I just wanted to say that The Division 2 (aka The Deadgame 2) pvp, especially conflict...

I just wanted to say that The Division 2 (aka The Deadgame 2) pvp, especially conflict, is so trash that it makes me want to never play videogames ever again and since PvE gets boring fast this game leeches all my interest in even being alive and continuing to exist in a matter of seconds. It's the black hole of videogames.

Thankfully nobody will see this thread as you zoomers just talk about Smash all day.

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Why are you so surprised that a rehashed AAA game is trash? An Ubisoft AAA game at that.

I wouldn't have any expectations since I got it for free, but the conflict mode in particular shows just exactly how trash the game is. Not that the DZ is much better, but giving cosmetic rewards for very slowly leveling up in a mode that's pure frustration is dickish to say the least. Thankfully those cosmetics aren't very interesting.

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Its a fun and competent shoot n looter, also youre a fag

Did that ubi paycheck clear yet or haven't you reached level 30, gamerdad?

Thats what you get when you play most loot shooters, especially Destiny 2. Loot shooters in general along with gachas are really some of the worst genres out there, its like the second coming of MMOs but with less in-game interaction.

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It seemed fun initially, I should've treated it as a singleplayer game and just quit it once I finished the main story.

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Div1 is better

Maybe someday the second game will surpass it. Until then screw this game.

Wait, I heard the second game was better. Did the shills lie again? If so I'm sticking to Div 1 and saving myself the money.

Actually Escape from Tarkov is what the Division should've been

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A clunky as shit unity game with some of the worst netcode of any fps ever and will never be finished? Yeah Div should've really been that.

No, Div2 improves on just about everything except the most important part, builds/skills
There is absolutely zero build diversity right now and the design of the skills are all so fucking clunky that they don't even feel worth using

This is great I can watch Rage 2 story on youtube since it has no PVP elements.

Oh and I guess pvp is shit too thanks to the lower ttk if you're into that sort of thing

That game is scam citizen all over again. It'll never be finished.

yeah all lot of the skills are way too clunky to use, i found myself using the shield almost exclusively

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Caring about pvp in games with loot
Just play pvp games then

Whats the green bar constantly refilling?

What happened? I played around release and the game was pretty decent and the lot was alright, the skills and story was ass though.

Its sucks so bad, I loved being a healer in Div1 but in Div2 the chem launcher is so fucking clunky to use that I basically have to be precognitive of whether or not my teammate is going to get hurt or not, and don't even get me started on how shitty of a replacement the hive launcher is for the support station.

I agree. OP is def. a fag.

Shield health

As a D1 healer who was thinking of picking up 2 on a sale eventually, thank you for saving me money.

I hate the hive too but I really liked how the turret isn't completely useless this time

Yeah just wait it out for a year, maybe they'll eventually redesign the skills by then