SMT Thread Lawfags need not enter
SMT Thread Lawfags need not enter
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>Lawfags need not enter
>Demon asks me to execute Jack's Squad to avenge the demons they tortured
>"Yeah lol let's fucking get em"
>Zelenin fucking stops me
Would you just FUCK OFF for one single fucking time Zelenin holy shit
>implying what Zelenin did isn't more of a fitting fate
Where do they go at the end of the Neutral route anyway
Man apocalypse ended too quickly for me. I was enjoying the group. It's too bad we didn't really bond during downtime. There really should've been a few mini arcs before FlynnExe
anyone want to send an user their copy of apocalypse so i can finally play it? i promise i would send it back ;_;
Just hack your 3DS faggot.
This is your angel for tonight. Say something nice about him!
i'm a literal retard and
>EVERY time you modify your system, there is always the potential for an UNRECOVERABLE brick
Literally a guide that spoonfeeds you everystep
"Durrrr how do I do this???"
SMT probably isn't for you user...
Chaos has the stupidest plans but the funnest routes. Also the cutest demons. Don't you want to kill your friends and show your huge demon dick Yea Forums?
just download citra and the decrypted rom
hmmmm. I don't trust him. If only there was a more trustworthy angel...
whats the point of this thread if there's a smtg thats half-active on vg? the discussion is pretty much always the same, except Yea Forums apparently has more waifupandering fags
because yeah faggot i am a chaos fag not law fag go suck an angel penis
You rang?
How is Citra? Is it decent? Can you finish game on it?
Dumb shit user.
It is decent, i played until the final dungeon tho, but that's because my pc fucking sucks so it's very lagged at the end, but 8gb ram and a i5 will probably run the game really well, i didn't have any problems until the final dungeon
It opens by the time you stop Armageddon , way too late into the game
>traverse through literal hell, fighting powerful demons, navigating crazy traps, God's rightful voice, one of Lucifer's right hand man
>all you get for your troubles is becoming the Fall Angels bitch and going to a fight you will lose
What the fuck kind of ending is this? It should have been straight up usping
I was hoping you would bond way more with your group mates before you're forced to kill them or forced to kill Dagda.i hardly know anything about the cast.
>traverse through literal hell, fighting powerful demons, navigating crazy traps, God's rightful voice, one of Lucifer's right hand man
>all you get for your troubles is becoming the Fall Angels bitch and going to a fight you will lose
What the fuck kind of ending is this? It should have been straight up taking over his throne making him your underlings or killing him outright.
>Chaotic Chaos
Pick neutral nigga
Reminder that he did nothing wrong
Not SMT. Also a shit game.
>missing the point so hard
Fuck you, Yaldy was one of the peak lawfags
I wish homos would stop with this meme
tl;dr ?
>has been described as one of the more difficult games of the Shin Megami Tensei game franchise, and remains one of the most difficult games I have ever played
Stopped reading right there
In a good game he would be, sure
*hoys in agi*
I want to creampie a short goth ninja!
Mating press Toki
No way fag
>being a homosexual
>tfw when actual lawfag as a profession but chaos-neutralfag depending on the game
It’s a weird feel
SMT4A needs more porn in general.
Freedom exists.
You were kind of damned the moment the world was reset.
sent ;)
Beat Apocalypse via Citra.
It was decent enough.
Think we'll ever get the Mantra system back?
I prefer it to the demon whispers from 4.
Are Skill cracks in Devil Survivor similar?
The fact that any character can have a skill with skill crack barring stat requirements also it allows for different skill sets for each mission I really enjoyed it
I think not, it was a unique system to DDS, i wonder what they will use in SMT V though
Anyone else want to inseminate a chaos demon haha
Real shit time
Zan vs Garu
What is the best wind spell
Garu is based
force and wind aren't the same thing
Zan is for real niggas
Garu because it's an actual Wind spell and not Force
I bet you like perpetuating retarded cycles ey cuck?
Playing this game
Any tips?
I'm started on the third day
Trust your cousin he's a real OG.
Holy Dance or Multi strike. I forget which is great
Garu because it's more explicitly wind I guess.
Zan also tends to be called force.
Dance skills are the best
Zan is literally just wind spells renamed
3rd game when!?
>force and wind aren’t the same thing
Are you in special ed?
Is Naoya the best Chaos rep in the entire franchise?
They've coexisted before.
>caring about demons
nvm I’m the one in special ed
Only in Persona but they were different element types
Fuck off Zelenin is the best route
Garu is elemental wind, Zan is somebody magically punching you in the face with an invisible fist.
He’s tied with Walter for me. Yamato from DeSu 2 is also good as well.
Can i fug my cousin?
Got all the dances available so far, There so fucking good. I really hate that I'm a law faggot at heart because I finished my first smt game (Vanilla 4) as a law cuck. Thankfully i went Natural when i finished strange Journey, How is the remake desu?
>invisible fist.
