ITT: favourite Yea Forums boss battles

ITT: favourite Yea Forums boss battles

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Seasons 5-8 are so shit. Why didn't they just wait for the books to finish?

because the books aren't going to finish

wrong board faggot

inb4 >mob boss

Attached: jason.gif (320x180, 1.53M)

>great club in the weapon slot
>wielding a straight sword

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because the actors age

The loading screen before the battle

Attached: Specopsthe throne.png (1024x596, 850K)

spoil it all for me Yea Forums

You could say that about any adaptation that doesn't wait for the original material to finish. Either it ends on a cliffhanger or becomes terrible fanfiction. More than one anime is guilty of this.

Books are finished.

God that health bar is disgusting, fucking DaS3

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looks like they're about to kiss at any second
not even into lesbians

They filmed multiple endings, but going off the trend of leaks, Jonny's going to stab Danny and take the black (again) next episode to abdicate his claim to the thrown and get rid of her after Tyrion and him have a chat. Bran then will be voted king for some reason.

Expect all of King's Landing to be wheelchair accessible if they ever make a sequel after the upcoming prequel about the Doom of Valyria

Multi personality disorder

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Mwahaaaa...Yea Forums, alwaysrenownedfortheirbossbattles

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Apparently Barristen Selmy's actor said George was bound by contract not to publish the books until the series was finished. Whether that's just a rumour or not remains to be seen.

Hound an heroed with Mountain into dragon flames.



What is this? Some dumb youtube skit?

Ellen Degenerate has come a long way, look at that production value.


why do they both look like Ellen Paige

>Dark Souls
>Even though everything about the shot is ripped straight from Dragon's Dogma

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It's not amazing but I edited the edit a little bit. My font sucks tho

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more like dragon's dogshit

haha gotem

say that again and I'll have to kiss you on the lips gayboy

yeah, it definitely looks like something straight out of a porno desu.


>game of s o y s
Yea Forums sure is full of redditors

>do i fit in guise i used those words i saw the other day

Who are you quoting redditfag?
lurk 1 year

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Episode made up for the whole shit season to be desu. The butthurt is just the cherry on top.

Books 4 & 5 are total shit. It’s clear GRRM blew his load with a Storm of Swords. That book was kino and is what the entire series is known for. Everything after that has been completely mediocre

GoT aside...

Anything Jackie Chan
Most fights in the Star Wars prequels
Final fight in Captain America Civil War

Pretty gud. Saved.

Because D&D are mentally ill retards.

I really need to finish this game.

is this legal?

He should have a dagger in the left hand.

books are shit too

late rush to the menu to equip

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We know a little place in the American far west,


It's been pretty satisfying to watch even the normies turn on the show.

How will Yea Forums ever recover.

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GoT sois are too low IQ for LoTR

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4 & 5 were just build up for the kino that is gonna the next two. Extremely boring and mind numbing build up, sure, but build up none the less.