Beta tomorrow edition
Beta tomorrow edition
Other urls found in this thread:
beta that you will not take part of
Is the beta open to everyone? I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters.
Yeah you'll get access for sure.
no just like a heaven queers rest in spears
No beta tomorrow.
I have a feeling it might be a streamer exclusive thing.
>He plays Male Undead mage for the racials and because "trolls look weird"
>He doesn't play them to slaughter the living in a rain of frost and fire.
he has autism forever be a virgin
All the streamer cucks are hyping up about something tomorrow at 7:30 PST
It's either beta announcement or a streamer exclusive preview
Also FUCK TOWLIE and his fucking shill ass first he hates on classic and know he's hyping it up fucking retarded blizzshill
You just described every single person on this site.
speak for yourself loser boy
If they do a streamer exclusive thing it's going to backfire hard as almost everyone in classic community hates every classic streamer.
>plays “beta” of centuries old game
>gets bored of game by release
Summer is nice
AsmonPrime Poggers
>almost everyone in classic community hates every classic streamer
Everyone in the classic community is already interested in classic.
Yeah, but my fav WoW streamer gets it. :)
Honestly having a closed beta with streamer keys is the easiest way for Blizzard to kneecap the hype
its a retail expansion announcement or patch.
I clicked on his stream because of the timer rumors and one of the things he said was "Most of you are going to hate me tomorrow"
I think that was him implying he knows people think its a classic announcement but it isn't and many people are going to be pissed
>Mulgore "Spiced" Bread Challenge!
>20 streamers
>one piece of bread on the floor
>You'll never guess who eats the bread! Shocking ending will blow your mind!
>Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe, Patreon in the description!
what a faggot
>streamer exclusive preview
>here is what you could be playing guys
nah I'm good
No it's not all the classic streamers are in on it. Tips and StaySafe both said they had special streams tomorrow. Has nothing to do with retail.
if someone could get word to towelie and tips i just want them to know that they are fatbody subhuman brownskin niggers
Oh shit, well ignore my post then. Im not up to speed with all the stream niggers
Oh they know, trust me. They're just shameless subhuman shills who will do anything for a shekel.
>Watching Classic WoW being streamed
Holy fuck. I cannot imagine a more boring thing than watching vanilla WoW questing.
What's even going to be the point in streaming it if its just a typical beta? Levelling is boring as fuck to watch. All the streamers 'leaking' informations are literal who's or shills so their commentary doesn't make it worthwhile to watch. I don't mind Blizzard pandering to streamers early because once Classic launches any streamer with more than 1k viewers won't be able to play at launch for atleast 48 hours with people mob-tagging everything to troll but fuck atleast make the beta fun for people who don't usually watch streamers.
If they get 40 streamers for a beta Molten Core run it may be entertatining, or if they announced the server list so we can avoid streamers it'd be useful, but I don't expect a release date.
So is beta this week?
Open beta for everyone will happen either may 19 or may 25
nice source queer boy
Its possible the streamer demo is similar to the Blizzcon demo, and they start at level 20 or 30 in a quest zone
Where is Mankrik's wife though?
source: dude trust me
how hard is r12 if you have a premade
stock up on tube stocks and piss jugs
not hard just time consuming
This basically confirms a streamer beta.
Also GoT is fucking garbage are you're a subhuman if you watch it.
1st seasons was good, back when it was basically wars of the roses meets low fantasy. But, like all good things this generation, once it got popular it was poz'd by the usual suspects.
yeah but how bad is the poopsock for r12 compared to r13 or the weeks of br1 autism for r14
Ok, so here is what i've gathered but big grain of salt since this is purely from reading bnet and reddit - i do not follow any youtubers or streamers.
>"something" is tomorrow - some have said NDA lifts, morning announcement, or something else
>"something" is also the 19th - this is more tipsout than anyone so who fucking knows
Normally i wouldn't trust anything secondhand that's based off of streamer shit but they're all saying similar shit.
Here is the thing: I KNOW that some of you actually pay attention to these guys and some even interact with them in their containment discords. Rather than the normal arguing with you about how im so much cooler than you since i dont watch them or pay attention to them, I'm asking if any of you know any legitimate info.
What I'd love is an actual beta, hopefully in phases to break up the leveling and focus on whats important, like pre level 30 or 30+ for different phases. I'd also love a launch date so i can plan when to no life this summer.
Past that i dont care, i wont be watching beta but it existing is neat since that means we are closer to this launching. I also don't need to participate in beta since i already know what im playing and if i wanted to blunt my hype id just go play on a current private server.
So, zoomers: help us out here.
>tfw guldie is a wagie for blizz
>tfw my email is on his friends and family alpha/beta access
>tfw im not even going to bother to play
That doesn't solve the entertainment issue though. If I had never played WoW before and I decided to watch a stream of classic and I could only watch level 20-30 questing it wouldn't hook me. If Blizz caters to streamers surely they want it to be fun to watch since it's clearly not for bug reports. Dungeon runs, raiding or even some BG's (unlikely due to the phases) could be good content, if it's not an announcement it better be worth Blizzards time to organise this shit
Eh it depends on how much honor everyone else is getting, but obviously it's less poopsocking for r12 than above.
What class are you? Are you even certain it's necessary?
I forget which phase the honor gear is available - phase 3? if that's the BWL phase then yeah, if you can tolerate the no-lifing then it could be worth it but it depends how long it fucking takes as equivalent gear would be available in AQ which i guess is phase 5.
Someone could correct me if im a little off.
Are you employed? Do you have a wife/gf? Do you have children?
thats not a source nigger
Nice larp faggot
Its probably for the best because if you couldnt resist temptation, and leaked info to Yea Forums, your bud could get in trouble.
That pic never gets old
Why would playing the beta be fun anyhow?
It's a waste of time unless you're looking for exploits or making sure certain things work which im sure they'd be well aware of anyhow.
how can people be hype for some elites crap community that will be classic
theres literally 0 reason to be hyped for this just nostalgia
Blizz isn't stupid. Im sure they have something cooked up. Maybe they start at level 39 and they're in SM cath or something. Some event is sure to take place, beyond regular questing/grinding
go back to fortnight, lil zoomzoom.
truth, unless you're really into finding bugs just play pservers.
It's only nice for streamers since they wont get buttfucked by blizz for playing it
A man never steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.
You have no home
Why would anyone trust this dude? He baits shit for views and has nothing of substance to offer anyhow.
>catababy reinvents hiimself as a "vanilla veteran" and milks youtube e-fame because zoomers are fucking stupid
I'm not even mad but still don't get why anyone would take him seriously about anything ever. If he told me the sky was blue i'd assume that he was both wrong and that he wanted me to watch a 10:01 video about what green and yellow make.
because I am the elitist
>Why would anyone trust this dude?
He literally just got back from a trip to Irvine, TX. Courtesy of Blizzard.
aight, how many of you found mankriks wife without help. That includes addons, chat, friend, etc
All relative to the realm's population but it's still gonna take a month or two, depending at what rank you start (battlegrounds won't be out until BWL). To get rank 12 you need 50k RP and your current amount decays 20% every week. The maximum RP you can get is 12,000 per week and only a few people get it (top 0.3% of honor gainers).
If your server is very active in PvP, don't even bother if you have a job. Time > skill is everything in the stupid ass honor grind.
Irvine, CA*
On my server, anything past 6 was poopsocking.