Made of wind
Get out law fag
rate my taste
Dance skills
Magic focus for MC
DownFuse anti most and other high tier skills onto easily affordable demons in the compendium
Remake is all around better, and one of my favorite SMTs. Has a chaos route on par with Nocturne. Law is ok and has a cute girl though but a little too hippie
衝撃 =/= 風
DeSu at s tier
My niggah
Fuck man there's a manga?
Switch Nocturne and SMTIV. Get Persona 2 up to S. You have my respect for Soul Hackers and DeSu 1 though
No. Don't be gay. While [record scratch] hates fags, doesn't mean you gotta be a fag to smite him.
You gotta play more man
Except for the dancing spinoffs lmao
Bitch get on your knees and open your mouth cause I'm gonna fill it with the words of our lord
I always wondered how humans can use physical skills. Do you think their COMPs power them up to do stuff like gif related?
>Fuck man there's a manga?
There is and it's actually good.
There's a Raidou manga too and it's really great but only 10 chapters are translated.
>mag will never come back
>Not being a mag chad in IV, IVA and P5
My only hatred for the manga is that they killed Keisuke. It made me laugh so fucking hard. But dang they made him more tragic in the manga so I felt that
V will bring it back along with 6 party members
Yep. It’s actually pretty good.
Fuck you. *record scatch* does as he pleases.
Deadly Wind
It sucks that while there is a decent amount of manga the only anime we got was of old school megaten, demikids, persona or DeSu2
Like what does nigga got to do for some mainline or devil summoner anime or at least do the first DeSu
How does human use magic skills too really.
user I needed to look up what the ROOT of an SD card when the guide told me to drop some files there.
You can't be worse than me
>Desu 2 anime
Please don’t remind me of that abomination.
Their apps are better than the smt 1 and 2 mcs so they can use magic i guess
>Reading devil survivor manga
>Big Beefy Orge pops out of 3ds
My gay mind wouldn't know what to do
I feel Nocturne is a bit overrated, the story is rather bland. IV sold me off due the sheer ammount of references and allusions to the main games, as I played it well after playing most games on that list.
I know, man. My targets are Persona 1, Persona 2, KMT, If.. and finishing the Raidou series before SMT V comes out
>using MAG in a post p3 persona game.
You can play P1, P2 (duology) on your Vita user.
Yoshitune is for virgins, Chads use based MAG
>raidou's manga is still not fully translated along with Devil Summoner 1 as a game
>even ...if got a manga translated and its game despite the memes
I also wonder if the SJ manga regularly has chapter releases, and it's just that no one bothers to buy and scan them.
>needing a devil summoner anime when you got the cheesy live action
user, please
>using a broken persona rather than your favorites
What a fag!
>Not using based Kaguya Light Hassou Tobi
Magic is almost at the same level
Yeah but everyone else can use magic but you.
In the lore it never left. In Nocturne it's called MAGatsuchi, in IV and IV:A it's called Aether (though for the Stephen fight they called it Magnetite again).
Obviously they intended the demons be the main selling point and didn't care much for the MC's potential to use magic.
Dont worry user , you will have plently of time before SMTV comes out
If you want to play P1, just tell me , there are things you might want to know first
Hassou Tobi is literally the only good physical skill though, outside of that magic is better because you can stack boosts and amps, and that's without getting Kaguya.
Magatsuchi isn't Magnetite
Magic isn't as good physical. Swift strike is the most broken skill in the game.
Magic is worse than physical in all of those and he's talking about Magnetite you dumb newfag
ur dum
Is it feasible to go through the fiend dungeon in Apoc first run? I'm up to White Rider but the fights seem to be getting too difficult for 60-70 level demons when the fuckers pierce any kind of resistance and repel abilities and come equipped with skills like dekaja and tetra/maka break because fuck your cheese strat.
Could be a lot worse. It's a bit strange to see SMT1 at the very bottom and SMT2 at the very top though, I prefer SMT2 myself, but I don't think the gap in quality is so immense between them that I would put one at the bottom tier and one at the top tier.
The game scales it so you are lvl 99 when you reach the final boss so wait untill endgame to do any of that shit
I'm not sorry for remnding you
>Magnetite: physical manifestation of human spirit and emotion in the form of sparkly dust used to summon demons. Humans have a fuckton of it
>Magutsuchi: physical manifestation of human spirit and emotion in the form of red semen used to summon demons. Humans have a fuckton of it
What are some good builds/party setups for DDS
All even
Wait until just before fighting YHVH. You can do the first few runs at 99 but after a while you need some max stats.
All of them are the same thing in endgame technically
played both 4 and apocalypse on citra, they run perfectly even on my shitbox """pc"""
The fiends don't have pierce on all of their attacks. Even in normal they use dekaja, learn how to not trigger them by not fully wait no get good faggot.
>playing a 240p game on a PC
Is 120 bucks too much for you to spend?
