Open stream

>open stream
>male voice running the game
what's the point?

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Other urls found in this thread: from:clarisrobyn&src=typd

Boys can be girls too now, sweetie.

>TransgenderPride in chat

How can you tell that a voice is "male" or "female"?

Quite easily, actually.

Are you blind

>Female speedrunner is a trannie

Are you surprised or something?

Made me laff
Thanks user

There's no facecam to let us see that this is a woman (biological male)

They had some actual females on earlier

She was speedrunning The Sims 4

it actually is a guys voice wtf
and some other dude putting on a girl voice going hmm uhhuh every now and then

I was out, was that an actual speedrun or a glitch exhibition?

What would be the game completion objective in The Sims 4?

give me a quick run down about this game

Didn't you know? Just call yourself female and you can compete as a female. Maybe grow long hair but that's optional.

>the absolute state of w*men

Attached: sims4.png (765x556, 540K)

Kungfu is a real girl, she just hates trannies.

Hilarious how self aware they are by not showing the horrible trannies and just using voice. They know everyone's just there for the freakshow.


what's the point on spamming these threads?
>"I hatte trannies"
>"but let me make a thousand tranny threads lmao"
fucking teenagers

it's fun

>keeps posting in said threads
keep seething

Don't you have a suicide to commit?

Join the 40%, trannie

>6.3k viewers
What went wrong?

Cant make cringe memes when theres no video.

I fucking despise trannies and all the shit around them but you're fucking annoying
we're trying to avoid them stop giving them attention

What a fucking joke of an event. Every time I tune in it's some fucking tranny mic. What a great event for """women""".

Because their balls dropped retard.

/nu/pol sjw muh trannies aside, there's nothing wrong with some bitch playing some video games.
She's not even doing boobcam to milk beta orbiters, it's literally some dumb girl playing what? thr sims? lmao

Checking in on Miles. He's still very ill.

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so everyone who doesn't shitpost like a cancerous fuck is a sjw
god I sometimes forgot this place is filled with stupid teenagers

I disagree, the only way to combat these fags anymore is through exposure.
90% of "I don't care what people do in their own homes"-guys would reel in shock and horror if they saw the kind of debauchery gays get into in their cordoned off seedy sections of town.
The tranny menace could be ended in hours if everyone had to look at the webm of the micropenis/transvag thing masturbating. Boom "trans rights" dies right there.
Seriously, show someone who hasn't desensitized themselves with thousands of pics from Cartel beheadings a video of a naked tranny.
Also fuck fags

If you constantly need to tell people you're a woman then you probably aren't.

At least some of the other trannies tried to make their voice sound female

cringiest post I've read today

Yes if it's actually a female and not a man wearing a dress pretending to be one because they can't handle not being a minority protected of criticism, sure.

imagine being so insecure about your own passing ability that you have to assure yourself and others in third person by calling yourself a woman just in case others aren't aware.

and then still not being a woman. jesus christ

Why did trannies pick video games to shit all over?

>lacking self awareness this badly

heres your runner! say something nice!

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thanks, I find it easiest to conjure shitposts in the morning when the Metamucil is knocking at the gates.
The extreme pressure to shit out the 2ft long doo-doo-snake really pressures me to write awfully in a way I can't replicate all hours of the day.

>I disagree, the only way to combat these fags anymore is through exposure.

Remember Anita? How retards in this board tried to fight her through exposure and she ended way more popular than ever? That's proven to not work, and as annoyed as I am that this "women-only event" was infected by transexualism, I'd rather just mute the stream and wait for the next game.

Or just watch something else.

I mean that goes pretty much with anything.
You show people an upclose shot of a vagina and it's like looking at the sarlaac pit eating a roast beef sandwich.

There's a reason the 4 foot rule is respected for camera distance when filming vaginas.

Video games are best media to ignore the real world.

If you want to fuck with streamers in a productive way, just spoil them on whichever spoilable games they are currently playing. It seriously makes these trannies seeth. Example: kungfu is near the end of danganronpa 2.

nigga you're sperging over some random fucker playing the sims.
Think about that for a minute, this ain't esports sweaty nerd world cup. The game literally plays itself lmao

have sex

I think you might be gay my man

Slot off frag face

Could pass as a dumpy, average chunky white girl if he doesn't talk

give sex

what she thinkin about right now bros?

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ok jazz or some say jarron

40% of trannies end up killing themselves. How about joining them right now today, tranny?



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>no trancam
what's the fucking point

No way vaginas are aesthetically monstrous. Very very rarely are they feminine.
Women get plastic surgery on them because they are disgusting .
Men don't get plastic surgery on their dick.

you incels can either leave milady alone or you can face my wrath.

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And 99% of "trans" people aren't transexuals.
What's your point?

>what is circumcision
It's not plastic surgery, but come on user.

holy shit this site is absolutely retarded

>what is circumcision
An ancient semitic blood ritual.

Are there actually any XX chromosomed persons into speedrunning?

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So is the the tranny containment event? Will GDQ be good again?



Wait what the fuck?

"Hey chat, some girls have deep voices"

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Sure. Female autists exist

what's the difference?

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Bro vaginas look disgusting


That's not an elective surgical decision that any logical rational person makes.

That's a cultural genital mutilation done to poor innocent children by boomer parents who believe in fucking ghosts, hate science, and want to permanently damage a baby's brain through excessive physical trauma.

No different than the people who allow people to operate on their pets without anesthetics.

You forget the part where it's still practiced today, and most civilized women prefer circumcised dicks.

It's basically the only escapist medium that allows cinderblock-headed troons to LARP as the qt trap that they all desperately want to see in the mirror some day.

Worrying that the nudes she sent to projared will get leaked

ok schlomo whatever you say

Don't touch any rusty nails, user.

Wait wasn't this supposed to be a girl thing? Why is this dude commentating? Is he playing? Am serious i don't understand.

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>prefer circumcised

well just another reason im unattractive then.

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Why is there no cam? You can't get a victim complex without people making fun of your appearance.


Have any of these runs had face cam at all?

>and most civilized women prefer circumcised dicks
american """"""""""""women""""""""""""""" are not civilized

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I fucking hate jews, but you can't argue against what the public thinks. Stop being in denial, turtleneck.

>has every characteristic of a man
>puts on a wig
>"I'm transgender"

then what is crossdressing?

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You two are definitely gay. Hetero men see a vagina and immediately want to stick their face in it.

Enjoy dying at an early age.

I don't know, I just expected it from everything regarding GDQ.

but I'm not american

they really had to spread it out
there is now
>drag queens
>cross dressers

i dont even know anymore

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>stick their face in it.
Yeah that's what betas do you put your dick in a vagina

Not identifying permanently as another gender.

I came for the fucking freak parade and they arent even parading the freaks this year. Fucking dropped

Sounds pathetic mate.

Well this is GDQ hotfix anyway.
Never actually watched one of their hotfixes before, they're not very well publicized other than this one.
They usually only last a few days too.

I just want to say that I completely disagree with your world view. Fully believe in individual freedom. Have nothing against gay people or transwomen and think you have a hate-filled heart for spending to much time arguing with the human waste that are /pol/ thanks for reading.

