This is still the best GTA

This is still the best GTA

Attached: grand-theft-auto-iv-cover.jpg (640x794, 390K)

V is better.



Gta2 - best classic
GTAIV - best HD
GTA Chinatown Wars - best portable
??? - up for debate, best 3D trilogy GTA

This thread is pathetic
All ps2 gtas are better than these

V fuckin sucks

I love V but have fond memeries of IV on x360.
I wanted to play it on PC recently but the port is awful.

>GTAIV - best HD
only if you include Ballad of Gay Tony

GTA IV Complete*

>tfw they kinda nabbed it right with the borough representation in IV

I enjoyed pretty much everything about this game and its DLC. Shame that GTA5 couldn't hold a candle to it. Brucie slowly becoming a fag was great.

Just about to finish this game again for the 3rd time. It's still very buggy on PC.
>Great dialogue between characters
>Still a very pretty game at times at higher resolutions
>Best ragdoll physics to this day
>Liberty City oozes atmosphere and attention to detail
>There's some odd moments, but overall a great story
>Still runs like ass on PC
>once you're done with they story, theres little reason to play, side activities suck
>While you get used to the vehicle controls, every car can't turn and you slide all over the place
>Radio talk shows are very hit or miss

I think GTAIV is good, but I think it would have been better as a single player game. Also, I promise you if you think the driving was good in IV that's just nostalgia talking. I was in the same camp until replaying this game recently. It's really bad.

They were different. Saints row basically tried to continue that mantle of bizarre humor and only made one fun game but the graphics were fucking shit.

Its more slip and slide. After playing V, you get the feeling of the handling being less in your control anyway.


SA = VC > GTA3 > Power gap > GTA5 > Power Gap > Lost and the Damned > Yet another power gap > GTA4 = Ballad of Gay Tony

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GTA 4 has the best gameplay loop in the series which I think is the most important part GTA.
San Andreas has the best characters and missions.
GTA5 has graphics I guess.

Agreed. Best driving physics in the series.

That's not San Andreas

San Andreas is best. The rest of you are busters

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I just replayed IV. Half the game is driving. If you fail a mission you have to redo the entire driving part. It's annoying. Also not a fan of the generic cover shooting.
The characters are good. Realistic but enjoyable. The story is kind of wish washy. Niko is looking for this guy but he only asks about him teice throughout the entire game. Roman's money problems are a big issue but get magically resolved off-screen when you reach Algonquin. You also switch bosses and antagonists way too often.

Also not a fan of the physics. I'm 2 hours into San andreas and I can already tell it has way more enjoyable physics.

The only other one I've played is V and I liked it.

As a former jew yorker I have to say IV captured the atmosphere of the city perfectly despite being a parody. It's definitely a favorite of mine but I wouldn't say it's the best GTA, sa and vc are still better.

Its weird that 4 is old enough that Yea Forums will defend it now


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>VC anywhere at the top
Automatic shit list, VCuck.

graphics are dated
inb4 "le graphics don't matter at all!"
yeah the story was good but it looks awful

Real niggas on the set

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>"le graphics don't matter at all!"
They don't.

Bane nut in the plane

Families 4 Life

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>I think GTAIV is good, but I think it would have been better as a single player game

I enjoyed it but saying it's the best is an overstatement. Multiplayer was fun as fuck which gave it so much replay value, also it's probably one of the most detailed GTA maps to date inb4 zoomers say "Reeeee V is better!" with multiple enterable buildings and hidded areas which made it feel a lot bigger than it really was. Sephia tone esque graphics really help set the mood for the dark and gloomy story. The ai was a lot smarter back then making gun fights and pursuits more entertaining instead of just being bullet sponges like in V. Sure the driving is exaggerated but it was still fun fishtailing around corners while getting chased by the police. All this made liberty city itself feel like an enemy which is something V failed to do.

