Sonic characters that should be in TSR

This one

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Other urls found in this thread:

cold steel

He's canon in the comics btw

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Cream the rabbit

Her name sounds like something I would do to her mom.


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Rouge. And she's in. And I'm in.

Princess Sally of course.

I wouldn't mind Urkel voicing it too.

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Dude Urkel is an old man now.

Most of pic related

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>posting one character as opposed to teams of 3


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Some people think they may drop the idea of teams if they add any DLC and just do singular characters, but I don't think they will, especially due to how the character select screen is set up

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These two

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>Ever acknowledging a American derived Sonic character
SEGA's standing policy of steadfast refusing to canonize anything that came out of America in regards of Sonic has to be their smartest policy yet.

why is there Rosy and Amy at the same time? I thought the're the same person?

In the old continuity of Archie Sonic, Amy used a magic ring to up her age a bit so Sonic would become interested in her (read: redesign her to match the Sonic Adventure design). Bizarro Amy (Rosy the Rascal) does the same thing in her dimension but it fucks up her mind in the process.

Sonic had a chili dog in Black Knight.


>Each one has an instrumental remix of a vocal Riders song as their Team Ultimate
If the game doesn't get DLC and this doesn't happen I'll be let down even more

Why do I want to fuck Chaos now?

So if he took out Silver, Shadow and Sonic, whose else could beat this guy?

Why are the comics so God tier compared to the games?

Most of Yea Forums agrees.

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Aren't we all?

Would be neat.

This qt

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agrees about what? context motherfucker context

>Tangle - Power
>Whisper - Technique
>??? - Speed

I guess the character in the OP image

That tangle and whisper should be in TSR.


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>literally cutting off years of your life just so that the person you love will love you back and you still get cucked
Amy is suffering.

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Best girl of course!

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>2 IDW characters and a random ass Archie character

If you're going to do that just use Sally.

I had no idea which run of the comics they were all from except Tangle and Whisper. I don't have any interest in reading them

Chaos, Tikal and E-102 Gamma.

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I miss her anons

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Sega doesn't care about the comics. Imagine the potential if they actually did anything with this ip.

doesn't really seem any worse than the constant injecting of their own terrible ideas

scourge should have been in the games instead of shitdow.

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None of the characters you want will be in this game. Instead Sega will add Arin Hanson as a DLC racer.

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I once saw this guy in a Spanish magazine promoting a Sonic game, I was never as confused for seeing a green Sonic without any context.

I want to see them do it so bad just so I can laugh at 'em for a whole night with Yea Forums.

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Good thing he's fucking dead and never coming back.

>Arin Hanson
>Danica Patrick
>Jim Carrey

finally, some good fucking DLC

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I don't get why they've never been introduced in a mainline Sonic game, they could easily fill in as secondary antagonists.

Because their shtick is racing, they're not really villains, just assholes


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I would unironically have to assassinate Iizuka if that happened.

Iizuka wouldn't be behind that. The Game Grumps shit is all because of Sega of America and Aaron Webber.

if they did use the comic side to make games AND they killed sonic team then we would be somewhere great with sonic games.

license out the ip to many different dev studios to do different genres using different characters.

>Imagine the potential if they actually did anything with this ip.
I agree especially since Sega very own OCs have been really disappointing in recent years with Infinite and Zavok.

They aren't. The quality of the comics overall is just as checkered as the games'. And right now the comics are just as mediocre as the games are. (Mania notwithstanding, of course.)

>if they did use the comic side to make games AND they killed sonic team then we would be somewhere great with sonic games.
Considering that the comics production staff have zero game development experience, the only thing that would feasibly improve is the games' plot, and that's one of the very last things that needs to get fixed in Sonic right now. Anyone who puts story over gameplay in priority in a Sonic game is doing it fucking wrong. Just enjoy your comics and let the games be games first. Sonic games having a bigger focus on narrative is what started this whole mess to begin with. It takes away important development time from the things that actually matter in a Sonic game.

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I want her in the game too

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Gay couple

Damn bros, why isn't she in the game?

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What's wrong with the comics? People have been posting these two A lot. Why would they post these if the comics aren't good?

I'm sick of Aaron too. Doesn't matter really, somebody would have to go if that double-chin fuck made his way in a Sonic game. It would be the ultimate disrespect to fans.

You don't seem to familiar with Yea Forums

Ok then I still wouldn't mind checking the comics since everyone talks about them.

Could you please indicate me a good place to read them and what are the best issues to start with?

Arin was already credited in Mania


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For what?

