Poorly designed

Poorly designed

It's like if Duke Nukem 3D was about throwing stuff around corners to avoid fast firing hitscan enemies, then the gameplay slowing down to a crawl when you HAVE to melee zombies (because they won't stay down from regular weapons, oh no), and forget about using flares because it takes forever to burn through and you get no ammo from cultists - what fucking garbage. This is definitely the worst Build engine game (making it a 6 or 7/10 game).

Attached: blood box cover.jpg (640x810, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/subject/Wow this game is really/
boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/It's like if Duke Nukem 3D was about throwing stuff/

>Bloodfags think this is even remotely defensible

This is from a walk through of extra crispy by a guy who knows the game like the back of his hand. I can not highly recommend this free mod more


Attached: Blood (1997) - Extra Crispy Walkthrough Episode 1.webm (1280x720, 962K)

if its your first time playing blood - play on "pink on the inside" difficulty (2 out of 5)

why do you keep making the same threads shilling the same mod, it's not even funny at this point

Mommy mommy da bad guys shooted at me! MAKE THEM STOP! MOMMYY MAKE IT STOOOOP!

he's right that blood is poorly designed

play on lightly broiled (3 of 5) and do episode 1 (the way of all flesh) last

Doom 2 >= Doom > Blood > Half-Life > Quake > DN3D > Heretic > Dark Forces > SW

Attached: 1556758760404.jpg (700x700, 99K)

>Doom 2
>greater than anything

Bad opinion.

Doom 2 is automatically better than Doom 1 because 2 has the super shotgun.

Why is Shadow Warrior so down low? It's actually well designed, has innovations and is fair, unlike Blood

Because I had less fun with it

Is sw actually better than blood? Never played it beyond like e1m1

Quake = Blood > Doom 2 > Quake 2 > Doom/Ultimate Doom/Final Doom >>> Jedi Outcast > Dark Forces > Half Life > Shit > Duke/SW > being beaten with sticks > Heretic/Hexen

Doom (all 90s) > Quake > Duke3d > the rest > dark forces

Shadow Warrior's E1M1 is fucking terrible and instantly improves right after - use a video guide for that one then play it regular the rest

>Quake 2
Wow. Just wow.

What does everyone think about Dusk?

This opinion is even worse. Imagine thinking shit like Quake 1 is better than Jedi Outcast.

Dark Forces is good though.

Quake 2's expansion packs are fantastic.

multiplayer wise they're about equal (quakeworld vs JK2mv patch), singleplayer Quake wipes the floor with it

is the shadow warrior classic redux on steam the best option to play?

Did you bash yourself on the head with a tack hammer before making that post?

better than quake

>invisible death traps
>gamma blowout openGL lighting

surprisingly great for an indieshit?

Man you really are moronic. JO single player is better than it's multiplayer. Quake's SP is forgettable crap. It was a slog to get through. JO SP is one of the greatest games of all time.

JA did MP better than JO though. But Jesus christ imagine thinking Quake 1 has a good single player though, it's quite possibly the dullest SP campaign I've ever played in a game. It really shows that the game was meant to be an RPG, and that it was hastily turned into a 3D Doomclone in the last few months of development because they couldn't get the RPG working properly. Quake 1's singleplayer is as lazy and uninspired as JJ Abrams nu star wars films.

so what is? dont say dosbox, i care about playability. i regularly play doom using gzdoom

>Quake 2's expansion packs are fantastic.
I can't get through the original so I wouldn't know

I assume you already own it, because Redux goes on pretty cheap sales

It's def the best way to play, despite a couple inconsistencies (unlike the Blood port which outright misses out on quite a few details)

If you quit playing it because of the first level, I can't blame you - I did as well as a kid until I cheated past it and I realise now as an adult that it's just a poorly made level

Well if you must, skip the base game. ID are uncreative hacks and are only good for being code monkeys and making engines. They need other devs to actually make their games fun.

Quake 2 base game was kinda alright, but most of it was a bit dull. The two expansion packs were fucking amazing though. So full of soul and fun level design.

we already had this thread a few hours ago dude, calm down
wait at least a day so people can forget

I might give it another try, it's one of those games I feel it would be worth playing though even if I don't enjoy all of it. I just end up installing Quake every time

Did OP really adapt his strategy of shilling in the first post to samefag and shill his mod in the second to try to make it look natural?

The evolution of a shill. This is fascinating stuff.