>To get rank 12 you need 50k RP and your current amount decays 20% every week. The maximum RP you can get is 12,000 per week
Wait a second.
the dude that shills his shitty youtube channel in Yea Forums classic threads said he got high warlord in vanilla on tichondrius, and that he did it queuing solo and it only took a month.
was he lying?
its available in phase 2 before BGs even come oout and the epic legs for both the classes im considering (war/rogue) are really good
I'll prob just go for r10 and see how I feel after
The individual youre speaking about is mentally ill and seems to be in a constant psychotic/manic state and constantly makes up insane comments. Hes unemployed and does nothing but brag about things that never happened. Please ignore our resident mentally ill tripfag
I'll relook up whats available at which rank so i dont need to be spoonfed, but i recall thinking i'd really like the shaman boots for the ghost wolf speed bonus.
Was semi-considering going enhance early but switching to the more standard 30/0/21 when more spellpower gear is available - however am i wrong in thinking ranking doesn't offer a lot of value to a caster/healer/support in mail armor?
I'd be healing raids and i know t2 is great for what i want, plus ZG stuff. I love pvp but the less ranking i'd feel was "required" the better.
Another thread with the SAME wojacks, The SAME image spam, the SAME post, and the SAME op general style starters.
You are a /vg/ thread allowed to be here only because blizzard gets free publicity from you idiots.
Good job on being shills for FREE.
>watching classic BiS video on youtube
>he is showing dungeon gameplay and someone in his guild chat spoils game of thrones last episode
That's what i was assuming and I do my part by not replying, but what a weirdo. I'll disregard and never mention him again.
In a way its really unfortunate- lolcow stuff is always fun but there's so much disinfo surrounding a "solved game" that i'm sure it has to be confusing for people.
It wasn't entirely the popularity, it took a sudden and noticeable dive in quality once they got too far away from the books, season 4-5ish.
Game Of Thrones... might as well (((inject))) yourself
nah you dont need to rank for shaman healing
most dps are going to want r8-r10 at least, because blizzard is retarded and adding the 1.12 pvp sets super early
>watching e-celebs on youtube
found your problem, user.
Anything that isn't hot girl body painting videos, danzig videos, or cat videos is a complete fucking waste of time and you should know better.
>caring about game of sòy
>nah you dont need to rank for shaman healing
Eh well it's ele, so more purge spam and totems, then burst along with heals, but i'll look again at what's what. I could be wrong but i doubt a lot of shaman go deep resto for pvp.
>he likes a shitty webcomic written by an insufferable asshole
>he actually likes the one character who's even more shit than the rest of the cast
bro it's just 15 dollars for a little bit of nostalgia.
Even if I get bored of it after a week, I only payed the cost of going to the movies and buying some popcorn. That's how I measure it.
imagine being an adult playing games guess ur like 30 years of being a loser
anyone else posting in these threads just to anger nintenkiddies and zoomers?
It's actual shills and they paid Hiro so he allows them to stay here.
>chilling out in the bushes minding my own fucking business draining all the clothcucks mana and making sure rogues/druids cant have fun
>male night elf hunter on the opposite side of the map sees me and hunter marks me
>try to shrug him off but he does every single thing he can to force the shitty mirror match up
>we both run out of mana fast and neither of us can kill eachother unless our healers go afk
>both of us are now fucking useless and have to retreat for a minute until we can eat it all back
>repeat same thing over and over because dogbrain retard gets excited when he sees the same class and thinks its some gay duel duel for honor
of all the people they promote its fucking toweliee lmao
I think playing an MMO where you actually encounter other players while leveling is a valid reason
People who played back in the day don't watch this ooga booga muditerranean. He preys on the bandwagon zoomers and wrathbabies making the "how do i prot paladin" topics that infest classic discussion areas. Hollow content is hollow content.
>Being discerning of quality
I think I can admit that my life hasn't taken off in the ways I expected. Still single, virgin, 30, I work but no real social bonds. I know it won't be like the old days. I don't think I'd call it home, but I had the most real thing or closest bond to actual friends in WoW. I miss it.
>streamer demo
Why do marketing faggot think this is a good idea?
Why does a 10 year old game need a beta? Why are you even ok with this? Blizzard has made you wait like 3 years since they told you they were going to release this game.
3 fucking years.
And you're happy.
>life is much better than when I played vanilla
>Vanilla was where I found my first friendships
>Found a place I belonged
>Still going to play classic with my friends one of whom I met in vanillaand my gf
>small tauren camp
>possible dead body
>the Gold Road
reading is fukken hard lamo
>muh larp
stay mad fag
Is 5% hit huge for leveling a rogue, since there's a base 24% to miss?
I can't decide between parry->riposte or precision.
And all the Smash threads aren't the same? Fuck off nintendr*ne
>he actually cares about game of thrones
>in 2019
that's a yikes from me, almost as bad as caring about capeshit
LOL yea you ll encounter something a ganker or a players mobs while you try to level to 10 fucking pleb
Please dont post things like this, it could get your friend in trouble dude
get parry > riposte first it does so much damage for 10 energy and is nice in pvp, get the hit% talents afterwards
I doubt it's streamer exclusive, they're just using them to hype it up.
If that is the case, it's smart. Think about it: the demo that's already interested aren't zoomers or current retail players, it's past blizzard customers who have since moved on. It's already a great move to lure them in and onto the new bnet - dadgamers are essentially going to be paying 15/mo to have promotions and advertisements shoveled at them.
By using zoomer streamers to hype this, they get the demo that they aren't already selling to: bfababies and people that play other games but DO pay attention to their favorite e-celebs.
I don't like it either, user, but using "influencers" is no longer new or stupid. It's basically advertising that you contract out and i'm certain it's far cheaper as well.
noslagia meme game
watch them release like 20+ servers all die except the streamer shitfest faggot server
>streamer shitfest faggot server
God it feels great to not be American so I can dodge all the twitch prostitutes
>male Tauren Marksman Hunter
Will I get raid spots?
why are you trying to think of your own thing on a old game are you retarded?
fucking idiot ur not special nor find anything better of what there is already
>it's posted in my faggot chat room full of dudes jo'ing with each other so it must be true
hey true story i cybersex'd with david bowie in a chatroom on prodigy in 1997, that's as authentic as whatever nonsense you're posting
asmon is not a bad guy
compared to all the other wow "influencers" he's great
asmon and josh are the only wow ecelebs i can tolerate
I will only get one or the other since I'm going subtelty. Just putting 12/13 points in combat for imp. sprint and then going down sub tree
If riposte is better for pvp then I'll definitely take that
its your boy asmogold future cuckold please have a nigger fuck my wife
>stuck with CYKA BLYAT instead
it feels good being irrelevant
Honestly its the other way around, i'd be far more concerned with a server an e-celeb picks as the second they get bored of it their orbiters will vanish. Depending on who it is that could be a huge percentage of the server pop.
I just stumbled upon it the other day on my way to taurajo lmao
>it even has the reddit spacing
look at it this way, you can get 5% hit from gear, you can't get riposte
>when your country is, right at this moment, going through an economical breakdown
Feels good being at the mercy of the chinaman huh?
reddit spacing is a meme forced by newfags wanting to appear as oldfags
this space was used way before reddit even existed
trust me i've been on this shithole for 14 years
imagine thinking thats an insult hahah faggot dork
>Even reddit spacing it
l m a o
If you have an account that was active during Vanilla and are currently subbed you are going to have instant access to the beta tomorrow.
