It's finally happening holy shit.
It's finally happening holy shit
>Shitch exclusive
No, thanks.
>falling for the antics of Hideki Kamiya, master Twitter troll
Not trying to start a fight here, but it had better be pretty damn good if it wants to live up to DMC5.
It's not coming out until 2020.
Cant wait for it to look EXACTLY THE SAME as bayo 1 and 2, but with even less depth of combat
I personally liked going online with bros in 2 and seeing who could steal all the points. I hope it's a mix of the best of 1 and 2. I liked playing as different characters honestly. Tag climax basically let you play the whole game two players on a gamble of if you two would die or not.
>implying it can
Hopefully 3 elevates the franchise rather than being iterative like 2.
>Playing girl games
Came here to say this. Who gives a flying fuck about this sad bootleg series with DMC back on the menu? Kamiya hasn't been involved with a good game since he left Capcom, fight me
Why would it have to be so good to live up to an 8/10 game?
>if you like females you are trans
The Wonderful 101 is good.
That won't be hard, DMC5 was a let down in some regards. It was easy a fuck even on DMD, the bosses were forgettable outside Cavalier, King Cerberus, and Vergil, the level design was trash, the OST was mediocre, and the story was rushed as fuck. Gameplays great as usual, but V makes recurring playthroughs a fucking headache because he's so boring.
You'll be able to emulate it in a year
reminder kamiya is into dickgirls.
if dmc5 is an 8/10 then bayo 1 and 2 are a 6 and a 5 respectively
They try to convince themselves that they aren't batshit insane, and that everyone else is as mentally unhealthy as they are. It's a coping method.
because it will be better than it's last 2 6/10 games
I guess foreigners who browse Kamiya's twitter really are insects.
COPE, Bayonetta 2 is one of the few games to be awarded a 10/10. This is meaingful, because they are the only Journalists of the Big 4 Review Sites that almost never awards them
It's not really hard to do since I really wanted to play Bayonetta after finishing DMC5. Something about DMC5 left something to be desired, although it was a fantastic action game.
hello, egg
is there a more efficient way to absolutely destroy your credibility as a "video game critic"?
Bayonetta 3 won't have V's combat style
Bayonetta 3 is by default superior
There wont be any comfy Bayonetta threads when Bayo3 comes out sadly.
Bayo has an escalating tone, scale, and visuals that make it good even if mechanically it's generally not as good as DMC
Sorry that DMC5 came out as a gray brown misery game with maybe one fun cutscene in the entire game, but just being "DMC4 but mostly finished this time" doesn't make it a 10/10 game
Being that I realized that's the one title I unintentionally excluded when I made my post, you've got great taste friend. Still, even though it was better than other Platinum games, W101 wasn't without flaws. Finishing off bosses via QTEs remains one of my least favorite conventions in their games
>Tfw both bayo and DMC fan
name me a more blessed feeling
Bayo 1 is a 9/10. Sorry you fags never got good at dodge offset
Bayonetta 3 won't have Dante's combat style(s)
Bayonetta 3 is by default inferior
>Not trying to start a fight here
>Rest of thread immediately devolves into pissing contest
>trying to understand mental illness
Don’t bother
being a resident evil and DMC fan, who also likes bayonetta
To think that even when Bayo and DMC are the only decent to great hack and slash series left and people are being tribal and shitfling...
Shit feeling as Bayo will once again struggle to hit 60fps at 720p on the shit switch hardware
> Ocarina of Time (1998)
> SoulCalibur (1999)
> Chrono Cross (2000)
> Pro Skater 3 (2001)
> Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
> Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008)
> Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010)
> Journey (2012)
> Bayonetta 2 (2014)
> Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
> Metal Gear Solid 5 (2015)
> Uncharted 4 (2016)
> Breath of the Wild (2017)
> Super Mario Odyssey (2017)
> Divinity: Original Sin 2 (2017)
Like just think of all the amazing games that came out in the 2000s, yet somehow none of them got a 10/10 but garbage like MGS4 & GTA IV did
I wish i could be excited about it , no way im buying a switch just for this game . Il jsut wait till it gets emulated
More of Bayo 3 will be announced when the direct is out
Erdrick is a DLC fighter in smash
All google ad leak fags will be BTFO
>Dante's combat
Sorry but I like my combat to be fun
Bayonetta is great mechanically. There is more to action games than jump cancelling punching bag enemies. Bayonetta 1 enemies take a huge steaming dump on anything post Kamiya DMC has produced. And I even love DMC, but the enemies are just not engaging enough.
its trying to cross your wires to make it seem like its not the one thats mentally unstable
I can't. DMCV for the big muscular ass, Bayo for the gameplay. I love both.
