What would need to change to get the mobile market to stop pushing shovelshit?
Could tablets potentially raise the quality of the Apple/Play store?
What would need to change to get the mobile market to stop pushing shovelshit?
Could tablets potentially raise the quality of the Apple/Play store?
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With the lack of physical buttons, and the fact that any controls other than those relying on moving the phone itself with cover the screen severely limit any kind of well functioning game. I think the only "real" game that could be put on would be a turn-based RPG, and that's only because menu selections wouldn't hinder seeing the screen. Any game that is more active just can't be accurately played without a physical button, and when you need to have a controller for your phone it defeats the purpose.
gta3 on aplel was ok for me. "lack of physical buttons" is a boomer things predominantly.
The Surface Pro 6 can practically play 7th gen games at full speed. There's some guy on youtube playing full skyrim.
Miscegenation is good for you, abandon your culture you dumb wh*toids
You can hook up a controller through bluetooth. It's very easy. A tablet is basically a mobile monitor. It would be very comfortable to play on.
When will it end?
shut the fuck up goyim
>mobile ushers in a turn-based strategy renaissance
I don't see the problem
would not fug
Thing is, if you plug up a controller why not just at that point play on a console or PC? If there was a game that could be played on a phone/tablet alone without needing a controller that'd be one thing, but if you need a controller ot play something on a phone, why bother even using the phone and not the already much more viable options for games?
maybe it is, but the only time I ever spent a good amount of time playing a game on my tablet was a GB emulator for Pokemon, and even then needing to constantly readjust my fingers on the screen cause they'd inevitably shift around got too annoying, can't imagine how a more active game would've been.
Just give up
You will be brought to justice for murdering the son of the very Yahweh you worship, you tratorous, usurious snakes.
T wish, but it seems it's just too easy for phone game devs to make [NOUN] of [NOUN] clone games for microtransactions.
oh i know
Herschel has a point. You can't kill an idea because even if you get just about everyone to agree that racism is bad, in one or two generations some retards will dig up the old nazi flags and shave their heads again. God knows why they keep popping up but they do. Instead, the only thing we can do is to stop making new white people. Then it won't matter if they discover white pride or swastikas, because the actualisation of those memes are incompatible with what they look like. So I'm not saying mayocide is a good thing because I hate white people, but because of what whiteness can be used for.
Isn't that like reverse Gentrification?
>have tablet
>carry it everywhere
>play mobileshit games on the go
>come home
>play on your bed with controller
That's the market. Bed gaming.
>can I charge my 13% on your 50% ?
Holy shit Samsung is fucking redpilled!
Since incentives to make non-shovelware and not fill games with microtransactions arent there, it would require socialism.
There will be new whites in the future then.
Everyone's going in the grinder an we'll meet somewhere in the middle.
Is this the only way to kill racism? Make an entire country ethnically homogeneous?
Everyone please take note of Baiting 101 in a post 2016 Election Yea Forums
- The obvious bait, could be any image with 2 races (most successful is black male white female), doesn't need to be shown i an relationship, just in the same picture
This creates a series of morons that respond in a way to bait for even more (You)s, the equivalent of getting upvotes on leddit
- retard #1, replies to obvious bait and even further baits for responses
- retard #2, same as #1
Now, imagine if NO ONE responded to , we wouldn't see the same shit day in, day out on this godforsaken place and could actually talk video games. I wish you could all get banned, I hate you and by extension myself. Fuck you, fuck this endless shit, fuck me for responding. I hope we all die soon.
Racism is fractal, you will never have everyone so similar that people don't differentiate based upon it even if the differences are minute or even ancestral with no outward traits.
Its just like Sunni / Shia muslims. They're at each others throats despite being basically the same fucking thing and will insist that the other are dirt
wait a minute...
>you were born white
>you were born with a more developed brain
>you were born with a better disposition
>you were born around others like you who created a great world
>by the time the world is entirely "diversified" into grey goo, you'll be long dead
I already won at life. All you activists who think you can fight the end are wasting your time.
what percentage are human vs percentage that are black?
rise up
It's true. Whites are uniquely evil. Or at least the only ones to record and admit to them.
How do people who make these statistics for marketing companies still have jobs? Surely a marketing director would realize something as different as age and content consumer demographics when it comes to something as broad as "videogames." Saying women make up that high of a % of """"gamers"""" is like trying to market a movie around the number of women who have ever watched a movie.
There are more problems in this world than racism but that's not to say it shouldn't be gotten rid off. You're right that bigotry, intolerance and conflict won't rooted out with it but it's a start.
Good thing they all got orangepilled under Zion Don.