Attached: 1542589973415.gif (480x270, 9K)

Ignore him, he's an autist. SWCR is how I'd recommend anyone play it today

Also the invisible mines only affect the expansion pack, Twin Dragon

And you can fudge it with night vision goggles/savescumming

I still love it, not the new port but just the build engine games in general.
Sure I can agree the Blood has a lot of bullshit moments, but the good outweighs the bad, tossing a tnt bundle into a group of cultist and watching the gibs fly all over will always be satisfying, the weapon selection and the game's setting is just fantastic. Even if you have to quick save a lot to not get constantly ambushed.
Hopefully this port gets fixed soon and makes more newcomers interested in the game

Attached: 1433789796build_bros_by_mercenary_artist_banner.png (800x518, 757K)

How do you "shill" against a game from the fucking 90's that most people don't even know about? The fuck outta here.

It makes for entertaining conversation. You're just so goddamn stupid that you don't know what a shill is. I bet you weren't even alive with super mario world soda was in grocery stores. Fucking youngin' bitches.

best Build game coming through

Attached: 1543991142023.jpg (282x353, 24K)

you dont shill "against" something, you shill *for* something. do you even know what shilling means or is it just a buzzword to you?

Shadow Warrior makes a terrible mistake and titles its best episodes as "The Shareware Episode." People who own the full game probably think they can skip these, but they're some of the best paced, most interesting levels. And they slowly introduce the weapons and enemies to players, like Duke's Episode 1... which of course, was Duke's Shareware episode. Just not titled as such.

Attached: 1551513658878.gif (225x289, 34K)

He's not shilling against Blood. He's shilling for that Duke Mod in the second post. He's been doing it for literal months now. How did you not notice this.

Build engine games are fucking awesome and I love working on them. That engine is like gamebryo but good. Blood is still mediocre and you have to be fucking obsessive to do the shit that some people do in their speedruns.

Thing is (and why people love blood) is how versatile it is. Except more modern games like FEAR and Crysis keep the spirit going and are just 100% fucking better.

>slowly introduce weapons
You get a rocket launcher and nuke in the first goddamn level. Regardless, only retards skip the shareware level. Everyone who knows shit about shit knows Knee Deep in the Dead was the best Doom episode and that was shareware.

I don't go to the shit show, the shit show comes to me.

A free mod... for a free game... (if you know where to look)

You have to find the rocket launcher though. And the nuke is practically a powerup considering you can only hold 1 at a time. But fine, you're right. "Slowly introduces the weapons" is wrong.

Fear and Crysis play nothing like them

Playing it via Boxer now for the first time on my Macbook Pro.

Macfag hate aside, is there a better way I should be playing it keeping in mind what's available for OS X?

RR is cryptic bullshit. I love how they hide a necessary key in a secret area on the first goddamn level. Also, who thought to whack that idiot friend with a melee attack to end a level? It doesn't even drop a hint. I ended up shooting him and losing the first time. Really not fond of the food/liquor balancing game either, but I can probably forgive that much. It's unique at least.

>RR is cryptic bullshit.

aka i dun no how 2 play game so other people can't either

I beat the shareware RR as a kid without cheats and no guide (seriously video guides are so useful and easy to find nowadays too, so who cares?)

They're both the sort of games where you can go apeshit on them in a way that I'm not even sure the devs intended. Fast and furious style gameplay where your skill and style look absolutely amazing at times.

Anybody have those Crysis or FEAR webms? You can absolutely tell that the designers wanted to make a playground. Which is what a good FPS IS. Rather than "go here, shoot that, next objective."

Only Blood and Dick Kickem gave you a trickle of cool weapons. Shadow Warrior gave you the tools to destroy the fools pretty quick, which is why it's my favorite of the three. Blood is objectively the best, but you'll have faggots who didn't play it at release say otherwise because they've only play DOOK, which is the weakest of the three in terms of gameplay and weaponry.
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTA SUM WANG = pic related > dick kickem

Attached: stephan_headshot.jpg (800x533, 130K)

>seriously video guides are so useful and easy to find nowadays too, so who cares?

This is NOT how you play build engine games. Shame on you for even suggesting this is acceptable because you're a shameless walkthrough watcher.

Attached: 1538421974642.png (500x477, 240K)

>Half Life above Quake


>Quake 2 above HL1


Quake 1 has amazing single player, you're literally stating nothing to show it's bad.

