Im just now discovering the gba and gbc line of games. What did I miss? Pokémon and Mario kart excluded, those are old.


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have sex

/vr/ is the otherway boomer. keep your ancient trash there.

Do we actually live in a society?

Most gameboy games are trash desu, except pokemon. For gba, there are some good ones. I recommend golden sun and the sequel

The metroids are good. Super Star Saga is good. Megaman battle networks are good. Final Fantasy tactics advance.
Depends what you like. I listed mostly rpgs.

Megaman Zero and Battle Network are fantastic. Stay away from the & Bass port though, screen crunch kills it. The Sonic Advance games are also pretty good, be prepared for a lot of bottomless pit traps near the end though. And don't forget the Castlevanias on GBA, they're all worth playing from what I hear.

I’m not a fan of RPGs but hear Golden Sun is pretty lightweight. Still worth it?

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anyone know a site to get GBAs with the backlight screen mods for a decent price?

/vr/ unironically can't discuss niche GBA games like ZoE:Fist of Mars because of their autistic rules, regardless of whether or not they'd like to.

What retro consoles can I emulator on my laptop hat with a 64 bits operating system, Which uses a Hard Disk HDD Toshiba MQ01ABF050 has only 2.00 GB of RAM has only 1.00 GHz, has an x64 processor, and also has AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon (TM) HD Graphics?

it's just that I'm looking for Retro Console Emulators that can work without problems and without lag on my laptop with my specifications

Even fans of RPGs hate Golden Sun. It's legendarily long-winded. Not recommended.
Crystalis for GBC is okay if you've never played the original.

How do you stay on the ceiling without the Gameboy falling

Wait, what? Why?

I had a lot of fun with Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Wario Land 4.

The Donkey Kong games. All of them.

Play the Wario Land games

Because actual literal boomers will screech about how the GBA is NOT RETRO REEE

Anything after gen 5 is considered not retro.

Its in their fucking board rules, m8.
They're a cool bunch in my experience, I just wish I was hardcore enough to play old shit without getting exhausted from zoomeritis.

It's fucking weird that the GBA has no original mainline Mario titles.
They're all ports or spin-offs, nothing you can consider core Mario.

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

you are an insane retarded golden sun 1 and 2 are the most revered games on the gba

Everyone loves GS except for contrarians and trannies.

waiting for my ez-flash, what's the best homebrew/hacks/translations you guys have seen?

That board is doomed to die sooner or later if they don't open the door for gen 6 shit at some point.

More Friends of Mineral Town
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Fusion
Superstar Saga
Pokemon Emerald

circle of the moon and aria of sorrow are kino

Superstar Saga is amazing. Definitely should play it.

I recommend Wario Land 2 and 3 if you like plaforms. They're both astounding games, and the gameplay is really peculiar compared to other platforms.

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Those don't play GB/GBC games, right?


Harmony of Dissonance can also be entertaining but it's the weakest of the three.
Considering playing the hack Revenge of the Findesiecle instead. It adds a bunch of playable characters, and other general improvements, at least for a second run.

Mother fucking Battle Network

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I'm not sure. I have a Game Boy Color tho so I don't need it to play those games.

I got one of those ags 101 screens too. It doesn't look how I remember it. I'm not sure how to explain it, something with the scanlines?

Here's a good few games to get you started.
>golden sun 1 and 2
>megaman zero 1-4
>megaman battle network 1-6
>kirby and the amazing mirror
>fire emblem sacred stones and blazing blade
>metroid fusion and zero mission

This has to be bait

Is it my imagination or is the aspect ratio off?
Like it's horizontally squashed.

Final fantasy tactics advanced
Nuff said

Yep, only GBA games. Though, you could put GB/C and NES games on a flash cart, since the GBA does actually have emulators for those, oddly enough.

Had a feeling. Doesn't it start to hurt holding something that small?

Advanced wars

From the top of my head
>Megaman Zero 1-4 (there's also a collection in DS)
>Castlevania Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow
>Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission
>Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (it has a 3DS remake so it's your choice)
>Wario Land 4
>Megaman Battle Network (there's also Network Transmission for GC which happens between 1 and 2)
>Mother 3 (get a translation patch)
>Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and Nightmare in Dreamland (remake of the NES original)

>golden sun 1 and 2 are the most revered games on the gba

More like some of the most overrated. The gameplay is interesting and very flashy but Djinn hunting was always annoying and a really flawed system. It makes it worse when the game is way shorter than you'd expect, just when you think you're halfway through the game after beating Saturos and Menardi, the game ends. They're still very good games but I never understood why they're always put in a pedestal.

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Ninja Five-O is an unappreciated gem.

I wouldn't know, I don't have a GB Micro, but if it's anything like a GBA SP or a NES controller, then, uh, probably after a while, yeah.

Nah, the L and R buttons are a little awkward to get used to, but at the same time I hated the L and R buttons on the SP model so it doesn't really matter. The most comfy model is probably the original GBA but I don't really feel like modding one with a rechargeable battery and backlit screen.

>Superstar Saga
My man what a classic

>More like some of the most overrated.
>recommends mother 3

It's your imagination, Switch just has massive bezels

Check out the Capcom Zeldas
Wario Land 4
Mech Platoon
The Hobbit
Harvest Moon
My favourite as a kid was this game right here but I don't know if it still holds up, haven't played it in years

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>mmbn 3/5/6
>advanced wars
>jackie chan adventures
>ecks vs sever

I wasn't the one saying certain game was the most revered in a console.

Seconding on Advance Wars, that's top strategy right there.

GS has the UNIQUE factor tho,even if it was worse you would always remember the game because of the artsyle,graphics,animations,etc

I wasn't either. In fact no one was except for a falseflagging Reseterafag. GS is hardly overrated.

How can a so UNIQUE game be overrated on the contrary people dont talk about it as much as they should.

>Im just now discovering the gba and gbc line of games.
How fucking young do you have to be that you didn't grow up with the GBA? Are you even fucking old enough to browse Yea Forums?

>Pokémon and Mario kart excluded, those are old
By virtue of the fact that neither of those were launch titles for the system, they are necessarily LESS old than the GBA itself you fucking moron.

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