What are some good games to play where i can release a lot of built up anger and stress

what are some good games to play where i can release a lot of built up anger and stress

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4 > 7 > 3 > 2 = 5 > 6 > 1

thanks but i wanted actual recommendations

The darkness 1 by the end of the game


get a punching bag. no video game will compare to actually using your fists.


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i would but sadly i have no room for it

I find hotline maimi 2 good for that
Company of heroes 2 also works
Stronghold is also peak comfy
though is the best answer in this thread, turn that anger into exercise

OP wants GOOD games

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4 > 7 > 1 = 2 = 5 > 6 > 3

I only watched up to 4 so far


Kirby is good

Difficulty is irrelevant to having fun and getting rid of stress

I skipped all to way up to stardust crusader, I dont feel like I missed anything Important.


GTA V and run over pedestrians and shoot women

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Need to read Steel Ball Run
I want Stuart Little to draw and quarter this ugly lil' fella

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Asura's Wrath is good for some angry button mashing
You also can try playing musou games if you're cool with them

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Being angry makes me either want to play a fighting game or play a beat em up cuhrazy action game like a warriors game or DMC or Wonderful 101



little inferno helps me relax

Is your sister bullying you?

In the shower?


why do people hate the first part so much

because JoJo is "too nice", he isn't edgy, he's not interested in the homosexual lifestyle whatsoever, and he doesn't crack jokes. Personally I think 1 is pretty cool, not the best, not the worst.

>because JoJo is "too nice", he isn't edgy, he's not interested in the homosexual lifestyle whatsoever, and he doesn't crack jokes.
but I think that's great since it sets up the nice contrast between part 1 and part 2 jojo, but I also wouldn't put 1 has the best either

I agree, I'm just strawmanning. Also, Hamon isn't as cool of a hook as Stands.

>he's not interested in the homosexual lifestyle whatsoever

All bout dat homo lyfe nyuggah

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HHHHH JOJO jojo jojo JOJ


JOOOJO Hhhhhh uhhhhh hmm joe joe


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Playing as Hunk in RE4 mercenaries felt good.
Filling those villagers with bullets.



Holy fucking shit guys how do I beat polnareff in 7SU wtf, i'm using joykiller and for fucks sake this faggot keeps evading my only useful attack that costs like half my fucking pp, leaving me vulnerable and chipping away my hp with bleeding, i'm level 15 and tired of grinding

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king crimson no noryoku

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how does king crimson work

everything happens just as predicted but nobody but you remembers what happened except this one time where bullets are erased

Sheer force of anger willing to existence whatever the fuck it wants.



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it changes what happens but everyone goes on as if what was going to happen originally with out king crimson until its ability deactivates and they're all like "wuh"

Best fight starts this friday, are you guys ready for the super long MUDA in two weeks?

7 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1

Faggot lol
6 = 8 > 2 = 3 = 5 > 3 = 7 > 1

the best comparison is that it is like lag in an online game

everything that was supposed to happen still happens as if he wasn't there

and except all those times when could totally kill someone during erased time but just doesn't
it just works

2 = 4*
I am the faggot now

It doesn't do anything except short term amnesia

It starts and ends really strong, but the middle 5 or 6 episodes are fucking boring.

Contrarian but tries too hard not to be obvious

7 = 4 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 1

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Everybody loved the part 1 anime, it was way better than the manga. The problem is that the manga was total garbage. Also that can be said of most parts.

Like so.

why didn't Polnareff just call Jotaro to beat Diavolo

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based and doompilled

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daily reminder that red hot chili pepper and harvest are the most powerful stands in part 4

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what is the vidya equivilent of pic related?

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That would be The Hand.


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just feels like a buffed vanilla ice stand

Yeah, but how come he didn't call for him after that point? He seems perfectly capable of calling Giorno and co to tell them about the arrow.

likely yes

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Life has been hard for vanilla ice lately, he had to get a job in other games

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Video games won't save you from your emotions. Only by freeing yourself will you achieve true Mandom.

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7 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 6 > 3
i kinda get y ppl like 3 but its kinda the worst executed out of all of them.

Mordhau. Get some 2H weapon and CLEAVE boddies

8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

If he kills someone during the time that he erases then they wouldn't die

The World - pause
Bites the Dust - rewind
King Crimson - skip
Made in Heaven - fast forward

We got ten episodes left, It probably wont be for another two weeks.

What about trish's hand?

Most likely the week after. They have to complete the stair fight, then there's the car ride, then there's bruno and secco meeting, then there's giorno and mista shooting the helicopter, then they're climbing up but mista is wounded (I don't remember how), then there's Cioccolata showing himself cut in half, then there's the giorno fight, then there's the bargain and finally the beat down. I don't think they can fit all of this in 1 episode.

7 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 6 > 4 > 3
fuck i forgot 4.

He cut off her hand then erased the parts where Bucciarati noticed her being gone


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do you think they'll show the bit where mista was supposed to be killed by a falling boulder early on

King Crimson is actually two stands in a symbiosis, Epitaph predicts the future, King Crimson erases time

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His ability is to allow himself to escape fate. Everyone else is locked into their fate.

And when he took all the photos and stuff off the wall in the hotel?

I've only read up to 6 but I'd say


I'm excited to start 7, since so many people speak very highly of it. I just hope it's not a situation like 4 where people seem to love it despite it being a directionless mess.

He erased all the time except the parts where the photos printed?

This is actually my exact list. Good taste.

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This but unironically

Honey Select


Dont really want to read 8 until its done

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>3 above anything but 1

Neck urselves

My nigga

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why is this second ED so perfect bros

I'm 5 volumes into 7 and the praise is justified. Just the first volume alone is one of the best arcs I've read so far. Super bummed I'm spoiled about a couple of things I think something about jesus showing up and something about a corpse that never gets delivered and I hope that wint rob the experience for me as I read on

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Just have Avdol fight Pol or gang on him.

should I read 6, I got spoiled on how it ends and the idea of someone getting trapped in a version of reality where all of his true friends are fucking dead really bums me out, I'd almost rather skip to 7

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so basically it goes like this and that's how king crimson works

6 has a great start and a great end, but a bunch of really bad fights and unforgettable characters. End is one of the most kino moments in the series though in my opinion. You can feel how much in part 6 that Saraki wanted to break away from shounen


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wait why's there cum on my mouth??????

congrats user, this is by far, the worst explanation (if you can even call it that) of the ability i have ever seen.

just play some bloodborne, it's enough to make a man sick
the blood, it sings to me

Part 4 is great and OP 2 is kino

did this mean anything or was it just an attempt to seem cool by using English words?

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Part 3 at least gets exciting once the gang arrives in Egypt. After that it's a slew of great fights culminating in Jotaro VS Dio. Part 4 is like Part 3 when the gang was in India. A lot of directionless filler and toying around with ideas before dropping them and just concluding. Josuke VS David Bowie's final form isn't even a good fight. Part 4 feels like an entire story made out of the plotless filler shounen anime/manga resorts to when the writer needs to stall for time to think of how he's going to progress the actual plot. There's some creative concepts on display but no actual plot or characters to speak of.

don't worry, you didn't get spoiled on much with that. However, there are some HUGE FUCKING THINGS you can get spoiled on for part 7 so be careful

It has always bugged me that the lyrics aren't synced up with the breaking and reforming of the word

It's Crazy Diamond healing the broken words

Part ranking is dumb, All parts shine in their own way