>What is upscaling
Don't @ me though I played it on a 3ds
>want to play SMT2
>there are two "that parts"
Fuck backtracking
Magnetite is literally white/green while Magutsuchi is red which is a big enough difference. Magnetite is considered to be living substance and allows demons to be seen as physical beings in the human world while out of the expanse. Magutsuchi is more of a power source, that's why you need a shitton of it to summon a demon god. Besides they have completely different names
99 STR, 99 MAG, 99 VIT
Upscalling 240p will still make it look like shit.
>Law has the coolest demons
>Chaos has the sexiest demons
Isn't Yamato Law?
>taking IV:A's Diamond Realm DLC as ABSOLUTE CANON ENDING for any of the games
you really missed the point didn't you
Honestly idk it’s got to just power them up
transcend desires of the flesh and join law
Based. Chaoschad reporting in.
Law is always the coolest one, i still expect a dlc YHVH party member one day
That would be beyond silly. Unless some future game tasks us with destroying the Great Will for some reason, you'd be making the most powerful demon a summonable ally against everything else.
I would love to see Him get talk actions
A shame the space marine never dicked Demeter
Raidou is actually perfect material for cheesy live action holy cow
>hurr they don't pierce on all their attacks just the bread-and-butter ones they use most of the fight
wow thanks retard-kun any other hot pro-tips you'd like to share?
>Chaos has the sexiest demons
>Chaos has rhe sexiest demons
Law has
Neutral is the one that needs sexier girls beyond fairies.
Fuck off I want to fuck Angel.
Stop being shit at it? I beat them 8 times already.
Nigga it’s like 20$ at Walmart
Prolly a eurofag or something but if not amazon has it for the same price
Neutral is the only route worth taking in SMT IV.
>Stay loyal to your fellow humans and their interests
>Revive Masakado and say fuck you to angels and demons
>Not allowing genocide
>Not allowing demons to overrun the city and feed on your fellow humans
>Sticking it to The White
>You get to pound the cute monkey pussy
>Joining a Fujo
Fujos are a menace
Do you think SMT1 would make a good 24 episode anime? If not, what megaten game do you think would?
>tfw Lucifer is fucking awful in 5
Sweet, I always wanted zero resistances and weakness to light.
That one fake megaten that had guro and rape.
Raidou for style points would be great
Soul hackers also
DeSu could use one
SMT 1 would be cool
I’m a retard too and managed to do it. C’mon, just have a little confidence.
All endings perpetuate a cycle in smt, in chaos eventually there will be those yearning for law, in la there will be those that yearn for chaos. Neutrality is honest about it and not trying to pull bullshit over your eyes like YHVH or Lucifer.
The gameplay was the best in the series
Sorry wrong picture guys
The best route you can take is drop the game when you get split in the routes and play the superior game, IVA
Haha real funny user
Where are my brap bois at?
Any time.
I mean I guess, it's still my favorite persona game though
t. Faggot
>still no actual SMT card game
why has atlus not made it
even Fire Emblem has a card game
they have so much material, and different forms for demons too
Monkey's too dependent on you
>that scene in Kasumigaseki where she's about to cry over the state of the world
I can understand why one would commit bestiality, even if I will not myself
It's probably in my top 5.
Same reason we still don't have a kart racer.
I'm curious as to how beating every one I fought thus far makes me "shit at it" but uh you do you
You're supposed to at least do the Sidequest and be recognized as Champion. That way you know how Nozomi got to be the fairy mother even though Danu rejecting her role and becoming Black Maria got retconned.
Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku
That's a pungent one my dude, I can almost taste it.
>No SMT card game
Then what do I have in my binder?
Shit you are right
Its hard to believe she was in IV after what you see in apocalypse
with how many Isekai shows we are getting, NINE would actually work.
or Nocturne but fat chance any company would actually animate it
You complaining about it an easy task did.
Do young people still play with cards? Also the Angel figure is MIA it was shown around the same time the Frost brothers as well.
to you.
Yeah I was expecting a virgin mary Nozomi but 4A decided to go the Celtic? route.
this game was so fucking bad I quit the series
To be fair, she wasn't that competent either in IV.
>requests help to fight Asura
>Hits him with Wind and Gun, both of which he's inmune to and give him smirks and free crits
>Battle ends if she dies, which will happen a lot.
>managed to get almost killed by like 4 hordes of low level Wickerman
Are you legit retarded?
Yeah Celtic. It's odd because there is also that sidequest that Briggid asks you to help bring Dagda's Cauldron to ressurect him, but no notion of that either. I feel they were drawing blanks as to which mythology to use for the roles Danu and Dagda ended up fullfilling and they had to reach a compromise.
Hah, closest you'll ever get is card summoner
To believe that this shit goes full mainline
are you? the game was universally hated from the megaten fanbase newfaggot
No wonder you like shit like Walter lmao.
oh shit, are those real?
wish it came to the US or was actually still running,
Lots of them do, and many of the kids you wouldn't expect also play.
