This is actually happening right?

This is actually happening right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope so.

Of course. But now it will be played straight instead of for laughs

>tripfag is gay

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.

Hopefully, but Sony's recent stance towards sexual content isn't a good sign.

Yaoi desu

more like bara

Someone make a couch edit.

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Look at that mass.

Same bro. My prostate is spasming with anticipation.

I unironically hope so because I don't want any content removed from the remake.
cloudette(male) included

Looks better in 4k

Attached: FF7 Bath.jpg (2692x1884, 722K)



I hate the stupid PC version NPC mouths so much

Wanna milk my prostate, bro?

I just want them to actually do something like this in 2019.

If they wanted to remake a game that would fit the style of nu-FF perfectly they should have done VIII, that one is like serious and shit with only some funny dialog while FFVII is like 40% nonsense.

They should have just made FFVIII-2 in the same style as the original and just had it take place years after the original events.

The only reason FFVII is getting a remake is because it's so insanely popular and people have been demanding it relentlessly since the PS2 came out. FFVIII isn't nearly as popular.

What's the issue? It was always in the code?

"Always in the code," but not apparent to the player, effectively means its not there for the player.

and people actually ask why this is so beloved of a game

It's very distracting.

It'll just have massive amounts of lens flare.

>Thinking modern day sony is not gonna cut, or heavily concer this

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How do you guys feel about the FF7 retranslation? Is it worth playing?

>implying that Sony designed that thing even though anyone can do it and the name of the third party responsible is right there in the image
>implying there aren't equivalents of other consoles

I can't tell if people like you are legitimately retarded or just low-tier trolling.


Not really. It changes poorly-translated into poorly-written.

This is gay tho. This is literally the gayest scene in vidya

sony is pushing the gay agenda
also sony is censoring the gay agenda

doujin of all those big guys gangraping that twink when?

Where can I find Cloud sfm porn?

Legitimately thought you were dead.
How did you get unbanned?

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Yeah, that's happening. But pic related wont.

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>the influx of crossdressing cloud x barret porn is near
roasties lose ANOTHER ROUND

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>says the guy that is legitimately retarded
There absolutely are no gay paint versions of Nintendo or Microsoft consoles

>Yea Forums

>Also Yea Forums
>Boy, I hope I still get to cross-dress with the help of the gay bathouse to save Aerith from the misogynist brothel owner

I can't fucking wait for them to rip the models and have a bunch of muscular men fuck cloud in SFM.

there's nothing sjw about seeing clouds boipussy get gangbanged faggot

That's because in the original game the whole thing was trying to be as stupid as possible.

Still gay

Difference is the western Jewish devs put political agendas in their games that exist there solely to be preached to the player, while this Japanese game just has a gay joke. That's all it is, a joke scene.
But you knew that already, and you're a dishonest kike.

yeah haha let's make a bunch of gay porn to own the roasties, they hate gay porn.

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>comparing nu/vpol/ from reddit with grassroots Yea Forums fags.
Your first mistake, we used to have daily bridget and Boku no pico shitposting threads.
Trap cloud is childs play compared with it

You know what the funny part is?
FF7 is SJW/Woke as FUCK.
The game's literally about climate change, ffs.

I was never banned.
People don't get banned cause you disgaree with their tastes in games, dumbass.

It's almost as if Yea Forums and people that get riled up over "SJWs" have selective myopia to suit whatever faggotry they want to whine about today.

No it isn't.
1) There's nothing SJW about preserving the planet, Nazi Germany was the first nation in human history that created environmental protection laws and animal protection laws.
2) Climate change will eventually flood coastal cities which is catastrophic, but this would have eventually happened anyway without any human effect on the matter, it's just happening a bit earlier now. Humans didn't cause climate change, just sped it up.
As for FF7, the case caused by the Shinra corporation is like 10 000 times more catastrophic, it will literally permanently destroy the planet and all life on it.

Preserving the planet is not SJW in any way, SJWs haven't even done anything towards that, just screeching instead of acting.

It's almost as if you're just delusional and out of touch with reality. There is no inconsistency here.

>Cid wont curse a single time
>At worse will say damn

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>1) There's nothing SJW about preserving the planet,
Except literally all the solutions to slow down climate change. We can all get along when someone mentions climate change (mostly), but the second you mention "Green new deal" or "carbon tax", the /pol/s start chimping out

>but this would have eventually happened anyway without any human effect on the matter, it's just happening a bit earlier
One, debatable.
Two, if it is, and if we are speeding it up, it's by hundreds of thousands of years. We've put more carbon into the atmosphere over the last twenty years than the previous 200,000.

