What the fuck I thought he was supposed to be a joke like the other bigggis but he's actually a dangerous threat. He's too fast for me and I don't want to switch weapons. GS or nothing
Even with focus the fucker is too evasive and deals a lot of damage. What the fuck
At least I got the chance to appreciate his soundtrack more, when I had to fight these monsters before I never truly had the chance to pay attention to it. The ggis monsters have a really sick track, too bad they're joke monsters mostly. Except for cold nigga
Monster Hunter 3 U - How to beat this fucker in G rank
Other urls found in this thread:
don't get hit
hit it until it dies
MHWorld does not have this problem
>shill for a game that's half a decade old
because it's easy as fuck and Icebore is going to make it even easier
>Iceborne is the modern equivalent of G-Rank
>will make the game even easier
Wanna know how I know you're a Nintentoddler voicing blatantly false "criticisms" about a game you didn't even play? This is getting really pathetic.
I still remember caffeine baggi from back in 2013. Fucking sonic the bird wyvern would splash snot over me and do three laps on the map while I fell alseep and Cha-chump and Kayjobber would do absolutely nothing and let me take the hit. And then there was a quest where you had to fight two of them, and one was HUGE.
Great maccao was here, Jaggi theme sucks youtube.com
ah yea the other games have added in an auto revive ability that cats can constantly use i forgot about them
>hunting with cats
>not drawing the monster's attention and landing a lvl 3 GS charge on his skull while he's charging at you like a true chad
Just use rath lance bro
Who the fuck uses cats/chalakala things when playing in solo? Fucking gay retards. How can one even call this single-player mode?
I don't know who told you to play this game instead of the most recent entry MHWorld but they are retarded, and so are you. Old MH games are frankly irrelevant
>IMMEDIATELY taking the bait
>having problems with GS
uninstall your life
Fuck I need to replay 3U
Still never beat G rank
free traps, user
free traps is free hits
and you know im gonna hit it till it dies
so...where do we go from here?
>Never beat G rank
I hope you're ready for edgelord lagiacrus, invisible nargacuga and meteor spam fatalis.
Since this thread is full off topic garbage I'm gonna help ya.
There's one thing to remember with the GS, no not the charged attack it's too slow in this case.
U P W A R D swing and whack the fucker with one of the most efficient attack in the game you can then follow up with a quick charged attack or skidadle out of retalition range. Also use the skill that make you do guaranteed criticals hit with a draw attack ( OP with GS)
Alternatively use a poise weapon/SA for ez mode
>invisible nargacuga
Lucent Nargacuga was so much fun.
Fuck it! I miss underwater combat sure it wasn't perfect but it was fun chase Plesioth no matter where it ran to.
Ceadeus is probably my fav fight in all of MH he's fun af