I fully believe in individual freedom as well.
What that actually means.
Think mad max

Betas are the ones who are scared of eating pussy.

I literally joined the stream and listened to the guy talk for a solid 10 seconds before realizing that hes actually the "girl" running the game. Hes literally not even trying with his voice

This dude is legitimately insane. He keeps posting 'girl' on twitter as if he's trying to convince himself and others around him that he is, in fact, a girl.

Women prefer mutilated penises, so we should force the surgery on infant boys, causing them unknown amounts of psychological trauma... Because... 20 years down the line, a girl MAY prefer it that way?

And we don't give these baby boys a choice... Because....

>Hetero men see a vagina and immediately want to stick their face in it.

If by hetero men you mean literal virgins who have never seen a vagina irl before. Most guys don't get instantly horny just because of basic nudity.

What happened with ADGQ? Where did it go wrong?

Only if they're gay like you. Do you not wonder why your peepee only gets hard when you see naked men.

>falling for the ant eater, smegma or shallow american roastie memes
Enjoy glazing your desensitized knob with lubricant every time you want to jack off, indoctrinated cutnigger.

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anyone got a picture of the current runner?

Holy fuck, I was actually wondering why there is a guy talking.

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Thanks for this post, you reminded me of a few times I left a chick's bedroom because her puss stank was so intense I had to step outside. There's only been two girls who I wanted to eat out, something about the way their sweat tasted.


>tranny is self hating
Let’s get those numbers higher

i checked in for about 3 minutes and the faggot wouldn't shut the fuck up while kungfufruitcup was just not even talking; with an occasional giggle.
bitch is probably getting her pussy ate out during this.

All the tranny movement is telling me is that women are so bad men are exploring ways to replace them.

The argument should never be about the aesthetics of cut vs uncut dick.

It should be about the EXTREMELY unethical practice of FORCIBLY removing 12 square inches of skin from someones body without their consent. Amputating an external organ without someones consent is terribly unethical.

Cutting off parts of babies dicks just because you ASSUME BY DEFAULT they want this body modification surgery is mentally ill. But sadly this satanic infant sexual abuse ritual is unlikely to go anywhere any time soon as most americans are mentally retarded

Eating pussy is one of the misted cucked things you can do, what are you saving her for your bull?

oh fuck, is that today? Forgot since it's only a tranny side-show and not an in person thing.

>tfw no trannie cam

Shitposting voices just isn't the same

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>tfw a cis male completely ruins your event by never shutting the fuck up and talking over the women.

Do uncutfags really think that cutfags can't masturbate without lube?

>another american thread
god you're obsessed with blacked/cuck porn and trannies
fucking pathetic

Now that you mention it, what's with this obsession? The tranny thing only seems to be rampant here and social media, but the whole black/cuck thing is too widespread.

>Kungfu is a real girl.
Oh, fuck the male voice is the runner? Faggot isn't even remotely trying.

When you are circumcised, you must masterbate without the 'rolling action' the foreskin provides. you are essentially just tugging on your shaft and providing no stimulation to the head of the penis which is extremely sensitive, to men who didn't have their dicks cut apart as infants.

At least they are aware a cam would make them look like a complete joke.

Yes. This doesn't require lube.

nobody knows, everytime you mention it they'll call you a tranny and that's it

You can jerk off without lube but its miserable and the skin breaks a good portion of the time

Guys who were cut really tight actually do need lube, you were probbaly left with a little bit extra.

>all-female event
>female (male) is running

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Interesting. I'd heard foreskin provides extra stimulation, but never knew it worked the head. I think I'm a pretty quick shot already; I don't even want to imagine what it'd be like if my junk was intact.

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What a pervert.

>and the skin breaks a good portion of the time
>This is what uncutfags actually believe

Circumcision actually causes Premature Ejaculation because you cannot regulate the amount of stimulation you are recieving during sex, whereas if you had a foreskin you can regulate and modulate the amount of stimulation you receive.

Men who are circumcise also experience erectyile dysfunction much earlier in life.

The 3 developed nations in the world that have the most amount of circumcisions are USA, Israel, and South Korea. Can you guess the top 3 countries that purchase the most viagra?

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Replace "boobs" with "dick" and now everyone see he's a creep.

Why are we talking about dicks?

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SIR! Give me (You)s now.

the original tweet is "can we ban monkaS forever?" (assuming because its le evil trump frog)
they (men) also want LUL banned because its Total Biscuit.

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voice blind maybe

There is only MA'AM in here, losers.

>tranny event
>it's american

>big yikes

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so how many times are we expecting this thing to say "im a girl btw" during his run?

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>Now that you mention it, what's with this obsession?
When trannies actively shit on a website and the culture of said website, it's only natural that they will become resentful. Try to lurk more and maybe you wouldn't ask these dumb questions.


>Zuby, 32, also went on to smash the UK women’s bench press record and tongue-in-cheekily claimed his work was “strong, stunning and brave”.

I wasn't ready for this level of autism from:clarisrobyn&src=typd

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wasn't TB a giant SJW? why are they calling him "transphobic"?

Where did it all go so wrong?

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they should ban him for being so obsessed with sexualization

>That first tweet
Its funny when they are in other countries but when trannies appear in mine it stops.

because he's dead and therefore can't call out or argue against their retard logic

he's just perving on himself because he won't turn himself down unlike actual women. the biggest mental safety net of all time.

I wish Kungfufruitcup had nudes

There's no camera because it's obviously a tranny that won't "pass" (we all know they never pass, though)
I've seen a stream of a person like that before and this is what he looked like when he thought he could "pass" good enough and turned on his camera
dude on the right

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And they say trannies aren't mentally ill.

This can't be healthy.

>yes i'm doing a speed run on Frame Fatales how did you know?

Attached: sr.jpg (640x853, 86K)

Alright, actual, genuine question - why are there so many transgender women in speedrunning?

Best thing I can gather is that computer games are still sort of a boys' club due to decades-old assumptions about who the medium is for, and so a lot of the playerbase of games, including trans women, are more likely to be biologically male. And then speedrunning goes hand in hand with autism, and maybe there's a link between transitioning and autism too, iunno.

no one has the image? or was it already posted
btw boobs

Autism, unironically.

big yikers if troo

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>we all know they never pass, though
Trans muslims pass whenever they leave the home.

Jesus why does his face look like it was left in the microwave for too long?

Because it is a hobby that attracts mentally ill people who aren't well developed socially and so they become confused and buy into thinking that becoming a woman will fix themselves. This gets asked all the time.

Is this the autogynephilia I heard about
Seems pretty blatant, he's not even trying to hide it

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left is not convincing me either

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mental illness. attention.
why do you think theres spergs speedrunning weird games no one ever plays just to get world record


Is MommyKillerBee gonna be on the mic at all?

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>tugging on the shaft

Nigger that isnt even remotely how circumcised guys masturbate. 99% of the motion is just using a slight grip to get friction, no dimbass is pulling their dick skin up and down with a death grip.

