ITT: Post your video game Waifu
Vidya girls
Other urls found in this thread:
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
I'm always glad to have you on my threads user. God bless you
I love Callie!
Well thank you, always feels nice to be appreciated.
Callie is made for______ .
yeah sure why not?
>multiple "waifus"
This tbqh. Shame on you
>fucked animals in the Wilds
>fucks her underage son
Disgusting tbqh
The first one is wrong though.
>ironic waifufags
scum of the earth
my wife Io
I love Nero!
I bought RE2 the day it came out because I thought Claire was so cute
Tits too big
>more than one waifu threads popping up lately
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man
Body made for hugging
10/10 waifu
I love Reisen!
She's fun
Thank you, user!
I love my wife Tracer.
literally perfect
>Jess Black
My man
Disgusting tits
Perfect feet, post more!
Eastern girls a shit
Sombra. An underrated qt.
Not the new one though
lotta plebs in this bitch!
yeah like u nerd
lmao u got annihilated
I'm mad!
Mad about the lack of fanart of Iris von Everec!
Every time other people say they don't like her my love grows stronger in return. This is true of girls in real life too. That sort of cold, confident and focused personality is actually really hot to me.
nah more like anyone who posted any overcucks character
pure reddit
>night elves
Some of my first really memorable faps, good taste
Blueberry babes are extremely attractive. I wonder why..?
Based and Irispilled.
Are you serious?
I'm mad, mad about her fucking stupid husband. His greed and lust for power is the reason why she's dead.
>Diao chan
>Triss Merigold
10/10 sir
>tfw you will never roam the lands looking for a worthy opponent with your Loyal and beautiful mistress who is a capable fighter and loves you unconditionally.
It's a sad kind of feeling, bro.
>Still based and Irispilled
She just wanted love... That is all. ;_;
I really feel bad for her. You know something? I never actually took the Rose, I couldn't decide her fate. The whole quest was too much. Tell me user, what did you do with the quest?
>was literally just thinking about Iris
>see this thread and post a pic of her
>turns out other people already posted her like 5 times already
The fuck man I never see Yea Forums talking about her, why now of all times.
I love Reiner!
My one and only Chihiro Fushimi!
Who's that with solaire in the pic?
I used to make a lot of Waifu threads, Iris was always there. I don't know if it's the same person that keep posting her or maybe her fanbase is bigger than what we think. Anyhow, she's a qt!
I took the rose and banished O'Dimm. I felt like that was the correct choice, though a hard one to make. I couldn't condemm Olgierd to die even after everything he has done, hell... We don't even know would have he died. O'Dimm didn't want his life, he wanted his Soul. And that in my eyes is a fate worse than death.
>But he did bad things
Yes he did, and he has to atone for them, but he isn't fully to blame, he couldn't have known whats at stake. IMO the whole "heart of stone" is a metaphor for humanity. And Olgierd losing it by gaining immortality.
Nice assests there. I like that.
She is something we will never have, brothers. True and unconditional love. And it makes us sad since Olgierd had "everything" but fucked it all up.
she's around here somewhere. got that figure 8 body like boom boom pow
Leona from League of legends
imagine the smell....hahaha
Olgierd did everything wrong.
>Killed his brother
>Killed his wife
>Killed a prince out of jealously
>Was going to kill Geralt
>Made a deal with the fucking Devil
Was O'Dimm really the bad guy here? I still don't know if I could forgive Olgierd for all what he did. I just can't.
My cute wife Curly!
I love Kasumi!
Completely missing the point of what a waifu is
Haremfags really don't understand and are fake husbando/waifufags. Your dedication is supposed to be to one and one alone... Like the Kassfag. I don't agree with furry shit but his dedication is great.
Yes, user. I understand that. He did everything wrong. But alot of stuff happened after his deal with O'Dimm. Which why I don't see this thing as clear cut as it is. Also like I said, O'Dimm didn't want to kill him and claim his life, he wanted his soul. To what end? We don't know.
>Was O'Dimm really the bad guy here?
Yes, most definently. He might have kept his word, but he was deceitful regardless, I'd wager he must have known exactly how Olgierd would turn out after their deal. He is also uses you for his own ends to begin with.
>I still don't know if I could forgive Olgierd for all what he did. I just can't.
Forgiveness isn't ours to give per se, user. If I remember correctly; Iris states something about not loving him anymore after his heart has turned to stone (when his humanity is lost). That also kind of implies that if Olgierd would be the man she fell in love with in the first place, she'd love him again. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Iris would appriciate you saving him and Olgierd trying to atone for his crimes.
Obviously alot of this is my headcanon, but it makes sense and CDPR wrote the games in a way that some subtleties are left for the player to interpret.
