The perfect game doesn't exi

The perfect game doesn't exi...

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Wind waker is better


get fucked, faggot

Not even the best N64 Zelda game.

Based and maskpilled

It unironically is, the Level Design, Soundtrack & Pacing is utterly perfect. But the Camera Angles are the best part, it makes Hyrule feel like this huge expansive world. Back when you played it growing up, that made it feel mindblowing once you finally reached Hyrule Field. Just look at Ganon for example, he looks like someone from Shadow of the Colossus.

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The perfect fighting game does exi[st] though.

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Nobody cares about your hipster garbage

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>Back when you played it growing up
Most of Yea Forums's current users likely did not have this experience. Sorry to say it.

>Sorry to say it.
thank god,imagine growing up with a n64,play 2 games and that's about it,replay these 2 because there's nothing else to play

>actually thinking majority opinion reflects the quality of a game
Reminder IGN gave SS a perfect score at release.

I'm 20, the same age as this board. You faggots have no excuse

Means nothing because people hate Skyward Sword, keep clinging to your contrarianism though

>oracle of ages/seasons that low
that sucks

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The Citizen Kane of video games unironically

> The Godfather: Ocarina Of Time
> The Godfather II: A Link To The Past
> The Godfather III: Twilight Princess
> Spirited Away: Chrono Trigger
> Mulholland Drive: Silent Hill 2
> Metropolis: Panzer Dragoon Saga
> Citizen Kane: Super Metroid
> Empire Strikes Back: Mass Effect 2
> Boyhood: The Last Of Us
> Shawshank Redemption: Metal Gear Solid 3
> Titanic: Final Fantasy X
> Pan’s Labyrinth: Shadow Of The Colossus
> Space Odyssey: Bioshock
> The Good/Bad/Ugly: Red Dead Redemption
> Fight Club: Star Wars: KOTOR
> Inception: Bioshock Infinite
> Pulp Fiction: Grand Theft Auto V
> Nausicaa: Final Fantasy VI
> Lawrence Of Arabia: Breath Of The Wild
> The Avengers: Super Smash Bros
> Return of the King: The Witcher 3

Nah, that would be Super Mario Bros.
Ocarina of Time would be more like the 2001: A Space Odyssey of video games.

People hate Skyward Sword now and it's an overblown meme anyway, but if you want to keep telling yourself that something popular is good on that virtue alone, go right ahead. Just don't try to shove that retarded opinion down other people's throats with mass reply faggotry.

Seething, keep coping

bzzzzzzzzzzz.............. nintendo bonus.........

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Now shoo.

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>Majora's Mask was still unpopular

So glad people came to their senses.