Been playing a lot of Stardew Valley lately, pretty fun. Which waifu should i pick? Marufags can fuck right off btw

Been playing a lot of Stardew Valley lately, pretty fun. Which waifu should i pick? Marufags can fuck right off btw.

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ayy same here bro. Though I'm split between choosing Leah, or Penny.


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Get all of them to max hearts and get the harem ending

What's wrong with Penny?

Hayley is literally the only valid option.

user, I....

>not knowing she's a used goods slut

fuck off racist

She cücks you with Sam.

Haley for the wholesome uncorruption arc

Why are almost all the characters in this game so shitty? No one's got anything interesting to say and they all feel like bland tropes.

>all these cuck fetishists saying Penny cucks you with Sam

Monkey fucker

The game tries to be as inoffensive as possible.

Haley is a literal gold digger basic bitch with "a passion for photography" like every roastie with instagram
Literally the worst girl

The only hoe you need is the one you till the land with.

I married/knocked up the blue-haired girl who's into crystals, she seemed chill. Bonus points that you get to cuck the incel blacksmith in the process.

Is it true there's porn mods for this?

>not having a Canadian farm, and marrying your dog

It's cuck shit

Same. Also did her because she was easiest for me to get gifts for.


Yes unless you're gay then there's a faggotry mod where some dude added jerking off to the guys routines

>That one guy who recommends people plant maple tree's on their farms and sell the maple syrup in stardew valley threads

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i wanna fuck marnie

What's wrong with mapple trees?

do I miss something if I do farming shit and ignore all the faggots in the town?

just starting the third month

no, everyone in town is boring as fuck anyway. All you are missing is shitty little cutscenes with them.

Represents communism.

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Haley's best girl, how many people can really be that honest with themselves as say "Wow, I really am I useless bitch, I better get to work and improve myself

Just give them shit on their birthday and you'll miss nothing

Sorta, but not really. Best reason I've found to bother gifting shit others was getting the Wizard to friend-level to change my character appearance.

Abigail literally teaches herself to wield a sword and reaches level 20 in the mines

If you played her route, you'd realize that wasn't true.


>purple hair
I bet she wants to get choked by daddy

biggest issue with Stardew Valley is how unappealing the town and characters are
firstly the town is kind of ugly and just poorly laidout
the characters are all quirky types and just seem boring. Only one I remember liking was the soldier husband guy who appears after a year, even if he does go on about his PTSD too much
of course the millennial creator didn't put a church and minister in

>of course the millennial creator didn't put a church and minister in
The villagers are implied to be pagans and idol worshippers though

What are some other games like on PC to hold me over till the next update or big game like this. I think I've played most of the big names, my time at portia, graveyard keeper gleaner heights etc

>there are people in this thread that leave this beautiful polite good girl to live a life of poverty in a leaky trailer with an abusive mother

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they're pagans in harvest moon too
basically shinto-lite presented as christians
still comes off a lot better in harvest moon

God, I wish we were communist

I've never played Harvest Moon, but it makes more sense he'd rip off that aspect to, how does HM do it exactly?


a building that looks like a church with a priest but the priest talking about "gods" and especially the nature goddess
the priest, carter, is also a pretty good character

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Shes gonna end up gross and disgusting like Pam when she hits late 20s

>Want to pay to build her a house
>Also want to rescue her from her mother and leave the old cunt to live in squalor
Why is marriage so hard

any mod recommendations? looking for things that are more quality of life focused than changing the game too much.

>fall in love with Leah at first sight
>find out she's a used goods whore with a boyfriend that keeps trying to get back with her, probably because she led him and fucked him a few times after they "broke up"

deleted the game immediately and every time I'm reminded of it I feel pain in my heart

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I hope this is a joke

>She literally makes a sculpture to give you
You dumb fuck
Name one women in reality who has ever carved or moulded a sculpture to show her love for a man

Pick Shannon Shane

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Is stardew worth playing on the vita?

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I didn’t even know it was on vita, but I play it on switch and it’s def worth playing on a handheld even though I already had it on pc

There is only one true waifu

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if the Vita is the only handheld you own, then sure. I pirated Stardew on PC and gave it up over the Switch release because the game is really comfy to play while in bed, on a small screen.

Haley unironically. The fact that she doesn't like the prismatic stone like everyone else makes her special