I dunno, the envelope has been pushed pretty far in the last 22 years. Even throwing "shit" around isn't enough to disqualify you from a T rating.

So it's perfectly okay for a game to deal with
>Toxic masculinity
>Climate change
>Income inequality
>Rampant consumerism
>Diversity as a strength over purity of bloodline

So long as that game was made in 1996.
So you're saying those topics are off-limits in the current year because you said so, but were perfectly fine back then.


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"Social Justice" has nothing to do with "climate change." You're just packaging ideas together to build up your /pol/ boogeyman, in the same way that the right tries to do it with their SJW boogeyman.

Except you are literally wrong. Nationalists pioneered environmental protection, as I already pointed out and as you conveniently ignored this uncomfortable truth you don't want to discuss.
There is nothing SJW about the real, actually working solutions to preserving the planet. The SJWs have nothing like that, just retarded nonsense like "don't have children", which does nothing when told to westerners because it's entirely the 3rd world that is overpopulating the planet, and no one else. If shitholes like China and Africa and India weren't so overpopulated, the effect caused by humans on climate change would be a tiny fraction of what it is now.
Nationalists oppose SJWs solutions, because they are not real solutions. Real solutions would involve figuring out engineering answers to the problem, such as replacing coal with even more nuclear power, and engineering solutions to the inevitable flood on coastal regions.

That's the other funny part, which just proves to SJWs it's about nothing more than virtue signalling and getting social score points for being "woke", they don't actually care about the environment, because these same people that pretend to care, oppose nuclear power - which causes zero negative effects on the climate and produces zero greenhouse gases.

Where was "toxic masculinity" a theme in FF7?

Cloud literally destroying himself over trying and failing to be a big-shot SOLDIER

climate change is social justice because poor areas will be hurt the most by rising water levels. bangladesh, for example. unless you want to say that conservatives are the true ones who give a shit about poor muslims lol

Honestly its not even about being gay its about being faithful to their product despite the change of times

No one has opposed this idea in any modern game. Metal Gear Solid and Deus Ex series are about the dangers of this and are some of the most loved franchises.
>Toxic masculinity
Literally nothing of the sort in FF7, and no such thing exists in the real world. Take your pills tranny. No not the estrogen, the mental health pills.
>Climate change
You mean like Kojima's upcoming Death Stranding, that literally NO ONE has ever complained about for being about climate change?
>Income inequality
Again, no one has ever complained about this topic in a game.
>Rampant consumerism
Same thing again
You see, it's realistic and believable in FF7 because it's one character out of countless. SJW games literally paint every man as someone like Don Corneo. You are very dishonest.
>Diversity as a strength over purity of bloodline
There is no such theme in FF7. Literally the strongest creatures on the entire planet are pure bloodline Ancients or artificially created Ancients like Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith.

>So you're saying those topics are off-limits in the current year because you said so
No one said that. Literally no one has ever said so. You need to take your schizophrenia pills, now.

Bangladesh are literally the fuckers causing it, 3rd world shitholes like that where the rat scum populating them care nothing about anything else than themselves. There is no creature more selfish than a Pajeet.

He's a mentally ill tranny, best to just ignore his ramblings of lunacy. Toxic masculinity is not something that exists, so it couldn't exist in a game as a metaphysical concept in the first place.

What the fuck happened to this topic?
Serious-posters should be banned on sight.

You can patch the open mouths out.

>Toxic masculinity
Cloud calls himself a failure when he can't be a big macho SOLDIER. He's also at his most useful when he's doing things like Cross-dressing to save Aeris, and allowing himself to feel emotions

>Income inequality
Midgar is literally a city where the rich people live literally above the poor people, and the poor people literally have to fashion housing out of things the rich people throw away. Every single town is impovrished or reduced in some way by Shinra. In order to get to the Gold Saucer, the big, rich place, you have to pass through North Corel, which is a literal shanty town.

>You see, it's realistic and believable in FF7 because it's one character out of countless.
That, and the DOZENS of times some character has to say that Tifa is the best of us! She can do stuff too, you silly boys!

>Diversity as a strength over purity of bloodline
Sephiroth LITERALLY WANTS TO DESTROY THE WORLD BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT AS PURE AS HE IS. He's defeated by a Cross-dresser, a black amputee, someone who was raised by a single father, a strong woman, a tomboy, a victim of abuse, and whatever the fuck Cait Sith is.

