why is american character design so much more realistic than japanese character design?
Why is american character design so much more realistic than japanese character design?
japs make games americans make movies, movies are real life. ever watch terminator? that happened i was there.
because you're gay
Idk but your thread will probably have better quality and discussion if you don't cherrypick, i don't think that's what you are trying to do though
fapbait cuties with the bare minimum of personality for incels
walking fat jokes
Japs dont have white people in their country, so they have to pretend and put white people in their games.
>what is satire?
How about you pick some cherries westacuck
because japanese are rampantly misogynistic and view women as objects, it's why theyre so oversexualised compared to western designs
Upper right is pretty good though, I’d down a stein full of Hofbrau with her
>japanese character design
Because they're loudest, obnoxious, and most self entitled generation. You don't see japanese people starting shit for fucking e-cred that's not real.
Let's be honest, though, you could randomly rearrange those and still have like, a 50-60% chance of each of them still looking similar.
2bs design is pretty trash. especially her face model.
not to mention what a poorly coded and designed piece of shit the game is.
also in most cases realism sucks. see how badly it ruined DMC5's graphics.
all these gooks look the same. why do they even bother with facescans?
all whitoids look the same to us desu
isn't this cow played for laughs? pretty sure everyone makes fun of her
why every female character needs to be a literal porn virtual bait?
why female characters can't be fat or ugly?
To be fair, that's more on you for not noticing obvious shit like cleft chins, while even the different flavors of asian can't tell eachother apart, except for "us" and "not us".
Americans hate beauty and earned excellence
mutts find right beautiful
there's a reason they consume all that obesity porn
I'm aware that this is a bait thread but Wolfenstein II was made by Swedes
Yakuza's character design is intended to be realistic.
How much did they all get paid?
So how is it any diffrent then op?
Niggers love fat for some fucking reason
American design is based off of white "women", Japanese design is based off of asian women.
simple, really. they're just working off their natural point of reference from what they live with. same reason why every NPC in American games has multiple guns, infinite ammunition, and explosives on them at all times.
The 2 americans in op are cows for laughter so answer the question or have sex
upper right is pretty good. What game?
I lost this one lol
Borderlands is an Australian game ...
Picture should spout how OP doesn't know shit about what they're talking about.
Cuckenstein: The Blackest Colossus
Cool cherrypicking
Right isn't realistic at all in my country.