She’s gonna climb that mountain, find those strawberries, and get that abortion!

She’s gonna climb that mountain, find those strawberries, and get that abortion!

Say something nice to her!

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I thought it was another "muh depression" game.

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did you know this is the best game ever because I'm sad

More about anxiety than depression and I don't know where the abortion meme came from. Story is really stupid either way and probably only appeals to women.

What's wrong with abortion? I thought Yea Forums loved abortions.

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Only when it applies to black women

Yea Forums (and Yea Forums in general) is full of maga-hat wearing conservative dipshits, and to most of them depression and anxiety are fake made up libcuck snowflake diseases. So they associate them with lefties in general, most of whom are pro-choice. Therefore the librul snowflake is a pro-choice dirty rotten baby killer.

Abortions keep the population in slightly more control.
We want to see the world reach its end faster.

Retards fear abortion because they know they are the kind of people who should have been scraped out.

You sound a little.... unhappy.

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Story aside, the platforming is tight

>i should finish celeste
>remember that the game not only saves your death counter but also shoves it in your face
Ugh. Maybe later.

I'm just sick of thinly veiled /pol/ threads leaking out onto the entire site.
No one gives a shit how much you hate SJWs and trannies. There's no reason to shoehorn it into every fucking thread

Pregnancy is way hotter

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Mom said Im special

ugh. Not even gonna pirate this one

lol imagine being this much of a baby
celeste is a game about overcoming our shortcomings and self-doubt head on, and surpassing them, learning how to live with them harmoniously along the way.
embrace it!
it's not, as some people who haven't touched the game seem to think, about abortions or wallowing in depression.

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Dude isn't she's like 11 years old.

it's pretty generic western 2d double jump platforming

very based and good opinion. fuck conservashits.

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Well maybe game devs should stop putting politics into their games then. It's a simple reaction. After all, the only reason why they would put their opinions in the game is so they can start a conversation right?

I wish that Madeline would climb me.

SJWs and trannies are entirely contemptible people though.
Sounds like maybe you're the sort of person this game's story is meant to appeal to.


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it's some of the best platforming we've gotten in the decade.



Disgusting troon

It is, the abortion thing is a meme pushed by retards. The game is actually a decent platformer and you can at least skip the shitty story. With just the gameplay it’s good and the music despite being made by a tranny faggot loser is actually pretty good. It’s a 8/10 platformer.

Its 2019, you can be whatever you want nowadays

>sounds like maybe you're the sort...
just the opposite, really. look at this is what you morons do, shitpost your conservative agenda everywhere and never actually play any videogames. anyone who has played celeste knows that it pushes back against the whole "i'm so depressed feel sorry for me :(" trend and portrays the main character as self-motivated and uninterested in pity.

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It's a pretty alright game with a nice soundtrack. It's no dustforce but it's still a decent precision platformer

Not sure why Yea Forums gets so upset over it

Here's the faggot's pre-hormones photo

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>i should finish celeste
>cannot stand the story and characters

what else have you played in this past decade?

_ ____ __ ____ Madeline!

Don't make me post that Granblue doujin. Yes you know what I'm talking about.

>depression and anxiety
Jesus christ what a cumstain

Anxiety and depression are real
They're just gay shit or fags who probably participated in ""Surrender"" threads.

How is that the opposite? I was implying that he has to learn to let go of worrying about stupid little shit like a death counter scaring him away. I think all your bitching about conservatives is starting to affect your brain, user. It's literally all you've done since you first replied to me here.

But that's the point I was trying to get at in the first place, making a game about depression or having a gay character in your game is not political to anyone except mentally ill far-right zealots

>I'm just sick of thinly veiled /pol/ threads leaking out onto the entire site.
Let me tell you about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
You see, th

Watching the devs go up on stage during TGA to receive the awards made it very clear what kind of people they were. On the other end, was praised endlessly and most people seem to agree that it's a good game.

I guess trannies and lefties can actually make good vidya with interesting subjects when they actually try to, instead of pushing an agenda. You can obviously tell this is a different product because the main character is a cute girl.

At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves. If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.

Everyone on Yea Forums is anti abortion because they're jealous of all the kids who get to die before they're born

>You can obviously tell this is a different product because the main character is a cute girl.
True, but you don't get to see her in questionably erotic but plausibly innocent situations in various levels of undress, though.
Has potential but completely fails to live up to said potential.
Where is the Madeline Hotsprings CG?