Yeah also why did no one else pick up this series that even Sega didnt give two shits about?
Also Yuzu.
no anticipated game has comfy threads on Yea Forums when new entry in series is released
>low-key telling Bayofags to start coping
Yup, I'm thinking he based and Dantepilled.
He shitposts with responses like this constantly
Bayonettas sharp tranny jaw makes my dick deflate.
>direct announcement tomorrow
>e3 is in less than a month
if you give a fuck at all about journalists then your opinion is irrelevant
I'll put up with a lack of Styles than V and Dante 1.5, thanks. You also get about 6 Missions out of a 20 Mission game with Dante. The other 14 are spent wondering why you aren't just playing Dante.
>There is more to action games than jump cancelling punching bag enemies.
>And I even love DMC, but the enemies are just not engaging enough.
You claim to love dmc but you're spouting lies about punching bags enemies so either you're shitposting or only played dmc games on easy
Why are Spanish memes so God damn funny
Astral Chain will be better
games with female protagonists are inherently subliminal tranny propaganda
It'll probably be instantly better, DMC 5 ruined the franchise for me, and it's really fucking sad because I loved 1 and 3, 4 was okay, 5 is just a fucking disgrace. Not bait btw, I can explain if you want.
One of the many reasons i think 2 is worse than 1 is cause of how little innovation there was compared to it. They pretty much did the same game but with a reskin.
they try to co-opt normalized behaviors to disguise their mental illness and fit in better. Kinda like 'if you do this completely normal thing that everyone does... u r gay LMOA!' shit.
>mission 10
>mission 11
>mission 12
>mission 13
>mission 16
>mission 17
>mission 18
>mission 19
>4 missions
based taste
COPE, Uncharted 4 is a solid 7/10
I'm saying while I love DMC once you have experienced what other action games can do, you start comparing. And I have beaten every DMC game on DMD, 4 and 5 are incredibly easy compared to 1 and 3. DMC cannot produce the intensity of Gracious and Glorious on NSIC. Bayo has some dogshit enemies too like Kinships but overall the enemy quality is superior, and engaging with them is what makes Bayonetta fun. It's funny how you also accuse me of not playing any DMC over Easy but it's fairly clear most people who shit on Bayonetta never even played Hard let alone NSIC
another shadman edit?
I said 6, not 4. That's 8 so I was close enough.
>he doesn't play girlgames
t. shitter
dmc doesn't have anything as good as dodge offset.
Because Bayo 2 was a 5/10 at best that actively ruined some of the best parts of the gameplay.
You could say the same things about DMC3 and 4 though. Easy, hell 3 and 4 have far more forgettable bosses than 5 has, 4 has a horrible OST compared to 3 and 4 was by far the most rushed game in the series besides 2. 3 and 4 had tons of shit level design and a ton of shitty enemy design that has been criticized since their releases.
DMC5 was mediocre as fuck.
Bayonetta 1 is great though.
3's DMD was only hard because it was shit though. And Vergil 1 on Hard and DMD in 5 is in my experience at least harder than Vergil 3 on Very Hard and DMD in DMC3.
i cant grasp the mindset of being so desperate you become your own girlfriend. its literally below prison gay and thats already sad
DMC3 has much better story. The level design was a bit better too, even though you still spent most of the game in the tower. DMC5 felt like a pretty big let down to me.
Explain how 5 ruined the franchise for you and DmC didn't then.
So if all that can be applied to the last three DMC games why is the series so PRAISED? Because you can jump cancel everything?
The point was you're being completely disingenuous with DMC by referring the enemies "punching bags" even DMD DMC 4 and 5 which are admittedly easier than 1 and 3 on DMD has enemies that you and mobs spawns that doesn't qualify as punching bags whatsoever and requires brain power to bypass.Even the most hardcore of action game players know DMC's enemies aren't punching and will fuck your shit up if you get careless.Don't care about Bayo's difficulty which is why I didn't mention it.
v/ btfo
DMC has tons of tools to make up for dodge offset and I would argue that royal guard itself is more rewarding
He has always loved the GoW series
>t-the story was better and the level-design was just a tiny bit better t-too
Really, so just these two miniscule things completely towers above the almost complete removal of extremely shit enemy designs and the vast majority of bosses being shitty, removal of horrendous puzzles and awful platforming segments and actually making a content complete game unlike 4?
Christ, what an absolute fucking casual.