Blood literally adds nothing to the formula and is just a bad rom hack of Duke Nukem 3D, or dare I say, Kaizo Duke Nukem

Shadow Warrior I can sort of give you for adding a lot of unique scripted stuff and vehicles

>dark forces that low
You are unironically a failure
For 2.5 D shooters
Dark Forces > Duke 3D > Doom = Doom II > Shadow Warrior > blood
This is the objective list if you disagree you're a faggot

BloodGDX should work on OS X since it's on Java.

You keep using that word.

Some of those old games are way too overly cryptic, to the point were it's awful game design.

Hexen has fucking awful level design that just relies on you scowering everywhere to find hidden switches.

Quake 2 multiplayer blows HL1's multiplayer out of the water, your zoomer is showing.
>blood adds nothing

Attached: Mazda-Logo-Feat.-Image1.jpg (980x879, 57K)

Also Blood shits up the gameplay by making the melee its own item

And see the webm here: Shit like that happens all the time on well done, not even just extra crispy

Attached: duke foot.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

Why do people dislike this game?

Attached: 553-shadow-warrior-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x963, 183K)

Whacking Bubba with the crowbar is a pretty stupid way to end the level, but to be fair it tells you that in the manual.

I fucking hate Hexen so don't even go there

What does Blood add, go ahead; I'd love to hear it

Attached: blood shadow.png (668x525, 135K)

Based Stephan Weyte

Attached: clawpunch.gif (110x144, 17K)


Attached: DF0BF495CF94A3F4FE77651F75793C82158DB649.jpg (637x358, 62K)

it's problematic

ive never played redneck rampage, but hexen is fucking kino and youre a brainlet if you dislike it

Every thread is copypasta.

Nigga I will drive my dick into your mouth but no homo.

More like it's hard.
Better gunz, better map design, better enemies.
Go play DARK SOULS if you want to do a no-damage speedrun, faggot. Don't forget to dilate!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

>Quake 2 multiplayer blows HL1's multiplayer out of the water,


>Quake 2 above HL1
Yes. Quake II is really a good game. Shooting mechanics are not as good as quakes but it's still pretty solid.

OK, NOW I hear the Caleb in his voice.

Git gud.

Attached: Blood train level.webm (1364x764, 2.99M)

>racist as fuck which Yea Forums loves

Get your meme ass the fuck out of here or better, the fuck back to Yea Forums.

i wouldn't say i dislike it, but i'd still put it lower than the other build engine games in the holy trinity. the shotgun is kind of underwhelming, hitscanners suck like they do in every 90s shooter ever made, and a lot of the time the pacing suffers overall

I love Dark Forces, but I really wouldn't say that it's better than any of those.

>Better gunz


>better map design,


>better enemies.

Hitscan enemies that rape you in 0.03 seconds as this webm proves, wow amazing

You'd literally be dead without that bonus health; fucking awful

No argument.

sorry i forgot you fags need a trigger warning

You either suck ass at the game and are mad about it or you are one of those spergs who quick loads whenever you get hit.

>a pinball machine
Dude I seriously need to get one but I have no fucking idea how to repair one and people charge a monstrous price to do that. Since most people don't know how.

My life might be complete with a frogger cocktail cabinet and a batman pinball machine.

>the shotgun is kind of underwhelming
Is it true than FPS is only as good as its shotgun, Yea Forums?

Attached: Blood Shotgun.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

well if its true then blood is the shittiest out of any 90s fps

And I asked for innovations, not "muh better" (which you can't prove and I can prove with the simple fact that the melee kick in DN3D can be used in conjunction with any weapon, while the shitty Blood pitchfork must be swapped to)

>Damage reflect to make it look like you're "skilled"

LOL - Bloodfags on suicide watch

Quake 2 is alright, but every stage looks the same and the backtracking is awful. Visually it's just so grimey, even in comparison to Quake 1 which had had a lot of purple and green.

Quake 2 is also decently clunkier than HL1 and Quake 1.

Rank the Duke Nukem episodes

Attached: D0DBB6DF-B604-4140-AFBC-CBE970D9886D.png (220x262, 124K)

>Blood webm
>person playing clearly memorized enemy spawns

oh no no no no.

Hexen's dogshit level design holds it back. There's a reason people don't really talk about it as much as they talk about any other 90s shooter.

