as it should be. You interact with the "bad guy" twice and the second time you don't even speak to him, it seems so forced.
I think it mostly gets flak because of performance, annoying ending and horrible DLC implementation.
Had way more fun playing this one than HR which just ended up being 10mm with armor piercing mod for the entire game.
Sad that we most likely won't get the third and final game of the jensen trilogy because of how badly MD did.
Thinking of picking this up in the PSN sale coming up. $7, includes all the DLC. 30fps cap. Worth it?
The only bad guy there is Bob Page, and don't interact with him for obvious reasons
Dude, if you lived in -400 Athens, you'd be complaining about Sophocles ruining the story of Oedipus.
Exactly how badly did it bomb?
It wasn't really boycotted. It sold well on release, but had a huge drop off, probably because of the cut ending and the random shit like the breach that were forced in. Square Enix's meddling killed the sales, not the game itself.
HR was better than MD for this reason.
Enough for them to put the franchise to sleep for now.
Who here played a single level of breach that wasn't the tutorial?
Worse than the Human Revolution at launch.
Did Jenson ever get laid? I can respect the games more for that because it would have felt so forced.
I played a few after beating the game because I really wanted to play more of it. It's pretty shit.
At least we can all agree that the OST was good.
The "augment your pre-order" debacle literally killed sales.
Without Sarif and Pritchard MK felt completely soulless.
Characters like those two held HR together and without interesting characters in MK it just fell so flat.
I can't remember a single character that isn't Adam in Mankind Divided. Not so for Human Revolution.
So was Jensen a clone or built human like the guys in the first game?
Why did TYM give him super augs?
Way ahead of time.
It predicted 2007 Lisbon Treaty (Official founding of EU).
Makes you wonder what else they were right about
I mean MD didn't have time to get to the point where the characters are interesting, most of them became much more interesting towards the end, the shrink for example.
Also the shooting range qt was nice.
So kino.
sad they had to bright back jensen instead of OJ Benton
kid see half robot man on subway train and doesn't thinks its cool? no. Unless the kid was taught "robot man; baaaaad" already. That would have to be some heavily, seeded indoctrination there.
I hated that in the game but it made sense so I scoffed and moved on. I genuinely made the mistake of getting on the "Peoples Train" one mission.
Augs were minorities. You're incorrect the game was about that, they had a fucking city of them. Cubeworld I called it.
The game was pretty ballsy as it was making fun of BLM in one of the shops newspapers or something.
No clue who you're talking about.
Indeed not including ADAMMMMMM in MD was a mistake.
I can't respect anyone who claims this is a good game.
>50% of the game gets chopped off because of publisher shenanigans
>plot suffers horribly due to this, no time to set up villain or bring the story to any meaningful thematic conclusion
>horrific performance/load times, minute-long loading screens in between areas that need to be frequently traveled across
>One hub, 4 other areas total, the first and last of which you see for 30 minutes tops
>every apartment is the same 3 apartments copy-pasted through the entire city
>shit characters who are given no time to develop or get interesting backstory, lots of bad accents and VAs, replaced Sarif
>pathetically easy, even on the hardest difficulty
>exploring is rendered almost entirely pointless due to the above, nothing to spend your infinite credits on
>microtransactions in a singleplayer RPG
The only decent things about the game was more interesting level design, and some good side-quests. Other than that, it is a total failure as a game, much less a DX game
I think jensen would make a better main character than a playable one, feels kind of wrong to go lethal or be an asshole when they clearly intended for him to be a good guy.
Jensen was cloned and experimented on, they likely did not have time to take experimental augs back out and assumed nobody else would get the chance to open up Adam, which of course Koller did
This. It needed another year or so of development but they failed by not focusing the game on conspiracy theories and awesome illuminati shit considering how Human Revolution ended. I don't think they have a clear cut plan of how the series ends up bridging with the original game either. Still, I want another Deus Ex game.
Popular theory is Adam 2.0 is a clone augmented with prototype gear designed to infiltrate Janus' and identify the 'traitor' in the illuminati. Real Jenson is dead, bury him. Consider it a mercy.
This, fuck SE.
A criminal past had more interesting characters than most of the MD, only the ARC people were interesting there since we didn't really get to know the illuminati gang.
>Augs were minorities. You're incorrect the game was about that
Not sure what you mean. The trailer was all about "muh oppressed minorities". Augs were forced into a huge ghetto city and were discriminated against because they murderboned a ton of people due to the ending of HR. The whole game was a political allegory and that isn't good storytelling.
You're discriminated for being a dangerous killer robot and Adam gets all pissy, but you actually ARE a dangerous killer robot. This is what made the messaging so conflicted.
Augs actually are dangerous because basically every aug you meet is in a gang.
