>played smash all second semester
>fried two joycons sticks
>now they wont stop drifting
>Both were left joycons
>cant play portable mode now
>life is suffering
Played smash all second semester
Blah blah blah use wd-40 contact cleaner edition blah blah blah it'll go up your ass smoother.
like actually? I tried compressed air but not that
>switch doesn't register left joycon in portable mode, but it's still chargeable
>right joycon stick can't click anymore, so no more splatoon 2 specials
fucking sucks, but it's not as bad when you realize you can buy another set of joycons. Having drifting on the wiiU gamepad's sticks was the fucking worst.
consider trading your joycons in at a gamestop and using that credit towards another pair?
Hori sells left joycon replacements for $20, but they only work in portable mode while attached to the console.
Replace the analog sticks pretty sure theyre like $5
>you need to buy a new pair of joycons because the og ones are busted
>new one will break too eventually
just stop giving money to nintendo this is just a chinese-tier quality product.
Yes user. Use wd-40 in VERY tiny amounts and shoot it directly under the rubber cap of the stick. Keep making full rotations and then test it with a game, it should work fine then, i've done it a couple times on my own, was even able to purchase a "faulty" joycon for 12 bucks and fix it with this method.
That damage looks like he 'tarded his way till the shell broke.
they should really make a metal version of joy cons to compensate for kids with extra chromosomes.
nibba that pictures off google
Doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Nintendo needs to think of the tards or we'll get threads like these every day.
If you're worried the wd-40 will fry your joycon, you can always get the contact clraner one which is much safer, but gonna be honest, 4 months in and there has been no ill effect to me using regular wd-40, though it could degrade the internal plastic over time, idk.
what is it with smash bros and breaking controllers
not only that, but to help further mitigate the risk, drain the battery in that joycon before you do it.
Remember when Nintendo was all about durability?
I 'member Nintendium
intense moments, in especially fighting games, brings out the autists in a lot of gaymers
>LCD screen fucked up one night, now the color is all fucked up in portable mode and with previous menus still staying on the screen
I really need to send this fucking thing in for repair
I heard its only the early stuff thats shitty, anybody bought joycons recently that are in sturdier?
>playing smash with out a pro controller
I dont, but some of my friends swear by joycons and refuse to use anything else. Plus whos gonna buy 4 or more pro controllers? I felt bad buying my second
>use 3ds for a month
>rubber in the circle falls off
So this shit happens on every Nintendo console
I never got this, maybe because I mostly played turn based games so maybe I just didnt use it to hard, but hundreds of hours in my og 3ds and the circle pads fine
took me years of smash 4 before it happened to me
>Not knowing how to open a joycon a replacing the right joycon stick to the left one.
>literally hundreds of hours of playtime on the Switch
>zero issues
>owned 3DS XL since launch, regular use with MK7, Smash, etc
>rubber pad fell off only last year, glued it back on
>no other issues
Maybe if you spergs knew how to treat electronics better they would last longer. Crazy, I know.
Might as well ask in this thread
>Have 2 ps3 controllers
>Work fine, but one day I had to wiggle the charging cable to get it to charge
>Gets progressively worse until now I cant charge them
>Bought a 3rd ps3 controller and it works and charges fine so its not the cables or source power.
Any idea what I gotta do? I doubt i could just shoot some WD4 in the charging port