>bullet sponges


Attached: nice.webm (720x406, 580K)

I love IV personally but the poor optimization on PC is what turns me away from replaying it.

Vice City San Andreas and The Stories Games This Series Is Trash

NPC's take way too long to kill in V and just make grinding through missions feel like a chore. There's no sense of impact when you shoot them, the just shrug it off and continue shooting you like nothing ever happened.

I'm amazed how many people on this board say GTA5 sucks. GTA5 is the only GTA I've ever played and I think it's one of the best games I've ever experienced.

Wow it's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about cause you never played any of the previous games. Kys zoomer.

Holy shit commit literal suicide.

I have never experienced bullet sponge NPCs, you and NPCs are practically made of wet paper (which doesn't mix well with the game's tendency of sending hordes of cops charging straight at you vs. IV's cops that behave tactically) if anything NPCs in IV take even longer especially with the health wheel you're shown when targeting them on the HUD.

V is a good game, no one who isn't retarded will deny that. It's just not the best GTA game.

>pw2 grind fest
It really isn't.

Just wait until GTA VI comes out and then you'll start seeing threads opening with:
>Guys, was GTA V that bad? It wasn't GTA VI at least.

>he thinks VI is going to be better
>he thinks VI is going to happen at all
Wew lad.

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Every 3D GTA has it's own merits, IV for PC was kinda fucked up on release, but so was III if you happen to run anything but recommended specs. SA run liked crap on PS2 iirc, and got butchered on the later Steam release.
Chinatown was awesome too and the classics are fun in it's own league.

Those are online NPC's, regular NPC's on V take 1 (one) shot to the ankle for them to fall and die.

If they had 2 episodes like Lost and Ballad for V.
What two characters would you have liked to see get their own story?



Singleplayer was boring as fuck.

Online is literally the only reason why anyone plays.

V is dead as fuck now though thanks to rdr2.

i would have liked a big campaign with your silent protag online character and all the fancy online expensive shit obtainable in SP

vice city is the best one, the sheer number of san andreas fanboys just goes to shoe how many huehue shitskins there are in this board

>vice city is the best one
It's the shitty in-between.

>Vlad post execution scene
>Meeting Florian
>That special someone
>Niko opening with Michele and Kate
>The dates with Kate before the revenge
>"Roman, im so sorry cousin"

Truly a master piece

Attached: thank you.jpg (1144x931, 81K)

Fuck kate, that cunt never put out. Roman at least kinda hit hard cause he was the closest thing he had to family in a land that he was unfamiliar with.

>stop liking what I don't like

If we're shitskins, you're a braindead 12 year old nigger.

Her death only affected you if you did the dates with her, she was useful in revealing more of Niko's backstory and challenging his ideals.

If she had as much screen time as Roman did then the decision would had been more dificult

How does liking SA make you a shitskin, you insecure fuckwit.

Is GTA V worth getting for Xbox One? I beat RDR2 and Witcher 3 and really want another game that lets me do whatever the fuck I want and just kill people if that's what I want.
Is it dated? I know it's like 6 years old or something

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>tfw it turned 11 recently
It's good, the driving is excellent. Get it, it aged well, imo

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Based. Thanks

>stand off inside the hospital
i how i miss it

x360 gta4 toddlers can fuck off. that game got panned when it came out by the fanbase.

It got panned because the "fanbase" was comprised of SAbabbies who had no understanding that new engines mean new challenges.


This, I'm glad IV isn't SA 2.0. If I wanted SA I'd play SA.


I love IV but I hate how much of a pain in the ass it is to get it running above 30fps with grapics mods even on high end rig.

Attached: Grand Theft Auto 4 Screenshot 2019.05.13 - (1920x1080, 3.16M)

That's cause IV is poorly optimized as fuck and even the last patch didn't really fix it.

based zoomer

cringe 22 yo thinks he's special

Based retard

Correct position against the lack of planes and tanks, but that doesn't explain the absence of lots of side missions