>zac gorman

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>has the triforce of literal bravery
>wisdom gets kidnapped every game

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how is that toxic masculinity?
and what the fuck is the difference between normal masculinity and toxic masculinity? and what's the difference between being a general jerk and toxic masculinity?

Rules on animal cruelty and hunting migratory birds have existed in the United States since around 1915.

Someone call the Plastic Pollution Coalition, because this nigger is grasping for straws.

Honestly though, they're going to gut the fuck out of the midgar part. Honey bee in. Gone. Cross dressing cloud might stay but it will be controversial as fuck or lefties will bitch when SQ reminds them that, no, cloud is not trans or gender queer or whatever the fuck.

Toxic Masculinity is the act of engaging in destructive or deterimental behavior because you want to be seen as inherently masculine. The go-to example being to bottle up your emotions, or not seeking a support network because "men don't cry".

Cloud not being part of SOLDIER is an example of Toxic Masculinity because he believes it's the only way he'll amount to anything, and when he can't do it, it utterly destroys his self-image. It's specifically the *women* in the party who have to build him back up.

It’s Jenova not Sephiroth

>Cloud not being part of SOLDIER is an example of Toxic Masculinity because he believes it's the only way he'll amount to anything
This is all retarded speculation. Dilate more, faggot.

Sephiroth summons Meteor.

Wisdom isn't intelligence nor self defense.

It's not. It's specifically stated in the game. Cloud being unable to be a part of SOLDIER is an integral part of Cloud's story arc.

How fat are you?

What the fuck is this nonsense over analyzing? It is a game with a lot morals surprisingly.

>even beloved games trigger people 20 years later

Speeding it up by tens of thousands of years is effectively the same thing as causing it, as far as humanity is concerned. That's like demolishing someone's house and then saying it would have probably been torn down in a few centuries anyways.

>implying it isn't wise to surrender to just being kidnapped by giga pigga 5000 who has the triforce of power

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>Cloud calls himself a failure when he can't be a big macho SOLDIER
And there is nothing toxic about that goal he set for himself. You people are insufferable, retarded faggots. You don't even deserve to be treated as people.
Wrong. He wants to rule over it as a god, his mother Jenova wanted to destroy it because it is in her nature as an intergalactic planet consuming parasite. And this ruling over the planet goal is only something Sephiroth came to after being driven mad, there is no strategy behind his goals. He was literally driven mad because he fell into the Lifestream.
Before his madness, he was on a revenge quest against Shinra for imprisoning Jenova and creating him. He and Jenova are quite literally aliens, a completely different species from humans and their ancestor race Ancients. Purity has nothing to do with it, he doesn't see himself as a human despite his appearance, because he was created from Jenova.

>He's defeated by a Cross-dresser
Who also has Jenova DNA and is the most powerful being in the galaxy. The rest of the party don't contribute nearly as much to his defeat than Cloud. Cloud is retarded powerful because main character.

No, no it isn't. Because there is no such thing as toxic masculinity. You can't just make up words and claim they mean something.
>the act of engaging in destructive or deterimental behavior because you want to be seen as inherently masculine
That's just called hubris.

bara is still yaoi

>You can't just make up words and claim they mean something.
All words are made up.

>That's just called hubris.
That's a big part of it, yeah.

God I wanna fuck Cloud so much.

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>Green new deal
So completely retarded that even senators we're memeing about it
>carbon tax
Literally only punishes poor people for being poor, because they're the ones with old smog spitting cars driving miles to and from work.
See: Yellow Vest protests weeks 1-8

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No, words aren't "made up", they are formed through hundreds to thousands of years of entire cultures and societies using similar descriptions of a thing. This "toxic masculinity" is literally just made up bullshit by a mentally ill, tiny but loud minority that 99% of people do not agree with. No matter how much you try to push this, it will never be a real term, because there is nothing toxic about masculinity.


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>No, words aren't "made up"
Finna dab on fleek, bruh. Yeet!

Also Shakespere literally made up almost 2000 words by himself.

>there is nothing toxic about masculinity.
You're right, and that's not what toxic masculinity is.
Toxic masculinity doesn't mean that masculinity is toxic. It's the belief that specific aspects and behaviors that we ascribe to masculinity are fundamentally self-destructive in nature.

I fucking missed this part in my playthrough I'm doing of it now