Magic the Gathering is the most popular since it's not too hard to get into and decks can be super unique in Modern format. Knew a bunch of wrestling chads in high school that I was afraid of at first, but they also really liked Magic so we were friends because of that.
Yu-Gi-Oh for a tiny few but they don't stick with it much,
I didn't think having such poor taste could be possible.
>>managed to get almost killed by like 4 hordes of low level Wickerman
>got lucky with her and only had to retry once
The funny thing is that she's the only brave/competent hunter in Shinjuku that isn't skins from what she says in the wickerman quest.
Story was ass but the gameplay was the peak of megaten that’s its saving grace
>the megaten fandom
More like 5 anons in Yea Forums and reddit. The game itself was great.
I for one loved it, I really liked how they managed to pull the power of friendship unironically while also making them intentionally annoying so you have reasons to pick dagda.
Woops meant to quote the asura bit
Yeah what the fuck Atlus? We could have had Jesus telling us to kill our friends ffs. Oh well at least I killed Dagda with Brigid.
I think Nocturne would be way too cost heavy to make a good anime.
I still think SMT1 would be a great anime to make. Lots of old stuff is getting remakes so it would be cool to see an anime of this.
That's some strong bait
Had legit flash backs when she said “bonafide”
>megaten fanbase
Reddit is not the fanbase.
Fucking based Atlus
/smtg/ hated it
which should i start with, strange journey has a really nice theme going for it which intrigues me the most
/smtg/ hate it*
It its literally talked almost all the time around there
love Xander, Dagda was literally the only good thing to come from IV F
They'd never go the jesus route again. He's too much a public figure, even in japan, and Dagda's role also needed to be divorsed from Law and Chaos representative. I think they could have gone with Greek Mythology but they needed a god that did both Wisdom/Knowledge and Life, and only Dagda filled that role.
They wouldn't pick it up also since it's a relatively solitary game besides interacting with demons, which are 1D in personality.
SMT1 would be rad though, Law Hero going nuclear after finally finding his girlfriend would be sick.
Another idea I came up with: Strange Journey as a (American?) live-action show styled similarly to Star Trek.
Again. Reddit is not the fanbase.
Redux might be a little too hard for beginners. So yeah do that.
Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don't.
Playing persona 5 then going to apocalypse was weird also where’s toki and morgana?
Probably weird to ask but did anyone find themselves detaching away from old franchises to go to SMT instead? I was into Pokémon but the games got too stale for my liking so I found myself flocking to SMT for my monster collecting fix.
Remember when tensei had Jesus as a regular demon that carried the cross? Good old days. Either way they jewish god is ok but jesus isn't?
You are not worthy of Valhalla.
reminder you're a newfag if you played nocturne
Lalah... Will you guide me?
hard in what way?
>undead race
right here
nigga all I did was ask if I was at the right point in the game to be going through the dungeon and you started frothing at mouth
KEK, Walter was perfect
You are new to the series and are going into one of the few games with actual difficulty in it. I'd start with 4 which is cake. But I could be wrong, never had trouble with the series outside getting lost because I'm a retard.
Cry more urban youth!
/smtg/ here. We do shit on the story every now and then, but we love the game, we love dagda and we love doggo.
SMT SJR was fucking trash
Same with the original game
FFXV shits on both
Go back to smtredit
4 doesnt interest me too much, looks like another medieval fantasty. whats the theme for it?
when are we gonna get a smt game with every character replaced with a Jack Frost version
The medieval stuff is just a mask for the real stuff that is Tokyo below
Weren’t you getting BTFO in a previous FFXV thread?
This but unironically
It's not exactly jesus, but rather other people who died also crucified.
>XV in 2019
You losers need to have sex
SMT is for babies
Now persona is a real mans game same with FFXV
You spend 90% of the game in a post apocalyptic tokyo. How the fuck is that medieval?
>clunky combat
>shit story
Bait harder or better
Fuck off XVkun, XV is trash compared even to the worse Megaten game
i'm doing the challenge quests for neutral run on smt iv, is there any optional one that I should do before I finish up?
The term "agony" is associated with The Passion of the Christ. But it is more specifically applied to the action of Jesus praying before his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
>got BTFO of his own threads so has to shit up an SMT one
I admire your dedication based autist
>XV KUN trying to falseflag with persona
bait dmccuks or khfaggots pal not working here
Do the collection quests first. They are known to be glitched out and if you do em last the items won't respawn and there goes your playthrough!
>gets BTFO by a kid with a Nintendo DS
>clunky combat
watch out, he might start posting XV webms and prove you right
this is after alignment lock btw
Where can I find Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner [PSP] english translated as an eboot?
Im (You) whoring
FFXV is fucking garbage
Right. Do the collection quests then.
They're not going to use Jesus as a demon or non-player character because he's a messiah, and the player is a messiah, therefore the player is the Jesus figure of that universe.
And you should also know that jesus has a trademark Thorn Crown. During easter many people emulate the passion by carrying a huge cross and being chained. Anywyas we do not have an entry for that compendium so we don't really know
If anyone can read japanese and translate this, it would be of great help.