> sound cues clearly indicate when you're near enemies

>You'd literally be dead without that bonus health; fucking awful
I swear, we just had the same thread and same posts three hours ago
It's like someone is recreating the same thread on purpose and I feel like I'm going insnae

Attached: bloody train2.webm (578x360, 2.94M)

Name one (1) FPS that doesn't require you to memorize enemy placements.

>There's a reason people don't really talk about it as much as they talk about any other 90s shooter.
because theyre brainlets without long-term memory

>>sound cues clearly indicate when you're near enemies

Cultists literally don't make noise until they spot, you're confusing it with doom - must be your alzheimers

There's literally a part at the carnival with a swinging door, where you walk into a room, and when the door closes automatically, the cultist plugs you from behind

Shadow Warrior does have some neat guns and enemies but I like it as much as Duke. It's like an expanded upon Duke Nukem game though.

name one (1) doom map that requires for you to memorize enemy placements outside of doom 2 map9

Gonna need more train level webms, user.

>then the gameplay slowing down to a crawl when you HAVE to melee zombies (because they won't stay down from regular weapons, oh no)
>and forget about using flares because it takes forever to burn through
You shoot them once with a flare and then forget about them. Why would you stand around waiting for them to burn anyway.

>>person playing clearly memorized enemy spawns
Try explaining to me how someone can put out a gameplay WebM that doesn't look like amateur hour without having memorized enemy placements to some degree
That shit just comes naturally with playing a game over and over to get better at it.

*until they spot you or are already active

And to add onto that, the game decided to make a fuckton of cultists silent mode

Down to the same WebMs.

Attached: They killed Duke nosound.webm (640x360, 2.21M)

>Doom 2 is automatically better than Doom 1 because 2 has the super shotgun.
A single weapon is not a great tradeoff for generally worse level design.

boards.fireden.net/_/search/subject/Wow this game is really/

Attached: 1552938106148.jpg (2469x5047, 3.36M)

The Citadel, from Doom 2.

>Quake 2 > Doom

Attached: 1542130975893.jpg (500x566, 189K)

Doom 2 map 9 is a fucking masterpiece and does not require you to memorize shit. You're probably thinking of tricks and traps.

There's one hell of a correlation, at least.

>Blood Shotgun
Smooth, fast, and punchy without handing you victory

>Doom Shotgun
Slow and steady, a good standby.

>Doom Supershotgun
powerful as fuck and feels great

demolishes assholes, looks damn stylish while doing it, and can be fucking dual wielded

>Dick kickem
Looks/feels good and remains handy in certain situations but ultimately overshadowed

Solid, even if it knows it's outclassed by other things. Could use a little more aesthetic flavor to make itself stand out more.

>Ion Maiden
six round magazine of grenade-sized shells, which can eventually fire actual grenades. short but sweet, with extra offerings later on.

> he's playing Fresh Supply
Ohh yikes lmao, no wonder you're such a bitch.

>you would be dead if you had less health
what an amazing criticism


Tell me about it.

Attached: 300px-Addams_family_pinball.jpg (300x400, 37K)

Attached: I luv secrets nosound.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

What about Shadow Warrior's?

when you pick up rocket launcher in map 9 you get ambushed by a dozen chaingunners and lost souls

I've beaten Duke, Shadow Warrior, Doom 1 and 2, Quake 1 and 2, and Unreal on their hard difficulties without many deaths. None of those games require memorization at all, Blood seems to punish you very hard if you're out in the open against anything hitscan.

Like either you're retarded or you're very bad at games.

Doom 1 also has some pretty off levels, but yeah Doom 2 is more offensive in that regard.

He's just lucky, that's my point - no skill in this webm, just RNG (you should see the Blood webm he posts where he gets TNT'd to shit)

I'm trying to play this but it's really hard. I'm not amazing at games but this is way harder than Doom/Quake/Duke 3D/RoTT.

Riot gun is great.

Attached: 1370058557418.png (797x598, 276K)

when the fuck is ion maiden coming out

Attached: Build weapon comparison.png (2644x2360, 506K)

That is one horseshit secret. How is that random leap outside the train indicated as a secret area?

>And I asked for innovations
Alt-fire mode, dual wielding for most weapons and head dismemberment . That's all I can think of, MDK also had headshots and came out the same year, but you couldn't kick around the heads

Dusk double barrel is satisfying as fuck to use, it feels great and the reload feels great on top of that

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/It's like if Duke Nukem 3D was about throwing stuff/

Blood already got a local autist shitting on it? This fucking board keeps getting worse

Attached: 1537242311094.jpg (425x405, 41K)

yeah. 20th anniversary world tour edition had a 5th episode.