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based and ramonepilled

its very telling from that wario run that the runner cant shut the fuck up and steal all the attention. women commentators blow ass

I did that when I was 8.

Yeah I did too and it hurt like a motherfucker. It's like you instinctually know how you should be able to do it, but the missing foreskin fucks it up.

Who /doesdrugstocope/ here? If my body is already ruined then what's a little more? At least I can get happiness in some way.

>142 tweets about boobs
that shit ain't healthy

your daddy didn't teach you right son

This is a definite 40%'er

I drink a lot but that's because of life circumstances. I started smoking pot to help with my libido because it helps get me in the mood, otherwise it takes a lot of foreplay for me to get hard.

I dont blame my parents because they were lied to like tons of other parents in the early 90s. Fucking kikes man.

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>cheats on her boyfriend with his Indian best friend who fucking lives with him
>dumps her boyfriend for the smelly indian
>fucks him nonstop for a few months
>dumps him and moves on to the next dick leaving said Indian suicidal
She's literally damaged goods by this point desu

I started posting in the twitch chat saying that this marathon wasn't progressive enough (excluded FTM and Queer people), and I got a PM from the event organizer who's having to apologize to me for her all-female event not being inclusive to all trannys, jesus fucking christ

user. all women are like that. its in their nature.

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>that voice

Attached: gldil.jpg (248x38, 3K)

>Big yikes if true
You just CANNOT make this shit up.

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No way lul

why are the trannies always white?

is there a correlation?

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>bitch with neon hair is turbo thot
wow who would have ever guessed

>literally defended throwing someone out of a con for asking "Are Traps Gay"
>acted like this was against his transexual friends/conflated (intentionally) the two
>somehow was transphobic since he made an "I identify as an attack helicopter" joke 5 years previous
I feel bad for any progressives; you'll never please your future versions. They'll always look down on you for not being progressive enough.

got screencaps?

screenshot or bullshit

There is a link between being a tranny and being autistic. Mental illnesses are often co-morbid.

>apologizing that your intentionally exclusive event isn't inclusive enough

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A combination of identity crisis, desire for uniqueness, desire for empowerment, and a culture that promotes individualism, which lets the mentally unstable scream that they're right and that no one else can have a say.

>Dicks & Dykes

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How can you not? Trannies don't sound like women. They sound like men imitating women. Because that's what they are.

What the fuck is this """"""""speedrun"""""""" now?

Here ya go. Sorry, busy getting coached on how to start my own, more inclusive speedrunning event.

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This entire stream feels like they didn't find enough wahmen to put in their "marathon" so they hired a bunch of dudes and told them to try and sound like girls or something

I'm surprised this thing doesn't have donations

We're laughing at them not with them

Because whenever male circumcision is brought up as an issue, the immediate reaction, 100% of the time, is an assumption that you're equating it with female circumcision, and people will start talking about how much worse female genital mutilation is. Conversation about an issue derailed, morality no longer important, now it's a male/female conflict, with privileged males whining about something that's not that bad when you compare it to something else. I have never seen this not happen.

holy shit thats golden user


By the way, forgot to mention that she referred me to another event called "Power Up With Pride", which is an all-queer speedrunning event, could have some luls:

So you have to take it in the ass or eat pussy to get in?

>logo is a spotted hyena
>the female hyena is known for having a pseudo penis
>in many cases the pseudo penis is larger than a male hyena penis, the females are also known to rape male hyenas within a pack

don't have a punchline for any of this just felt like posting abbot and costello

Attached: abbot and costello.jpg (353x450, 40K)

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Genderqueer, etc, so prettymuch.

funnily enough, left isn't a tranny

solution: put on a wig and some lipstick and say youre a trigender tranny female wolfkin and speedrun with all the other faggots. just LARP along with the mentally ill for the lulz

>it's totally not a fetish cult bros what could possibly make you think that

So everyone but straight? Neat.

I support women and cis women.

Prettymuch, which is why my complaining about this event being too-exclusive worked - the only people they really want excluded are cis-men.


It's funny because we don't do FGM, so I don't even get that point.
>"Oh but having your arm cut off isn't nearly as bad as having your head lopped off"
Well yeah, nice logic, how about we do neither?

good goyim

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>Those voices
Every single time no matter what they look like with Photoshop.

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>How can you tell that a voice is "male" or "female"?

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when they killed the bonus stream. that was when they absolutely, unquestionably drew the line and said "no fun allowed". that's not to say they hadn't been trying for a while before that, but when the bonus stream was stopped is when the organizers officially went full corporate on their fun charity event.

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>trannies programming
Wtf is this shit?

They're more noticeable

Trannies of other races pass easier and tend to be quiet about instead of announcing they're a trans lesbian every 5 seconds

>spotted hyena for mascot of this event
>spotted hyena females are most known for having a (pseudo)penis
what did they mean by this

Obviously whoever designed that was tacitly saying "Yeah, I know, this shit is retarded"

One hatred is like a candle.
A thousand hatreds is a brushfire.
Your temporary emotional discomfort is minor an irrelevant.
If you want to see something burned, then fan the flames.

Are we being rused? Is this all just a setup?

Obtain intercourse

Make me.

I believe it's supposed to be a Cheetah, according to one of their twitter posts. Y'know, cause they're fast I guess

>so everyone who doesn't shitpost like a cancerous fuck is a sjw
Shitposts are the chemotherapy.
Toasty roasties are the cancer.

Actually, I stand corrected, it's a sabertooth

the cheetah thing made a lot more sense

Easily you fucking tranny

If there's a device that can shred apart houses, then it's not a faulty product. It's a WEAPON and it's working exactly as it should.

Real women don't talk like this.

Thats literally just a man with a fetish.

>"cutfags can't masturbate, their cocks tear apart like wet paper"
>yes we can masturbate perfectly fine
>"no, trust me, you cant"
You sound like some fat feminist walking up to a random street negro and saying "you're oppressed", despite his insistence that he isn't. Actual cutfags are telling you that they can rub one out perfectly fine and you're sitting on the floor with your arms crossed saying "no you cant, trust me, i'm a cock expert".
t. cutfag

>mfw a tech illiterate tells me about their "coding" experinces
Making a script in python is not programming, but that's all they are good at so they call it that.

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jesus christ clarys

Fun fact: Adding tits to anything makes that thing more awesome
Fun fact2: The person reading this post is a thing
Fun fact3: Men can get tits too just by eating estrogen
UNFUN FACT: Testosterone blockers will make you a total sissy faggot though so don't do that.
Fun fact4: So you, as a man, can stay manly and also get tits purely by getting enough estrogen into you.

>having a cute dick
How does it feel to know your parents were willing to put you thru so much pain as a newborn?

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You're a horrible person. Remember that.


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It makes life worth living, unironically. Undo the mark of the slave that was carved into your flesh

I can rub one or three out a day but if I go much further than that I'll rip the skin
t. another cutfag

I know but they try to act like they're anywhere close to being a woman and it pisses me off. There's more to being one than just boobs and long hair, you will never experience the pain of child birth, periods, etc. Nor will you ever have the displeasure of a million creeps hitting on you every day, nor the lack of physical strength. It's insulting really.