Believe me or not, I don't care, just giving a heads up.
plans for classic afk in bgs to lvl60 rank 13 sell character
its going to be fun!
plz be true
yeah but it's dumb. you're trying to draw more attention to your posts by taking up as much spacing as possible. might as well get yourself a trip and post in all caps
>this spacing was used by oldfags before reddit
>20 servers
there will be like +800 servers each region
oh look the meme classic bill
"hey that faggot is killing my dudes, someone should do something about it"
you're just buttmad cause you cant kill a fucking nelf hunter
Have fun with your terrible wages and ever spiking prices :)
They literally already did a fucking beta. Just give us a fucking release date jesus christ
>playing a priest, get a whisper to heal for a 30-something dungeon
>get there, complete group, they share the quests with me, we're ready
>"you have no idea how long we were looking for a healer" - yikes
>"tank" is an enhancement shaman with a 2h
>2 hunters and a balance druid as dps
>what the fuck
>enh shaman can't keep aggro, has no damage mitigation so I heal him constantly
>waste all my mana every pack
>wipe on first boss after druid overtakes tank on threat
>get kicked
All part of the experience :^)
>mob competition
that's why you wait three days after release to avoid the 60 rush
>afk in bgs when right click reporting is a thing
dude you're going to collect no honor at all when you're getting deserter over and over
and once a GM determines you're botting to keep queuing you'll eat a ban as well.
You'd be better off being semi-afk in AV or something but that wont get you r13.
imagine being a loser for this long
pure austism cant
It was always expected you try to format your post in blocks.
That way you don't have to read all they way to the edge of your widescreen monitor
i doubt its a meme, that one is actually mine, but i have posted it before after arguing with someone. im not proud of it.
>give streamers some bullshit that costs basically nothing
>they promote you for a shitload of manhours to tens of thousands of people in your target audience
again how is this an insult? lol wtf
ahh yes and reach lvl60 6 months in if you dont quit fag
Asmongold seems like he's actually managed to separate his stream persona from his actual persona, which is an impressive enough feat.
awww look at the retail baby thats cute......he knows nothing
>Get kicked
5% hit is huge yes
>they called me a redditoooor in veeeeeeeee
>uhhh mommy i wanna donate to e-celeb cancer so i can feel happy again
Many different types of spacing are used by different people. Do you expect all emails to look the same as well? What a retard newfaggot
i'd donate to his stream if i could cum on her bigass lips
t. pic related
>really wanna send this to friend im talking to
>she's trying to work through some stuff and doesn't wanna fall into a lewd pit again
newfag doesnt even know what lurking means
>its resetra all over again
was it RFK? i've had this exact scenario happen. Shaman turn into some thirsty bitches once they get a whiff of Corpsemaker
>tfw going to pick an Undead rogue to sneak into Alliance leveling areas and farm dishonourable kills
>wages btw
>Frog poster
>An actual retard
Everything checks out
>uses @462058768
what a faggot
Did blizzard ever said anything about exclusive servers for each region?
I don't want to play with 150+ ping
hue monkey here btw
best fury warrior pvp race? Troll, Human, or Dwarf. Go
>reddit spacing is a meme forced by newfags wanting to appear as oldfags
your newfag is showing
Why would you want to play beta anyways? You will be more hyped playing fresh when it comes out instead of doing the same shit you did at beta again
You will get your own quarantine servers, but that won't stop hundreds of you from picking US servers just to plague us all with your BR chatter for god knows what reason
orc you fucking retard
But out of your list, dwarf.
#passive aggressive shits quoting post numbers without directly replying to the post, trust me you're not going to miss them
>fury pvp
God Cata-Barrens is so fucking garbage. Blizzard should go to jail or what they did to it.
I like being helpful and finding bugs and stuff. Plus I'd play Horde since I know I'd be going Alliance on a PvP server and wouldn't play Horde side for a long time if at all after launch.
can you really fault them for wanting to be rid of the BR menace?
tell your chimp buddies to stop being such faggots online
I can't tell if they shrunk the zones a little during the rework or if the increased draw distance now that I'm not playing this on a 2004 laptop makes it seem smaller
I do not fault a drowning man for throwing my head underwater as he attempts to save himself for drowning.
But still, if you let them in, they just turn the server into a shithole like the one they left.
i'll make it work senpai
>feminine smell
As a nurse I am here to break your dreams. If you've sniffed your own ass you've sniffed a girl's ass. Assess are just that, a hole for fecal matter to come out. The colon dries up if something tries to get inside from the outside and the colon lubricates itself or help push fecal matter out. It's unnatural to put stuff up your butt. You wouldn't shoot water into your blood veins, right Yea Forums?
nice sperg out faggot
I don't really have an issue with him outside of all the fanboy channels that constantly record his streams and plaster them everywhere on Youtube.
Hate them? I don't know who any of these fuckers are. I'm certain I'm not the only one.
Sodomy is unhealthy, moreover its denigrating. and thats exactly why its pushed on us in degenerate pornography.
Everything looks smaller on bigger screens.
Can't wait to go back in time and be an edgy kid again
Considering I'm in the friends and family list I'm most definitely in every beta and alpha they release on day one.
Just make friends with an employee and get on that list.
Do you actually think doujin artists have made genuine contact with females
I also played a night elf rogue as an 11 year old, rolled him in january 2006.
I am still planning on rolling NE rogue this time around in classic, because I have an autistic urge to hit the stealth bonus cap and stealth around enemy cities, now that the stealthed elite, hyper aware guards added in cata, are all gone.
>playing an outdated game
>playing a game with devs that have only produced soulless garbage
Imagine wanting to play this game when you can play the superior MMO for PvE and PvP
The zoomer audience seems to be the most elitist going into Classic. I'm not sure if streamers have conditioned players into believing the game was near unbeatable but the amount of begging for class-specific 1-60 levelling guides and pre-raid BIS lists from people who've never touched the game is weird to me. You even have people suggesting not to run most dungeons pre-60 because it isn't worth the time, as if hitting 60 and running Molten Core weekly is the most enjoyable content in the game for them. Watching people theorycraft so heavily for MC is just comical when it'll be cleared instantly anyway
I'm officially unhyped. Decided to resub to retail to get ready for classic. I played for 5 days, got my fix, then unsubscribed. I'll play for 5 days again in a other 8 years.
yes little boy you are sooo special!
>Decided to resub to retail to get ready for classic.
That makes zero sense
i am in too im best of friends with the ceo of blizz and have been on every beta of my choosing
The game has changed a lot but it's still the same game at it's core.
They must have interacted with at least one, right?
That’s like saying Pokémon Emerald is the same as Pokémon Omega Ruby
classic is not for you, it's good that you got it out early
Orc, but lookswise Dwarf or troll
Source nig
I think zoomers are don't really know what to make of classic. Vanilla WoW must be an enigma to them. They hear fables, parables, etc of what it used to be like. They pick up a private server and its full of jank and third worlders. That said, I know zoomers who play 2007scape and like it a lot. I think a lot of zoomers are going to play Classic and enjoy it too. Just like we did in our teenage years.
But yes a lot of zoomers are in these threads,many of them pretending they played in vanilla. And you cant really blame them. They just want to fit in with the cool older kids (even though were twice their age). I think we should be nice to all the lil zoomers when Classic finally does hit because they will definitely need some pointers
will they have polling like osrs
No and thank god.
t. played 2007scape on launch and quit after GE was polled
Lesson #1
red = dead
it will be their game to be fair, we're here just to guide them into it. You'll see how the boomers will fall into the background, but that is what we want isn't it. If they capture 1/4 of the magic we got, one day they will defend the game on this godforsaken site if its still up.
