So who's excited for UniCLeaR?

So who's excited for UniCLeaR?

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I am, OP.

fucking jap devs and their nonsensical english titles

>no PC release on launch
these scumbags can go fuck themselves

Depends on who's doing the porting I suppose.

Doesn't Aksys handle console porting while ArcSys handle the PC porting of UNIEL games?

I am. Hoping it keeps up with the quality of the last release. GGPO netcode when?

I hated UNIST and It's basically impossible to find EU people outside of Discord, and the few guys that are actually in it are cancerous.

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Move to a continent that matters. You guys literally got your asses kicked and saved by a single American country.

>eu fightan
>not a bunch of faggy erp obsessed pillow bitches outside of a few based respectable people
I'm so sorry bro

Mika buffs

I just want everyone to settle on an non-retarded acronym already.

Have sex

I still say Uniel and just assume people mean whichever is the newest.

Sorry I don't have any for you. Ask someone else.

You can watch the Yea Forums lobbies that get livestreamed and pretend you're playing with us.

ive been thinking about getting into fightan. is UNIST a good start?

>"buy Under something user, it is good"
>avoid because there should be another revision
>end up not buying most fighting games because of this shitty revision/dlc policy

Every time. Worse is them getting away with this easily with yearly revisions.

I don't think any of the uniel games have had downloadable characters at all actually. You just kinda get the full package I think and they're usually spaced out many years.

It has a really good tutorial that teaches the game mechanics and FG techniques i general.

I wonder how they'll manage to make the name even more stupid further down the road.

+super in depth tutorial
+three attack buttons as opposed to four or six
+combos are pretty intuitive
-mechanically dense
-high skill cieling, which isn't inherently bad, but this is absolutely a game where you will get your shit kicked in and learn nothing until you do research

uni what?

Is this the animest name in vidya?


Prove it, faghat.

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it's highly intelligent of them considering how few people bought the UNIST port and how often people unironically encourage pirating it

UNIST on PC is more populated than UNIST on PS4

No cross play no buy.

It probably has more to do with the modding than anything.

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I recently got this game on ps4 and I'm totally new to fighting games, so I'm gonna ask a stupid question. Should I be using the d-pad or the analog stick for moves?

It has Switch so I'm happy. No giving Sony money. I'll just double dip.

whichever you find comfortable. I personally use the pad on PS4, but if Im playing with a xbox controller I use the control stick.

Just say UNIB. All of these names are stupid.

I got to try the game with my ps now subscription and I really loved it. If it had cross-play then it would be an instant switch purchase for me. Else I would wait for a bit to see which platform has more players.

It has cross play with ps3 and 4

Oh shit.

Do you guys expect any graphical changes? Or actually even a new engine for the game?

Why should we?

Why do the guys so interested in the new version never make a lobby or something?

I want Akira from dfc

Thanks, I didn't know if there was some clearly superior way to do it or not.

Assuming it'll be a title patch like Xrd Rev2, it'll be on PC within the week of localization, calm down.
Also I'm really trying to come to grips with the fact that I'm buying UNI for the 6th fucking time (PS3,PC UNIEL, PS4 JP, PS4 US, PC UNIST, and now Switch Uncle R), and this is barring the fact that I'm gonna have to nab the title update for PS4 and PC assuming they do go that path

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Nah, most I expect is 2 new characters stemming from Chronicle (haven't played it so I dunno who), along with two new guests (1 new Melty as well as Filia from Skullgrills)

>no PC release on launch
This is the only reason I have never actually gotten a UNIST game because by the time a pc release is out I am already waiting for the current playstation version.

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UNIST wasn't a title update, so why would this one be? anime fighting game fags eat any shit that the devs plop out these days

Who's making this? This looks cool as hell.

Because it got a *console* rating before any word of an arcade release, plus this is on top of the boom of popularity it got. It'd be foolish for French Bread to play the time gap card for arcade/console instead of reversing priority like Cross Tag

U4ick is doing it, he's also probably the best player in NA so he knows what he's doing.

Because the jump from uniel to unist in terms of content was fucking enormous. Try actually knowing what you're talking about before you make dumbshit generalizations


Meltyblood on steam is whack. What the fuck were they thinking with the netcode?

>He thinks it'll happen while the PS4/Switch are in production
Try a decade from now, if that

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[st] is like 3-4 years old in arcades and 2 years old on consoles.

the same thing they were thinking with UNI's garbage netcode

unfortunately there's no UNIST CCCaster edition

Uni's netcode is a lot more playable than melty's but god damn these dumb companies need to just embrace ggpo like they did gay porn comedy already.

Amazing FG live or die by its net code. How is it before?

Arcsys handled the netcode.
That's all you need to know