>No Espio and Charmy to pair up with Vector
>Big and Amy with...a bunch of chao, instead of Cream

Some weird choices here, but okay.

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Readcomiconline should have everything. If you're a madman read all 400+ issues of Archie, otherwise start at either #160 (current writer's starting point) or #252 (reboot). IDW only has like 16 or so issues so far.

There's also Sonic the Comic (Britbong comic) which is more of an anthology, but generally better than Archie was during its tenure. It only goes up until Sonic Adventure before getting canned, however.

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Special thanks
I blame the small roster limit and SEGA's picks mostly. They wanted Chao to be a racer and likely wanted Zavok as well, so the devs tried to make the best of the situation

I might try 160.

Any starting point for team Chaotix stuff?

Chaotix get some story arcs here and there but they aren't super-significant players. If you want the Chaotix you could try Sonic Universe. They're more contained, 4 issue arcs that focus on a few characters but are still connected to the wider narrative, and Universe is consistently good.

The Chaotix have a couple arcs in Sonic Universe (Chaotix Quest, Great Chaos Caper, Case of the Missing Princess, etc.) but don't get too much screentime in the main book.

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So much stuff but I'm gonna try to go through most of it. I'm really just interested in the modern stuff as the old art kind of turns me off.

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Archie Sonic was generally decent, but stumbled occasionally around the issue 200 mark, and some times afterwards. The run from ~165 to 175 was the comic's golden age, but the new writer had to clean out a lot of crap to get the plot somewhat coherent when moving forward. Bear in mind that references to old plots will be heavy early on, but as the comic moves past 200 and on to the continuity flip, the references to old lore get less and less. Reboot Archie was also quite good since it didn't have the baggage of the old lore tying it down, but the second Megaman crossover hurts the plot somewhat, and the slow pacing drags on. IDW Sonic is on a slow burn and while things "might" be ramping up, the lack of connection to any Sonic continuity other than Forces hurts it a lot. Sega has some idiotic restriction in what can and cannot be added into the comics, but it's unclear whether they'll care too hard moving on from here.

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>Sega has some idiotic restriction in what can and cannot be added into the comics, but it's unclear whether they'll care too hard moving on from here.
I blame Penders and bs lawsuits, probably made Sega paranoid over what be done with the comics.

>The Chao get put on a team with these two
>Cream is now on Amy's team
Boom. Fixed the roster.

Of course but Sega really should stop holding the leash, so the speak. As it stands Mighty and Ray cannot appear in a modern continuity, because they are "classic" characters. Same goes for Bark, Bean, and Nack. Don't ask me why Sega has made the distinction between "modern" and "classic" Sonic. Unfortunately, with the abject failure of Forces as a game and the success of Mania, this attitude isn't likely to change.
Ultimately, Sega needs to realize that Classic and Modern can exist at the same time and there are a great deal of people who enjoy either, or both. It is unnecessary, and indeed damaging to their brand, if they ignore one in favor of the other. Sega should support all branches of their property, from the games to the comics, rather than have arbitrary restrictions on what is and isn't allowed.

I feel for you but I'd personally take the Rogues over Cream.

I could see them doing that if they make a sequel. The best they can do with what they have now is just making additions with some new teams with a lot of fanservice
I myself am no fan of the Rogues or Cream, but they should have been in this game for sure

I mean, its a no brainer.
>Racing game featuring solely Sonic characters
>No Rogues
And with only 15 characters it's going to look like shit next to Crash Racing, even if the framerate is higher.

I agree, but the low roster count is compensated since everyone has new voice clips and their own unique customization parts. Plus there's always DLC, and if they do any characters, it would be in their best interest to have them be free or be sold on the cheap

I guess we'll have to wait and see, in this situation.

Pretty much yeah. I really hope they do DLC because there's a shit ton of potential and neither of the other games did it

>tfw we will never get best bird back because of Sega's retardation

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Well, it didn't help because of Archie being shit and Kender Surprise being a huge faggot.

>Rosy the Rascal
>Amy Rose

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He's from the games, the problem is Sega's mandate that Classic and Modern can never mix anymore unless it's Classic Sonic himself.

Which is a shame because I would love to have Classic Sonic in TSR since Sumo's basically made Sonic Drift but good, but it would probably cause a shit storm even if it were optional DLC

>Sega's mandate that Classic and Modern can never mix anymore unless it's Classic Sonic himself.
This is stupid. Nobody else has a problem with mixing the past and the present.

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What about some potential DLC stages?