>mentions royal guard
>webm doesn't have it
c'mon now
Because the combat is some of the most technical and in-depth combat systems of all time and it has some of the most amazing boss fights in the entire genre coupled with fantastic and memorable characters combined with phenomenal soundtracks (for the most part)
>I'm not gay or anything but I suck a dick once a week
I'm not trying to insult you, I'm merely pointing out that you failed at ''not to start a fight''
Aw ye.
Bayonetta is on my "Fund This" list of games.
They are punching bags in comparison to other titles. Just look at DMC5, the hardest enemies are the ones you can't juggle easily and even then it's easy to completely obliterate them. Nero can kill Furys in seconds and Dante can loop them to death. You can still launch enemies and obliterate them, enemies going into Devil Trigger makes it so now it takes two launchers instead of one. Proto Angelos are the only enemy I would call dangerous on DMD and that is only because of their massive health boost. They are still however easy to clash stun and perfect Royal Guard bait so it negated that health buff anyway. A V is just autopilot. Enemies try to target him more on DMD but it's still easy as hell.
>I hope it's a mix of the best of 1 and 2
I don't like the fact that DMC seems to be designed around a vast array of offensive options that allow you to build fancy combos. Dodge offset is a tool that allowed Platinum to design a game with highly aggressive enemies.
In dmc5 more often than not I found myself waiting for enemies to attack me. That doesn't happen in bayo, and I prefer it that way. Bayo 1 and Ninja Gaiden 2 are my favorite action games precisely for that reason. And this is also why I liked Sekiro a lot. DMC just doesn't do it for me.
Because Microshit and Snoy refused to fund the second game when it was brought to them and then again when time came round for the third they did it again so yeah nintendo is the only ones who care.
unironically schizophrenic narcissism. get help. tell someone, ideally a doctor, exactly how and why you believe Metroid is a psyop to get you to cut your dick off.
I don't give a fuck you ugly nigger, I simply refuse to buy a dogshit toy console just for this one game.
First of all, I don't count DmC as part of the franchise, so it didn't ruin it for me, it wasn't the same Devil May Cry. As for why I found DMC 5 so disappointing - Not enough time with each character to flesh out or get into their gameplay, replay value is ruined by having to play as characters I don't want to, the enemies and bosses are dull and lacking in variety and creativity unlike DMC 1 and 3 and even 4 to an extent. Level design and general aesthetic is ugly, boring and uninspired. V is annoying as fuck and boring to play as, all his missions felt like a drag. Not being able to switch between Devil Breakers sucks, not that you really get enough time with Nero, or Dante anyway. They removed cool puzzles. I also didn't like the constant flashbacks and going back and forth in time and showing shit from later in the game early and then replaying those same segments. Not enough Lady and Trish. And Dantes' weapons aren't anywhere near as fun as any of the weapons from previous titles. except the Cavalier bike, that was pretty neat.
>removal of horrendous puzzles
You still have those parasitic eggs to collect which feel like a total afterthought.
They are not as important as gameplay but they still contribute to the overall impression. Enemy designs in 5 are not much better, you are still waiting for enemies to attack you.
Holy shit, Kamiya and Itsuno really are bros. They must really like taking each other’s advice. What advice do you think Itsuno has given him?
How did this series even get off the ground. Barring the fact that the creator ousted himself as a Nip Phil Fish, the first game wasn't even that good. Obnoxious QTE's out the ass, and cutscenes so abrasively unwelcome that I barely felt like I played the first three hours of the game, much less the rest of the game. And while it's perfectly understandable that the game isn't on Xbox or PlayStation, given the fact that both didn't want it, if Kamiya thinks I'm going to bring out my glorified paper weight out of the dusty broom closet just for this game, he and Nintendo are equally deluded.
Honestly, I think you're full of shit.
>you are still waiting for enemies to attack you.
Maybe if you're bad at the game, otherwise you're attacking all the time and only dodging and blocking when needed.
You can skip the cutscenes without going into the Pause menu if you press RT+select. QTE's stopped being a problem for me on my second playthrough since you already know what's coming.
Bayo 1 is great, the only real problem I see with it is that it doesn't include an in-game tutorial on dodge offset.
Of course I'll be constantly attacking if the enemies don't do shit. Soon enough I notice the lack of resistance and the game stops being fun.
>dodge offset.
This isn't even a groundbreaking mechanic. It's a compromise because the dial a combos are too long.
Nah. You have not experienced true Bayonetta if you not have completely stomped Gracious and Glorious on NSIC with perfect Dodge Offset, it feels incredibly satisfying. Royal Guard is cool but it's very easy to cheese, roll guarding and jump guarding make it less impressive and I have hated every single sound affect that have used for the Just Guards after DMC3. The loud "cling" sound made it satisfying, these low thumps don't do shit for me.
