Yea Forums will argue about anything.
Factual Opinions Thread
Nice opinion fag
Nice opinion fag
Nice opinion fag
Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
>bellsprout > oddish
>koffing > ekans
>vulpix > growlithe
>magmar > electabuzz
>pinsir > scyther
I had yellow and a game genie
still have both
Better Pokemons and blue backgrounds are nicer than red backgrounds on the color systems (although I'd argue that RB look best in grayscale).
But it's stupid that Red is Blue and Blue is Red.
Platinum is literally the only good Pokemon game. Maybe Emerald too, but that's it.
pinsir is good too but scyther is elite
ekans/arbok < sandshrew/sandslash
oddish/gloom/vileplume > bellsprout/weepingbell/victreebel
mankey/primeape = meowth/persian
growlithe/arcanine = vulpix/ninetales
electabuzz < magmar
scyther > pinsir
charizard on the cover > blastoise on the cover
red 3, blue 2, 2 ties
red wins :)
you can change the backgrounds and you should be playing on something that gives it proper colour anyway
Congratulations, you're blatantly contrarian and crave upvotes.
>implying BW and BW2 weren't the only good games
Let me simplify this for you smoothbrains
>Blue is an objectively better color than red
Correct except for vulpix.
Flaming homosexual. Heterosexuals play Red
Do you know what "based and redpilled" means?
This here ends the thread.
most of these are right but Scyther is so much better than Pinsir it outweighs the others
Pokemon was never ruined, you just grew up
gen 1 growlithe/arcanine is trash, sorry.
>have to level a friggin growlithe to 50 for him to learn a decent fire move
Red has better Pokemon. Only one from Blue I like is Sandslash. Red has Arcanine, Vileplume, and Electabuzz.
red and blue are both equally, objectively, the worst games because neither of them contain our lord and savior sudowoodo
All fire types suck in gen one.
who gives a fuck? Gen 1 is easy as fuck in-game and it's not like anyone is playing COMPETITIVE GEN 1
"Will argue about anything" is one way to get a mod deleting your thread.
Koffing isn't version exclusive.
Sandshrew > Ekans
Meowth > Mankey
At least post the whole thing.
>you can change the backgrounds
You can sort of get it, but the GBC gives you three colors instead of just two, which I find garish.
>you should be playing on something that gives it proper colour anyway
I think the sprites and tiles look better in grayscale, but blue is pretty close. When I emulate in BGB I use the GameBoy Lite colors. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's a stutter on SGB platforms whenever the game changes palettes. At least that's how I remember it in the GameBoy Tower.
No shit user. He third in each generation is always the best. We are arguing over the first 2 in a generation that released sumultaniously.
Go back to eating paste