No story DLC

>No story DLC

We're not getting 3 are we.

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Of course not

Are these games even any good?

I was surprised we even got a 2.

1 is alright. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 2 is much better and is more open like a silent hill game. Very unique setting. You're inside peoples minds and there's some trippy stuff.

Haven't played horror in a while, might try it

1 is more linear, like RE4 but I think it's pretty cool and a fun game. 2 gives you open levels to explore and even has side stuff (Not too much of it though, good amount).

you didn't want it

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Probably not but 2 ended well

What's Tango even doing?

Well it's been a bit over 2 years since TEW2 released. They may tease something at E3. Im sure they are working on something.

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Not really

I loved 1 so fucking much. 2 was alright though it pandered to the people that thought 1 sucked by making itself more like last of us.

>by making itself more like last of us.
You're fucking retarded

1 bad. 2 good.

>Strong focus on muh daughter
>Sebastian now strafes and crouch-walks in a similar fashion
>Much bigger focus on stealth as an option

Explains why so many more people liked it.

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>Silent hill 1 is literally a man looking for his daughter

Kill yourself zoomer

Where did I state the game that preceded TLOU ripped it off? I don't even like TLOU much hence why I don't like EW2 so much.

It isn't trying to be like TLOU. It is going for a SIlent Hill format vs the RE4 format of 1. Off yourself

There'll be a spin-off project that costs half the price of a full retail game, just like all those other singleplayer only Bethesda published game. Any day now.

Doesn't feel right that Joseph is alive. I thought for sure that the two-parter DLC as Kidman establishes that like other events that take place in slightly different ways, he died from both Sebastian's PoV when Kidman pulled the trigger and later/before from Kidman's PoV as a boss.

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I wonder if Tango has been working with VR like other Bethesda studios.

You're delusional if you genuinely believe they didn't appeal to the casual crowd by making it easier, removing the match mechanic and having the story explain every explicit detail so retards can connect the dots.

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I feel bad for TEW1. I had such a unique setting and kinda fucked itself with the letter boxing that got patched in an option to disable later. The DLC was good

1 is god tier action horror. 2 is just good. The daughter story being constantly shoved in the players face was annoying, especially considering how crazy and obtuse the first game’s story was.

In addition, 2 also:
>has godawful retarded AI that are leashed to specific spots
>toned down the disgusting, gritty, industrial aesthetic from 1
>3 mediocre villains
>VA changes made characters feel completely different
>no traps to avoid/disarm
>hub areas quickly lose their initial charm and are a chore on subsequent playthroughs

Attached: The Bad Luck Within (Spoilers).webm (860x482, 2.87M)

No mikami, no buy. 2 was a downgrade in every sense.

Did he leave or something? I like his twitter. He posts cool photos

No idea. Was some funny stories about Mikami in those RE2 roundtable videos. Guy tested RE1 doing knife-only to make sure the game was always fair or something.

Him and Kamiya met up recently.

God TEW 2 was so bad compared to 1. It's not fair. The open world meme ruins everything.