Then Lesson #0 should be to tell the zoomers to pick a PVP server and ignore anyone who says otherwise
i'm sure blizzard with fuck up classic then
>streamer exclusive
uh, why are you people pushing this rumor? it would be literally two dozen or so players on a single server.
the point of beta is not only to let the public get a preview, but also stress test, bug find and see how real world play would look before going live. no one is going to tune in to watch some lone faggot running around killing boars and picking herbs.
Orc fucking shits
Blizzard wont for reasons that I could go in depth with, but the gist of it is that Blizzard's Classic WoW team is closely following a formula laid out by very successful private server operators such as Nostalrius and even other games like Project 1999. This style of 'rolling out' old content in phases is actually very successful.
>pick a pvp server
you just want more meat for the grinder, you sick bastard.
He's like the incarnation of all that will be wrong with classic wow, complete with right click reporting like he did in the demo
Can we seriously get mods to bann these underage drones from this website
If you manage to get to 60 in a PVP server, only then should you be allowed to roll on a RP or PVE server, imho
That's pretty stupid
you only hate him because he's not a commie faggot
>get bored and turn on asmongolds stream
>hes doing AQ40 with that project 60 thing
>see someone in chat say "this content is older than me"
So this is what it feels like to be an adult, huh...?
Yes how stupid it would be, to force people to battle in a game called World of ***WAR***craft. Obviously in World of WARcraft, you're supposed RP walk everywhere and pick flowers all day.
lil niggas gotta learn how to swim, might as well do it in a pool instead of the bathtub
I hear the game doesn't involve interacting with other human beings these days so I find it hard to believe that it's the same game at its core.
i dont know about wow but top streamers on twitch literally cost 6 figures for like an hour
What are your tiers bros?
wow someone copied my treengext story from a few days ago, I feel honored
It takes an hour, maybe 2 without xp buffs to quest to level 15. At that point you can grind dungeons all the way to max level without ever moving your character from the spot you dinged 15 at. Hundreds of players you'll party with and probably 1% of the runs will have someone who speaks in chat. Once you're 120 you can gear up through random dungeons and then do LFR.
Totally ridiculous.
orc or troll hunter?
Fuck sunken temple its shit
I did Sunken Temple so damn often around level 50 I've developed Stockholm Syndrome for it.
Killing 6 million oy veyyy boars... now THAT'S a way to level
I never capped 60 in vanilla. I maxed around 55. So I can only rate the dungeons I cleared.
Scarlet Monestary (Cath)
[Power Gap]
Scarlet Monestart (sans Cath)
Shadowfang Keep
[Power Gap]
Sunken Temple
[Power Gap, and basically dungeons I hated doing]
>beta tomorrow
>its in beta for month
>its going to be more broken in launch than any private server or vanilla itself never was
Would you like to point out why you think it will be broken? You can't just say "broken". What will be broken? PVP? PVE? Economy? Explain
You are underage aren't you. You know the rules stop browsing this website.
There is no longer a age limit on 4channel boards.
Swap WC and Deadmines and this looks pretty good.
wanna bet? tell us your age, junior.
>no point to make
>resorts to calling others underage
unironically kys
>Adult person
>Not able to think for himself
Tell me adult user how would a MMO be broken?
>having a beta for a game that already had a bunch of betas
>and also a full release
but this is Classic, an entirely new game
This. Beta should be working 120% what ''Nostalrius'' did. If thats not the case enjoy having fucked up numbers on abilities, items fuck anything.
Classic WoW literally, LITERALLY needs to be beta tested because much of the game actually requires manually updating things to be correct. For instance after the blizzcon demo , reddit filled pages and pages worth of remarks and observations on things that needed to be changed.
This is, actually, truly, one of the few times where a game needs to be beta tested.
>implying reddit doesn't complain even if it were perfect
i can bet 1000$ those changes weren't made and are on launch.
its needs one just because they're backporting from legion desu, if only they just found a way to add the 1.12 client to bnet we coulda had classic years ago
Why do devs and companies cater so much to Reddit anyway
Not true. Blizzard could have done that in Wrath but Metzen said NO to vanilla because he hates vanilla.
Okay. You're wrong. But okay.
The Classic wow reddit is full of autists who have chronicled every pixel and polygon in the original 1.12 client. They make the average Yea Forumsirgin look like a casual. But Yea Forums is also on average like 14 years old soo its not really that hard to do.
In this case its actually a good thing because the classic wow subreddit is actually providing meaningful feedback to the classic wow team. Everyone wants this project to be a success. The only naysayers are retarded faggots who dont even understand what the development process has been like anyway. Pro tip: the classic wow team has been listening to feedback
what kind of excuses are people going to make when the game has 1/10th the playerbase that retail does a month after release?
its literally nostalrius team doing classic on blizzard
meanwhile, 4channers day in and day out only discuss the rogue or warrior they will be playing
So is Yea Forums going to actively shit talk classic 5 months after it releases?
Okay gamers, get ready to RISE UP, GROUP UP, and TRADE ME ALL YOUR LOOT! Just like we did in vanilla!
Theres very possibly two nost devs on the classic wow team. Or at the very least they are giving lots of feedback behind the scenes, considering they've been out of the limelight. There are certainly lots of communication going on, regardless. Like I said, everyone involved is working overtime to make this a successful project. Classic WoW team up'd the phases from 4 to 6 after feedback, they changed soul bound item trading, you can literally read the fucking commits these guys push out, and they make snarky quips. For instance, there was an AH update and you can read a comment on the CDN that says "mental math was required in vanilla".
I dont have time to explain literally every detail but seriously, the only naysayers are ignorant faggots who havent been paying attention
Well then you should go back to peddit.
i am cautiously optimistic
I'm not saying Classic will be a roaring success. But it will be the closest thing to an authentic recreation of vanilla. For better or worse, it will be what it says on the tin.
That sounds great, honestly.
Re: comments on the CDN, do you have other examples?
>tfw OSRS still growing despite the purists leaving
>For instance after the blizzcon demo , reddit filled pages and pages worth of remarks and observations on things that needed to be changed
wtf /sit proc'd reckoning on nostalrius is classic dead????
WTF my consecration isn't scaling with attack power like no nostarliusssss
edit: ty for the gold stranger!!
>Why do devs and companies cater so much to Reddit anyway
Eh to be honest you can't blame them. Official forums for any online game and fansite forums are pure cancer and turn themselves into containment zones really fast.
>It's broken
>Gtfo underage!?
Literally the biggest fucking sperg ive seen all year
>/reddit/ gets trigered
Specifically that CDN commit was pulling out a bunch of the 7.1 code, and some of the code was a tooltip that showed you price per item on stacks in the AH. But in vanilla, we didnt have that tooltip. So yes even stupidly minute details (that were added in in addons anyway) are being noted of by the classic WoW team.
The classic wow team is likely comprised of a bunch of fucking nerds, exactly as it should be
I dont recall any other examples off the top of my head but you're welcome to read through the commits yourself
it... IT'S....
>I dont recall any other examples off the top of my head but you're welcome to read through the commits yourself
I'll look up how to do that and will, thanks user
I journey to /r/classicwow to rescue my beloved game, in the same way Dante journeys to hell to rescue his beloved gf
Because OSRS gets consistent content updates. Vanilla WoW will just be getting the same rehashed raids from all those years ago. It will get boring very quick without any future content.
>orc female
t mudhut nigger.
we should supplant the background with barrens and give him ironheart
>he is going to give Jewzard money after they threw off Nostalrius out pride and arrogance.