>samsung wants to eradicate this
The middle is afro-chinese and nothing else. Your theorically mixed man will probably end up being 1% white.
>you're white? I bet you look like this *posts pic*
>hehe looks like I won another argument
every time
Is it using nfc mana transfer? How much energy is lost during such procedure?
I don't care if humanity turns green or translucent. The point is that we're all in this together and it might help if we looked more like it.
literally what culture
shooting up schools maybe?
Oh shit, my bad. I forgot that /pol/ boardhops and sitemixes with Reddit more than anything else.. Let me get a more accurate depiction.
That wouldn't help because the concept of "whiteness" actually has little to do with the actual skin colour.
Not every person who is considered white nowadays was considered white before. The Irish and Italians for example would not be caught dead grouping themselves with the likes of the British or Americans. Skin colour is just the current way to fold all those previously oppressed groups under one banner.
At any point when it needs to, that banner can expand to let more people in, you already see people calling Asians "honorary whites". It's a construct, it'll never truly "go away" unless we somehow got every single group under that banner
>Doris Day
literally who?
Consumer culture. We just voraciously consume in our little mcmansions as our round children stuff their faces with over-processed "meat" related products and corn syrup soda. Why wouldn't you want to preserve such a sterling culture?
> The point is that we're all in this together and it might help if we looked more like it.
Humans will never ever be "together", even if we all looked the same people would divide themselves according to religion, political views, economic background etc.
The English language you're speaking, social cohesion, refusal of govt handouts, Christianity and God, selflessness, race-idealism, self-improvement, clemency, moderation, liberty, all things that have long since died a few years before you were born kiddo.
I was at the hospital and a nurse was ranting about how Spanish are whites I lol’d
instead of accusing people of being conspiracy theorists why don't you offer some kind of rebuttal? is the concept of debate just wholly dead now
There are good and bad reasons to discriminate against groups of people. A totalitarian regime for example is bad no matter what they look like. The fight for the most just culture or banner if you will, must continue even after the great convergence. But we need race mixing because seeing the world through skin colour is never a good indicator for anything. There are evil blacks and nice blacks. There are retarded whites and there are smart whites. Yet, being feeble humies with a limited perception we get caught up in the superficial. I'm afraid we can't fix that defect in ourselves; we will always be distrusting of that which looks different. So instead of misguided idealism thinking we're going to overcome our base nature we just have to eradicate the indicator.
Don't listen to this (((user))). He just doesn't want people talking about miscegenation propaganda.
You can't, the masses have been indoctrinated already. Anybody that actually tries to sell a game for a fixed amount of money gets complainants from users that don't want to even pay 5 or 10 bucks for it, and eventually you'll get some Indian that completely rips off their idea and puts it up for free.
Original ideas and games are punished fucking HARD on the mobile market, you'll see a rip off posted 5 days after a game comes out.
Mobile market is fucked forever.
Looks like it
Basically 80% of female gamers play clash of clans garbage on ipads and cell phones.
This explains the Switch's success
>Thinking you have a monopoly on virtues.
lol Amerilards.
mobile games market is the exact reason why capitalism left unchecked only fucked the consumer and doesn't benefit them
just make regulations that say those who want to do fucked up shit to people can't
How young are you?
We only talk in memes here, kid.
I'm not "in this" with you. Go fuck yourself. I'd fuck you in the mouth if I had the chance.
>Comparing Day in her prime to coked-out Fisher on her deathbed
Surely you're not this dumb
>is the concept of debate just wholly dead now
It honestly should be. When was the last time a debate swayed someones opinion? People only listen or participate in debates now to witness their ideological enemies get dunked on, there is no greater discourse.
Thanks for the artifacts, grandpa.
Which one did coke?
Just give up dicklet, you weren't born to have sex or a family. God chose for you to be born with a tiny penis, a pathetic sum of money, or other various maladies. If you have bad eyesight that is God directly spitting in your face, dipshit. Drop dead.
>push unnecessary responsibility on someone and then tell them "we're in this mess together" and expect friendly cooperation and not hatred
Oh but you are. One earth and one species, in this one life. We are all we have.
If only they all stood in front of trains.
>When was the last time a debate swayed someones opinion
Probably sometime in 2010 or sometime prior to that. Definitely not in the past 8 years or so.
Yeah it's a shame capitalism subsumed all those pretty little ideals because they don't make money, which is literally the only thing that matters anymore.
The one everyone remembers.
PROTIP: Not Doris "literally who" Day.
