This is 10 bucks for a disc from redbox to buy. Should I? Im a pure genesis sonic fag. Never touched a 3D game. Never any game after the genesis ones.
This is 10 bucks for a disc from redbox to buy. Should I? Im a pure genesis sonic fag. Never touched a 3D game...
$10 to buy or rent? If it's buying the disc go for it. Renting, fuck it. Games only $20 new
>Im a pure genesis sonic fag
Then what are you hesitant about? This game was practically made for your niche, the reception has been mostly positive, and the mere existence of this game is probably a once in a blue moon occurrence, so I'd say don't miss your chance
Buy it. I kinda dont care about cases anymore.
This has to be a bait thread.
It's not. I wanna know if it's any good and if $10 is too much
Yeah, it's worth $10. It's basically a new Genesis Sonic game. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not (some Sonic CD-esque design in places, some generiic soundtrack) but it's worth a play if you liked the originals.
If you liked the Genesis games you will like this one.
Of course
>Should I? Im a pure genesis sonic fag.
If you were a real genesis sonic fag the answer should be obvious
>Im a pure genesis sonic fag.
then you'd have played it. common you don't have to lie, just start a mania thread if you want to talk about it.
I havent played it yet. I heard it re-uses zones and stuff so I wanna know if this is worth. Sounds like it is so I'll grab it when I rent Rage 2 tomorrow
>most successful games with the widest appeal
Post-genesis Sanic has been nothing but autism bait.
It's worth. The reused zones are pretty much all better than their original versions anyway.
Xbox or PS4 lads? I kinda like the Xbox Dpad more with the new One S controller. Feels clickier. Anyone tried it on both?
Don't know what the fuck red box is or if the disk's for PC but if it is the latest update removed denuvo/ reduced filesize/memory bloat and sped up the game. you don't want to buy an older version better to just download the latest.
Its an automated kiosk in the US where you can rent games for $3 a day or just buy the disc of many of them for way less than other places. Comes in a plastic clamshell case thingy.
2D sidescrollers are a niche nowadays. No one under the age of 25 cares about them desu
I say this as someone that preordered Mania and own it on every console.
Whats your favorite system controller to use? Dpad wise.
It's a shame too, I'm 20 and platformers are my preference, especially 2D
>plastic clamshell case thingy
It would be better OP bought whatever version he wants since it brings an artbook and the reverse genesis cover
I mean I dont really feel like paying $10-20 more for an artbook
Then buy it digitally and not some used disc.
Why? Again it's the same price increase to play the same game
$20 more and you get to keep it forever. Buy the whole thing, unless you're so much of a basedfag that you have to get games at a fucking redbox
Play the sonic advance trilogy fag
Nah, Mania Hydrocity is worse than 3&K Hydrocity.
No user it's $10 to buy
>Never touched a 3D game. Never any game after the genesis ones.
also describes your sex life