Fhug the Bhug

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Sega apparently does and has ever since Sonic Mania was made. Ever since any character from Classic who doesn't have a Modern counterpart is not allowed to be in anything with a Modern character or setting, and vice versa for Modern characters.

My question is, Why, after many years of not giving a shit, do they suddenly care whether Mighty or Bean turn up in modern?

>Nobody else has a problem with mixing the past and the present.
It isn't the past anymore, Classic is now another dimension.

No Tangle
No buy

>Classic is now another dimension.

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And how many of these faggots were made by Ken Penders?

Bunnie Rabbot - Power
Sally Acorn - Speed
NICOLE - Technique

Maybe a third? Does it matter? Not even the most diehard Archiefag would want scrubs like Monkey Khan in a game.

Antoine should be technique, though.

All of them. They shall enjoy my characters. I legally created Knuckles.

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A machine is less technique then a literal 'LE RUN AWAY FROM DANGER HON HON HON'?

The Sega of Japan jews want to keep this away from us

Depends on what kind of technique we're talking about here.

How old is she?

She's a squid so probably not much old.

Either 19 or 28, most likely 19.

Who knows, ask the head of Sega.

>Team Vector in TSR consists of Blaze and Silver instead of Espio and Charmy because they couldn't give Blaze and Silver a third and have them be their own team
>Team Rose replaced Cream with a bunch of generic Chaos

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Alright. That's enough shitting on Iizuka. He's said some stupid things, but I don't think he's the big problem here.
You want your scapegoat? This is your man. This is who you want to campaign against.

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But Battle Kukku is from Tails Adventure, so he's still owned by Sega.

How they'd work him into this new continuity is beyond me, though.

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Shame too since everyone that was scrapped for the first All Stars Racing got into TSR except Espio. And as for the Chao, I guess SEGA wanted them to be playable even though they were going to play a part in the item box transfer system

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Has anyone ever asked Sega why they never used characters from the comics?

They won't, since he's from Classic Era he can never appear in anything Modern.

Literally everything in modern that wasn't introduced after Sonic Adventure is from classic era.

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There's not much to ask. Especially after Penders, who owns what in the comics can cause for unnecessary legal confusion.
And if that's not the case, then in general, bringing in characters from different media can be confusing for an audience that might only follow the games. It's easier to just keep using characters from the games that are clear cut in being related, rather than trying to throw everything together and confusing an audience.

They're in an alternate dimension.
Both are crazy 12 year olds who used magic to get closer to their crushes, but one's more ax crazy than the other.

Well then, Sega should take notes on how to make better characters then.

Did she ever make him beat off into a cup so she could drink his hate paste?

This is the only acceptable answer.

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Maybe because those characters were made up by western shitters who didn't give a shit about the source material and they don't fit in Sonic's world.

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Unfortnately, he's right. Forces essentially made it a retcon, specifically referring to Classic Sonic as "that Sonic from another dimension." It's their canon reasoning for it.

Does it fly right in the face of fucking Generations? Yes, but they clearly don't care.

That's Sega's mandate from when Mania came out. Any Classic Era character without a Modern counterpart cannot appear in anything Modern. Likewise Modern-only characters can't appear in Mania or any other Classic Era game.

Explain how the comic creators "don't give a shit" and how they "don't fit in Sonic's world".

sega doesn't give a shit about the source material either

I don't get why they don't take cues from Hasbro on what to do with seperate generations/eras of characters like they do with thier properties?

At first, the people behind the DiC and Archie adaptations had virtually no material to work with given the lack of communication between branches, so they made up completely random shit to fill in a plot, setting and cast for their adaptation of Sonic. But even with what little they did have, such as what was directly present in the games, they mostly ignored. The character designs look like they belong in a western saturday morning cartoon and don't fit next to the official Sonic cast, which were designed by Japanese artists with a very different style and concept, none of which was in mind when the western shit was conceived.
As the series progressed they eventually had plenty to work with and they still ignored most of it. Ken Penders has stated he is not interested in the source material, but only wants to depict his shitty universe using the Sonic property, and it shows with how everything was handled.
Nearly everything in the adaptations has fuck all to do with the source material, except what was either mandated by Sega or some writers wanting to try and shoehorn in the occasional thing, usually not without changing the fuck out it in the process.
Short version, everything in the western adaptations was bullshit made up by people who knew and understood nothing about Sonic, did not care about Sonic, and if anything, shat all over it. The west got the bootleg version of Sonic. It is no wonder why Sega doesn't want shit to do with it.

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Fuck, Colors really was a fluke.

meta bait, I'll give you this one, here's your you

God tier cringe, you mean.