It hurts to be a former FF fan.
>FFXV is fucking garbage
please no, you might end up actually summoning him
Anything I can do different in a second run of Apocalypse? Do any of the side quests actually give you dialogue choices or extra story?
Messiah wasn't Jesus. Closets to Jesus was Agony and Aleph.
Wait, there are actual XV apologists?
Nope. None at all. There are only two true sidequests. Mara's and Izunami and they are pretty short. If you kill your friends you have a harder time fighting the fiends if anything.
Never done it in my first run. Where do I do it?
Messiah wasn't specifically Jesus, but Jesus is a messiah and is one of the messiah in real-world mythology who inspired Messiah. Agony is referring to the suffering of Jesus' followers who martyred themselves in his name.
Let me bring you SALVATION
Why is Beelzebub the only decent guy on the Chaos Faction?
Messiah is very much Jesus. His description in the P3 compendium literally says that he will return on judgement day to save the virtuous. That's straight out of catholic prayers.
Why did 4 produce such good memes
He's like Nurgle from WH40k
he just likes his diseases
>Demon asks me to execute Jack's Squad to avenge the demons they tortured
>Yeah sure
>Was going chaos route anyway
>After fighting Gore
>Suddenly zelenin barges in the ship
You probably already got spoiled, but keep playing.
There is more to the medieval stuff that meets the eye.
SMTIV had great acting and writing when compared to previous titles.
Go to the park for Mara after the quest and Izanami's starts with the corpse quest I think.
But mythology has plenty of messiahs. All before Jesus was made up as well.
I'm honestly mad that Junya didn't turn into Beelzebub at his bossfight. That would've been interesting.
He being fucking Bael was a waste, Beelzebub would have been much cooler
>he will return on judgement day to save the virtuous
Judgement day only exists on Abrahamic religions?
Can someone refresh me with what the deal is with Shekinah in strange journey redux? Is it basically YHVH (but not really since Demiurge is also in a sidequest)?
>He doesnt know its the same thing but with a changed name to avoid confusion
>replaying SMT IV
>reach Minotaur at level 13
>"fuck it"
>prep a 4 Bufu team and reck his ass in three turns
>fight David and he kicks my ass
I remember grinding so much to beat Minotaur in my first playthrough, he felt impossible.
Shekinah is jew god yes
Demiurge has NEVER been jew god as he is a false immaterial god.
The new blood at Atlus wanted moe characters and friendship, which is why Apocalypse feel different.
If Yamai had his way, it would've been Adult nanashi forming a pact with Dagda and taking a young nubile virgin short haired Nozomi powered by fertility goddess as his bride to start humanity again.
Shekinah is the feminine jewish aspect of God. YHVH is just the masculine aspects of his personality
not IVA's canon but Lucifer is too much of a bitch to win against YHVH
A messiah that died, reborn and will specifically return on the judgement day is a very narrowed down description, user.
Specially when he looks like he's on a cross like this . You know that the word "Christ" means "Messiah" and that's his title, not his actual name right?
So I am playing through SJR and jiminez REALLY seems to like bugaboo.
I am at the tailend of carina, but It's kind of weird.
I know what happens, but him going from "fuck these demon and fuck this place" to "I love this demon and I would kill everyone in this room if something happened to him" is kinda off.
Like if bugaboo saved his life or if it was a crewmate turned demon I could understand, but it's weird.
Hello Yea Forums, I've lost my dog. Have you seen him anywhere?
Then will we ever fight the complete god instead of just another aspect?
He has many names.
Shekinah refers to the state of (rather, feeling like) being in the precense of god. It also refers to the feminine aspects of god's personality and spirtual appearance. They went with that because it fit SJ role of having the player being a Mother Fucker through and through.
Yes that was him in 4A. Or you mean the great will?
So does my dick, your point?
God, I want to fuck mother Asherah.
Playing a jerk in apocalypse, holy fuck I don't think I can do this I feel like such an asshole
why is she kinda hot
You didn't make her feel sad, did you user?
Inanna is the only female demon who wants to be a cocksleeve and a broodmere
Not during my first run. I'm going to fucking wreck everyones shit in this run
Come to your mother
>All before Jesus was made up
Enjoy it, relish it.
There is nothing more enjoyable than raining on everyones parade when your "friends" celebrate they beat some boss together with teamwork only for you to say that they did nothing and that they were deadweight.
The look of disgust they give you is hilarious, because they know it's true
>I hate bonds, it's such persona shit. SMT is about killing your friends
>WOOOW, why are the options to be a jerk so mean, lads?
Decide, Nigga. Either persona waifushit or edgy Nocturneshit. You can't have a cake and shove it up someone's ass as well.
Someone give me a rundown on how loyalty works in SH
Kiss my ass
Goddamn it I want to play this but this seems like a fucking chore.
