What game boasts the best AI?

What game boasts the best AI?

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FEAR still has better AI than anything to come out in the last decade

If AI is so good why don't they ever use it for other games? Like FEAR?

because scripted events are cheaper and faster


Because it's hard to make a good AI that's also beatable.
That's why in most RTS games the AI blatantly cheats like having infinite resources or no fog of war, but doesnt churn out the most efficient units as soon as it can and send them for your base or it's objective like a human player would in that situation.

I was impressed with the AI cannibals in The Forest until I learned their patterns.

I don't understand what people's deal with Alien: Isolation is. The AI seems a lot better than most hide and seek horror games. Even in RE2 released this year, Mr. X feels more scripted for the short time he's around.



Rain world has fantastic AI

The alien is very good at killing you, and so youre easily sent into retry mode potentially making you waste good chunks of time. Thats literally it. Nobody likes replaying and replaying sections, specially when the ayy seemingly kills you arbitrarily. The game just needed a proper save system and boom, most problems solved.


Nah, the save system added to the horror element to me. The fear of losing my progress adds to it. Same for Resident Evil when I'm trying to conserve ribbons.

>game is bad because im not good at it
typical zoomer response.

halo reach always impressed me

You people are braindead if you think FEARS AI is remarkable, even generic modern open world games has AI with a lot more reactions, pathfinding, interactions, etc

>the dumb boomer says as he browses Yea Forums and defends zoomer game

Isn't Dota's AI supposed to be impressive?

>more = good


>the fear of losing progress
Well thats a shit horror to have. Its not the ayy thats scary, its that you'll have your time wasted if he finds you. Heres a big brain idea for you, how about the devs make both types of save systems, and then the player choses which one to use? Literally no one loses, just like in RE2.

It makes me fear the enemy too. It feels like part of me is dying and not just my retarded character. It adds tensions that cheap things like jump scares or even creepy atmosphere can't.
I guess the option could be there, too.

Halo 3 ai was kino.I guess people dont want immersive ai enemies yet, just the standard challenge. They want to live their power fantasies in HD realistic graphics. When the visualls will reach peak, then the jerky ai will stand out like crazy

For me, it's that the AI goes full retard the moment fire is introduced and renders the xenomorph a non-threat given how easy it is to make after the first quarter of the game.
That, and that the walking animation for it looks kinda goofy.