Despite ranking it so low, I’ll say it has 2 fantastic maps.


Didn't play world tour.


This image is bullshit (like all Blood fan arguments). DN3D's pistol is viable late game

Attached: Duke Nukem pistol animation .webm (444x276, 470K)

A lot of people shit on Dusk but it's pretty solid. Art style is trash and the enemy design is mediocre but overall it's a solid shooter.

What was this webm supposed to prove?

Attached: More Blood gameplay nosound.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Episode 2 of Duke may be shit, but Dark Side is the best level in the game.

Okay so what? Yeah, sometimes NPCs throw a wrench into your plans, sometimes they don't. What's your point

blood is pure çoy

Ten grand, for that? They must not sell very many. The cost of materials and labor is probably about $800. This is why I skirt around shit like craigslist and my local buy listings. I know I could do better than that. I've got an Area 51 cabinet. I was visiting relatives and the arcade in their City was closing down. I offered $500 and got it on the spot. Good thing I drove over.

i grew up on old shooter, i turned 35 on the 4th. yes, some of these games age poorly, bloods design for first runs are not ideal, and i imagine you can get confused, or even lost. its why i like to play these types of games on a normal difficulty, and once i know things, go back on a harder difficulty.

anyone who does not have nostolgia goggles on can see these have not aged the best in a number of cases, but they are still fun games. if its not your cup of tea, just move on, its what i do. that being said going back and playing it, reminds me of why hit scan is such cancer in old as fuck games like this.

I agree with a few of these, but sorry, Duke's shotgun wins hands down. Riotgun needs to be extremely close, even if it is underappreciated. Dumping ammo with the alt fire riot is pretty useful. But Duke's is a fucking sniper rifle, and the most dependable burst damage outside of more situational things like the RPG. It kills every basic enemy in 1-3 shots and from nearly any range.

Nah, I love Duke, but the pistol is subpar if you're not using auto-aim as default because it scatters like a mofo. Also, as great as Duke is, it doesn't have any real alt-fires like the later games for additional variety. Actually, the Nintendo 64 version does have it where you can shoot explosive rounds from the shotgun.

Well that I like the crisp feel of it and that it works against late game enemies

>Throwing dynamite around corners with no reasonable way of knowing an enemy was there (meaning you memorized it and savescummed this whole sequence)

Lmao jesus fucking christ Blood sucks ass.

It's made by a biased fag anyway

Blood is söy repellent.

>Nah, I love Duke, but the pistol is subpar if you're not using auto-aim as default because it scatters like a mofo

Unlucky for you I don't use autoaim and I still love using the pistol.

Why does Civvie love Blood then?

Why are you zoomies using mouse-look on Blood?

You can master the games mechanics instead of just prefiring every enemy so you take as little damage as possible.

Like this webm, he prefires the dudes on the balcony to his left, quickly rushes everyone the center while staying glued to cover, and then tosses dynamite around a corner to kill another guy. The bulk of the webm is unimpressive memorization.

Bloodfags don't understand logic so your post will pass them like a breeze

>using keyboard aim for 90s fps

Nice meme.

Attached: mouse look.png (635x533, 81K)

And by breeze, I mean inhaling civvies Blood farts

Civvie is not söy.

IT should have been remade in real 3D.

>Be gaming youtuber
>Sneak in your liberal beliefs into reviews, including how you believe the Trump/Russia conspiracy like a typical NPC (Terminator Skynet review, not gonna timestamp it, you can rewatch it yourself fanboy fuckstick - and I shouldn't even have to mention the cringe cancer mouse shit)
>Get absolutely BTFO by the Mueller report

How will he react to it in his videos?


Take your meds.

Attached: 1548606242861.jpg (800x1062, 109K)

What is wrong with you.

Attached: 1541567706601.png (969x1089, 465K)

>implying you're gonna get one of the most in-demand pinball machines ever made for much less than that
In the age of jewtoob and "experts" hyping up every little thing, anyone with half a brain is gonna do a two minute search on whatever they're selling. Ten grand for Addam's Family isn't in the realm of outlandishness.

Why are you guys such fart huffers who only know about Blood due to a youtuber?