This but with ALL games with bad options, i feel bad as fuck, also IV A ones are kinda of fucked up
Nocturne was not edgy faggot, Neutral end was literally a good boy one
Nigga. I ain't complaining about bonds. I love that shit. (Except the ending but that's because it's a rushed mess)
At least I get to know what happens when you call Asahi useless. Fuck already thinking about it hurts my soul.
>rushed mess
The opposite, it really should have ended earlier. In Bonds you have no beef killing YHVH.
Must've been your choice with gore before the fight, if you weren't too deep in chaos to begin with
Belial's cool too
>It means "pain" in English, a martyr crucified similarly to Jesus Christ, reappearing as a zombie. He suffers continuously after death, carrying the burden of mankind's Original Sin. His arms and abdomen are torn by barbed wire, and his body shows marks of being beaten to death, but with covered eyes that can't see an end to that moment. Their whole body is covered in scars of whiplashes. Step by step, their pierced feet carry the weighty cross. If one hears their scream of pain, they'd be paralyzed by the intense sorrow. In battle, they can pierce opponents with the barbed wire.
>he doesn't enjoy being an asshole
Just embrace it.
Tell Skins to kiss your ass
>In Bonds you have no beef killing YHVH
>The entire game happened because of fucking gods
>you learn shit is one giant cycle
>you can stop the cycle
Yeah no reason user.
That is pretty metal.
I guess so lmaooo. I meant the whole
>Asahi revival
>Dagda just up and gets replaced
>Steven just up and tells you to kill god and you just go yeah sure ok.
Did that in my first run, fuck the hunters.
>>you can stop the cycle
But you don't do that in bonds.
You do.
I think what user means is the motivation wasn't really there. Steven just tells you to kill god and everyone's like... "Yeah sure... I guess."
To be fair the game rags on her hard as fuck anyway
But in bonds what you want is to preserve life and to allow humans to progress in peace. Ending the cycle has nothing to dp with you at that point.
Stephen just comes up with the cycle so the game gives you an excuse to run a literal parade with your friends across YHVHspace just so you can dab on him with your friends.
>The plus side, is that most of the Neo-oldschool don't like Persona either
That's a downside, because most of the time they're just clearly contrarians whose entire reasoning for putting Nocturne on a pedestal appears to be a desire to come off as hardcore, and they more often than not seem to dislike Persona more significantly more than they like SMT, so all you're left with is a circlejerk of people who can't contribute any worthwhile discussion about the games and instead just bitch and moan over nothing while trying to act like they're some kind of elite. You don't see that as much nowadays I don't think though, thankfully.
Yeah Holy shit. It's like telling a suicidal person to kill themselves....
will this awaken something in me?
You don't
You kill YHVH, but he will be back like always due to human belief.
You only postponed the cycle at best.
You only permanently defeat him if you go anarchy which was the entire point of the route, because there wpuld be no more gods in the new universe.
she doesn't take it as bad as you think. That actually earned her points in my book.
No. You do. His literally ending quote is the exact same with the whole "YOU'LL BE FUCKING SORRY."
That's the whole reason you go to in the bonds route as well.
Even if you are chaos it makes more sense to let Zelenin do her thing, to test her abilities and possibly develop countermeasures just in case ypu have to fight later on.
That's the problem with fighting him in bonds: "so what?". The point of bonds isn't ending the cycle of suffering, but rather that we're not actually suffering in this cycle. This shallow mortal coil is actually pretty great and I want it.
In the bonds route, YHVH himself outright says that he will be forgotten due to his truths being denied.
He does promise to return anyway, but that seems like an empty promise at that point.
That would be a fucking based Neutral Hero right there.
>no matter what you choose, well always support you nanashi :-)
>Chose to side with daddy Dagda
>Now they wanted to kill me instead
I bet SMT 1 guy thought he'd never have to kill his friends too, but look at him now.
but those friends split away from him, and didn't say they would support him always
Only Toki. They definitely worked on the massacre route right after bonds route. Ironically massacre was better written.
How does she take it? It's been a while since I played it.
yeah but you were the one who split from them. you are the lawfag/chaosfag equivalent in this situation.
you kill your friends in it?
i know that in devil children black book the mc kills his younger brother because he's half angel and the mc is half demon
>and the decrypted rom
the fuck do you find your decrypted roms? every one i've downloaded even when labelled decrypted has been encrypted, for most games as well not just smt4
Best just not to play the game, user. I have a feeling you wouldn't quite understand how to play it.
Be happy son of man
Actually only Chaosfag split. Lawfag ded and was un-ded'd by the angels
I hope this works user, thanks.
Suck a dick adachi, not my fault if cunts label encrypted files as decrypted, and I sure as hell ain't paying for a 3ds to decrypt them myself.
I wanna fuck that mom
You are God of the new world.
Choose your Goddess.