Feeding the devil once again.
cant wait to top DPS as ret
$15 is what i earn i an hour
>Roll Dwarf Paladin.
>get free honor
Compelling rebuttal
You're payed so little and still want to throw it away?
I was referring to the GE
If WoW gets original content and polling (which it will get at least 1 of at some point guaranteed) the game will grow without the super purists, they can leave, no one will miss them
>Vanilla becomes literally as casual as modern wow
Do any of you have that spreadsheet that compares the TPS between Bears and Warriors?
Bears have slightly higher TPS until they get oneshot but a critical crushing blow and have to waste a battle rez.
Probably. The biggest ones get mad yen through publishers or Patreon, so they're probably able to afford some pretty high quality pussy
That's cool but there was something else on that doc I wanted to check and it's not in my history.
BROS [streamer] is hyped for classic, and so am i ...... i cant fucking wait to go home kappa
I took the next two days off from my job at pizza hut to watch the streamer exclusive beta streams pog It's gonna be so hype and comfy I can't wait bros we're goin home kappa already got my resubs and donos planned out
One year ago when it was cool to hate Classic. youtube.com
Half year late it's not cool to hate Clasic anymore. youtube.com
Beta starting tomorrow confirmed ... It will be for streamers only, so that's a good thing, they deserve it the most.
kappa gonna donate to all streamers!!!
I hope my favorite efriend gets in ... I'm ready to support him with my dono 4Head
Just like that your questing has become 10 fold smoother, and you can kite tank pulls twice as big as you should be able to in groups. Why aren't you leveling fury?
0_o thats fuckin sad man. You're going to watch some other faggot play it? Just be patient and play it yourself.
>asmongold actually doing anything on his stream other than watching clickbait youtube videos and acting retarded to make 14 year olds laugh
thats how i know you didnt actually watch asmongolds stream
Because I leveled Fury on a private server and I didn't really end up using it all that often. It saved me from a handful of stupid pulls while leveling, but I'll have a bud with me in Classic. Rather save myself the respec and go Arms right away.
>Leveling up as Arms
torn between rouge and warlock...
I have played a lot of rouge, and it's super fun. But it would be cool to play a class I've never done.
A large portion of them are women, in fact I think the majority of them were, but you have to count non-H and fujoshit. That still leaves a noticeable chunk drawing orc gangbang mindfuck doujins and /ss/.
because sit enrage will not work on classic.
>torn between not getting raid spot or getting raid spot
>Better early talents
>Better PvP after 40
>Sit memes won't work so your Enrage is mostly worthless
right on, right on.
Reminder that Hunters are by far the most knuckledragging retardo class in the game. Any time someone asks for an invite to a group and you shift click and see that its a hunter, you know what to do anons.
Is any class really even hard?
I'll sooner invite a Rogue to take the leather and weapons I'm after than a shit eating Huntard.
I honestly would rather a release date over an open beta. Even if its months away I'd rather know the date I can please the released game rather than play a beta tomorrow
I'm married but when my wife works afternoons I have a qt trap hooker I fuck at her place. I dont let her penetrate me so it's not totally gay
Is there a more cancerous place than the classic wow subreddit? It's nothing but friend simulator drama and shitty memes. And I thought Yea Forums thread were bad.
It used to be alright, but this happens to literally every sub and that's why I can never take that place seriously. Without fail, even a decent sub will eventually devolve into memes and artwork for karma farming slugs.
I've gotten into every single Blizzard beta for some reason and I don't know why. I don't have any Blizzard relatives, I'm not a streamer, and I never signed up for the beta thing even before it existed.
Granted playing D3 and Overwatch beta was some of the most fun I've ever had in games because beta communities are S+ tier. I don't play Blizzard games that much anymore. Am I just a chosen one or something?
I'm pretty sure that, by default, most (all?) Blizzard accounts are automatically setup for all games under beta preferences.
Hunter or Warlock anons? I'll do raiding if I have to but I mostly care about solo play and world PvP (BGs are aight too)
Leveling as warrior is hard but thats not because they are complex but because they are shit while leveling,
Hunters dont get raid spots.
Friend simulator?
just drop a release date dude, i don't care about fortnite.twitch dude, my dude.
Blizzard betas are not very exclusive
They give out "closed beta" invites like candy. It was so easy to get into D3 beta, OW beta, etc
Both are good for PvP.
Warlock utility is better/more appealing.
Hunters drop off after a while, but don't become bad.
Warlocks scale well into late game.
If I had to pick for you I would say Warlock, but that's just like my opinion man.
Hearthstone beta, even original WoW beta, were super easy to get into
Its just a marketing ploy
Are ferals good in classic? I played vanilla but I was in 6th grade and mostly was just a casual about it. I did more exploring and pet catching than anything else.
that is what is exciting about this, by proxy we may get a release date, or a more solid timeframe to speculate about.
You will put in more effort to do as much DPS as an average Rogue and suffer on encounters where you can't be behind the boss. But they're alright.
This kills the green nigger
greniger= my hunter name, thanks bro
Tauren's are gay so no
Well no hopefully not but dont be surprised if stuff like dual speccing comes back later
i was hoping so but not gonna hold breath
there's not even a blue post about this countdown shit, so not optimistic
dilate elf-tranny
Daily reminder.
Do blizzard ever do announcements of announcements?
>mfw there's no announcement tomorrow and it was just some shitpost to get clicks and views from some random beggar on twitch
How is their pvp? I have a friend who will be playing as well so I'm more concerned with being able to do damage when I need to, but throw in some utility as well. Basically I just don't want to be gimped as feral. I dropped wow again after they made feral useless and only boomkin worth playing.
Greatest names you've seen in your time in WoW:
>Human Warrior named Someasshole
>Gnome Rogue named Coldchili
>Female Dwarf Priest named Squeakyanos
There were many more but I can't remember a lot of them off hand
it's just weird that they don't even talk. i remember tseric threads *sips* and off-topic was basically Yea Forums
>Disclaimer: This tier list only focuses on PvP
Is this guy mentally retarded?
No, but you are. LMAO
Which faction is going to have the highest concentration of streamerfags and their zoomer worshipers?
I would like to avoid them through any means possible.
Man they fucked the hunter sounds so hard man. I don't know how anyone could have heard these new sounds and said "yeah that sounds better" when compared to the old sounds. So bad man.
>Tfw i play on Europe servers so i literally deal zero streamers.
NA alliance. Literally the reddit faction and region
>Friend simulator?
hey guys wouldn't it be cool it we all joined the same server and made a /classicwow/ guild? see poll below, be sure to join our discord
what happens with any forum, but especially reddit, is you'll get various types that sit there all fucking day long and blather at each other. You know how sometimes you'll never use a forum, but then do one day because you have a question and it makes sense to post there, so you post your question, and within a minute someone has already replied with "dunno". That guy? That's the type of dude that sits on reddit (and mmo champ, and bnet, etc etc) all fucking day.
You have the upvote whores, the voice of reason (tm) fags, the low effort bait posters, the meanie booboo pretend trolls, the girl who keeps mentioning she has a bf in every post, on and on and on. It's honestly a lot like a /vg/ thread except less overt gay shit. And you'll see this behavior in any fan forum.
voting on posts, post count, things like that are pure cancer and the opposite of how a functioning dialogue should occur. The "hivemind" thing is a real thing as meme as it sounds, and for all its faults (and there are hundreds) a place like Yea Forums is far more useful for gathering info and opinions without an agenda - of course less useful for making friends unless you're looking to kik with some anime avatar discord homo.
accurate. most will go ally, ally was always the heavier faction on classic servers as well. paladin threat reduce just makes things a little simpler.
streamers/youtubers are friend simulators for the 30 years old zoomers
Based and EUpilled
Dumbass Lirik leaked it
Do we have countdown when beta is revealed?