Not saying that this game is in particular.

It's often how they go about it and unfortunately the people who just wanted good boy points ruined it for everyone else who will respect that material.

>I don't know where the abortion meme came from
You know how tumblr can be sometimes

I hope people who have sex get fucked as much as possible.

which pure platformers? dustforce, meatboy, the end is nigh, n, n+, n++. probably some others.
those are all the other good ones though.

Isn't that the point?

that wasn't me, turns out there's actually a number of people on this website who aren't brainwashed by /pol/shit
however, yes, i recognize now that i interpreted your post incorrectly. my apologies.

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I love fanservice but I'm okay with little girls just being cute, too.


people on this website are idiotic enough to imagine that they are capable of being paragons of religious christian virtue, despite the obvious fact that simply frequenting this website involves dozens of sins

I'm not that user. And all I was doing was explaining where the abortion shit came from (From right wing gaslighting shitposters who have been bombarding this board with political bullshit for fucking years)

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no thanks election tourist, been here for 10 years and i think i'll stay.

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Don't be ridiculous. We're all just the same guy arguing with himself.

I am curious now. Which sins exactly does coming to this website actually entail?

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shut up, me

i'm not a "he"

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Sure thing faggo

What's this about abortion?

Me/us here, can confirm.

I don't know how to feel about anxiety and depression, it feels like it's just a way to pathologize sadness and despair.
Why would these emotions, or the excess of them, would be regarded as a medical condition ? There are a lot of valid reasons to feel desperate. If anything, "depression" may only be a symptom that the world that we live in is wrong, not that the person experiencing it has a problem.
In a way, i guess it could be a way to put the blame on the individual, instead of blaming the unnatural and unhealthy lifestyle that is forced upon most of us
That's why i don't like to think about "depression" being a thing



why isn't this game liked here
because it's popular and critically acclaimed?
cause pixel art?
it has some pretty tight ass controls for a platformer and actual challenge, i don't get it

well, all the porn and vices people discuss here obviously. most video games are inherently sinful themselves, the ones which feature senseless violence.
i'm not from a christian family so i can't really speak to the minutia

Celeste threads don't have election tourists.
We have erection tourists.

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you must be really new to not have seen that meme before, eh? :)
want me to show you the ropes? :)

Insufficient skinship / petting minigames.

Why do all that when I'm just going to plant yet another fetus in that womb?

Do you know how hard it is to grant a suicidal person an existence such that they would no longer be suicidal? Of course no one is gonna try to fix the real cause when we can alter how the cause is perceived.

that's a very pessimistic view, isn't it? think about all the people who attempt and then don't do it again. sometimes all it takes is staring into the void for a moment and you realize it's stupid.

Not if I get there first!

dlc when

Yea Forums doesn't like good difficult games, they like politics and AAAshit

>The game is actually a decent platformer and you can at least skip the shitty story.

Its what I did. The story for me at least was about a girl picking strawberries up fer her mom and she decided to eat one but they were fermented. She now has to escape her crazy hallucination by ascending to the peak of the summit.

that's a much better story user :)

>Do you know how hard it is to grant a suicidal person an existence such that they would no longer be suicidal?
It's surprisingly easy if they think they belong to a group, and their actions can increase the group's chance of long-term survival and propagation after the depressed person dies.
There are three elements to that - the depressed person must think they belong to a group, the group must have long-term survival prospects, and the depressed person must think they can affect those prospects.
Easier said than done but it's doable.

what a strange post
where do you learn something like that from

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Read between the lines and you will know what he means user.

The rise of Nazi Germany.
Teaches you a lot about the triumph of human spirit.
Want me to tell you about how a group of depressed orgy-having faggots turned their lives around and became members of the SS?

Hey better than some retarded shit,fuck I can't even remember what the real story was about. But with a MC as cute as Madeline Its what I felt like the game needed.

oh, nevermind. not interested anymore

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Sure, i'm not saying i don't understand why it's "treated", it is true that it is easier to treat the symptoms rather than the real causes. I'm just saying that it's kind of dishonest to shift the blame on the people like that by labeling them as "mentally ill", when in fact their reaction may just as well be considered a healthy one depending on the way you look at the world we live in.

