>MC decides to not save the world just to be happy
MC decides to not save the world just to be happy
I genuinely can't hold anything against moot after seeing what a complete and utter shithole this place is.
Having seen him slowly lose his mind since 2006 I genuinely feel bad for him.
redpill me on hiromoot
he sould've made this place a lot more strict to get rid of shitposters and retards
I miss the good times, I can't even barely remember them
>the developer walks away from their most acclaimed series and sells it off to an established publisher who shamelessly milks it for all it's worth
He should had just shut down this site when he left
You absolutely can hold it against him, because it is 100% his fault.
Look at me kaa-san, it's like I'm really nihon-jin
I just wish he had a twitter. I can't wait until this place disappears
moot is more depressed than he's ever been
he stopped lifting and is probably gone from google soon
>villain was the good guy all along
Selling your website to a known scam artist and then going to work for Google makes you the good guy?
>good ending
>MC get depress while everyone is happen
>bad ending
>world get fuck but he snu snu with his demoness wife
>fuck it, I'm out of here ending
>MC have a joyful time in the bar with some new friends
with years of googlecash he won't have to work another day in his life
Spotted the absolute fucking newfag.
Go back to your chanology 2.0 subreddit you fucking faggot
That's the best route.
He got a bit normie'd which isn't as bad as you autists like to spout out about, but other than that ?
>which isn't as bad as you autists like to spout out about
Hello, normalfaggot Reddit migrant from 2014/2016. Kill yourself. Please slit your wrists. You are unwanted here.
Have a good life user I hope you stop seething and find happiness
I knew HF was the true route all along.
Selling a rotting corpse to a known scam artist and then going to work for Google makes you a reasonable person
This. Then I could be free
I run ad/script blockers anyway. Fuck that guy
does moot know Japanese now ?
Only as much as you know English, Frenchie
what a fucking gay nigger tranny
any more posts where Japs talk about Yea Forums?
why ? do ? you ? put ? blank ? spaces ? before ? punctuation ? marks ?
im not french lmao
i don't sorry jeez lmao
You can't hold anything against him because he's a ultra Chad next to you.
luggage lad just wanted to get laid
in the end he didn't do anything
hiro didn't do much either
site sucks because popularity and more retards going on the internet
pretty much the entire web suffered the same fate all at once
wtf is going on with his hair
Are you looking for reddit or facebook? You're in the wrong place.
what's moots Instagram now?
he's just like us
who the fuck is moot this isn't video games you faggots
He is solely responsible for the invasion in 2014. He is responsible for allowing his politics to infest the staff team and destroy the site.
Moot ruined Yea Forums by adding normalfag boards like /soc/ and /new/
Those people had nothing in common with the average Yea Forums poster back then and they should have been removed from the site with extreme prejudice but instead he let them stay and they destroyed us. I hope karma is real and I hope it bites him in the ass.
stop posting your faggoty e-celebs
all fields
The internet has changed drastically for the worse, but so have you.
LOL nicely meme'd
no, gay
I want to die
fappening? how is that his fault exactly?
Based m00t finally happy far far away from this trainwreck
oh shit i thought gg was in '12 my bad
>he think moot left
>he thinks he doesn't still shitpost or at least lurk
Hiro:user, it's all right to be angry.
user:Hey, why should I be mad?I'm sayin' at least he said goodbye this time. I just wish I hadn't wasted my money buyin' this stupid, Yea Forums pass.
Hiro:I'm...I'm sorry. You know, if there was something that I could do,...
user:Hey, you know what? You ain't got to do nothing, Hiroshima, you know? It ain't like I'm still 14 years old, you know? Ain't like I'm gonna be sittin' up every night askin' Snacks "When's M00t comin' to post?," you know? Whoneedshim? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to make my own shoop, but I learned, didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it, too, didn't I, Moottwo?
Hiro:Yeah, you did.
user:Got through my first range ban without him, right? I learned how to meme, I learned how to subvert captcha, I learned how to shitpost without him, I made 21great OCs without him! He never even sent me a damn rickroll!THE HELL WITH HIM!!!
(Hiro breathes like he's about to cry)
user:I didn't need him then, and I don't need him now.
Hiro: user? user?
user:No, you know what, Gookmoot? I'm-a gonna make my own chan without him, I'm-a get great mods without him, I'm-a marry me a beautiful 2d waifu and I'm gonna have a whole bunch of little shitposters. I'm-a be a better Admin than heeverwas! And I sure as Hell don't need him forthat, 'CAUSE AIN'T A DAMN THING HE COULD EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW TO LOVE MY BOARD!!
(long pause; user tears up)
How come he don't want me, man?
(user and Hiro embrace)
he hated the community for years before he left. theres zero chance he even checks the site.
>you will never hang out with ZUN
Why live
>implying weeb anons from the early days will ever change
if anything he can lurk for free, no more drama or stress
I've hated this shithole for years and I'm still fucking here with the rest of you.
Good for moot
Literally who
Site has literally been fine since he took over
Thanks user 10/10 best thing iv'e seen in a while
video games
What does he even do these days? Just sit around working for google? I have a very hard time believing that there's not at least a single board on Yea Forums that he still lurks, you know that you can never truly leave.
He got moved to googles Japan division.
literally Catherine
>fuck Yea Forums