Not to mention EU have the best players, I mean, just look at wowprogress.
You'd be better off waiting, people will be barking about which servers streamers are going to before hand.
Most are going pve, so that already makes them irrelevant (who the fuck plays pve) and most will go alliance for obvious reasons.
But still, we need to know server info first before you make plans, but 99% of humanity is the same boat as you.
Horde is going to be shit tier without Belves.
>Not to mention EU have the best players
You spelled "most literal neets" incorrectly, user.
thats not leak you furfag
Not really. God loves all of his creations. Even fake Christians such as yourself.
Don't know much about them in PvP, sorry. I would assume they're at least decent though, since Feral burst is pretty good and they've got utility in general.
Feral tank is good TPS, that means farm content. Feral cat does rogue damage at best but can't sustain it for 100% of every boss fight like a rogue can because of reliance on manual crowd pummelers, it's a party trick, or something you do while not feral tanking. Even if you go feral you will get resto gear and heal for a non-zero percentage of your time as a Druid, AND keep in mind even if you find one of the fewer guilds that will use a feral to off tank/main tank softer hitting bosses it is an even more exclusive spot than being a Prot Warrior.
Also if you don't put in 130% effort and look all this shit up in advance don't even try it.
Yes it is since he doesn't give a fuck about wow he probably thought it was already announced
woah this random from youtube just leaked it ................................... how will blizzard ever recover ........
how to pick a server
see realmlist when you login
filter out pve servers, of course
see first pvp server, alphabetically
skip that and roll a character on the second server.
thank me later.
>literally one of the biggest streamers on twitch
You dumb nigger game companies literally pay him tens of thousands for a few hours of streaming
no it isnt you dump dense shit eating cock slurping bench sitting fur fagget
>Better PvP racials
>Shamans are 10x funner to play than Paladins
>Consistently win the fun BGs i.e. WSG and AB way more often than Alliance do
>Don't have to deal with annoying ass streamers since almost all of them are rolling Alliance
>Don't have to deal with as many annoying kids or e-whores
>Have the two comfiest starting zones in the game, and the best leveling zone in the game as well
I played Alliance as a kid so I was dead set, but after thinking about it Horde are starting to look pretty enticing
woah dude sorry didnt mean to insult your e-friend im sure he's very popular
>furfaggot shilling hes channel
fuck off.
This, basically. It's paladins.
Fear ward is great too, but either way alliance has more convenience regarding pve.
A lot of melee dps will swear by windfury totem so there is that, and the reality is the faction lines blurred a long long long time ago so its the same fags on either side for the most part. But this user is correct.
As far as class distributions
mage/warrior/rogue will be top 3, period
alliance will have slightly more hunters
horde will have slightly more locks
shaman/paladin roughly the same with edge going to paladins
druids are least played class overall
using pservers as a guide, we know that alliance will have more discord trannies and the reasons for that should be obvious, however it would be difficult to run into them unless you're actively seeking them out or willingly playing with Yea Forums - and why the fuck would anyone with a functioning brain do that?
All these crybabies are saying that its going to be Alliance, but they are all wrong. Esfand, Shroud, McConnell, StaySafe, Bellular, Nixxiom, SodaPoppin, Krucial, and Preach have all stated that they are going Horde for Classic. Thats 95% of the WoW entertainers. The only two who are going Alliance are Asmongold and Swifty, and we all know Swifty doesn't matter anymore because his mental illness took over and he probably won't even be alive by the time Classic comes out.
Don't believe anything these shit threads spout, and do the research yourself. Its literally just angry tranny fags upset because they can no longer be a furry Worgen during classic so they have to settle for cows.
I don't know what's more autistic, him having to "react" to literally every WoW video on the internet, or the people who actualy archive and reupload them
no, incorrect
you take time zone of the server into account.
For this project especially it would be good to be cautious to not roll on an e-celeb server if they can help it as well.
We dont know how many servers per region yet or server caps,
TipsOut and Kargoz are also on the Horde.
But they are more of an Youtube content creator
>The only two who are going Alliance are Asmongold and Swifty
That's reason enough to not play Alliance desu
If these streamers really cared about Classic and the community they wouldn't stream it keeping it exclusive but instead advocate for public testing.
>hobbadobba EDM blasting over open mic
>2 retards arguing in bulgarian
>some bong trying to sound posh
there are tradeoffs
Esfand said he's going Alliance. He plays Paladin. Unless his contract with Method requires him to be Horde?
CHAD nelf has honor and engages you in a honorable hunter's spat.
the virgin (You) hides in the bushes like a complete cuck. I hope the night elf won that bg to be honest.
You dont have to pick those slavic niggers in the group not only that they propably play on the russian servers
you have ugly characters and ugly cities. That alone is enough
They only care about money really. These "classic" streamers are literal whos I have never heard of until recently, and I've been playing since BC.
>they propably play on the russian servers
what russian servers? there won't be any at first.
that means the russians will be on euro servers.
AHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA get fucked, lisping euro neets
>mfw all the retailfags who want to play Paladin/Druid/Shaman/Shadow priest because it’s their favorite spec in retail
>mfw they will all be forced to heal
>mfw they will cry on the forums about how they want to tank/DPS and that blizzard MUST buff them
I never played WoW but I kind of want to play Classic as a Troll because I saw my friend play the starting area and thought the rasta troll thing is kind of funny.
Can you be a troll shaman?
ya dude
The ones you've never heard of were private server players.
Enjoy your mexicans, brazilians and chinks, amerilard.
It's free viewers for him and free money for the leeches who upload his content. He's said he doesn't give a fuck so people spring on it for ad dollars.
because it fucking works like a charm every single time?
Since when is towelliee a classic wow enthousiast ? last time I checked on him, before blizzard announcement, he fucking despised it
Then the method 1 still works.
Dont play with them. One or two russians on the server is different than 50k drones of some fucking streamer
They claim to be "vanilla veterans" because they played on Nost. I don't what's more pathetic, them or the people giving them money.
am i the only one who likes TBC more than classic
my guild will allow all builds and genders. want to be feral tranny? yes. misgender a druid? gkick
when he could get desperate clicks on his 10:15 videos from people starved for classic content
Still waiting on the server list too. I really don't want to play on a streamers server.
all it is is people who missed his livestreams and don't want to deal with twitch.tv's cancerous VoD system. it's the easiest way to catch up on his last stream and he doesn't upload himself like some other streamers do
>inb4 watching streams
>inb4 doing literally anything that you don't do
>two comfiest starting zones in the game
Tirisfal is just blight
Mulgore is a the same repeating grid of grass everywhere
Durotar is a red desert which gets swapped out for an orange desert
Awful taste 2bh
Towelliee is a massive fag and a fat blob, but at least he actually played vanilla unlike that tipout guy and the rest of the classic shills.
didnt he say wotf breaks polymorph?
You'll know, the zoomzooms will all be barking about it well before hand.
I've heard him talk about being Horde a few times. I don't know what hes doing. He's probably just gauging what the other personalities are doing then following them for streamer interactions for content.
Going to be feral druid cat. Can't wait.