Who cares, just buy a switch or vita
someone has to bring the average down for others to be considered big
I am a martyr
Isn't it reductive to believe that an entire species that bases itself on initial appearances will magically stop having such shallow beliefs if you remove the visual indicators only? What about patterns of speech, language, and accents? Should we force everyone into language training camps to have properly spoken NewSpeak? How about types of humor, whether it's dad-jokes, gallows humor, or German caprophilia? Should we then teach people what classifies as "good" and "bad" humor?
If you're going to promote a eugenics program that is reductive, make sure that instead of just changing people's skin color, you remove their eyes, ears, and tongues. Get rid of touch, too, else someone might discover that Asian hair has a thickness and straightness no African queen will ever have.
Niggers have low IQ, they are hated by every race on the world, nobody likes niggers
delusion american
this desu senpai
We need a game featuring BLACK QUEEN SLAYING J#%$
I don't think this is neither easy nor a quick fix. It's definitely long term, and you are right that a world government, open borders, a single unifying language and all that would also help. We should work hard on all those things! As for the rest of your post I'm sure you know, if you just think about it, that when we racemix we mix all of our genetic traits. Not just the colour. We'll get the sameish hair and skin and everything. It'll take a while to be sure but that's why we should get started sooner rather than later.
yasssss, gettin a lady boner up in hear
wrong, white women love them
>He forgot to mention the accelorometer and gyro
Gyro games are fun on phones, but they are largely over looked.
Murder happens retard. doesn't seem like those people are in it together.
Why would a race as great as the Africans willingly taint themselves with snowmonkey recessive genes? Are you one of those Jews who are still mad that ancient African kings and queens enslaved your rat-like race, even after the humiliation of 300 years of slavery in Europe and the US? If so, I want you to know that you will NEVER have a big cock like our men have. I'm aware of what you are, slime. Your people killed Jesus.
What game?
>46% of gamers are female
this and other lies brought to you by deeply flawed statistics.
They know exactly what they're doing with these ads, movies and shows, the question is why are they doing it
>implying Fisher did have a prime period of her life.
She and Ford are just a straight out BarMitzvah cast.
Because controversy generates clicks and all you morons fall for it
If only we could eliminate the pesky problem of free-thought we can finally achieve the perfect hivemind of progressiveness
It's loss
Because black men and white women are very similar in that they're both materialist as fuck and fall for ads way easier than everyone else
We've gone from sublinimal to superliminal.
another sensitive white dude to add to the collection
Imagine how free your thoughts could be freed from the shackles or racism? You're just as much a victim to your bigoted nature as minorities are to your vitriol. Well, not just as much but a victim nonetheless.
I don't know why people overcomplicate this. It's easy woke points, gets dumb peole talking about it, which in turn generates more potential revenue. Congratulations, you've discovered capitalism knows how to properly weaponize social justice for profit.
your women seem to love them
Marketing 101
Who does watch ads/tv?
Women and unemployed.
Okay retard, the amount of semen that was blown to young Fisher by Star Wars fans rivals the Earth's oceans in volume. But sure, she wasn't attractive because your contrarian ass says so.
Imagine how free our world would be if we could just genocide the niggers once and for all, really rip the band aid off so we can go to space without having to worry about Space Dem'Programs
musk seems to be doing well enough getting to space, and india is one of his biggest customers.
thing is we were born into an age of depression and nihilism
you will not get to experience what a happy homogenous society is like. You will live your entire life seeing things progressively go to shit around you and reminiscing about the time you were not even a part of
I don't condone your tone but this is a way to "genocide" them and everyone. Your race related problems would be solved.
High IQ population of European descent + low IQ population of Spaniards/aztecs and africians who lived in huts for 2000 years straight = easily malleable population who cannot fight or organize successfully
Look up Obamas housing department changes for a glimpse of what they have planned
are things going to shit, or do you just spend all your time LOOKING for things going to shit because it gives you a reason for your depression?
You're fucked in the head
>musk seems to be doing well enough getting to space, and india is one of his biggest customers.
Musk could have more money going towards supporting his operations if we didn't have to feed niggers around the world. India is prime real estate that white people could made more than shitfilled streets and literal rivers of garbage
>look india can in to space!
>also look, the Paris Accords wants first world nations to donate to India's infrastructure
Honestly they're all a bunch of welfare receiving niggers
>Musk could have more money going towards supporting his operations if we didn't have to feed niggers around the world.
bullshit. musk is a threat to the MIC and its why the US government is afraid of funding him.
>he thinks niggers are the reason why we aren't working on space programs
There's no profit for investors to gain from space travel. It's absurdly expensive and has a high rate of failure since we're still just on the cusp. You will never see space travel being pushed hard in corporate owned America until some other country not obsessed with sucking the dick of corporations works out the kinks so it can be easily commercialized.
