FF7 Remake being episodic is good

Square would never be able to actually remake the entire game non-episodic and still have it be a good game. They need structure, they need tighter direction. Handing this shit to Nomura and hypothetically having the remake be the entire game remade non-episodic would be a death sentence, the game would be garbage. With how Square currently is and with Nomura directing, being episodic is the only way the game can still be great. It will be far easier to structure, far easier to direct, flaws from previous episodes can be iterated upon in the next and then those improvements can be patched into the previous episode.
This is the price we must pay, you know it to be true

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All the episodic format will do is kill it off quicker since it'll be garbage either way.

Not saying you are right or wrong but this is the kind of statement that can only be made after the fact while being honest. We have to see the state of the parts and how they decided to design the game to see exactly why its split up

you're acting like it's not 2000 years in development

stop making excuses / doing mental gymnastics to justify paying 120$ for a single game

I kinda can see the advantages to it, in the end if it's really expanded and comes out to being like a 250 hour long experience it'll be pretty based.

FF7 fags are insane fanboys don't expect much from them.

If the Midgard part is 40 hour long then yes it's good.

Its a fucking remake. Just follow the original.

>and that's a good thing!

No, no its not a good thing.

Reminder that Square Enix is better than Squaresoft and FFXV is the better game

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>stop making excuses / doing mental gymnastics to justify paying 120$ for a single game
I'd rather pay 120 for a legitimately great game than a shitty and rushed 60 dollar game.
Nomura only just finished KH3, he's been stuck between the two and development has obviously not been smooth full production for 4 years.


Reminder that you're a bitch and XV is the worst game in FF history

Attached: Blue.jpg (948x1300, 103K)

>you're acting like it's not 2000 years in development
The classic "I don't know how video game development works" framework for shitposting

She has ALOT of scat porn for some reason haha

a corridor of death movie game is what FFVII will be anyway.

Reminder that the live action movie of aladdin was the worst thing to come out of this generation also Will Smith.
Kill yourself

Attached: 0F8B86B4-5827-4A70-99E7-FAFFCF064537.jpg (736x824, 75K)

If the leddit rumor is true, being a 2 parter ending at aeriths death is good

It's true but this board is full of retarded 12 year olds that know absolutely nothing regarding business or game development so you shouldn't bother.

Link to the rumor or explain in detail please


All of that sounds great, but it reads too much like a fake leak. Not getting my expectations up.

Its not even a big game