>cut in half which was horrendously obvious
>conspiracy plot didn't really make much sense and came off as more cookie cutter episode of 24 with evil mustache twirling villains as opposed to a multi layered plot simply for the benefit of businessman and politicians
>weapon variety wasn't interesting
>getting too close to Deus Ex 1 but doesn't know how to leave Human Revolution's aesthetic behind as well as how to limit themselves to not overshadow HR's world
>choices did not fucking matter almost at all
>choices did not have any real impact
>monetized "multiplayer" mode
>HUB areas were not fleshed out with any real discovery
>Literally only 2 or 3 good side plots
>All that bullshit with Janus (which ties into complaint #1)
And that ghetto city was so linear.
I bought the game and season pass a day before it came out and don't regret it.
Very little. If story was better it would've surpassed deus ex 1. Those eliza moments were 10/10. And I loved the not real jensen twist as well.
Just a shame the supporting cast was so bad.
>And I loved the not real jensen twist as well.
That happened in a DLC that 90% of people didn't play.
It's in the main game retard. Eliza and sarif both scream it at you.
Should have stuck with the wage slave angle.
>Get augs for good job
>Need drug for augs
>drug so expensive make no money from good job
>same company employ aug make aug drug
Then we get into the class divided capitalist dystopia we all know and love
The areas that werent Prague were pretty interesting and pretty looking.
me too
not true, its in the main game if you pay enough attention to things
>love the deus ex universe
>we will never get a game where we arent a cop or special agent
Feels like the games would play better in that kind of setting.
The entire game felt like it was trying to get you to sympathize with niggers, but it didn't work because niggers actually are inferior subhumans that should be ejected from civilization. So instead you get a bunch of living weapons being somehow marginalized and shoved into a slavic shithole by normies, because reasons.
The fact they didnt even bother to make a ''definitive'' edition should tell you it's dead jim.
>happened in the DLC
Not that user but I didn't play the DLC. Redpill me on what happened pretty please.
I did however find and figured it would be a plot point because of things like along other strange and seemingly out of place dialogue that had no payoff or conclusion.
Where in the facility was this?
I only found all the information that hinted towards him being a clone.
Is the rest of the series good? i think i'm close to finishing Deus Ex and i considering getting Human Revolution.
Game was so boring I don't even remember this.
It's in the bank vault
They have said the franchise is dead for now.
its in the VersaLife vault across the street from Palisade in the garage
Guess i'm just blind, was there a secret switch?
Yeah if you watch this it doesn't mean he's a clone. It could also mean his augs were replaced by the illuminati or whoever.
We don't talk about iw
It's kind of tragic because it was in good hands.
Human revolution set the bar really high. I never even finished it and I loved both Deus Ex and HR
They just waiting for next consoles to release it there along with HR
HR is good and MD has good gameplay but feels like the unfinished middle game of a trilogy, still worth a play if you find it cheap.
>Microtransactions in a single player game
Already got one for the WiiU
No, that pic has brightness turned way way up. Normally you were meant to miss it but people discovered the model and other interesting things in the room
Yeah, then you look at his darkened hair.
what about Invisible War tho, is it worth going over it?
>Have to look directly down at box and throw stun grenade specifically to light it up.
Are you fucking kidding me user? That isn't " pay enough attention to things" that's an easter egg.
who's the guy in the tube if not jensen? I think it's more likely that we play a clone than the real one since they're using jensen's genes to create that poison
I don't remember, haven't replayed it since my early teens and I had bad taste back then.
In the beginning, I was lost for hours at a time. There's not many times you get to shoot either. The Swiss Alps base was a good level, but there weren't enough like that. At least you can upgrade health more, but the story was just kind of confusing the whole time. And they barely talk about the conspiracy itself because they know everyone played the original. It's kind of disappointing, but WHEN they give you enemies, it's fun. The hub, Prague is just confusing. I have to check the map every 5 seconds, and each time you come back it gets darker and more dangerous. And the subway loading time is just too long. These are all minor problems, none of them completely ruin it, but everyone expected another Human Revolution.
It's only the upper torso so it probably is just a clone.
I like HR's soundtrack better but MD was bretty good too. I also missed the piss filter, I don't know why everyone got so butthurt over it when HR came out.
Why haven't they patched it to make the season pass bonus items to be available every playthough?
thats just the new engine
HR is so overrated. If it wasn't for the shitty voice actor memes no one would remember it.
They're both clones. You're not real adam, that's not real adam in the box. Versalife wanted Jenson because he was naturally able to take augs so they could mass produce aug soldiers which they eventually did.
It's not that hard guys
Stun gun and pure stealth was such a fun way to play MD
>that satisfying reload between shots
It's definitely more than an easter egg, considering that they have heavily allude to an idea that something really wrong with Jensen both in MD and tie-in book
Yes because as we know the DXMD engine can't do the brown colour. Engine limitation.