Jump Cancelling is also not a ground breaking mechanic yet here we are. There are people here who likely don't even know Jump Cancelling was in the first Devil May Cry game, all the later titles did was let you use it on more things.
You're speaking as if the encounters with enemies are 1v1. Plenty of enemies especially in 5 have anti-air attacks,hyper armor and can stun depending on how much shit you eat in a short amount of time or if the flying fucks shoot the goo on you.You sound like you prefer enemies to be 1v1 miniboss fights.
It's more about the way it allows you to deal with enemy aggression and combine defense and offense into one. Dodge offset allows the devs to make enemies that are a lot of fun to fight against.
>Assuming someone is full of shit because they don't share the same views
What else can I expect from Yea Forums
Yeah but jump canceling isn't the sole reason the combat is great. Any criticism against Bayo gets responded with a dozen "dodge offset" replies like that's the only thing the game has to be proud of.
>some of the most amazing boss fights in the entire genre
Yeah, let me stop you there. I don't care that trying to practice jump cancelling combos can give you arthritis, but let's not jump ahead on this boss stuff. DMC has one genuinely "good" boss, and that's Vergil/Nelo Angelo. Every other boss in the series throughout its span have been utter shit to mediocre to acceptable. This goes for most action games though. You have your Cerberuses, Phantoms, Fortitudos, etc, then you have your Vergils, Nelo Angelos, Jeannes, Azels,and Fiend Ryus.
>jump caneling isn't the sole reason the combat is great
Yes it is, imagine if you could not jump or roll cancel anything in DMC. The game's internet fame for combo videos is built on the back of the player being able to roll/jump cancel most anything.
Dodge offset is not the only thing bayo does right, but it's something new to the genre and it makes a huge difference.
I don't, I'm just saying DMC enemies aren't hard. A group of Riots is probably the only thing I'd call threatening in DMC5, especially since they DT so easily. I'd also love to hear about these anti-air moves you're talking about because during my Platinum of the game I can only think of Anetora's running leap it never consistently does.
>replay value is ruined by having to play as characters I don't want to
>Not being able to switch between Devil Breakers sucks
>they removed puzzles
>Dantes' weapons aren't anywhere near as fun as any of the weapons from previous titles
Just replay the missions then.
Then nobody used anything except gerbera or punchline and you would't never learn how to utilize all of them, its feels odd only at first but its great design choice overall.
fucking play zelda then
Not anywhere near as fun as previous while he have weapons from previous titles like sparda and cerberus but upraged into being 3in1 weapon, balrog 2in1, gunslinger is upgraded, sin dt, dsd is straight up better rebellion at everything it does.
I should have just called you retard and move on but whatever.
maybe Hideki is right with calling people insects. only fucking ants can read this screencap.
Being an idort when I comes to competing series is the best. I bet everyone else here that doesn’t feel the same way watched the de*th m*tch.
nu-females are fucking crazy
>Just replay the missions
I like to start new game plus and play through start to finish with all my shit, not skipping half the game. If I only played the missions I liked, I'd only have a few.
>Fucking play Zelda then
fag, also DMC puzzles were cool in 1 and 3.
And yeah no fuck off those weapons are shit, balrog is garbage, Cerberus feels like shit, the sparda is shit, where's the fucking creativity???
DMC1 didn't even have puzzles, it had very basic "bring this item to this obvious location' style item placement that DMC5 replicates with the Nidhogg Hatchlings.
>dude just ignore flaws lmao
the average dmc5 fan
next you'll say "i-it's good vergil isn't playable, i mean c'mon V is basically vergil anyway!!"
>gave shares his view on the game
>just play zelda lmao
why is Yea Forums so retarded
>I'd also love to hear about these anti-air moves you're talking about
Hellbats (bullshit wide spread fire),Pyrobat (bull shit wide spread fire),Baphomets (lasers and frost spikes),Lusachia (homing death spell shit and frost spikes),Fury (teleports to you even in air), these are all ramped up on DMD and kept me on my toes and made me think about who I should attack first.Some other enemies can take you out of the air as well but it depends on the enviornment like with Chaos and it's spinning move.
Who /preorderedonAmazonwhentheydroptheprice/ here?
Probably not but it'll still be pretty great.
all of that are actually just your opinions, all of what you complainend about was purely subjective. Even though there's one or two things in there that I agree with, next time write ''5 is just a fucking disgrace to me'' rather than ''5 is just a fucking disgrace''.