"sometimes i tug on it so hard, i rip the skin"

I used to break the skin while masturbating and caused myself to get scabs on my dick . You probably werent cut that tight and so you stupidly think everyone has as much slack skin as you do

no he isn't.

This next fucking runner's voice, jesus christ

Hey game dude, how's life?

Honestly look into restoring, it heals the cruelty that and trauma that was inflicted on you mentally and physically.

How does it feel to have your entire personality based off of some loose skin on your unused dick?

>why are there so many transgender women in speedrunning?
Why are the dishes more dirty in places without any detergent?

>Are you blind
What the f*ck, I knew Yea Forums was stupid but this is another level...

That doesn't do exactly what I want it to do. I'm just banking on regenerative medicine to make breakthroughs.

I've watched five games so far and not a single female in sight.

im guessing claris is the guys voice

>Mental illnesses are often co-morbid.
This is true and I fucking hate this. Can't even be autistic without some socially anxious faggot trying to hijack your graze chains or resdstone contraptions to whine about how lonely they are.

Holy shit game dude you're alive? I wont ask where you are but are you safe and comfortable? I really worried about you when you fell off the grid.

Its not gonna happen any time soon, user

I dont know what that means

Well then I guess I'll keep spending money on heroin


Why is saying the truth a horrible thing to do?

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user you were sexually tortured as an infant and had the most sensitive and erogenous organ on your bodily forcibly amputated while you screamed, bled, and cried in agony

its called autogynephilia, look it up

>on GDQ's channel
>6K viewers
what a trainwreck

>Who /doesdrugstocope/ here?
If it's stimulants like cocaine, meth, caffeine and small doses of nicotine, then fuck yeah.
If you're talking about shit that dulls your brain and makes you slow like alcohol and marijuana, then naw man get that shit out of my face.
If you don't do drugs at all then that's cool
If you do hard drugs then you're hardcore
But if you only do soft drugs then you're a CASUAL.
Don't be a casual. If you're gonna do drugs, do drugs properly and buy some coke.

You have me mistaken for someone else.
Seriously, just tug in 2 years you can have glans coverage and life literally is so much better

Stop projecting that much, I have a functioning dick, unlike you.

You keep away from my Terraria houses! Dryad is a lovely lady and I won't have you touching her!
You can have Nurse though.
Also Mechanic. Mechanic sucks too.

Doesn't restore the nerves. Go big or go home.

>small doses of nicotine
>but cocaine and meth is fine in big doses
you're too far gone


Attached: ohhhnonono.jpg (1200x900, 200K)

Yes, the sensitive tissue in the ends of the prepuce can never come back. But You can watch in tact men masturbate, they dont just pinch their prepuce over and over. Then there is the matter of the frenulum which while it is the most sensitive part of the penis, some intact men actually have it removed because it gets in the way of masturbation/sex

Glans coverage restores the rolling action and rehydrates the glans, allowing the hardened dead skin covering to flake off. This is the most important part of sex and masturbation . Basically you can get back ~80% of what was taken away from you, AND IMPORTANTLY you can give your gf the sex god and nature intended, instead of franctically humping her like a dying animal, you will be soft and tender and gentle because sex will actually be pleasurable to you

What's your opinion on fent? Knew some people who got in too deep with it and it pretty much ruined their lives but I wouldn't mind trying it a couple times.

Im aware it was against my will. I'm saying I have no problem reaching orgasm and it's not uncomfortable in any way to masturbate or do sexual things. You're hung up on one insignificant part of your body because it's all you have, and it's not impressive to anyone except other anons with uncut dicks. You are most likely repressing homosexuality.

>Power Up With Pride
Team Peanut Butter at it again.
Where my Minibros and Peepchads at?

The 4 horse"men" of the apocalypse

"she" has no style
"she" has no grace
this "woman" has a funny face

You dont know what you are missing because it was taken away from you at birth. Like someone blind or deaf from birth, you can lead a functional life, but you literally can never truly understand what was taken away from you, becuase there are nerve receptors in your brain that LITERALLY never received any signals. Your spine literally has nerve endings that never recieved any signals from parts of your foreskin, because it was amputated.

>being fat
europe has a bigger obesity problem
>getting "shoot" at school"
gang violence and european islamic terrorism are deadlier
are americans mutts who constantly racemix or an inbred ethnostate?
>losing war "aganist" vietnamese farmers
america lost the war because it was the first war broadcast on national television and the media didn't want commies to die so they slandered the US on live TV with their propaganda. If they weren't ordered to withdraw from the war they would have won, judging by the death tolls.

>hurr amerifat
I'm from europe

That's the man voice on stream right now?

Go to the DMT realm if you want to see who's hot shit instead of stringing yourself out on addictive stimulants like a retarded junkie.

Attached: DMTCoffee.jpg (403x159, 18K)

That is some mental illness

>europe has a bigger obesity problem
kek, sure

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>pics match up with African American population

looked at claris' twitter and like...just wtf? It fucking reads like shitty genderswap fiction. "Boobs! I have boobs!"

This is my fetish.

Yeah, that's Miles for you.

Um, no sweetie, trans girls are not boys being girls, they are actual real girls.

Check your privilege, you cis bigot.


Neither positive nor negative. Like most opioids, it can introduce euphoria then lethargy. It can also make your heart burst.
Use responsibly, i.e. to 0vercl0ck your brain and PUSH HARD RUSH FAST, rather than to cope with a case of the Sad.

Enough nicotine relaxes you. You don't want that.

I was never much into hallucinogens but I hear they have positive effects. Maybe I should give it a go.
Last time I tried hallucinogens though it was a really fuckin bad trip.

you shit on your own website routinely just to spite the mod staff you fucking monkey

I always wondered why porn kept with the jackhammering approach which I don't enjoy whatsoever. It's due to surgical alterations? Well now I know.

Tranny posting aside Prime 2 is a sick run.

>If they weren't ordered to withdraw from the war they would have won, judging by the death tolls.
Also if their military didn't have their heads up their ass requiring combined arms to be approved directly by central command and in writing.
Ground pounders couldn't call in an artillery strike or air support without 2 days' notice. Some say this was deliberate so various (((arms suppliers))) could draw out the war and earn more money by supplying the US with goods.
Personally I just think it's because top brass has a control complex and can't have the air force, the marines and the army in contact with each-other without HAVING to shove themselves in the middle somehow.
You could also have just sent in the Australians. Australians out-guerilla'd the VC somehow.

Wait what was this thread about again?

Look at the maps. Look where it starts. Patient zero ... Patient zero MUST BE IN LOUISIANA.

I hate trannies but envy is a cool dude.

deep voice, from the testosterone.

Attached: fbi totally not evil.gif (400x224, 2.99M)

I actually had to check that "Claris" twitch to believe the one "woman" streaming is actually the guy with the voice deeper than mine.