Goodnight smt thread also fuck law
Good night bro also law is the way
Goodnight lawfag
Barry/Bazztek or whatever. Some Australian dude obsessed with defending that game to his dying breath.
gib saus pls
disgusting, unironically
t. faggot
there's no fucking way that's him
They sound almost exactly the same. In smash Xander Mobus uses the same tone of voice as Dagda when Joker says "You're Mine".
oh they have new lines for smash
I'm pretty sure every Phantom Thief voices a character in Apocalypse.
If you play Puyo Puyo Tetris he's also the Dark Prince.
Rate my tier list! Create your own as well!
Wait Catherine's SMT?
low test homo
I consider it. It has the whole same vibe and honestly when am I ever going to talk about Catherine again?
When the Trauma series gets revived again
So never
Asahi is Futaba, Hallelujah is Ryuji, Toki is Morgana, Navarre is Mishima. I think that's it.
Walter is also Yusuke.
The only thing that Catherine have to even be consider SMT is that fact that Catherine herself is a succubus and that red hair woman that you meet during the beginning of the game is Ishtar. But that don't mean shit because Atlus is always having demons in their games.
No. Nigger is retarded.
I was thinking of Apocalypse crew. In that case, Flynn is Shido and Isabeau is CutPhantomThief Hifumi.
Thematically speaking it does have clear cut Law/Chaos/Neutral paths. It even got an enhanced re-release that fucked up completely one of the endings (Neutral).
>flynn is shido
and he doesn't even try to hide it, they sound exactly the same
not that I mind, it's just pretty funny
Going to get some shit over my S Tier.
i believe the artist is "sol badguy" or something
he did some stuff of nozomi, some sites barely have him tagged as an artist so you'll run into some Guilty Gear stuff instead.
I got the actual pic i can probs post later though.
Atlus always hires the same 6 people to dub their shit. Unlike all the Jap shit which uses different people.
That's just Keith Silverstein in general, he's also Char's new voice actor for anything gundam related in this era
No that ain't him. At least not in his pixiv
I know I might get hate for this but hear me out before you rip off my balls. How about in SMT V, Ishtar look like Trisha or there is a DLC where she can look like her?
Is there a higher res of this? Need it for reasons.
>Yandex gave me pics of Midoriya
What is SMT NINE even about?
SMT crossed with Digimon crossed with D&D alignments, with a real time battle system because it was supposed to have a multiplayer component before that got spun off to eventually become Imagine.
Takes places in between 1-2, probably before IMAGINE
People try to escape to a virtual realm in order to escape from the cataclysm, but instead, demons take over the program.
LOTS of Gnostic stuff, like Yaldabaoth and Sophia.
Why the fuck is she paste on the floor?
Well, your possesive sis
play the game before lecturing on it, He's dead
>things you might want to know first
such as?
>Catherine on the list for no reason
Delet this.
He was dethroned and turned into a demon before being wiped away on both routes regardless using humanities understanding to do so, I bet you just played Anarchy and assumed that bonds was somehow different for some reason. The only real difference is Nanashi leaves the throne open and the universe as is in the bonds route.
Such as a way to play the psp version with the OG OST, or what ailment does, how to get certain party members...
Story and OST pushed it to S.
Encounter rate, the fact that there was no map hotkey, the encounter rate, the repetitive OST, the encounter rate, the story ending a bit abruptly and also the high as fuck encounter rate tanked it for me.
I have indeed accepted it.
Is there anything else?
Might as well play a purseowner game. Giving me an option to kill my friends is kind of lame when you get to kill them 90% into the game. I want to kill them when I first see em.
>play the psp version with the OG OST
Is this patch good now? The PSP version's ost is half as big, so it ended up reusing most of the music, anyway. For example, it plays the regular battle theme during awakening fights instead of its proper battle theme.
hit me, senpai
Nigger, no SMT game is like that. You're even more subservient to your friends in the other ones, if you want to be an edgelord in IVA you can at least let demons fuck your friends up to get cheapshots on bosses.
Play the game yourself because it literally explains why you're wrong. It doesn't matter if it's years, decades, centuries, millennia, eventually humans will long for a god that bestows order upon their chaotic lives and YHVH will return, because that's how it works. Human observation and understanding is what creates and empowers gods. This is what dethrones him to begin with because you (and your friends in the Bonds route) mentally strip away his divinity and see him as just another demon instead of an almighty and all-powerful god. The only way to actually properly end this cycle is to eliminate everything, so that the mere concept of YHVH is permanently erased forever. That's why Flynn and your goddess have their minds erased when they're resurrected, and why the only other human (you) becomes the creator god at the end.
Chaosfags are just Lawfags who don't realize that Chaos just leads to Law.
I got you fampai
got Nozomi and Bobo too?
Any unironic lawbros in here?
Good shit, thanks user.
Yo. Law is legitimately the only correct way. Chaos just begets neutrality or Law.
Chaos and Law would wipe out about the same amount of people except at least the people living in under God will have nice lives where they aren't getting raped/eaten by demons.