Come on, lighten up.
>Come on, lighten up.
I'm not gonna go into detailed conversation much less a debate about the etiquette of waifus. But I'am gonna say this; it's not really that strict, it doesn't matter, dude. So if you wanna sperg about it, go right ahead.
None of these characters are actually real. This is supposed to be fun and you super serious likely weeb faggots are ruining it.
You are really wise user, thank you for the great post.
>use weeb word
>complain when people are calling you out for using it incorrectly
>So if you wanna sperg about it, go right ahead.
I'm gonna sperg about it. I literally never stop sperging so why cease now? My autism runs deep, dude.
>None of these characters are actually real.
That is LITERALLY the point of a husbando or waifu, duh. But my dedication will always be to ONE despite him being fictional. Real men can never compare.
Mixed Yea Forums and Yea Forums chart
No problem, user. That is the beauty of the Witcher trilogy and the reason why I have respect for CDPR and their attention to subtext and detail. And why I plan on playing through them all again some day Modded this time though. Lel
Btw, nice pic. I like that.
>I'm gonna sperg about it. I literally never stop sperging so why cease now?
Atta lad.
>My autism runs deep, dude.
Not a bad chart.
>Super Girl
i'm so fucking lonely.
Yes but can you contribute or what?
Here, a guide on if you are using the word "waifu" correctly.
im a 26 user with no gf and no friends just my sister who lives in another state, if you are really lonely just hire a prostitute i do that you are not going to get an amotionall connection but the stress and pheromones realse from sex is a good way to fight loneliness , but i dont what country are u from and how the legality of using a hooker at least here (argentina) nobody cares and thank god for that for people like us hookers are a god send , find a clean , trustworthy prostitute andsay goodbye to stress or at least that works for me every month
here you go, now let me suffer as I'm complementing whether or not it's worth living like this.
Based. This user gets it.
>he can't be happy just having his waifu
>he desires 3DPD
user real women are utter monsters who will shatter your heart eventually...To be volcel is to be free.
Nah, I'm not that desperate. Maybe on my next birthday I'll do that.
Only loners or people who have achieved nothing in life say that. Fuck off with your bullshit.
>Only loners or people who have achieved nothing in life say that
Only loners or people who have achieved nothing in life go on Yea Forums, so what the fuck are you doing here?
It's her month and I couldn't be happier
Not him but I have friends and family and I have a 6 figure salary, I just go here to kill time
I'm quite happy and successful so I think I've achieved more than you have if you're this buttblasted about being SO RONERY. Now filter me and move on if you can't handle the redpill about females.
I disagree with that mentality. Chihiro would be trusting of other people, and I am too. That mentality just shut you out from people and opportunities just because of a belief of knowing the world. I don't date 3D myself because I love Chihiro, but my relationship between 3D and Chihiro are irrelevant outside that.
After all, to learn about others is to learn about ones self, and that is the first step on the road to self betterment. That is what she said, and what we believe.
i'm a big fan of natsuki.
That's nice and all user but the only way I can continue this conversation is if I start blogposting and I'll just save that for my actual blog if you care to seek it out. So I will take my leave and say I love Reiner. I love him the most. He and I live in pure bliss and we always will. I could never love anyone else no matter what. He is mine and I am his.
best waifu
I rabu Piku.
same game, different girl. sayori is pretty cool too, though.
Emily Kaldwin from Dishonored, but just Dishonored 1, not 2.
best follower and a cute
i didn't play the game, does she break her neck or waste away
She accidentally did it wrong, and just hung there suffocating. She tried to escape once it started happening, too, as evidenced by her hands on the sprite. It's a little bit fucked up.
One smile was all it took.
that's really sad, man
my negro
O'Dimm is a simple superior being.
His hobby/job is to make contracts and fulfill them, that's all. Can't say he is either good or bad when we doesn't know really why he does what he does.
Now Olgierd is just straight up a stupid man doing stupid decisions.
The only part that he might be forgiven for is not entirely understanding the consequences of making a contract with O'Dimm, who is not just unknown to him but to literally everyone else.
She didn't try to escape out of a desire to live, it was just her survival instincts kicking in. Had she gotten out she would have done it again later.
Want a cute girl to get hype over monsters with.
The vast majority of them are. They say they love something, but their actions tell the exact opposite.
okay, so who are the genuine ones, mr. know it all?
The ones who don't.
So proclaiming your love for someone makes you ironic?
More than one waifu will ruin your laifu.
>picking ugly rice chewer garbage
how can you pick anyone else but her?
Fuck off Pierce
Especially because all of them except Morrigan and Iris are bad