But hey at least you get new Marvel movies every year, pretty great society you've got there.
imagine getting triggered by a phone ad
>There's no profit for investors to gain from space travel.
Right, because we should have been mining asteroids right now if we weren't occupied with babysitting niggers
Those poor back tires
>someone masturbates to an actress
Happens all the time. Now go compare their act talents.
I honestly think about this a lot. How just a few years of organized ruthlessness can literally solve all our problems and then we can go back to how things were. (((History books))) would probably look back on the actions with disdain and yet they're more than welcome to because its already too late for their cause. They would have the luxury of not having to deal with what we needed to deal with.
You're retarded
>you are all of this and yet you are still here
so much for a master race
Who is this semen demon
Oh look, the idiot arrived.
yes they are
the internet simply brings out the worst to the spotlight. People are unhappy and live unfulfilling lives. Suicide rate is sky high
I believe we are entering a new age for mankind and simply have not adapted to it yet
I live in the third-largest city in Arizona. Mesa, to be more specific. It used to be a strong Mormon area, which meant there were plenty of whites, and the Mexican Catholics were forced to stay in their ghettos. Blacks were almost non-existent. The place was pristine, with cotton fields by the highways and oranges patches in more places than just along Greenfield. We even had some snow and hail, years ago.
Now, garbage litters the streets. The parks that I used to play in are now yellow and dead, because the Mexican "lawn specialists" cut the grass as short as possible so they don't have to come back more than once every two weeks. Trash litters the sides of the roads because Mexicans made it illegal for us to use prisoners to pick up litter on highways. Billboards are in Spanish. Pamphlets at the doctor's are in Spanish. When there's a TV on when I'm out and about, the advertisements are in Spanish.
There's food trucks parked on the sides of the road, selling low-quality hotdogs and hamburgers. Mexicans stay up late into the night, with Mariachi music blaring. The police don't tell them to be quiet, anymore. It's too much of a hassle, and they turn the music on after the police leave, anyways. All of the agriculture is lost. There are only two farmers I know who refuse to sell their land, not wanting another sports stadium built on their property, and Mexicans regularly protest them and demand that they sell. The healthcare has tanked. Women show up with three children and demand free treatment in Spanish.
I'm ranting now, but yes, things have gone bad.
racism still exists in countries who we would consider the same race
Racism is actually an incredibly useful tool and your first reaction to something being disgust is usually a useful biological response
Why do (((they))) hate Asian men?
because the SPLC and ADL told them so
People will still be less than excellent to each other I'm sure, but it won't be "racism" as we know it since that merely means to generalise on people's ethnicity. No ethnicity, no racism. Still a lot of other problems, just one fewer.
>my shitty mormon cult paradise has all theses disgusting brown people in it now!
>would someone please think of my property values?
They hate white men and asians all together.
>being fine with niggers and Mexicans ruining your country because you don't have any kids or property
lol ok kiddo
I honestly have no idea. Asians are having a demographic nosedive because of their horrible social policies, whether it's China's one-child law or Japan's overzealous expectations. As far as I am aware, there's no reason why the Jews would try to remove Asians. If anything, it could be because they're intelligent and sociopathic enough to take on the Jews, and would have the numbers to win.
Whether or not you believe Mormons are a cult is irrelevant when the Mexicans are a cult of race. At least the Mormons had the daring audacity to keep the community clean, not dress like whores, promote classical music, and teach their children about the dangers of blacks and Jews.
they are the model minority. Anything that breaks the white male oppressor narrative is to be ignored.
>Mexicans are a cult of race
and white people aren't?
>not dress like whores
brown people didn't invent fashion trends
>promote classical music
classical music isn't some kind of brain growing noise, why do low-class whites always feel like classical music is the key to enlightenment?
>teach their children about the dangers of blacks and Jews.
sounds like you're teaching children to feel oppressed in their own country.
>79% of gamers say games provide mental stimulation
What a fucking joke, of course people will try to say their 'hobby' is anything more than a waste of time.
>Racing games (e.g. Need for Speed, Mario Kart)
If they consider Mario Kart a fucking racing game then I guess COD is a milsim and Fortnite is a construction sim
He's got a point though. If you want racial solidarity, you probably shouldn't construct a culture and society that exploits anyone and everyone it can. I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about my white identity, it hasn't done a goddamn thing for me. Honestly because of my economic situation, I probably relate more with the nigs and spics than these pampered fucking whites at the top who would sooner spit on me than sympathize. Let them flame out, they deserve it.
please have sex
Why don't you like candy crush gamers user?