YHVH will not return regardless of the route he has been given form as a demon though the understanding of humans putting his concept to physical form. That was their trump card in the fight and way to stop him regardless, I know as an oldfag it may be hard to accept but this isn't smt2 the cast had both steven and the axioms full support in finally getting rid of him once and for all hence the double whammy use of dual messiahs and understanding not only for the first time each but together. Bonds and anarchy differ with what you do after his demise. whether the cycle continues or not after the fact is left ambiguous on both endings, in anarchy Nanashi himself gives evil eyes and comes off as a possible problem for his new universe, and in bonds with the throne open with the absense of YHVH the potential for someone else to take that spot still exists along with the cycle ultimately not being broken and bullshit to continue sometime in the future being left up to chance
She was Marie in P4G
Seems that way so far, they even got the low audio quality version of tesso fight's theme
Here , there is the original version and the modded version. I recommend getting both if you are slightly curious since both are compatible with each other saves
Also check
Everyone kept saying how she was going to be a Phantom Thief, it's nice to have clarification.
Yeah, but they're shit I don't care enough to bother.
She's a very cute monkey user, and she was very good in SMT IV. Worst comes to worst in Massacre she's objectively the best choice for a goddess from a gameplay perspective so at least give her that much credit.
I give you she's frustrating at times, and a big disappointment coming from smt IV, but she's hot as fuck. The moment in massacre when she shoots you as a last ditch effort despite knowing it was futile made my dick hard as hell, and I ended up making her my goddess. I just love it when they fight back
thanks a lot famalam. You the real MVP. Story time:
About 6-7 or so years ago in /smtg/, early /vg/ days, some guy came to the thread saying he worked in a delivery company and offered free manga. Knowing that SMT and Jojo's had overlapping fanbases he came over and offered either, most were skeptical as he was asking to give your adress to a random gmail account. I decided to give it a whirl anyways, because it sounded exiting. No reply nor confirmation message was sent to me. About 4 months later I recieved on the mail 3 manga volumes: Volume 18 and 20 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 3, and a non-h Doujinshi anthology manga of Persona 1 that I don't think is available online. Gotta try to give it a read once I am done with P1
Can you dump it user? Please? :)
>you may now fly across tokyo
hot damn this is like getting the fuckin lord vessel
based. my SO shits on dog all the time but I think she's just jealous as shit
You know what to do if it isnt online user , scans
Maybe take a pic of all of it to see ?
Its helpful , just , not THAT helpful
something something goddess of fertility or whatever.
It's physical media and I don't have a scanner. Who knows maybe it's out there and I don't know how to search for it.
>I was enjoying the group
I didn't, so good riddance
She's actually my favourite character in the megaten universe. Holy shit I feel so bad for her at times
Nah Im pretty sure Its the same as the manga online
Still though , pretty cool thing to have
>Earlygame pixies didn't even listen to her
>Only became a hunter after having her mentors die in front of her, because of her
>Only survived because her adoptive brother made a pact with a demon losing his free will.
>first job as a hunter had her taking first hand in fucking everything up
>divine powers kidnapped Flynn because of her
>spent her entire career as a hunter riding off her adoptive brother's achievements
>last impression she gave to her dad before he died was her being a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum
>the best ahe managed to accomplish in her short life as a hunter is healing Nanashi and ultimately dying for Nanashi.
That's literally what life is, ya dummy
Oh neat, is it translated? Can I finally know what the hell is it saying?
Okay. Nice greentext. First day using them?
Asherah, Bel and a bunch of other demons ate her and all that is left is a head.
Yep. Its how I got the name for the protag in my run too
Have a link?
>p3: shinji/ryoji
>P4: adachi
>P5: akechi
First link of "persona 1 manga" works for me
Look it up and compare them
Those brainwashed eyes are so hot
>P4D in the middle while 3 and 5 are at the very bottom
I hate this meme that having less content but a really really shitty and bloated 'story mode' makes for a better game
I really want to get into IV, but it's just so fucking ugly, especially on the terrible 3ds screens
>if that high
>p4 that high
The fuck user?
Playing the new Strange Journey remake. Does SMT have a huge chaos bias? If they do then why even pretend there's a choice in the first place?
Seems like they really softened up Jimmenez retarded ending and gave him way way more scenes but left Zelnin's about the same as far as I can tell so far. This caused me to start thinking back to the other games, and it feels like they've never really leaned things towards law, and chaos is generally favored more.
Although we all know that neutral is the real choice
>inb4 Hurr durr that just means you don't want to make a choice
Neutral means you reject both retarded options, and go "humanity first" and kick out all the outside factors who are trying to temper with humanities destiny. Fuck you, we can do shit ourselves. Chaos is about sucking dick and bowing before someone, law is about sucking dick, neutral is about being Duke Nuckem and going "Fuck you" to everyone.
Any badass art of Bunny?
Based and Bobopilled. Gonna make lots of babies with her at my side
Like the law ones, makes everyone look like soulless cocksleaves
this desu