Did Blizzard actually put loincloths on the female Night Elves to "reduce the sex appeal" of the race? Or is this just something that Wowhead started doing on its model viewer?
Night Elf Censorship
This is a shit, low-quality thread that I will improve.
Night elves aren't even that sexy Give me a female dwarf any day of the week
that loincloth is a special underwear for demon hunters. regular night elves have the normal small panty
Prolly a glitch. That's the special demon hunter loincloth. Warriors embrace was glitched on wowhead forever too until recently. Despite releasing garbage after garbage, Blizzard still knows what people are coming for in the end.
By the way how do you get the model viewer to actually fucking show all the items instead of the same items over and over again? I liked just browsing and building sets out of whatever looked neat.
>literally have all sorts of reasons to complain about BfA
>such as Blizzard's decision to go full-steam-ahead with the relentless grinding treadmill
>instead bitching about fucking underwear that you don't even see unless you're an ERPing faggot on moonguard
Like you've got nothing fucking better to do, OP.
And fortunately, seeing as how I've got nothing better to do, I will continue to bump your thread so that everybody can see just how much of a bitch you are.
With that being said, I'm actually excited for Reforged, because unlike WoW, it's kinda hard to fuck up Warcraft 3 if it's just gonna be Warcraft 3 with prettier graphics.
Stupid nuns still left the tummy and the feet naked
You sure lad? They're rewriting WC3 to fit WoW lore. Complete with rewriting how Jaina fits into the story.
you mean re-writing her as arthas' bitch?
Welp. I was going to,wait to play WC3 until Reforged was out, but fuck that if the story is beingmucked with.
>clean up the dialogue
>Unironically looking at an """elf""" with lust
Garithos would be disappointed
>made for wowfags
it's shit
They didn't.
>Christie golden
God fucking damn them. Sylvanas will be changed to an even bigger bitch. Jainas father raped her. Thrall is evil now. Garathos was molested by elves and is justified. Illidan is going be completely changed to a good guy.
That is all she writes. Horde more evil and alliance more innocent. Camp taranjo was a military outpost... Clearly!! Alliance did nothing wrong!
The dwarves weren't destroying the land and killing Tauren... They are now innocent!
She is the fucking worst.
here's your sylvanas bro
Wow, it's almost like until a certain point warcraft had decent writers.
they recently banned tons of model editors using their own special version launcher that bypassed the security protocols of wow exe, but then they reverted every single ban.... well they unbanned the nudie mod players
they did give a warning not to do it again tho
whatcha doin' in goldshire inn, user?
Garrithos was already justified in his hatred of elves and undead, no need for molestation.
>Can't walk around as a fat tittied bimbo elf anymore
What's even the point?
>Woman gets put in charge of a writing team
>Immediately female character's backstory is full of rape
Every time
>more focus on the two biggest turbocunts of the setting
based garithos posters
this makes me angry for some reason...
Easy access makes them better you dingus.
God I wish I had a nelf wife
Loincloths are hot, I see no problem here.
imagine her big futa cock pounding away at your prostate all night
>it's kinda hard to fuck up Warcraft 3
Have you not played a Blizzard game in the last 10+ years?
Imagine her violating your throat while her nightsaber maws down on your asshole.
What is it with Blizzard and fucking over the talented storytelling they once had? I was once excited for what would happen after TFT and now this shit.
It's a mockery of Orcish culture and the writers portraying this as a good thing when the Horde has such an incredibly good reason to distrust all of the new races. In fact, it's a hostile mockery of the very idea of a consistent culture and borderline out of character for sylvanas to care about breaking trends like that.
Imagine kissing the top of her slender night elf foot freshly after it's been washed in lifegiving moonwell waters and cuddling with her stomach as your pillow as you fall asleep together on a smooth stone floor under the stars while a cool night breeze passes through.
>playing soulless MMOs
>not playing the superior PvE/PvP MMO with a story
combination of writers leaving (interns who did vanilla flavor text), their tastes and attitudes changing (metzen), or introducing new ones (golden)
I thought Sylvanas taking over was supposed to be a bad thing, as in: The second she took over she was going to leverage this to make Undead the race above all the other races in the Horde?
What happened to that plotline? I haven't played WoW in a while.
