I'm glad GDQ made this women-only event so brave girls like this can show off their skills in 20 year old games

I'm glad GDQ made this women-only event so brave girls like this can show off their skills in 20 year old games.

Attached: 3iKqb8K.jpg (671x894, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=girl (from:ClarisRobyn)&src=typed_query

I can't even fathom how ugly his teeth must be


god I want to lick her balls

I hate terfs

>No facecam


Why are trannies taking over the world bros?

Imagine the response if they put together a men only event.

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Only taking over the world that losers like us inhabit.

only like 5% of them are passable
the other 95% need a bullet through their head

Not the world. Just Yea Forums. Most of its faggots larping for (you)s anyway.

Because it's the new democratic strategy of invading culture with virtue signaling SJW dogshit for the sake of "being so diverse and progressive"

Attached: 13 - SziAleu.jpg (455x457, 29K)

if you look at his twitter at any given time, it'll look like this. trannies are insane

Attached: the tranny.jpg (1236x3228, 636K)


>tranny plays video games
>video game board anons seethe over it and start shitpost wars with each other
When did trannies started being more active in the vidyia scene than you?

>see a woman-only event at GDQ
>know how crazy pro-trans they are
>the best male speedrunners pretend to identify as trans-female and enter
>Absolutely destroy all the females because seriously have you ever seen an actual biological female doing good speedruns?
>Some females call them out on their shit
>Male pretending to be trans calls them transphobic and causes a lot of drama
>GDQ bans the women that bitch about the clearly not trans men

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autogynephilic mtfs have an avg IQ of like 130 or something, they're the jews of gender

So all I have to do is dye a purple streak through my hair and pretend I am a woman for the duration of the event to give myself a better chance at winning? How do I sign up?

>not just laughing at the "women's only" event

Were there any actual women at that event or just all trannies?

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not high enough, we need to get those to 90%, 75%,


what is this? i've been seeing it thrown around lately.

Feminists that hate trannies. They think that male privilege is so strong you can't get rid of it by chopping your dick off. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists

they sound based

Get the fuck out Nick Land.
It was just one bad study with a small n.

it's probably the high rates of asperger's

Attached: 1557732203098.jpg (353x474, 24K)

twitter.com/search?q=girl (from:ClarisRobyn)&src=typed_query

Attached: file.png (597x36, 2K)

>it's fucking real

I guess you gotta keep repeating it to yourself to keep the delusion

and that's a good thing

Whatever power they had they're losing now since they're just white lesbian feminists.

lol they never had any power, they were always considered a "fringe hateful group"