>all the guilds full of retailtrannies playing meme specs who will be wiping in molten core for two years straight
I can’t wait
TBC is better at long terms if your not shitter. Vanilla is just a gimmicky.
bros i leveled to 14 in vanilla ... am i vanilla veteran too?
he also argued for like an hour that demo shout didnt break stealth.
the dude didnt play vanilla, he's even admitted it before but now he has backtracked and said "actually i did but i was really young".
It's all a farce, most of these dudes didn't play because if they did they would have been like 6 years old. Alexensual famously used to claim to have cleared naxx in retail vanilla when he was 12 before changing his story a dozen times after realizing how people could look that shit up.
These are not smart people, they are basically whores and scam artists.
>Not liking Tirisfal
extreme shit taste 2bh
yeah dude good job welcome to the club. your jacket is in the mail
It's impressive how the average retailcuck is so damaged that they refuse to click on a DPS class at character creation when they want to do DPS. What caused this?
Towelliee actually played on Nost, unlike Staysafe, Esfand, Tips, or any of the "classic enthusiasts". Towelliee also played actual Vanilla, and raided in vanilla.
It's hilarious how none of these "classic" people played Nost, but people like Towelliee and Cdew did.
yep tirisfal is top tier, my own fav.
>running through uc on way to magic quarter on a fresh server
>only you and one orc
Wrath of the Lich King
Because ever since Blizzard attempted to make hybrid classes valid, pure DPS classes have been the worst DPS for over a decade. Its only natural for people conditioned like that to assume the hybrid classes will be better.
fuck yall gimme tbc so i can play shadow priest
The hybrid tax doesn't exist in modern WoW my man.
Druid is the most played class in the game because it can play every single role more or less flawlessly. BfA refugees will go into classic assuming the same principle applies and then get confused when their cat druid can't compete with a similarly geared rogue.
I mean Blizzard managed to homogenize every class into 3 predefined "role" templates so it doesn't matter what you play, you can do everything every other class can just as well. You just pick a class based on flavor text and don't even consider anything beyond that.
>Raided as Resto shaman since BC until Legion
>Suffered through garbage tiers like ulduar, firelands, etc. without rerolling.
>Finally we get a second chance at the game to start over.
>Will roll a Holy Paladin this time around, knowing they're great and since TBC/Wrath realms will likely happen, I'm rolling a very safe choice.
Can't wait.
They refuse to do even the smallest amount of research before they make their character and then get mad when they make a poor decision. It takes literally one minute to read up on which classes are best at what, but instead of doing that they’d rather scream at the devs to cater to them. The only way I can explain it is mental illness.
>go on youtube
>type in world
>world cup fortnite comes up
What was wrong with resto shaman in those tiers?
I never played a healer.
he would go horde for tbc since belf pallies are vastly superior, but he's going alliance with staysafe on the same server because paladins are ally only
imagine knowing or caring about what a streamer is going to do
so why is lightwell so shit? why did they let it be shit the whole of classic?
Do you have to buy retail in order to play Classic?
Or is it just a sub fee?
>mage insectoid trying to farm water elementals
Fuck off you retard. Go farm humanoids like the rest of your ilk. This is druchad territory
I think hunter would be better for what you're doing, warlocks are a good 1v1 class but they have zero mobility or escape options and people are not gonna play fair in wpvp. Plus hunters do better than warlocks without top tier raid gear.
yeah even asmongold claims he did a ton in vanilla
people have gotten used to being able to do competitive dps while also having the ability to heal.
There will be an overwhelming amount of whining about this issue when classic launches.
Do Alliance warlocks have ANY way of countering undead shenanigans?
That they were only useful as a healer. Thats it. But they were always amazing healers, especially in Wrath.
most likely just a sub. they would catch so much shit if you had to purchase BFA to play Classic
no one know, but it is included with the sub for retail.
Death Coil timing.
Bait out WOTF with succubus's seduce, then death coil they ass
but he's a literal wrathbaby, there is video of him saying as such
goddamn streamers are cancer
>death coil
>Hitting with seduce after their five seconds of fame are up
It's not great, but I imagine in a group pvp scenario like bgs it's less annoying since you could let friends cc forsaken
You dont haveto buy BFA to play classic you buy classic separate, but if you already own BFA the sub counts for both
For one, I don't need tank gear to warrior tank, I just need to slap on a shield. More importantly, outide of 4H there isn't really much demand for tanks in raids and you'll want dps much more because odds are you already have dedicated tanks.
this fag posting this image is just like that other fag shilling his stream
shaman is amazing when your chain heal actual hits people, but in spread fights they suck ass cause of range issues. ulduar and firelands were terrible in this regard for resto since most fights people were spread around and you were forced to single target heal, meaning you were terrible.
some most guilds made their resto shaman stack spirit for bigger mana tides for the actual healers.
Yeah it's called 2v1. Alternatively
fuck the real world, I want to go back
>invite warrior to dungeon
Nope nope nooope, find a shield, go respec, get a clue. Im not wasting premium heals on your shieldless ass because you want to be epic barbarian man.
Having you in the group is a net loss of player motivation. You suck to heal and you take all the loot from others.
Fuck off furywarrnigger
Reminder HeelvsBabyface is the greatest WoW player in history and single-handedly responsible for WoW Classic even being a thing.
I never understood pre-raid gear why idiots don't have basic defense items? farming as fury without basic items is slow as balls, and getting groups as dps warrior might mean 2 warriors in group so more comp
do human warlocks have better chance than others?
What did he do? I would say the Nost team and Mark Kern did most of the heavy lifting, in terms of getting Blizzard execs to sit down and listen and take it seriously
the only good classic wow (and wow in general) eceleb is madseasonshow. everyone else is literally redit retards and shills
>don't like my class being only useful as a healer
>I'm going to roll a class that is only useful as a healer
I would advise holding off on Paladin at least until Classic-TBC is announced, if not until it actually launches.
t. doesn't actually play vanilla and is just here to meme
>finally release date
>"Bound by the..."
>accept quest
>walk down from church
>mindless zombies getting killed so quick they died before they could render
>level 1's panicked, they are falling behind, start running around tirisfal trying to get exploration xp
>zepplin arrives in front of undercity, 2200 orc niggers jump off and die, it's like france 2016
>lone survivor runs up and starts begging for money, durotar is a wreck he said. all species are extinct
>level 60 rides by on epic mount, it's a fucking streamer
>gm teleports him to next quest objective in a giant flash of light blinding all of the dirty plebbits
Talents hardly improve your ability to tank. Everything is gear.
>sry guys forgot my shield
I don't even expect my 5man tanks to be prot spec but at fucking least carry your shield around with you.
holy pala is the best healer in vanilla both in pve and pvp my dude
tfw: my dorf warrior gets out OP racial by orc warr, fuck this i'm going horde
I play with my guild when I actually want loot, if I'm doing a pug run then I'm there for quests.
sounds like peak lordaeron really
having to deal with paladins vs shamans makes me want to just play alliance warrior
thats code for "i vendored it because fuk tanking lol"
>tfw prot warrior
>tfw gonna farm for Ironfoe at 60
>not going to invite a single fury fucking shit for any of my 96+ runs
Post yfw when tomorrow's announcement is for patch 8.2 for retail
I didn't forget my shield, I just don't have a shield. I told you when you invited me that I was dps,
retailchads win AGAIN hahahaha
good luck bro
if i got to pick anything pre mc, like ubrs scholo etc, i'd take felstriker for a tank mh. could be viable into aq
the only thing that will hook you is if you play the game and also like it
>tfw DPS Warrior
>Just throw on a shield and make my own groups
>Exclude any retards who would roll on my gear
Easy as pie.
why don't you just res it so it doesn't matter who you bring?