>And Dantes' weapons aren't anywhere near as fun as any of the weapons from previous titles
and then there's this part that makes me think you are actually just full of shit and are merely baiting. DMC4 has without a doubt the least satisfying arsenal in the series.
All of the gun play was nerfed to oblivion and everyone only uses them for tech related stuff like Pandora's Aerial fire, Inertia'd Rainstorm or ''E&I shot + Single Swordmaster Slash'' loops to decrease your aerial height while keeping the enemy in the air. That's it.
Lucifer is a weapon that scrubs only pretend to like because of THAT cutscene. It's unintuitive to use and, just like most of the aforementioned gunplay, most of its uses boil down to two glitches, Ecstasy and Splash. Ecstasy got carried over to DMC5 and Splash even got patched in DMC4SE. Everytime you see a Dante combo video released post-DMC4SE the player isn't actually playing SE, he's playing regular 4.
Gilgamesh has rightfully earned the tittle of the weakest Fist weapon of the series. It didn't bring a single new attack to the series. It's all burrowed movesets from Ifrit and Beowulf with some very minor changes to already existing moves. People only remember it quite literally just for Distortion.
I know you were probably too busy wanking off to combo videos (that you most likely aren't able to replicate) to realize any of this. But when you get the time try to go through both DMC4 and DMC5 again to realize how fucking stupid you sound by making that statement. Also, DMC2 exists.
They at least had cool items and creative variety, the nidhogg areas are all the same and pretty much clumped together and take no real thinking or effort to do, they're just padding to make the game feel longer.
Distortion Impact alone makes 4 more fun than 5 for me. It was cheap but felt very good to pull off. The new SDT is also rather underwhelming being overpowered and making me watch a mini cutscene every time it happens.
source? i wanna see this
The weapons in 4 were still a lot more creative, again besides the bike.
he didn't listed flaws tho, he listed "his opinion".
no vergil and no turbo is flaw
wonky camera at times is flaw
too much of tree levels is flaw and i agreed on that with your regular shiposters.
bayblades or dice game or connect the light rays or go through rooms in some specific order is boring waste of time
He retweeted a tranny cosplaying as Bayo and said "I LOVE YOU"
He does it with anybody dressed as Bayo though as far as I know
And I don't count 2, doooooesn't exist to meeee sorrrryyyyyyy. also gilgamesh was pretty great. DMC 5's combat has no punch.
>and making me watch a mini cutscene every time it happens
Not an issue if you use quad s.
>It's finally happening
No. It's not. That's what he says whenever people ask him for news.
>its real
holy shit, this man truly has ascended beyond us mortals
I'm gonna burn every game I have that he made. Fucking tranny fucker.
>being excited for a game featuring some roastie
The absolute state of trannies on this site.
user i want you to know that i laughed at that joke
well it was a pretty shitty joke so I'm honestly surprised.
what a GOD
>Who gives a flying fuck about this sad bootleg series
You know Kamiya made DMC in the first place right?
That would make DMC 3 onwards the bootleg.
He came to Yea Forums and responded only to shitposters.
Being a DMC, Bayo W101 fan?
incredibly based
>He doesn't know
Being a person with taste and loving DMC, Bayonetta, NG, God Hand, TW101, and VJ.
>falling for this
Being a bayo and ninja gaiden fan.
"Next week... on gaming magazines..." or something of the sort is Kamiya's go-to answer when asked questions he can't or doesn't want to answer.
For Japanese people, of course. Westerns just get blocked.
E3 is in less than a month. At least try to fake it
DMC5 is the best DMC so Bayo3 has a lot to live up to, but we'll see.
>V makes recurring playthroughs a fucking headache because he's so boring
Git gus
Spell gud, retard
It won't be able to for me.
>I want the third game of this new series that is barely a generation and a half old to be on the same level as the culmination of four games spanning three generations, a reboot and a decade of build up
Jump cancel and Style switch shits in your baby's first beat'em up mechanic.
It doesn't needs to live up to DMC5 because they do totally different things, i play bayonetta for the aggressiveness in their enemies not to just juggle them in the air for 1 hour without any sort of challenge.
That's just more options for combo building, doesn't affect the game all that much.
user, literally nothing you said excuses the lack of dodge offset.
You can jump cancel in Bayonetta as well you dumb fuck.
What a cool guy. Name another publisher who’s done this.
Shhhh, he doesn't want you to know that, he wants to win
Based taste right here bros.
Play this game and pray for a port of you don’t have a Wii U.
Spotted the toastier toastier false flagging. Bayonetta, wonderful 101, viewtiful joe, and god hand are praised here newfag.