This. Asians pass pretty well for the most part. But there's something about the physique of whites that looks too masculine.

the mod staff is cancer in its entirety and deserves getting shit on, just like trannies

If you do not keep your mod staff humble, then your mod staff will start thinking their personal preferences, subjective feelings, reputation and e-cred are a valid justification for using their mod powers.
It's called checks and balances. The users mock and belittle the mods when the mods go on a power trip, the mods prevent the Team Creme sissy ERPers from ruining everything, and Team Creme provide inspiration for the mocking and belittling.

How do you know it isnt like similar situations like loss of hearing or sight? Maybe other parts of my cock are more sensitive to pick up the slack like blind people having incredible hearing. My point is you have no idea what my dick feels like and frankly I dont care about your dick because that's GAY. Why are you so concerned with my dick?

>be hyped for the wario 3 speedrun
>wake up to the sound of guy running it
>fall back asleep because I'm tired as fuck
>wake up again and realize this is supposed to be an all girls event

I'm glad I slept through that shit now


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This guy is the creepiest one of all. I made the mistake of checking his twitter and it was the most bizarre shit, the guy has no self awareness at all.

How do these """GIRLS""" develop relationships?
They get with other """girls"""???

what did she mean by this?

Attached: uh huh.png (572x176, 19K)


>chat randomly starts spamming girl
I lost it

>there are people who unironically have relationships with cheaters past pump'n'dump


Man I hope he sorts himself out. I feel bad for the guy.

>tfw can't honestly ask if the person who's speedrunning is a guy because the voice is literally of one
I'm sorry they banned you fellow in chat, I'm sure you were genuinely curious as the rest of us

I think you're the one coping user.

Pro tip: a small religious clique makes these talking points and drills it into everyones head with their media ownership

What, you guys are actually watching the stream?
Turn the stream off, the stream is crap. This thread is where the entertainment is.

Are the streams so boring that not even Yea Forums will make threads just for the sake of memeing?

GDQ hasn't been interesting outside of making fun of trannies for 3+ years.


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>most civilized women prefer circumcised dicks
Maybe in fucking america, where I'm from it's still seen as mutilation by everyone

have you heard of the phrase "cutting off the nose to spite the face"

>when the mods go on a power trip
that's literally all the time according to Yea Forums

this is the weakest justification for obvious hypocrisy i have ever heard

These pics are great because if you crop out just the eyes, you can see how insane they are.
>her puss stank was so intense I had to step outside
Yeah, I've dealt with that too.

>this is the weakest justification for obvious hypocrisy i have ever heard
Then sue me, I like shitposting but I don't like gay ERP.

You know what would fix this dudes obvious mental problems? Chopping off his dick.

I wonder if this event being dominated by men in dresses will redpill any actual women. I mean it must feel weird to be told there's an event just for you and then that end up not being true at all.

TERFs are a thing and they're getting rowdier by the day.

that they're trans to fulfill a TF fetish

I have a feeling this is a mantra some "therapist" told him to repeat to himself when he's feeling depressed or suicidal

Just play Girl Life or whatever, damn, there's plenty of games where you play a chick and get raped all over town.

It's a poor therapist who tells you to tell yourself that you're depressed. Most therapists will tell you to "replace the tapes" or engage in activities you find pleasant or humorous.

>listen to this dude

>an entire thread gets derailed into cut vs uncut
Anyone restoring?

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You don't understand womens' thought process.
Women do not think along the lines of "If this thing is happening, and it continues, what other things might happen? Would I want those other things?".
Women think along the lines of "If I FEEL this way about this event that is happening, are these feelings what I want? How do other people feel, and are these the feelings they want?"
Feelings change very quickly over time. You can't consistently predict the future with feelings.
Thus, women won't complain about a trend, until that trend reaches the point where it directly and specifically affects them. Look at all the women voting for various policies giving homes and income to the disadvantaged and protecting people from mean words, and they don't even consider what might go wrong until it's their own homes being affected or their own words being punished.

Not because women are incapable of understanding the future (they can), but because they don't _feel_ the future, and so any facts about the future don't factor into their decision-making process.

Is there something special about this? Is this just women and trannies speedrunning?

>people come into the chat and call him a he because all they hear is a male voice
>they get banned
I'm starting to believe this clown world meme

Me. Have any questions?

And before I get the same generic bot reply I always get:
You were the CAUSE of WW2, not its innocent victims. Fuck off.

No, my parents didn't hate me when I was born so they decided that instead of torturing me and permanently mutilate my genitals, they'd just love me and raise me to be a normal human being.
It didn't really end up that way, seeing as I'm here, but at least my dick is 100% intact.

>people getting permabanned for nothing

*meep meep*

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I'm sure there's a fucking cheeky cunt in the organisation and he pushed it without any of the trannies catching up the subtext.

Damn, the game evolved a shitton.

It's under 4 hours now while this is a 6 hours estimate

>Used to follow and watch Miles run Metroid Prime games because I love those speedruns
>Would chill in the chat with the tiny community built up around the streams
>Get excited for good record times and all that shit
>mfw forced to witness this downwards spiral into JUST territory

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I'm sorry for your loss

How long have you been going and what's your end-goal?
I'm thinking of going for CI-8 and I've been going for 6 years or so.

A lot of parents are loving, and elect to have their sons mutilated, because the doctors insist they MUST have it done. Because doctors get to bill the insurance company and they personally get a kickback for every surgery they do.

Australia does not allow doctors to personally benefit financially from circumcision, and the rate is far lower in that country.

Really makes you think

Do note that this map heavily correlates with niggers.

>I mean it must feel weird to be told there's an event just for you and then that end up not being true at all.
Women are fine with you breaking your promises if you break it to give them a pleasant surprise or something they like more than what you promised.

At least he's a person.

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Holy shit dude, I should be asking you questions. Ive only been going at it for like, 5 months on and off. Mostly using my hands because i was cut really unevenly

What CI did you start at and how much has sexn and fapping improved over all? I need some whitepills, cause I started with a CI 1.5 ;_;

>30 minute follower only mode

seething tranny jannies

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>they'd just love me and raise me to be a normal human being.
Wow it sounds like your parents loved you.
Was one of your parents a MAN? And he loved you?
That's pretty GAY desu I'd be pretty embarassed if I were you.

Now you've learned the hard way not to have positive expectations or hope for the future.
The only good times you can guarantee are the good times you can protect.

Am I a person?

>even going to the stream

It's funny how you can go on a normal Facebook page that shows off one of these trannies, and the majority of people will point out the fact that it's a dude. Niggas ain't being fooled for shit.

I was extremely unfortunate.
Started at CI 0. Extremely high and tight.
As for your other questions, both improved tremendously. It's actually hard to explain the change in difference, but my refractory period got cut in half.

When you hit CI-3, you should start retaining.
My advice, go to a local ace hardware and look for plastic toilet bowl caps and use those. Extremely easy to clean, don't hurt, and you can remove them and put them back on really easily. O-rings are risky.

>5 months on and off
Nothing wrong with that.
Don't know about you, but it took me a while to learn how to do the stretches right. MM2 works well, but you should wait until CI-3.
Do what works best for you, and make sure you stick to a schedule.
When I did manual stuff, it was only 3 or 4 times a day, 3 times a week.

