When will legit ROM carts make a comeback?

these and RAM Disk are 10x faster than even flash drives, probably like... 50x faster than micro SD switch type stuff. and if you have a seperate save chip, they take decades upon decades to deteriorate.

Devs like lucasarts ADORED the carts, despite costing 30x more per unit , they didnt need to burn a whole game to CD to dev it and were able to use much more power.

Attached: XjROoR6.jpg (925x404, 96K)

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lmgtfy.com/?q=rom vs ram

because fuck you

thats why

>despite costing 30x more per unit
thats why.

i imagine blue rays or micro SDs cost more than CDs of yore anyway and ROM chips could now be made cheaper.

btw, what exactly IS a ROM chip compared to RAM? I literally CANNOT find an answer online. how does it store data and shit.

also alternatively i suppose you could just have a PC/console with an absolute fuckton of RAM and running RAMDISK. that's actually how i hope to set up my next pc.



gay retard

I would also like to know

lmgtfy.com/?q=rom vs ram

approx. never

And what benefits does a cartridge have over a modern SSD? You're still bottlenecked by the speed of your cpu unpacking/decompressing the assets.

Literally the only advantage is load times.

ROM stores data that can only be read, you cannot write to it, RAM stores data temporarily until either the computer tells it to delete this memory, or power is lost.

this is why you restart your computer and other electronics, to clear the RAM

>You're still bottlenecked by the speed of your cpu unpacking/decompressing the assets.
Actually, you aren't though.

A RAM chip can store multiple GB (gigabytes) of data, ranging from 1 to 256 GB per chip. A ROM chip stores several MB (megabytes) of data, usually 4 MB or 8 MB per chip.

is this still the case?

How they are used:
ROM - various types, holds the program on cartridge games
SRAM - holds saves on older games, needs a battery
DRAM - the type you put in your computer
Flash - used for saves and memory cards, no battery needed

Here's an analogy with display technologies:
ROM - takes a lot of setup but holds its picture (like a Lite-Brite)
SRAM - as long as there's power, it holds a picture (like an e-reader)
DRAM - without refreshing you just get snow (like a tube television)
Flash - efficient compared to others, but wears down (like OLED)

shut the fuck up retard

no, flash memory is a type of rom and runs well into the terabytes

>shut the fuck up retard
Wow, having a bad day user? Want to talk about it?

flash memory can be read only memory but what exactly is an oldschool type ROM or the kind you find on your motherboard

or is it still similar

>10x cost.

Thats the fucking problem. Disk media cost like cents to produce a cart that allow extra hardware would cost dollars. Not mention that it would require proper hardware to read them.

Everyone is already bitching because nintendo use carts on switch.

i hear blue rays are 7p to produce
rom would be multiple dollars

yeah totally, though i think performance minded PC people would be into it. Although they could set up RAMDISK if they can cram an absolute shitload of ram into their rig.

>Not mention that it would require proper hardware to read them.
properhardware = some contacts

Why the fuck would you want ROMs? You should want RAM big enough to just fit the entire game in.

yeah, for PC at least it's probably good to just have 24-128 gigs of RAM to load your OS and games into. Consoles though, when they gon' run RAMDISK? probably not for a while.

also though, ROM seems VERY non-volatile to a point. atari carts still work for example