Sorry, I thought you were joking XD /kick
Can't wait for Blizzard to see how successful Classic will be and cease all work on retail and focus on making new content for Classic.
what gear you getting fury gear? also based
who else dwarf priest here?
>Kill anything
Fury and Prot gear.
I've got two specs I might as well use both of them. That thought process alone will probably put me above 95% of Warriors.
Because I want to anger furyvirgins, of course. The amount of angry whispers you get from denying them is hilarious
gib stun resist, i trade stoneform
Tell me how I know you don't play on private servers and are just LARPing as a vanilla player.
why they already made content that surpasses classic with bc? they will just go to bc and make content for that instead
warlock has consistently been the best dps class in every raid bar 1 or 2 for a decade
stoneform is still really strong though, also dorf warrs look sick lad
Never got the chance to play WOW Classic. 2 questions. Will Classic require a subscription. Is the beta Open or Closed?
>your role in raids dictates your entire experience
is this a zoomer thing or cata onward thing or what?
if you like paladin, play paladin. Killing dragons with friends is fun and everything but the REAL point of raiding is to get gear to shit on people in wpvp. So with that view your role in the raid shouldn't fucking matter, it's a means to an end.
There is so much to do outside of raiding, letting that one thing determine your entire attitude about the class is fucking retarded.
why dont you hog arms gear too
howd you know?
i mean he probably just heard it from some retards in his chat and he just believed them
It will, and the beta is probably closed. Launch is probably not far after beta launch tho, I'd gues.s
I guess.
I'm only really concerned with picking up my pre-raid BiS for those specs though. After that I'll worry about PvP/meme shit and by then I won't be so picky about who I take to my dungeons.
Classic is included with a regular WoW subscription.
We still haven't gotten much news about the beta.
Gentlemen, how do we solve the furywarrnigger crisis? Warrior will most likely be in top three most played classes because big deeps, but im sure we can all guess that very few of them actually want to tank.
We could be looking at a full blown warrnigger crisis, warrniggers begging in the street for groups, gear, anything. Warrniggers killing each other for drops. Total fucking chaos. Warrniggers are going to make stormwind look like Baltimore, and Org like Detroit.
It's easy. You group up with Warriors who aren't complete braindead shitstains (i.e. pure DPS Warriors too scared to tank anything) and let them naturally weed themselves out. They won't get anywhere if you don't enable them, or they don't force themselves to be better.
doesnt matter, warriors are needed
you can have 1iq but you're still getting invited
I'll take an overabundance of warriors over an overabundance of hunters any day.
>What caused this?
the actual game advertising dps specs in the character creation screen.
still more than 0/hr neeti boi. sorry you can't afford to play classic with us. Maybe if you do some extra chores around the house for mommy she'll get you a game card.
Day 82, skeleton (center, front) waiting on release date. 2019 May.
besides pally and sham which class will have the least amount of players? im guessing warlock or druid
It will solve itself. A pretty big chunk of people rolling fury warrior because it’s the best dps in the game and they wanna be the special boy won’t make it past level 30 when they realize it’s an uphill battle. And a chunk of those that make it through won’t be able to stomach the painful prebis grind and will likely jump ship then.
Where my /gniggas/ at?
>spams flash of light in the corner
am I going to save myself a world of trouble by not letting any hunters into my groups right from the start?
not that guy, but the amount of people trying to farm gold out in the world because phase 1 won't have DM exploits + no BGs are gonna make phase 1 so fucking fun. or are there BGs?
He neither loved nor hated it. He just likes money
druid. warlocks will be very close to mages
i think druid then sham=pally then hunters, in that order lowest to highest
its not the beta its the launch of the game
source? blizz employee
Druid. I suspect Warlock will actually be on the more popular side because they scale well into the late game and are good for PvP and utility.
>seething hard enough to reply almost 2 hours later
best healer for horde during classic?
>anger from denying them
Vanilla LARPer detected. I've played on p. servers for the past 3 years and the shit you're talking about just doesn't happen, all you ever get is either you don't get invited because the tank doesn't want competition on a specific drop because the tank normally plays dps, or they don't want another melee dps because it's something like Princess where melee eats shit. And both of those situations are pretty rare.
Because you're describing things that don't happen.
I got all the gear I needed including the Lionheart Helm just from picking flowers and selling the stacks. When I grouped, I grouped with my guildies because I'm my guild's "class leader" so I'm there to help other warriors in the guild. Your attitude is the opposite of what vanilla is, you don't get anywhere in the game by being an asshole.
post pics of hormone blockers or i don't believe you
Its to cater to Zoomer Pepe memers like you m8.
He's such a fucking cunt. Honestly if hes the one who announces Classic Wow release. I will puke on my keyboard
Shamans if the party is all bunched up.
there are probably going to be a lot of hunters. so many shitters play hunters, its pretty much inevitable
priest > shaman > druid
all of them have their uses though
not bait tbc is better than classic and not by a small amount either
>everyone knows they're op
>everyone wants to min/max to make up for their lack of skill
they will be one of the most played
all the polls i saw were around 9-10%, but who knows. i think they will be less than original retail
user, I LITERALLY farmed HoJ a few months ago as a tank and every time I denied or ghosted a fury warrior or a rogue I’d get 3 messages from them sperging out
(you) made me laugh, thanks user
This shit actually makes me want Alexsensual back. But he at least wouldn't sink this fucking low
priest for pvp, shammy for pve as resto kinda sucks for pvp, can swap to ele fairly easily for pvp as one though which is nice
classic EU arrogance that carries over no matter what game you're playing. It was fun watching TF Blade dumpster EUW in league and state many times that their players are no better than NA players, sometimes he said they were dumber. EU is full of arrogant retards who were taught by mommy not to like the worlds most dominant super power because our decisions effect their lives more than theirs do. Cry more EU bab
did you say you reserved it? Because they have every reason to believe it was up for grabs if it wasn't. Though personally if you said no, I'd just shrug and look for another group. Not like there aren't plenty of lava runs.
We don't know yet since Classic isn't out.
>I was just pretending to be retarted
If we can figure out a way to effectively and efficiently cull the warrnigger population then we could save the servers. Perhaps some anti warrniggers propaganda? Normalize pg 13 terms like warrsissies, warrtards, etc.
>did you say you reserved it?
No, reserving is for aspies and again, the angry whispers are what makes it entertaining.
>I’d just shrug and look for another group
That’s what you would do, but the majority of people tend to get mad about it instead
>not like there aren’t plenty of lava runs
Yeah, plenty of lava runs that are full on DPS or already have 3 furies or rogues
yeah at this point I feel like the servers that the big streamers pick will be dead except for wherever they are at the time.
do you really want this from the developers that made BfA?
how do i see how old my account was? i dont remember if i started before or after BC was out
>No, reserving is for aspies
It's proper ettiquete so someone else who wants the item knows to not waste their time.
gnome will be better for their pvp racial unfortunately, but a skilled player who knows his matchups will beat 85% of players anyway as a warlock
but it'll automatically be good because it will be Classic
What's the most kino dungeon group?
I think it's Priest, Mage, Rogue, Hunter, and Warrior.
Escape Artist would be a lot better if it wasn't something with a cast time.
nah I wasn't the original guy you replied to, I just saw a retard and called him out whilst perusing the thread. Glad to know you're very very mad though
You play Horde, don't you
desu i played horde in classic and I had no idea EA had a cast time. thats balls.