Tree of Savior


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I didn't expect this game to be so fucking souless, I mean, it is made by the creators of Ragnarok Online, It should not be possible for this game to be bad, and yet it was a fucking trainwreck.

i'll give ya a bump OP
used to like ToS early on and haven't been interested in going back to it

>NEW level cap
>not even at the current level cap because the grinding is so fucking shit.

Honestly Im impressed they didnt just give up after the rocky launch. Maybe Ill give it another try.

>a game that have less than this game is soul

>can't bother to read the power lvl guide to get from lvl 300 to 390 in a few hours

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Why are they still trying? The pvp is shit. The dungeons are boring blenders. The servers are full of hue hue br gib monie plz.

Dead game.

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>can't bother to read the power lvl guide to get from lvl 300 to 390 in a few hours
Mate, I'm not even lvl 200.

Woah shit, this game got way different
Is it any better, though? Who is the best for going fast?

You still go down the same grind path but you don't have to wait as long to get to the more interesting classes. I just treat it like an asian PoE when I want to grind mindlessly on a ton of mobs. It's all it's good for, a giant fucking time sink. There is no end-game.

>One user argues with no one until his thread on a dead game dies.

I made a new character like 2 or 3 months ago and it seemed okay but I didn't see many people in the low level areas

I tried playing this game a while ago but it seemed like there was nothing to do but grind. my character was super weak too compared to everyone else.

I'm gonna make a meme bazooka build for my appraiser because fuck you.
I'm still salty I lost my sweet sweet swartz reiter though

>korean mmo

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>grinding to level up

the fuck are you smocking holy shit the nonsense.

I got my alt last week from lvl1 to 240 in just 3 hours using the power lvl guide with nothing more than what the free stuff from events, why can't you?

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Not an argument you addicted br monkey. It's just a giant fucking grinding simulator. You just make toon after toon and go down the same grind path. There is no game beyond that.


God how fucking boring this game was

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>also racism because wtf
>says someone who refuse to play the content and stay like an autist in an hunting ground like a bot
you need help alright.

You are addicted to this game you weirdo, it's why you defend some shitty korean mmo grind fest with like 0 fucking players.
>also racism because wtf
Fuck off nigger.

ahhhh I just wanted another RO game
this game is fucking bad and boring
and we also have a retarded and autistic shitposting spammer

are they finaly unplugging the servers?

Will we EVER get private servers for this game? Fuck the official one where you have stupid market restrictions and have to grind like crazy to get that premium buff each month.

>anything from nexon / ncsoft in any eu or us company's hands
hard drop

embarassing meltdown.

Sure pal, enjoy your dying game.

Why play any korean game (except DFO, DFO is cool)?

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is her hips too thic?

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whats the point to ToS? i played at launch and once i found it wasnt free form leveling and it all followed the same path, i felt really bored really quickly.
did they add different ways of leveling? whats the end game like?

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>mean while he claimed his kino game is more alive than tos

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>why aren't people playing the game that's 2 min before the maintenance?

Nobody uses the steam launcher though
lmao your game fucking sucks, please understand that, this is probably your 30th thread and literally nobody supports you in any way, shape or form.
Nobody wants your shitty korean grindy, wasted potential of a game, but you keep posting it in hope that you get enough people sucked in so the game's population increases to feel like it is not going to die any time soon.
Nobody wants you here, nobody in here wants to play the game, you've been constantly called out as the same user doing the same thread over and over and over, get the fuck out of here.

>this is probably your 30th thread
more close to 300

i'm so glad the game itself blocked me from playing, i waited 3 hours on queue just to login at that time.

i shudder that i could've been one of those 1000 people still playing this

Is Mattress a good class in KR? Is there any reason not to pick Falconer yet?

>post yesterday

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stop bumping this dead game thread

>I got my alt last week from lvl1 to 240
ok but was it fun or did you just do it because that's what you do in this game

the grind was so hard
I couldn't do it anymore, it took fucking forever just to get to class 6 and I didn't have friends playing it anymore
did they make it faster or what

Yes, much faster and easy

>level to 200 something in 2 days
>don't have gear for your level which takes months to grind out or gold buying

Do quests, they are faster levels. And give you somewhat decent gear.

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everything been boosted 5x by default, you should get like 20 times by the time you apply the token and the events