You didn't forget about Lammy, did you?

You didn't forget about Lammy, did you?

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I didn't, thanks for asking

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Waiting for a Parappa 3 with Lammy versions of every song, but it's never gonna happen

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Attached: shy lam.png (1444x1070, 805K)

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>Steals your spotlight
Heh, nothin' personal kid

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Left handed guitarists unite!

>tfw left handed but I can not possibly fathom playing guitar lefty


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Psst hey kid, wanna buy some left-hand guitar lessons?

Attached: ummmm_by_punch_buggy_d73x08t.png (1852x2276, 223K)

Yes pls!!!!!!
I will do anything!!!

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>tfw write, play guitar, and play tennis left handed, but throw, shoot basketball, and golf right handed

I member

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Attached: That kick & punch is gonna be all too real.jpg (800x590, 134K)

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>PSP Eboot I downloaded won't load the final level but plays everything else fine
It's fine, I didn't want to play the best song in the game or anything

Attached: IMG_20190509_133451.jpg (1080x595, 30K)

>okay we have this rhythm game about a nervous late guitarist who goes through a bunch of crazy situations through song. how do we advertise it?

>okay let's just zoom in on a cosplayer's mid-riff. brilliant.

Attached: tumblr_nhw01zxzJ01qj0e0so1_500.gif (431x311, 1.49M)

Cursed image or nah?

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Rammy makes that pic very creepy

>why would someone use an image representing the main character of a game to advertise the game?
literal retard, or faggot

Do they want me to want to lick Lammy's belly button?

half cursed because this is to what a loser amateur female rock guitarist would actually look like. 5 or 6 at best

>she clawed out a baby's eyes while jamming

Attached: giphy (12).gif (360x270, 2.14M)

>Not the diaper comic
It's fine.

Yes, lick it.
Do it NOW!

>tfw people rather call me gay than encourage me to lick lammy

it's the little things you have to notice

tastes like my laptop screen


Attached: 75.jpg (600x1142, 186K)

>lick navel pierce ring
>contract hpv
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

let's post parappa comix

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I love the fanart of her that shows her addicted to drugs.

And that one minus8 animation where she's getting fucked (probably selling herself) and the dude takes off the condom and comes inside her.

2 > 1 > Lammy


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From every game?? Even this one?????

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somescrub lammy best lammy

nope, this and parappa are the only games i own physical copies of
I would love a parappa 3 or lammy 2


Kill yourself

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I haven't, been looking into redrawing one piece of (shit) art that I made.

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i was gonna, but now that you told me to i dont want to anymore.

post lamb

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*ahem* Fuck Lammy!

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