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It's parents were hungry when it was a baby.



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>Refractory period
>Toilet bowl caps
W..what the fuck are you guys talking about? Drugs? Masturbation?

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Did you notice erections getting stronger after reaching glans coverage and having a "normal" glans again? Did you notice any changes in your sexuality , like what was attractive?

That british guy who committed suicide recently, due to the fact he was circumcised as an adult, remarked that his sexuality had been obliterated. I was wondering if the opposite was true. I know orgasms are more powerful, but what about erections in general and sexuality? Like is porn more stimulating now? Or just visual depictions of women? (Or men if youre a fagget)

Pls be detailed because i need these white pills user

This post should clue you in

>unwarranted circumcision
>sex reassignment, plus various cosmetic procedures and hormone treatments
Carving up perfectly healthy set of genitals certainly has become something of a cashcow for the health"""care""" industry as of late. Shit's depressing.

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Thanks for making me laugh

If you've lost skin, for example in a fire due to burns, then if you consistently stretch the skin near it, you can have that skin expand an grow back over the missing skin.
You can also lose skin to accidents involving bladed weapons or power tools, and this lets you replace skin that was torn off in an industrial accident as well.
It also works on skin lots to blades that WASN'T an accident.

What the fuck? How the hell does that explain anything? You're trying to grow your cockskin back?
How? What is a ''CI-8''? How the HELL do you use toilet bowls?

>that voice

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Lemme put it this way.
Have you ever had trouble getting it up because you were recently kicked in the balls or you spilled some hot food in your lap, and it hurt?
No shit, of course that makes it difficult.
Now, imagine that you've had hot food spilled in your lap your entire LIFE, and only recently have you learned to stop spilling food on yourself (you clumsy retard).
How would that feel?

They actually got a little softer because the skin wasn't so tight and constricted.
>Did you notice any changes in sexuality
Well, I've kinda flip-flopped for a while, leaning more towards women now (I was abused as a kid so my entire notion was fucked from the start).
Anyways, porn got less stimulating, but generally I'm feeling good about myself because I watch way less porn now. There isn't a need to have some super long, drawn out session because it takes way less effort to get mind-numbing orgasms now.
Visual depictions, yes. But for reasons I don't understand, I wasn't too keen on visuals growing up, it was more of a mental thing.
Hope that helps, I guess.
What the fuck do you mean by white pills? Hope?

>anons are trying to push their skin up to get a foreskin
>I'm trying to push my foreskin down so I can finally take it off after 25 years of phimosis
funny how the world works. no matter you situation it'll find a way to fuck you in the ass

Whitepills give you morale
Blackpills lower your morale
Redpills give you information
Bluepills replace information with garbage
Greenpills and Purplepills come from trusted and respected medical professionals who only want what's best for you. You should thank them.

Hey, best of luck, user.
I don't understand what that's like at all, but I can imagine it's fucking awful.
I heard it can be done slowly over the course of like 3-6 months.
I also heard it hurts like hell.

Sorry, I'm using /pol/ tard language. A "white pill" is like, a fact that makes you optimistic for the future. A "black pill" is a fact that makes you depressed or anxious or feel defeated about the future, feel despair. These are derived from "red pills" which are, you know, facts meant to wake you up from the hypnosis many people are put under about the nature of the world.

What do you mean o-rings are dangerous btw? Like if you keep them on too tight, it may cut off circuluation?

I already bought a TLC tugger and I wear it with weights. I like it but I want to un-even my dick skin before I use it too much. I dont intend to put anything on my dick overnight to avoid potentially getting gangrene or something

What happened to you was unfair and out of your control, but at the very least you're taking steps to restore yourselves and I wholeheartedly support you in your struggle.
We're all brothers of the dick and we have each other's backs.
You shouldn't have to be a foreskinlet because your parents were ignorant, or lied to. Godspeed, anons!

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Phimosis is like being locked in a mansion you can't leave

Restoring foreskin is like living in a cardboard box and you struggle your entire life to buy a mcmansion, which will never be as good as the real mansion

So suck it up faggot, i'd kill to have what was taken away from me. Get some steriod cream and stretch and you can have your dick working in a few months. Us? IT TAKES FUCKING YEARS

Did anyone have the balls (heh) to use a face cam?


this sounds incredibly risky and experimental
I'll stick to applying vaseline, thanks

>Greenpills and Purplepills come from trusted and respected medical professionals who only want what's best for you. You should thank them.

I guess the hope part was kinda right, maybe?
O-rings are not dangerous, it's just, wearing them for too long can cause discoloration, or they could slip back and get stuck.
>Got a tlc tugger
Very nice.
>I want to un-even my dick skin before I use it too much
Stick to manual stretches then. I got mine relatively even after like 2 years. Also yeah, avoid doing anything overnight.

You seem like you got a good plan. Good luck, user. Also don't do what I did and measure progress by months. Learn to measure by years.
We're all gonna make it.

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Did you really just say the fuck word?

Phimosis can be taken care of relatively easily on your own. Just stretch the skin daily. Don't hurt yourself in the process though.

> from:clarisrobyn&src=typd
I can safely say this person will be part of the 40% statistic and I'm not even being hostile, it's just obvious the mental health on display here is at an all time low.

Experimental, yes.
Risky, no.
All you're doing is tricking your body into slowly expanding your current skin through mitosis. And no, it won't cause some freak cancerous growth.
If you go full retard you might bruise yourself or cause minor tearing.
There's lots of medical documentation and advice for that though.

Just curious , why are you going for CI-8?

id fuck him but that's not a compliment since i fuck boys

Do you think the Claris guy is just going through extreme cope?
Eventually this "I HAVE BOOBS. IM A GIRL" shit won't do the trick and he will hit a breaking point for maximum cope.
He became a tranny at age 25 so its pretty obviously just an attention seeking ploy that maybe he went too hard in

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Someone tweet that picture of a banana that has "i am an apple" written on it

>watching streams
theres your problem
probably the most fake smile I've ever seen, and you can tell from the eyes anyway that there's only disturbance inside

what the fuck is this a walktrhough or a speedrun? play the fucking game

Just personal choice.
I think it would just be nicer.

>doesn't even bother fixing his eyebrows or wearing makeup

Can you explain why you intend to keep going after getting full glans coverage though? Dont some intact men have a prepuce that doesnt even go that far?

Traps > Trans
My trap bf and I hate them and talk shit about them all the time'

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You're exactly the same and just as obnoxious.

He just happens to like taking dick and being cute and I like giving it to him and I think he is cute.

Now cutting your dick off and pretending to be a girl is just fucking gay.

This isn't cope. It's attention-seeking.
The guy worships himself and wants other people to worship him too.

>you can tell from the eyes anyway that there's only disturbance inside
Does this mean that this man could, potentially, RISE UP?

based negro

Attached: TAKE MY SPECAIL MOVE TRANNY. CURBSTOMP.webm (480x480, 320K)


The Virgin Tranny
>hated by almost everybody
>has to maintain a literal axe wound
>rarely passes
>used as a polticial talking point whether you like it or not
>the sight of their body literally makes them want to kill themselves

The Chad Trap
>keeps it in the bedroom, always exciting
>dresses as a slut for the enjoyment of others
>has no delusions about being a woman on the inside
>can keep high social status and still pee while standing up

Should I tell him?