Pregnancy can't be hotter if you have a navel fetish, pregnant bellies have innies turn into outies.

You learn to ignore these kinds of people over time.

Best of luck to you in scraping unwanted children out of yourself without any long-term complications!

>those character designs
HARD pass.

>everyone either agrees with me or is the polar opposite of my beliefs
It's all so tiresome.

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>I don't know where the abortion meme came from
It's a game about expelling the thing inside making you not feel good
At least an abortion doesn't come across as a terrible coping mechanism. That one art game tumblr raved about does the same thing and you can tell its made by people who think they have depression or understand it beyond what webMD tells them about it

>Being bad enough at videogames that this would be a problem.

You can't ignore reality forever. You can't ignore depression, too.

Well it's kind of hard to find a middle ground when your beliefs are "Might be a good idea if we try to improve humanity somewhat" and the opposite is "Probably not worth doing".

Depression is a complex issue, it's why snowflakes flock to it as a label to slap on themselves to deflect critique or shield them from repercussions for having unhealthy habits.
Its terrible that people who have chronic depression have to get lumped in with the people saying it strictly for attention. This shit used to be an embarrassing thing to admit to having or being diagnosed with.

Also, I'm seeing more and more of these strange type of replies that are basically "You'd have to be CRAZY to think that!" in response to perfectly reasonable ideas that would result in cishet white men getting organised.
I'm really interested in knowing where these replies are coming from; what type of person is making them. They don't seem like your typical disinformation bot reply, but it doesn't seem organic to Yea Forums either.

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No, he's a grown-ass man reincarnated into a loli. Never forget, if you fap to Tanya you're fapping to a grown man, making you a homosex.

i've never made a post like that before, but the reality is that you would be crazy to think that
life isn't a video game. not everything has to be about winning. i'm happy being a white guy in the current world and in the forseeable future, and i don't really care if people decide i shouldn't get as much as i used to since i'm not a child who cries when things aren't fair.

>HARD pass
This except no pass

>It's a game about expelling the thing inside making you not feel good
Sure doesn't sound like you actually played it, chieftan.

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Got it, you're a Jew who doesn't want the people you're oppressing getting organised and fighting back. Good to know.

How about you go kill yourself, tranny?

the game is about a gamer dude who become a tranny obsessing over obtaining the quickrun record because no women is worthy for him so he becomes the GF.

why not using the original with pancakes, you can get the same point across

>the reality is that you would be crazy to think that
This is said in response to a post about treating depression by giving the depressed person a life goal.
A lack of life goals is a central factor of depression. People who get a life goal tend to stop being depressed.
Being a part of a group whose long-term survival you can affect is a very common life goal.
If that group are people who share your genes, then it's basic natural selection, i.e. the life goal that life itself tends to select for.

If you talk to people depressed, whether in the modern era or Weimar Germany, a common sentiment is that they feel their future is out of their control. A feeling that you aren't in control of your life will greatly increase depression risk, but the feeling can be reduced by showing people that they can, as a group, get in control of their own future.
It isn't crazy. It's been shown to work.

>life isn't a video game. not everything has to be about winning.
Funny how this tends to be said by the side that's currently winning and would very much like to NOT have to fight for it.
Oh wait, it's not funny at all.

>i don't really care if people decide i shouldn't get as much as i used to since i'm not a child who cries when things aren't fair.
This is the most dishonest thing anyone has ever said in their entire lives.
First, getting less stuff despite putting in the same work will make ANYONE unhappy.
Second, things being unfair is a perfectly valid reason for adults to get pissed off. Equating complaining about unfairness with childishness tells me you don't care about fairness.
Third, it's not crying, it's organised pushback.
Fourth, you're saying this in response to depression. You're saying that you don't really care if people are depressed ... after replying to a post about how to reduce that depression.

Many people aren't happy about this forseeable future, and are going to change it.

Video games.

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Anxiety and depression are real but their original meaning has been completely lost because you fucking faggots co-opted and completely drove it into the ground for special snowflake points
>Um yeah so I'm a bipolar depressed otherkin with 7 headmates my mom told me to clean my room one day and now I'm suffering from PTSD
Fuck off

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Deepest lore

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Agents trying to enforce demoralisation and low standards on a japanese basketweaving bbs.

Does taking hormones grew your hair back?

I don't know, sorry.

Will never understand this type of mental illness.