It's up

It's up

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Did he dislike bioshock infinite because he’s Irish?

No, it's because nobody says nigger

>It actually is up
>It actually is Obra Dinn

I was one of the three people who called it during last week's stream.


I thought advertising wasn't allowed?

Matt is the og eceleb
he gets an exception

>Obra Dinn


>he needs internet reviewers to tell him which games he's allowed to like
holy fuck just make your own opinions you fags, saged

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thanks for the advice, I'll start by not letting you decide what I like

>Just make your own opinion
Only absolute retards say things like this.
Only absolute POWER retards say shit like this.

I fucking hate DMC and I still enjoyed watching his DMC video. Most people aren't looking for validation because they aren't insecure faggots, sounds like you might be.

How the fuck will user ever recover?!

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>trying this hard to defend their favorite eceleb
lol fags, saged

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among other reasons

Just watched his video, wheres the joke? Is it supposed to be some kind of satire comedy? Sseth is 10000 times more funnier than this guy


It's because he never saw any nigger get lynched, beated for not doing a good enough job, or raped by their white masters.

cute cute poster

good taste anons

>For a game that tries to directly engage with racist themes, Bioshock Infinite does a shockingly poor job of it. I don't recall ever hearing the words nigger, nigga, nigra, niggy, niglet, nignog, darky, jigaboo, coon, spook, spade, porch monkey, moon cricket, Uncle Tom, sambo, splib, groid, shinola, kaffir, jungle bunny, shitskin, spear-chucker, gator-bait, or even Mississipi wind chime.
Did he go too far here?

Why do you people say shit like this? What is the difference between watching a video about someone's OPINION different than reading shit on any website online? And why does it automatically replace my own? I cannot simply watch it, appreciate it, or even agree or disagree?

No, user. If you're looking up someone's opinion through a video, you're a sheep.
I, however, am very intelligent and always make sure to avoid any arguments I might disagree with, so as not to have my opinion shaped by outside perspectives.

>another pixelshit game
this guy hasnt made a good video since the des video

Sseth hasn't been funny in a long time. Now he's just letting the game's footage be entertaining while he presents the game with zero jokes

what podcast

>some obscure shit again
what went wrong? is he scared to talk about relevant stuff?

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>In the next video I'll be sucking my own penis.
Is he ever gonna deliver?

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stop being gay

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Honestly don't know why Yea Forums sucks his cock so hard. His analyses hardly present anything someone with half a brain wouldn't realize himself.

They're brainlets that get confused when confronted with a opinion that is different from their own so they get mad at them.

its almost exclusively because of his dark souls 2 video 5 years ago

what a boring review
it doesn't helps the game is fucking monochrome

You are so weak minded that you have to actively avoid other people’s opinions because you know your weak brain will be forced into compliance when you hear what they think about it.

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His God of war video is one of his best videos to date and arguably his best video of all time.

>telling you to make you're own opinion instead of taking someone else's means that can't accept anyone else's opinion
I was just fucking with you guys earlier, I haven't even watched one of this dude's videos before, but you guys are actual retards.
unironic sage.

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He's joking user.


>Stop making videos on games I don't know about, although they have unique and interesting premises
>Start making videos on games everyone already talks about
What's the point?

that really says a lot about his video quality then because andersons video about gow is way better and his video is merely average compared to the rest of his videos


Okay, I have to admit that I thought this video was a little inane. I usually LOVE Matt's stuff but the criticism in this video was frankly retarded. "You can't be positive about your findings, therefore, the game is bad". This is obviously stupid, he even points out that in real life investigations there is always a margin for error. He's trying to say "It fails as a detective game" but by his logic, it's closer to real life investigation than most games are due to that dubious quality it has. Ace Attorney is great but everything is always so clear cut that it's not realistic and it makes it too "Gamey". Obra Din feels very organic and the way you come to conclusions is satisfying in its own right and calling it "misguided" is just wrong.

>Too stupid to understand simple sarcasm

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