I'm scared to stretch, I think my frenulum is fused to my foreskin.....

Attached: sad.jpg (400x400, 20K)

He's right you know.
The word "Trap" is complete bullshit, because if you go looking for a "Trap" and are disappointed when the thing you find is not a "Trap" then that's the complete opposite of the definition of trap.
Submissive crossdressers are 3x as attention-seeking as your average tranny and almost as needy/demanding.
Furthermore, your crossdressing friend is NOT loyal. None of them are. The only thing stopping him is that he's too shy or anxious to solve any of his problems on his own.
That's the entire fucking "Trap" fetish, by the way. People who are too shy or anxious to solve any of their life goals, and who hope that by being "cute" they will attract someone who'll solve all their problems for them.
That is an unhealthy mentality for both of you.
Furthermore, the "cute"ness of a male is artificial and will be gone within 5 years, assuming your relationship lasts that long which it won't, since one of you will cheat on the other.


I've been "partially circumcised" 1,5 months ago because of phimosis. I'm still technically uncut but I lost quite the chunk of skin and the head is 60% exposed most of the time, so kinda feel like a cutfag
haven't had sex since the surgery but might try it out soon, kinda hyped t b h since it feels and looks very nice

>since one of you will cheat on the other
>tfw really liked a cute guy for a short while before he ended up leaving me at random and talking to some other dude almost instantly
>really convinced they were doing shit behind my back
tl;dr: can confirm

Someone beat me to it.

>>keeps it in the bedroom, always exciting
>Always flaunts his degeneracy wherever he goes.
>>dresses as a slut for the enjoyment of others
>Dresses like a slut for the enjoyment of himself, getting off on the attention from bottomfeeding virgin NEETs who have no chance of fucking real women.
>>has no delusions about being a woman on the inside
>Has all kinds of delusions about being an anime ''girl''.
>>can keep high social status and still pee while standing up
>Has crippling social disabilities and can only communicate online.
None of those were true. Go back to Discord.

How old are you? You're supposed to experiment through childhood and adolescence and tug it out slowly naturally. Although some anons say they just go HAM on their uncut dicks at some point and rip the skin but its fine afterwards.

Based user.

How are these people so stupid? You can't be a man or woman. You're literally born either man or woman. It's basic fucking science. I swear, fucking trannies are the worst.

>The Chad Trap
>>keeps it in the bedroom
Have you ever met one of these crossdressing faggots who DOESN'T constantly advertise their sex drive? It's blatant and annoying as fuck, because they can never just say what the fuck they want. It'll take 3 posts going back and forth in spoiler tags and by that point the whole thing is derailed.
Furthermore, crossdressers don't "dress like" sluts, they ARE sluts. You can't build a genuine emotional connection with someone who only wants you for your dick, and who will try to jump on any dick they see.
And if you don't care about an emotional connection, you have your hands. They're much more convenient and won't cry when you neglect to give them attention.

This thread talking about dick skin is 100 times more gay and exceptional then a tranny only GDQ event, congrats Yea Forums.

I would suggest tugging enough to get full glans coverage while flaccid, which maybe will take a year or so

I get so annoyed by guys who got cut as aduts over phimosis, seriously how hard is it to just get some steroid cream and tug it out slowly, why you gotta fuckin get half your dick taken off? The are better surgeries, ones that widen the hole of your prepuce. Its not necessary to cut most of your dick skin off

>i am
>tfw person they cheated on me for had a 7.5 inch dick
i guess i fell for the meme.

Attached: sad pup.jpg (440x660, 42K)

Peepee health is very important. Talking about this with anons probably saved my life ebcause i was miserable before tugging

How can one man get so many (You)'s, and long ones at that?

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not him but I have phimosis too, literally nobody had ever told me about foreskins. I seriously didn't even know you're supposed to be able to pull the skin off your dick until I was 21. Nobody told me while I was a kid, nobody told me in school, I somehow managed to avoid foreskin discussion entirely on the internet.
Fucking everybody is screaming about sex education but NOBODY talks about foreskins. Boys get ignored like always

If they weren't disloyal promiscuous sex addicts who cannot see one low-res jpg of Mercy Overwatch without literally begging for ANY PARTNER RIGHT NOW I NEED IT OMG I'M SO HORNY then I'd have much less of a problem with them.
I saw those 2018 april fools threads. These aren't people who want to roleplay with their partner. These are people who want to roleplay with EVERY partner.
And if you have everyone as your partner, then you don't have a partner at all.

Relax, crossdressing men are so slutty that they'd cheat on the big-dick nigga with you, no matter how small your dick is, because it is a dick and they want ALL the dick.

based radfem

>Nor will you ever have the displeasure of a million creeps hitting on you every day
Like how you slipped that in there

Anyone who falls for the "Trap" meme is making a huge mistake and I'd like to stop them from making that mistake if at all possible.
Failing that, having the disloyal slut get lonely and kill themselves is fine too.

>this is what UwU-ing troons actually believe

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>they'd cheat on the big-dick nigga with you, no matter how small your dick is, because it is a dick

i thought they cared about me like i did about them. feelsbad my niggy.

Well circumcised boys experience the same. I didnt even know i had my dick cut apart until I was in my 20s, I never saw a foreskin before that point. As soon as I did I was like WAIT WTF ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU CUT OFF PART OF MY DICK WHEN I WAS A BABY?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE???

At least phimosis bros can use steroids to tug their peepees out normally, but i have to regrow fucking 12 square inches of skin, i will be a fucking boomer by the time my dick even gets halfway to that point

I feel for you bro. You got fucked harder than me.
If it's any consolation to you I'm a permavirgin anyway so I'll never get to use this skin

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So its just speedrunning with trannies and not actual autist girls right?

>You're literally born either man or woman.
False. You have to be born a woman.
But becoming a man takes time, effort, and skill. Being a man is about facing challenges and overcoming them, about getting stronger and more brave, about fighting for what you believe in, about climbing the mountain and reaching the top, and about Getting Good.
Being a man is about the climb and the struggle.
If you opt to avoid the climb and the struggle entirely to sip coffee with almond milk and sugar while writing articles for games "journalists", you aren't a woman. But you're not a man either. You are nothing.

And yes this means that you can be a woman and a man at the same time, if you are born with baby-carrying capacity and you also get good. Tomboys are the best.

I figure, why not.
I mean, if I've been going for this long, why not go a bit further?
I mean, I just want enough skin to constantly have soft and semi soft coverage.
If I get that before CI-8, then I'll stop.

Tug your peepee with steroid cream and dont ever fall for the circumcision meme. And fight the ignorance wherever you see it online, lots of people are under hypnosis when it comes to this topic and baby boys are the ones who suffer

witch one of you chucklefucks did this

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>i thought they cared about me like i did about them
You do realise they're woman brains in male bodies, right?

Are we in philosophy class or something?