Hell, I know for a fact you weren’t here when Bayo was announced for smash. We flooded the shit out of the poll for her, but go ahead and say the poll was rigged, because it was. :)
Next week... in game magazines...
Oh shit, now I member. Why are they so based
Is this the general consensus or are you just being contrarian because it was great to me
>Not showing the full thing where he told his higher ups to kiss his ass by putting glasses on every character in the game
tranny basement.jpg
I'm an outlier but I also happen not to blindly suck Itsuno's cock. I think DMC5 is a great game, I just felt let down in numerous ways and I don't see it as the top of the mountain.
That was such a glorious day on Yea Forums
Don't have it, post it. Friendo.
>he doesn't know
I have about 3 of these
>Bayonetta 1 8/10
>Bayonetta 2 10/10
This doesn't make sense. Bayonetta 2 is an objectively worse game than Bayonetta 1. Something is wrong here. Very, very wrong.
If that pic is real according to Gamespot it's a perfect 10/10, so you're a dumb wrong nigger.
Not trying to start anything here but DMC fans are absolutely fucking autistic and manchildren.
just saying :v
Based. People who play as female avatars confirmed trannies.
Apparently Gamespot couldn't see anything past the eye candy.
It's because Bayonetta 2 is better in the sense that the campaign is a better ride, has no QTEs, and the flaws in the combat don't really show up on Normal/Easy.
Still havent unlocked gus yet, when do get him?
W101 is utter fucking garbage just like Godhand.
What action games are better?
Ever heard of the Nintendo bonus points.
Yeah can't wait to finally see this game in action, hope they really go all out. Bayo2 was great but definitely two steps forward, three steps back. So many improvements to the overall game but then the combat design fell flat.I hope they stick with the lack of QTEs and hell while they're at it, enough with the arcade game rip off levels. I can never replay these games cause there are too many "no fun allowed" parts.
weak bait
no (You) will be awarded.
I'm sorry you're so bad at drawing basic shapes
DMC3 and 5 , Ninja Gaiden Black , Bayo 1 and 2 , MGSR. But maybe I was too hars saying 101 is garbage because we all experience games differently. I just like to get under w101 fans skin.
I bought a Wii U for Bayonetta 2 and TW101 but I'm going to forever be asshurt Platinum will be restricted by Nintendo's shitty hardware. Bayonetta 3 will likely not look much better than 2.
I'm just hoping for a stable framerate more than anything.
I hate that dumb faggot.
Nintendo was the only company interested in funding bayo why can't you faggots get that.
No I completely understand that, it's just on some level Bayonetta will never reach its potential being restricted by Nintendo's hardware. Like I prefer to have Bayonetta exist, but it's a tad bittersweet.
Maybe one day every game will run on PC. But today is not that day. It's hard having a nice PC, a PS4 Pro then having to boot up a switch game a lot of the time. First party nintendo still did a job with Odyssey graphically.
Im sure you can play this on pc with emulation can you not?
Last time I checked there was still some audio stuttering. Honestly you're not missing much, bayo 1 is a lot more fun to replay.
That's not really the point. The games will be made around the Switch's hardware, not PC emulation.
Hi Ubisoft, creator of the world-famous Imagine series!
Basicall this and it didn't even followup on the standard left by DmC, which had Vergil release as dlc down the line. Not having to wait years for a special edition.
Dodge Offset only exists because of Bayo's vastly inferior dialed combo sequences. If Bayo could use any of her useful attacks at will without needing to do five piddling punch-kick inputs before being able to do a Wicked Weave, Dodge Offset would have no reason to exist. The several dozen XXXYYY input sequences are meaningless, weak and redundant, and without those meaningless attacks, Dodge Offset is meaningless*. The only really interesting part of Bayo's combo system is not the bandaid Offset, but the Charge Modifier.
After all, without the Charge Modifier, half of Bayo's weapons would be completely identical instead of just 99% identical. Difference between Scarborough, Onyx and Kilgore? Attack speed and the projectile they fire during the Modifier.
DMC has a vastly superior dodge in which you just fucking dodge by either jumping, side-stepping or using a move with built-in evasion/armor, and can continue using your entire arsenal of moves at will. Each weapon usually only has one to three "combo" sequences, they rarely go beyond three hits/inputs, and every attack in said combos are useful for damage, utility and setting up for something else. Everything else is a command that you can perform at any time. Dante doesn't need to give demons the ol one-two before he can use his Stinger.