Attached: gggmanlives civvie.png (1077x916, 104K)

>Blood fuccbois are still in denial of this webm and haven't justified it

Blood fanboys are such fucking hoes (I love it)

Attached: Blood (1997) - Extra Crispy Walkthrough Episode 1.webm (852x480, 961K)


lmao ggshillman you brought it upon yourself
go suck someones dick for shekels

Didn't need to save scum for that, just played the game a lot.

I mean, even the original DOS executable has mouse aim, it's just that BUILD style view shearing kind of aim.

Attached: More secrets.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Am I the only one who like Shadow Warrior the most? I feel like a loser for admitting that playing custom levels for the game gives me such hours of enjoyment.

Attached: 93a89f3971e5615580e389940938e5a7686c5a488c13367b5946a9d67035c72d_product_card_v2_mobile_slider_639.j (639x361, 36K)

Get good.

Git gud.

Attached: Blood gameplay 2.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

>You can master the games mechanics instead of just prefiring every enemy so you take as little damage as possible.
But you can't magically just un-know the enemy positions after hours of replays. Why would you not prepare against enemy positions you already know in advance? Do people have to go out of their way to simulate like it's their first time playing to convince you? Do you honestly believe that any kind of high skill game compilation on YouTube didn't involve dozens of retries and having memorized all incoming sequence of events?

No shit. If enemies can throw explosives a situation like that is bound to crop up. Besides, it's painful to see that 'muh RNG' is the tangent you've now decided to shove up your ass. First it was "but you have to play it like a bitch", but then I posted a WebM it wasn't necessary. Then it was "but look at all that inevitable damage you took", and then I posted a WebM that showed that wasn't the case as long as you kept moving. Then it was "but first time players won't play like this", then I posted a WebM that simulated what it would be like when someone saw the cultist onslaught and slowly decided to sweep the room save for getting an unfortunate stick to TNT. Now it's "muh RNG", though that's really a weak hill to die on because you never actually bothered to test this out for yourself to see how consistently doable this is on Well Done, and if anything it's highly contradictory to say Blood is a huge memofest and then say it's got random dynamite out of the ass.

Attached: I accidentally the TNT in my face.webm (386x240, 2.96M)

A hitscanner hitscanned, how awful.

I thought I was a newfag for only playing Blood 5 years ago, but it looks like most people only know it from youtube now?

>Hopping around for no fucking reason against two of the games easiest enemies


Bloodfags exposing themselves

I'm happy I was able to inspire you to make a webm that kinda took a little bit of skill and didn't expose how shitty you were (or how shitty the game mechanics were)

Still, I can only imagine how many times you memorized this sequence you speedrunning sperg

>If you are better than me then you're a tryhard
like clockwork

Imagine putting this much effort into trying to convince people that an old, rarely talked-about game sucks.

>rarely talked-about game
You can go back to your Pokemon and Zelda threads now, son.

I too love this falseflag tactic of pretending to be a spammer mod autist so that nobody may ever criticize Blood or else they will be accused of being him! Look at this thread, its already working, keep at it until nothing bad is EVER said about this perfect game EVER again!

Attached: 1544317649702.gif (600x324, 2.99M)

>>Hopping around for no fucking reason against two of the games easiest enemies
zombies have a harder time hitting you when you're jumping, and you're able to just hop over zombies entirely to avoid getting swarmed, so it's not unwarranted at all

>I'm happy I was able to inspire you to make a webm that kinda took a little bit of skill and didn't expose how shitty you were (or how shitty the game mechanics were)
What, it being longer? That just comes with practicing the level enough so you can do it consistently without having to savescum once.

>Still, I can only imagine how many times you memorized this sequence you speedrunning sperg
I did a Well Done pitchfork start no-mid level saves run of the entire game not too long ago so a lot of things kind of stuck

Except there was no skill in what you did. Anyone can beat a game if they throw themselves at it hard enough at it - even a rat can escape a maze with enough time and a gorilla can learn sign language with enough memorization.

>Enforcers from Douk
>Cultists from Blood
>Uzi Ninjas from Shadow Warrior
wow it's almost like all the shittiest enemies in every 90s FPS are universally hitscanners.

So you still can't justify what happens in that webm, huh Bloodfag?

Except Duke 3D has a bunch of hitscanners, but they have a thing called wind up time.

And hell, compared to Blood, the uzi ninjas don't even hold a candle to the cultists.