The problem is you're called a Terf for even questioning someone's ability to pass.

For fucks sake, at least someone like Contrapoints makes an effort, while all these fat fucking guys shouldn't be allowed in the same room as real trans people

Look, I was also miserable.
I had so much skin cut off that I would randomly get painful erections.
It was embarassing and humilating. But I permanently fixed that in about a year or so of restoring.

The heck is a "terf"?

Bear in mind that , according to what I've read, roughly 10% of your skin will semi-permaently retract when you no longer tug constantly. So you will need to tug 10% further than your goal, because after you stop tugging, it will kind of shrink back to a baseline

Also can you talk a bit about how to keep the foreskin growing inward? isnt that what the o-rings do? Isnt that how you prevent loose skin?

Q. WHY can I smell this image and how do I make this stop happening because goddamn I can smell the filth and I don't want to.

maybe you're right, but i'm still sad about it


Basically any girl or guy who says trans people shouldn't be allowed to compete or be judged with biological women or passing trans individuals who are critical of non-passing trans folks

Trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Basically, feminists who are upset that natural born men can take part of female privilege.
It's pretty fucking funny, because they start SEETHING when called out on being TERFs. It's a great way to fuck with feminists.

Well if you want a partner who loves you like you love them, and who can spend a large part of your life with, and help in their life struggles just as they help you, then go full gay, rather than just casual gay.


I don't generally stick my nose into political/social matters so I'm a bit behind the curve

>The heck is a "terf"?
Inklings and Octolings fight over it owing to rising oceans. Inklings won btw, Octolings btfo.

we should all tell him

but i cared about them emotionally. it wasn't just for the boipussi.

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Well, that's in the past.
Get a better partner next time.

um excuse me hun did you just assume that trans persons fall into the erroneous bispectrum gender stereotype? These xersons could be polyfluid or nongendered trans. Think a little before you comment bigot.


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>How to keep it growing inward
Manula method 2 is probably the best for that.
It's because you're ideally targeting the skin right above your circ scar, which, is what stays on the inside when your other skin rolls over.
But if you're doing manual methods or using a device, you'll grow inner skin regardless.

Retaining is what tightens up your skin, I highly suggest doing it around CI-3 for two reasons.
It takes a long time, and the dekeratinization is also a long process that is extremely...beneficial.

You'll understand what I mean when it happens.
I'm not saying that just because, I mean it is impossible NOT to notice.

You can't go back.
You can only go forward, or stay in one spot while you rot.
Do you want to rot?
If so, then YOU'D better be the one ordering thigh socks and wrist bangles, because you have become the sissy.

Living the dream?

thank you breh

I sexually identify as a 498 year old curtain fire dispenser. Pronounds autist / autism / autismal. My triggers are people who think it's okay to play on easy, and people who complain about the map in Hollow Knight. I deserve respect just like you. Unless you don't have any 1CCs, in which case I deserve MORE respect than you, you filthy casual.

I wonder if tranny's will die with Americans
Or will it continue on in China and Russia?

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One joke

Can you clarify exactly what you mean by retaining? Like using the TLC? Or using an o-ring to cover my glans like a balloon knot kind of?

They don't, but they have been known to groom children from their personal (private) discords
They get off on converting others

Retaining is just using something to keep your skin over your head.
You don't have to use o-rings, you can use anything, really. I don't like o-rings because it's very hard to tell if they are on too tight.
That's why I suggested the plastic toilet bowl caps. It's like $3 for 2 of them, and they stay on snug without being too tight, and they don't slip off or move because they start wide and taper down. They also create a seal and keep everything nice and snug.

Where did YOU learn about all this?

not him but there's a reddit for foreskin restoration, you can probably guess the name

They have a get engaged category and a get a baby taken away by the government category. Exactly the categories you would expect women to come up with in their women game

>an all-queer speedrunning event

so just gdq then

The internet.
I mostly learned about it on /soc/.

what age did you start restoring?

I've been stretching with and without cream for YEARS but it wouldn't do enough. Also couldnt take the widening route cause of short frenulum
sometimes it is necessary and I'm happy now

Im glad youre happy i hope to some day be happy with my peepee too, and not see a scarred, mottled wreck when i look in the mirror, due to this semetic bronze age infant abuse ritual

Started when I was 19.
Completely worth it.
I permanently fixed so many of my problems just by doing something minor every day.
I don't even think of it as a chore, it's just a part of my daily routine. It's extremely fucking easy to do, the results are permanent, and there's almost 0 risk if you follow instructions and realize it is something you have to dedicate years to achieve.
The results aren't instant, but the results are so fucking amazing that I wish I started a couple years earlier.
Now, 6 years is a long fucking time, but the average results are anywhere from 2 years to 6+ years.
It took me so long because I want a certain end-goal, and I was cut extremely tightly, most have more skin to work with when they start out.

>Make schedules
>Make sure trannies can use OBS
>find trannies to run
>bitch about """18 hour days"""

god imagine them having a real job

Well i envy you for starting at age 19... But at the same time i guess i am fortunate to be a CI 1.5-2.5 (in some areas)

How is your hair situation by the way? i know some tight cut guys have hair at their scar line?

I have to wonder exactly how many of the girls are ACTUALLY girls. Is there a schedule / runner lineup? I'm going to do some reading.

I have the same amount as before, actually.
The new skin that has grown doesn't have hair.

my dad was circumcised as an infant, but he saved me and my two brothers from the snip. I hope you find happenis soon, user and protect the future generations

They can play video games and get attention at the same time.

>4k-5k viewers
Oy watch the stream you incels

monkeys at it again.

I was watching earlier, had a long discussion in whispers with some dude after getting banned, then the tutorial part came on for mario rpg and i gave up

>turn it on
>yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
nice commentary

the monkey got stomped you inbred tranny bitch white supremacist

I like pidgezero_one a lot but I'd have preferred a run of the game to a time killing segment like that, I don't blame anyone for leaving during the stuff pidge was commenting on earlier and the smrpg demonstration. oh well.

I know at least nine women for certain from a quick look at the runners. It still made me laugh at the last gdq when some people on here thought smooth operative was trans lmao.

that was the one, are they a real woman or another tranny? it was hard to tell from their voice desu


someone on samandtolki did the research and the female to "female" ratio is about 50%

Attached: safespacecompromised.jpg (621x436, 41K)

>mfw I report these people just because it's so easy to get them banned

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I've never seen anything of the sort to suggest she's trans, she just has a dudebro/stoner kind of conversational tone which makes sense from the background she has, but I guess in this context I suppose I could understand being uncertain.

Based! Reporting people for misgendering is based and redpilled!

get therapy or something dude
for real

At least 90% of his tweets are "i have boobs". That shit can't be of a healthy mind.

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>Women do not think along the lines of "If this thing is happening, and it continues, what other things might happen? Would I want those other things?".
>Women think along the lines of "If I FEEL this way about this event that is happening, are these feelings what I want? How do other people feel, and are these the feelings they want?"

This man... This man knows
If you're a zoomer, read this sentence 200 times then reread it 200 times more.

dumb animepsoter