*Making Dodge Offset a "mechanic" at all is meaningless. Why even have the conditional requirement of holding your input during a dodge so you can continue your combo where you left off after a dodge? Why is it not the default state that Bayo continues her combo after a dodge? Can't imagine a single person would ever want to restart their combo of ineffective punches and kicks from the beginning.
>Why is it not the default state that Bayo continues her combo after a dodge?
Because that's putting the game on rails. Dodge offset is great at making people stop button mashing.
>combo of ineffective punches and kicks
They are very effective precisely because of the weapons' charge properties that you mentioned earlier in your post.
>Dodge Offset only exists because of Bayo's vastly inferior dialed combo sequences
It exists because enemies are constantly attacking you.
What could Bayo 3 do to surpass devil may cry's combat system?
They're different, one will never be simply better than the other. They set out to accomplish different things.
Bayonetta and DMC are two very different series.
By being itself, there is no need for competition between games that are good in their own way, DMC doesn't need to change but to improve on it's mistakes and the same for Bayo.
as a full package bayo 3 will probably be better, in terms on pure combat dmc will always be superior.
I keep believing that Kamiya is secretly working on Bayo 3, due to not having any projects after Scalebound.
But I think its because of the Scalebound mess that he's done with actual directing and only doing supervising. His style of production can't thrive in this industry anymore.
>DMC5 is finally out and done
Itsuno is going to make Dragon's Dogma 2 now, right?
>mash buttons randomly
>floating punching bag just lets you do whatever you want
>this is what emofags consider fun
incredibly sad excuse of "game", might as well play god of war 1-3 to brutally kill enemies in QTEs
>inb4 but the challenge is getting epic meme words on screen
He's confirmed working on a game at the moment, so we can only hope for the best
>mash buttons randomly
only scrubs can't understand simple combo chains, user. are you a simpleton who really can't remember configurations of button presses?
Because Bayonetta became a cult hit when Sega was looking for a massive hit.
Rival Schools would be kinda cool but fuck that, I really just need more DD.
why use dodge offset if you can find and use de shorter combo that has wicked wave? I saw a friend beat the game on very hard only using wicked wave
>floating punching bag just lets you do whatever you want
Well it is a webm of the training mode....
I agree wholeheartedly. I've tried getting into all the dmc games multiple times, but enemies are so passive that I just lose interest.
>I like to mash the dodge button for free damage
>defending a button masher
>calling other simpletons
sorry, but remembering a meta button sequence doesn't make the game any less shallow
the fact that the game has to constantly say you're doing good to compensate for the lack of challenge and accomplishment says it all, please play a real game before gloating on a walk in the park
it's hard to tell since enemies still don't attack you outside training mode, now go ahead and post a webm of dante blocking a single enemy attack and proceeding once again to lock it in an air combo until it's dead
Shit taste.
JK, it's not that bad, but TW101 is without a doubt the best action game ever made.
Bayonetta is a combination of DMC's special inputs and Ninja Gaiden's dial a combo though
>it's hard to tell since enemies still don't attack you outside training mode,
I sense some butthurt in this post, especially with how wrong it is
>enemies still don't attack you outside training mode
they can though, you just have to set them to attack
If it wasn't for the retarded Sega IP references in both games as well as that SMT Liberation mobile game crossover I'd be pushing for Nintendo to acquire the fucking property since they're actively the ones that gives a shit about it.
he's not wrong
>mash with Balrog
>trickster dodge whenever danger happens
so skillfull
but he is, much like how people say DMC2 is "hold square to win" when DMC2 DMD does everything possible to stop you from attacking
All DMCs below DMD are garbage, and it's not a coincidence that every CMV you see in DMC3 and 4 are on very specific stages or inside Bloody Palace.
DMC 3 > DMC 1 > DMC4=DMC5 for me
>V's combat is mediocre and will remain mediocre.
>Missions are pretty lame for the most part. 3 warriors was a complete let down.
>Cameo/coop system is jank and doesn't really work well at all.
>Gold orbs just keep on coming and I have no reason to use them or can do anything with them like unlock shit. All the library stuff is unlocked as you go along and its mostly superfluous info
>the story pulls an MGSV where all the interesting shit is in the trailer but the scenario is padded nothingness. Even DMC4 is better paced
>Most of Bloody Palace is on normal difficulty and therefore a waste of time. The QoL stuff is nice but would have been better used on DMC3's superior bloody palace mode
>The difficulty level is unbalanced. Son of Sparda feels like normal difficulty.