Attached: 1413945015420.jpg (512x512, 30K)

>(13 downloads today)

Sorry man, I'm winning.

>Except there was no skill in what you did. Anyone can beat a game if they throw themselves at it hard enough at it
so there's no skill you can exert in singleplayer games at all? those guys playing tetris world championships or achieving world record scores at Japanese shoot 'em ups are just gorillas? DMC style compos is just memorizing a certain combo then?
thanks for clarifying that, I guess

If you think that cultists are bad you have not seen these motherfuckers yet.

Attached: Battlelord.png (228x246, 9K)

Do you not just remember anything about games you've played? It's not like you just forget where all of the bad guys are after playing the game a lot.

Why would you feel like a loser for that? Build engine games were prime for custom made levels.


>If you think that cultists are bad you have not seen these motherfuckers yet.

You mean a late game enemy that isn't spammed everywhere?

The problem with cultists is that they're fucking everywhere.


Attached: 2213137-mutant.png (168x336, 3K)

And also compare the size

Cultists are human sized and kind of small - that thing was huge and made itself clear that "yeah, it'll fuck up your day if you don't pay attention to it"

Fucking faglords with their shitty comps thinking no-mouse was intended. Nigga you were poor in the 90's, end of story.

Shrink ray.

Attached: 1544064623350.jpg (500x405, 65K)

This is exactly what a mediocre, boring and average person might say.

What's the point in developing a useful skill if anyone else can be good at it? Better to do nothing I guess except waste time discouraging others.

Also you had some supremely dumbass parents if you were poor in the 90's, at least in the US. We were shitting money then.

why are you shilling this shit? you even hid the rating so its probably trash

Playing Blood isn't like learning to play guitar - curb your enthusiasm

is it possible to get duke nukem 3d megaton edition at all anymore?
what's the go-to then for duke nowadays otherwise?

Attached: 1509311372116.jpg (960x960, 101K)


Attached: community rating.png (509x357, 20K)

how do we fix hitscanners?

Attached: Blood Cultist.gif (144x216, 6K)

Pirate it or find an old key on one of those third party key reseller sites. You're better off just using EDuke32, though.

Give them a clear telegraph.

As if learning guitar was that useful either
No wonder why they're called hobbies

Stop being autistic.

Attached: die.png (492x280, 93K)

Force a fucking cooldown before shooting. Up their miss ratio. Mix in more varied attacks like the dynamite toss so they have to roll the dice in order to hitscan.

Also a hint of start up time, maybe tied to a click of the weapon

Or just do what Doom 2 did, have 3 tiers of cultists

>15 votes
>locked ratings after you voted it up yourself on different ips and got your friends to shill it up so no one could mess it up

No, the real skillful way must be to be able to nail Through the Fire and Flames perfectly on your first try without even having played any kind of rhythm game or Guitar Hero before
The idea of practice making perfect is universal, it's too late to retract your words now

If people are bitching about aimbots it should be about this fucker.

I loved it so much I would fuck with my world clock on the demo to keep playing the demo.

Defend this.

Attached: Shadwwarrnn.jpg (800x450, 36K)

do it the Marathon way where hitscan attacks are verboten at long range and only allowed at short-to-medium range, where if you're outside hitscan range they'll just fire a projectile or throw more TNT

He's basically a miniboss. You don't see those often at all. If you're asserting he's as bad as cultists around every corner, try again.

Not bullshit like cultists and give you plenty of time to get rid of them - basically the games archviles

it's probably the most difficult of those games at a high difficulty user is a casual

At least their special attacks are projectiles.

Go back to play mario faget

Attached: 1532295251927.jpg (2048x1344, 560K)

oh you're one of those fags that wants an easy mode on sekiro

>Go back to play mario

Attached: pepe face when.jpg (498x488, 48K)

>Not bullshit like a cultis-

Attached: Shadow Warrior.webm (640x360, 872K)

Like I said, he's a miniboss. Meanwhile every fucking cultist drains your health like this, and doesn't even afford you the luxury of visible projectiles.

You are 22 years too late to be bitching about this.

This thread proves that Yea Forums is full casual shitters

git gud

> every fucking cultist drains your health like this
But that's wrong.

Attached: Blood train level 3.webm (578x360, 2.95M)

>N-nuh uh!
>posts a webm where he goes from 117 to 29 health in 2 fucking seconds of cultists seeing him
WITH fire armor