I would rather play TERA because at least that shit's free.
Nice races you got there
as someone that has played both of them, i gotta say that FF does have some weight when it comes to storytelling, even if it is just too much on the anime side of things
however, if we talk playability then WoW simply shits on it, there is no arguing it
only other thing that FF does right is crafting, but if i want to do PvE then i'll still choose wow since FFXIV PvE is just memorizing scripts and nothing more
>Garrithos was already justified in his hatred of elves
He wasn't, he was a comic relief character that was an incredibly incompetent commander and ended up handing over the city to the one he was supposed to protect it from - an undead bitch.
>however, if we talk playability then WoW simply shits on it, there is no arguing it
WoW has better character movement feel and better zone design, at least for the earlier ones, but that's about it. When it comes to actually playing the game, you quickly get used to movement and realize that three button rotations are not enough to fill the game.
Sylvanas did pretty OK in legion, then killed a ton of forsaken in a book or something and now everything she does has at least three names characters standing behind her going "wow you just crossed another line doesn't this make you think". At this point they're literally redoing garrosh but with the names crossed out, down to reusing the siege of orgrimmar raid for the big confrontation next patch
FF's button rotations are not better.
>There were so many ideas that didn't quite make the original game and this is an opportunity to develop them.
I miss these, Flintlocke was a lot of fun to read back in the day.
just like said
FF rotations are almost completely set in stone, there is no dinamic or any factor that could make you change the buttons you push
WoW's priority list system at least keeps you on your toes whenever procs happen so you are aware of the skills you are using
Top notch taste lad
>Jaina’s dad is a mustasched Arthas
Really makes me think
I would say female panda instead if they weren't utterly furshit.
thats only for dhs btw
>FF rotations are almost completely set in stone, there is no dinamic or any factor that could make you change the buttons you push
Absolute bollocks. Even braindead bitch job like SAM has variation in its skill application depending on the encounters and how much you'll get to sit on the enemy.
There are random elements, with so many skills and mechanics youre not doing the same thing everytime and even less with some jobs like bard or summoner for example, compare that to 5 attack buttons in wow plus cds in the GCD that not even ff does and it becomes even worse.
After playing melee in 14 I cant understand wow players moving like fleas during a fight when theres no reason to move just to keep pressing buttons and trying to make the game feel like an action rpg.
>Christie Golden
>Adjustments for WoW players
>More focus on Sylvanas and Jaina
Well, at least I'll still have old Warcraft 3 to go to, right?
>still playing wow
that's going to be a yikes from me
what is honestly the point? night elves are sexy as fuck
female worgens are hotter
If you sit on a target dummie you will get greater variance in rotation in WoW then in FF, objectively. Rotation adjusting procs are almost non existent where as in WoW it's on almost every spec. Target availability in FF via fight mechanics will obviously change that, but that same thing happens in WoW. You have to manage proc and CD usage based on a fight to fight basis just like in FF.
Rotations have less buttons in WoW, but the boss fights requiring variance in skill rotation is present in both.
I'm sorry, but half of a rotation for every job in FFXIV involves pressing a lot of buttons that just "do damage" and nothing else. They are meaningless abilities. Just because they make what could be 3 buttons into 9 buttons instead because of meaningless combo chain requirements doesn't make it better. If anything, it's just making me using an ungodly amount of keybindings.
One of WoW's greatest strengths is that almost every ability has interactions beyond just doing damage to something. Even the most mundane of abilities like Frostbolt has a number of interactions that you need to consider. FFXIV could really use some heavy ability pruning, but I think the FF loyal would riot because they are so proud of their 20 button rotations.
Nah fuck you, enjoy the Nu-WC3!
It is like a microcosm of Europe and European history all in one. The modern is so fake and terrible, we are just going to rewrite the past.
Wh-whatever, surely I can still enjoy some high polygon archer and huntress models.
that's a weird way to spell female pandas
Mad. Every time.
glad you could remake it, uther
>involves pressing a lot of buttons that just "do damage" and nothing else.
Yeah you haven't played shit. You dont know how a sam has to keep buffs and decide what finisher to use based on what sen is needed, or why you need to use skills in order like contagion and rouse as a summoner before dumping dots on it. Please dont make yourself more of an idiot if you dont know the game.