>The music is hardly memorable outside of Crimson Cloud and Devil Trigger
>it's hard to tell
Than you haven't played the game, that area is clearly the training mode
>now go ahead and post a webm of dante blocking a single enemy attack and proceeding once again to lock it in an air combo until it's dead
Okay here you go
>blocking a single enemy attack and proceeding once again to lock it in an air combo until it's dead
sauce me chief
It's chromossomefarm, but honestly not even gonna make you wade through this guy's garbage gallery. One good piece for every 400 shitty ones.
thanks pal
>Cameo/coop system is jank and doesn't really work well at all.
Itsuno stressed that DMC5 is a single player experience and that cameo system was something he thought would be cool while not interfering with the single player part
ur welcum
Why even bother with it then, literally everyone wants coop. It's a luke warm system that has no value.
>in super sayan mode
>literally spams royal guard (can tell it's spamming because he gets hit sometimes) to get SSS ranking
>then dies to a simple swipe
SeE DmC5 ISn'T FoR BraINLeTs!
Not him, but I think that the worst flaws of TW101 are the things Kamiya can't leave behind: the fucking Space Harrier segments, things that literally don't matter affects your ranking, how some elements of the ranking system conflicts with each other, etc
I'd hate QTEs in bosses, but Jeringa is a really long and really hype battle. I think it took me 1 hour to complete the entire 009-C chapter, so the final QTE didn't bothered me at all
he could at least have made a co-op mode in BP since the system is already available, but nah, that would require a modicum of effort and care
>misspells saiyan
>facebook meme
holy shit youre actually underaged
dmc5 is incel-core.
great now i have a right to claim that im opressed and can bitch at everyone until i get my way. no one can tell me off either cause now im protected
>Why even bother with it then
I dunno, maybe Itsuno thought that's the safest way to implement co-op or something or maybe it was the cheapest alternative to implement it
>It's a luke warm system that has no value.
I'd say that it's pretty cool to know somewhere out there in the world someone is playing at the same level as you are even if you dont get to interact with them much
Try making fun of what the poster said instead of the poster themselves, Cheshire.
protip: you can't
>>Gold orbs just keep on coming and I have no reason to use them or can do anything with them like unlock shit. All the library stuff is unlocked as you go along and its mostly superfluous info
You can use them to resurrect on the spot and retry the mission. it shorter than waiting for the GAME OVER animation.
I've always liked DMC more than Bayonetta, but the latter does more than enough to differentiate itself. And there's more than enough room at the table for another great hack-and-slash series.
>SeE DmC5 ISn'T FoR BraINLeTs!
Well he did die.....
The taste is good but when you like
>NG, God Hand, TW101, and VJ.
The feeling stops being blessed, it's more like a curse since good luck ever seeing any of those ever again except for maybe remasters once in a blue moon.
Nah, its just another turd from the trash incel bite franchise.
DMC5 has literally the same gameplay as Bayo but with uglier designs and that ugly ass grey filter. As long as Bayo 3 has better designs and more colorful stages then it will be better than DMC5.
Bayonetta is just more fun to play than DMC. Sorry, fanboys, but it's my opinion. The game has a much better flow to the combat thanks to dodging/witch time and dodge offset make the game flow VERY satisfying when you are in a fight and are constantly performing actions. DMC does not do this very well, it's combat is a lot stiffer and more start/stop, even if you are really good because that's the way it was designed. Bayonetta also revels in ridiculousness and increasing insanity from the story to the set pieces. Bayo 1 and 2 feel like actual adventures compared to DMC which tends to re-use a lot of the same environments. Bayo also recognizes that it is a video game and has fun with itself and doesn't take itself as seriously as DMC games, literally everyone outside of Dante is an edgelord.
>DMC5 has literally the same gameplay as Bayo
nah, it has the same gameplay as 4 + V. The combat in DMC is entirely different from Bayo. There is more of a similarity between Ninja Gaiden and Sekiro than DMC and Bayo...
0/10 nice try
I have to wonder what the point of arguments like these are. It seem that everyone has completely made up their minds and are just arguing for what they like and against what they don't, why bother?
>DMC5 has literally the same gameplay as Bayo but with uglier designs
>Bayo has the buster arm like Nero
>Bayo has the styles like Dante
>Bayo has gameplay like V
>Bayo has DT
>DMC has dial-a combos
>DMC has dodge offset
>DMC has wicked weaves
>DMC has button mashing finishes
>his only defense for Bayo is muh colors and design
Why even bother talking?
Because people are WRONG on the internet.
>literally everyone outside of Dante is an edgelord.
>Nico is a serious character
>Griffon is a serious character
>mr. Generic shounen hero Nero is an edgelord
>Lady and Trish are "edgy"
Can you please explain