It's pretty bad gameplay wise, level design wise, horrible loading times with small areas. Only a few gameplay moments that feel like Deus Ex as far as level exploration. The story however, faction system, and some of the side content like the coffee chain quest line that goes the entire game were pretty great. Approach with caution, install HD mods look it up.
Main villain had less depth than Berrett and Gunther which is really sad.
Reminder that jensen is a prototype for the men in black from DX1.
why would a clone have darker hair?
Cause they completely dropped support after last DLC was released, and now working on capeshit game for marvel
I always though of augs like guns, they only want the government to have them. The Human Restoration Act is like repealing the Second Amendment over the Aug Incident, which was like a mass shooting carried out by government operatives.
HR has some data hinting at jensen being very weird too, both characters are probably clones just like Denton.
Retard detected also the gameplay wasn't even that good
>that's not real adam in the box
convenient that a large chunk of the Hyron project that the "final boss" of Human Revolution was encased in happens to be in the same room
That would be great, could also be an early version of the denton brothers?
what did she mean by this
Didn't the original deus ex feel altrightish to anyone else? I'm scared to play the sequels because of that.
Deus Ex isn’t actually political. It’s so vague as to be meaningless. The aug debate is so fucking vague that it covers the goddamn spectrum. It takes elements from right and left, guns, abortion muh racism, etc. It’s definite anti globalist bent most certainly doesn’t make it left wing.
They should've came up with a better word than racist for those who hate augs, it was pretty cringy.
Never played the game, but watched a play through of Mankind Divided. Absolutely loved the art direction. Bummer to hear that the company cropped out the story. Still a big fan of the soundtrack.
Go dilate you sick worm.
You play as Walton Simons In mankind Divided
It’s to get it to resonate with liberals. They do all sorts of gun shit and evil globalist shit to appeal to right wing. Like I said, the game isn’t political at all.
Maybe Square Enix shouldn't have added MTX to Deus fucking Ex.
>Get a side mission
>It's in another section of the city
>Don't do the side mission to avoid having to sit through a 12 minute loading screen on a fucking train
>Mfw even thinking about the fucking loading
Could be worse, could be getting an Alex game.
I have this installed, should really get around to it. Same with Dishonoured 2, Prey (2017), etc. Any other of these types of games?
I honestly couldn't stand the OST because it just kept making me think of XCOM:EU/EW. Literally every time I noticed the music all I could think of is "this sounds like xcom"
They were done by the same guy so I know why that happened, and he did a good job on it, but I just couldn't stop thinking about that for some reason.
I'm assuming you've played all the old classics so maybe add Thief (2016) to your list, it was decent enough if you like immersive games.
>have had IW in my steam library for almost 10 years
>still haven't touched it
One day I will. I mean how bad can it be?
so the illuminati shrink girl is going to try to recruit jensen to the illuminati right?
or is she keeping him in check because they cloned him and want to see how clone brains work?
It's an RPG with very little choice in it.
I-I don't know what you're talking about you sick bastard
Watch Ross's vid on it, it sums it up pretty well
HR's plot is literally a full copy of the 2000's one, no wonder it worked. Then they tried to come up with something unique and this is exactly why it failed
>deus ex is so dead the art guy moved on to work on shitty warhammer titles
It failed because it was rushed, story barely had time to get started before it ended on a cliffhanger
No, you stupid shits, Deus Ex always had social commentary. It's just that you suffered brain damage from a barrage of propaganda at the time, and never really recovered. Now everything wtih tan people is an affront to your dignity (as if you ever had any dignity to begin with) even though the main character is as expected.
The game suffered a terrible PC launch full of bugs, along with the story being served in pieces. It was still mechanically and visually brilliant, but their DLC and microtransaction bullshit scared people off.
It doesn't help that the genre has never really been a blockbuster to begin with.
My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing...
Not so fast, lardie. Squenix recently invested a fuckload of money in Eidos Montreal and hired a bunch of people (probably for that avengers game) so not all hope is lost.
>adam jensen is the seed for grey death and bio-augs
tragic ending confirmed
Every Deus Ex game I end up playing about halfway, getting bored because I figure out how to min max stat points and exploit the AI, and reading the plot summary on the internet.
Non-lethal ghost is the way to play the modern games for fun since lethal headshots are way too strong especially in HR.
The guy who voices Sarif in Human Revolution Stephen Shellen has schizophrenia and I have been fucking with him and making him think hes been being gangstalked and hes absolutely lost his mind. You should see the non-sense he spews on Facebook.
well, that's not a cool thing to do
screencaps or gtfo
He turned out to be too Deus Ex for Deus Ex. Claims to have been "targeted" by some "very rich, very connected" people for decades. Yes, the voice actor for a businessman who got targeted by the Illuminati. You just can't make this shit up.
Main story fell flat at the end, no memorable side characters unlike Human Revolution. The gameplay, quest and level design were all a huge improvement though.
>Short haired arab girl
Didn't realize that she was such a cute