Starter weapon is the best weapon in the game

>Starter weapon is the best weapon in the game

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Dead Space did this perfectly

>as you get more skilled you dont need the best weapon

>hardest to obtain weapon is a joke weapon

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>equipping the starter weapon is the only way to have a decent fight against the last boss who otherwise dies in 1 hit

Name 23 vidya, 47 books and 96 kinos where this happens



>character‘s signature weapon/gear in marketing is shit and gets replaced after 20 minutes
skyrim and FFVII come to mind

tbf you don't find a better sword until you get out of Midgar, unless you steal a hardedge from a Soldier in the Shinra building

The cane.

Bio shock wrench does this very well

>starting weapon can be upgraded into the best weapon in the game at the end of the game once certain upgrade materials are found

Tf2 stock weapons

Cane is shit, Axe is god.

>get to the 2nd town
>since don't care to collect, sell your starter weapon for 100G so you can buy a far better weapon
>get to 3rd town, crafting unlocked, didn't even know this game had crafting
>late in the game, unlock new recipe to craft the strongest weapon in the game
>requires your starter weapon
>there was only 1 copy in the world

>RPG game
>finally get some ancient weapon forged with rarest of metal by the gods themselves
>literally find a stick with more damage 30 minutes later in a pile of trash

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Combat evolved

The knife in serious sam first & second encounter is really good. Better than the chainsaw. Try it on a boss and watch the hp bar drop with each slice.

>Final Fantasy 4
>Protag becomes a Paladin
>obtains the "Sword of Legend" while doing so
>immediately find a Mythril Sword with higher stats

>Cod4, MW2, Bloodborne

DS3 Knight

King's Raid for Kasel at least

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Also annoying:
>rpg game
>find legendary level 999+ Braphunter sword that used to be wielded by worlds greatest hero
>you can easily craft a stronger weapon yourself
I fucking hate that so much

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I think it's just called Legend because it has a Legend inscribed on it, it's not meant to be a crazy strong sword or anything

jackie chan

>expecting ancient weapons of legend to not be broken and rusted as fuck

>the sword is said to be forged with metal that does not lose its edge nor does it rust

>Some ghetto nail bat is stronger then your swords

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>Find a legendary weapon from a boss who's drop tables are insanely unfair
>20 minutes later its useless because enemies scale with by level, not by weapon

Yeah im talking bout you, Borderlands.

given it sucks, they clearly didn't know what they were doing 1000 years ago

that's just how legends go

Mass Effect 3. Avenger is the best fucking assault rifle in the game only outclassed by Lancer from Citadel DLC, which is Avenger with higher magazine size and infinite ammo. You can run out of enemies before you have to let it cool down.

>spend the entire game being disappointed by everything you find
>finish the game with starting gears

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>low gear looks the best
>high gear looks shit and overdesigned

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>Have an insanely fun weapon you want to make it as your signature
>Have to give it up because it becomes worthless

Too many games to count do this. Why? I could never believe anybody actually liked the garbage aesthetic of over-designed high level or end game gear.

Both bad games, but a couple prime examples are Guild Wars 2 and Destiny

Dark Souls 3

>absolutely no gear changes your character's appearance whatsoever so you always look like the retard you started the game as

and thats why its the weakest entry in the series


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nobody cares about your personal souls ranking games

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And people say Sorcerer is easy mode...

Deus Ex

Lame souls 3

Dark Souls

>seemingly bland/useless midgame weapon has a huge bonus against the incredibly difficult hidden boss, making it better than any endgame gear in this one specific scenario
>you only know this if you pay attention to hidden pieces of lore and NPC dialogue (or if you're a huge fag and read a guide)

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>Starter weapon has the potential to be the best weapon in the game
>but it's either tough to use to its full potential or it has to be upgraded
love that

That stupid fucking Hunters Axe in Bloodborne, literally r2 charge spam to beat every boss

>No weapons are necessarily better than one another but can be upgraded to fit specific roles.

the biggest :(

>The best and most fun weapon unlocks at the very end of the game
>no new game+

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>Get legendary weapon
>You can craft a better weapon using it as a material
I love that shit, any game that does this besides FFI and Terraria?

Halo 1's pistol, rip.

I wish there was a game that lets you start with the best upgrades/weapons after beating it once to see how fast you can crush the game

So any game with newgame +?

Real life

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Splatoon 2

Never needed another weapon after this badboy

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I'm more thinking about games that change shit/scale-up in ng+ my bad

>Crummy looking weapon with no real thrilling appearance
>Hit's faster and harder than some of the better end-game weapons and can lay into bosses like no tomorrow

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all online shooters with some sort of progression. The starter weapon is always the most balanced without clear flaws, the best one overall.

>Starter weapon can be upgraded late game into one of the best weapons but you sold it; so tough shit!

9A-91 is the starting SMG for the engineer in Bad Company 2 and the best one
PKM is the starting LMG for the medic and also pretty much the best one

Now this is kino
Even the air rifle in metro Exodus gave me a boner

"People" who sell unique items deserve to get fucked over.

I always did this with the pistol in Deus Ex.

Halo 1's pistol

>weapons can be upgraded with money but you can't acquire 1/10th of the necessary amount in a normal playthrough unless your stop to grind specific enemies for item drops that you can sell
Thanks FF13

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>best looking armor in the game is both obtained and replaced very early on
>no wardrobe/transmog system

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You’re both wrong and right. Those starting weapons can definitely get you through the game, but #1’s the Cleaver.


only the true hero would have the extraordinary luck to find, purely by chance, a sword even greater than the Sword of Legend in the trash.

>legendary endgame gear looks exactly the same as common shit you've been finding all game

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basically Skyrim with it's shitty level scaling

lol path of exile needs to make money somehow bruh

>Game has special missions that give special awesome weapons & armor
>Final special mission drops the best weapon & armor that can be equitable by anyone
>Repeat mission go get best gear for every member of your party
>Game also has new game plus so you can constantly reuse awesome gear

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Tales of Destiny
Unless you do the extra content and count the upgraded endgame version of your sword as an entirely different weapon

>best weapon in the game only obtainable after beating the last superboss
>no enemies to use it on since it drops from the hardest boss
>no ng+

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Every single God of War game

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What vidya?

>get crypt blacksword in DS2
>slow as fuck
>heavy as fuck
>go back to my starter weapon: dark enchanted mace
>wreck shit well into the endgame
Both an underwhelming and satisfying experience

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true the the transformed L2 is god-like and the running overhead swing can be followed up with a 2nd overhead if your R1 after the running R2 which wrecks stuff like cursed amy and it's a very fast followup - i have 40 million echos on my dungeon character and 700+ boss kills with the thing - pretty much only spin to win when i get super bored as just about all the other moves become more fun

In Dark Souls 2 the longsword/estoc are by far the best and can be acquired at the start.