>Honestly because of my economic situation, I probably relate more with the nigs and spics than these pampered fucking whites at the top who would sooner spit on me than sympathize. Let them flame out, they deserve it.
>let white people die about because I'm broke
Do you think you don't sound like a typical communist?
Do I make you wet bb
There was no profit for it in 1969 but we did it anyway for the national pride and the strive for human achievement.
>make app for newgrounds flashgames to easily be played in mobile without any ads
>99% of mobile profits crash
Whites are a cult of race, and I'm white, which means I benefit from it. Of course I'm against Mexicans, and it's not a crime for me to be against something that is actively seeking out to destroy me because they're still butthurt about Texas.
Brown people may not have invented fashion trends, but within my community, which I have been specifically talking about, they were the first to promote the idea that women can only express themselves through scandalous clothing, something the Mormons were actively opposed against. They wouldn't even let their women wear two-piece swim suits.
Classical music actually is what you're saying it's not:
I could get more resources, but I'm lazy.
Whites are the most-oppressed race in the US. This is a fact that cannot be argued.
basically Obama greenlit a program that would collect data on every white and successful(high IQ) neighborhood in the united states, and then force local governments to build housing for low income (low IQ) families, and if they didn't they would lose federal funding
>why do low-class whites always feel like classical music is the key to enlightenment?
We do know that, not feel.
The return of physical buttons as a form factor would be a renaissance for mobile, even if they're limited like the bubble button memeshit.
Once mobile gets powerful enough switch-esque solutions with dedicated controllers are likely also a viable solution for hybridizing ease of access with a controller which enables competent gameplay.
We did it then because the commies were the first in space, and we couldn't let communism have all the glory. Commies are gone now, and there's no big national rival or enemy to compete against, so America has and will continue to stagnate. Hell, just look at Trump's space force shit, evidently people are too dumb to understand space travel on a human achievement level, so we have to militarize it even though there are no enemies in fucking space. The country is just a shitshow.
>classical music isn't some kind of brain growing noise
Scientifically proven false.
Like I said, national pride. Part of that is being better than other nations, especially commies
>Commies are gone now
Are you sure about that?
>why are (((they))) doing it
Oh fuck you and your demoralization bullshit. I don't go around challenging Blacks on what is "Blackness" or Japs on what is "Japaniness". People who share common genes share common interests and mentality.
Multiculturalism leads to low-trust and observably low-functioning societies.:
>The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
>In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogeneous settings.
From a biological standpoint, multiculturalism is unsustainable. Eventually the disparities between groups will cause shifts in demographics. Lower birthrate groups, which are lower because they are K-selective compared to others, will eventually be demographically replaced in an egalitarian society, or even worse, a society that puts the economic and social interests of the r-selected above the K groups, which is what we have now. This is only amplified with infinite immigration-based economic expansion policies that the west has.
Plus a whole host of other problems:
increases Poverty
lowers charitable giving within communities, creates problems for fundraisers and policy makers
strong negative impact on economic growth
lowers innovation
immigration, a factor of wealth inequality in the USA
associated with civil wars
And as established, the communist experiment collapsed on itself, and there isn't going to be another commie superpower. America is alone at the top, and has decided hedonism and consumerism is the way they want to decay and rot. Why have national pride when you could use those hundreds of billions, honestly trillions, to create more bread and circus for bovine America? Just put space travel out of your mind, it aint happening, at least not with America taking the lead. Maybe China will do it.
>incel virgins can do nothing but cry on Yea Forums about who women have sex with
White women literally suck the dick of random black men off the street that they drive past., literally sucking them off at a stop light. You already lost, white women love black men. Just keep discussing video games and stop posting this incel tears thread shit.
Mods and jannies need to delete threads and ban incels on sight.
these retards are as much of commies as /pol/mutts are nazi. Its pure larp and idioticy
>America is alone at the top
>maybe China will do it
i immediately distrust anyone who dumps half a dozen reddit-spaced sources about some random ass topic. i bet you have this shit saved in a fucking txt file in a folder labeled 'redpills'
I do not know. It seems like developers do not want to risk with "serious" not a free-to-play cash grab Chinese style.
Some sort of global strategy (without f2p time/gem locks) would be ok on mobile.
These posts are always more sad than the incels whining in the first place
because they're fake opposition posts.
>But hey at least you get new Marvel movies every year, pretty great society you've got there.
corporate culture is a result of weak national identity, not because of it. The more diverse we get, the more the culture begins to decay. American culture was far more authentic and virtuous back when it was 91% White.
Friendly tip: if you want me to take you seriously, don't add anime images to your post.
Epic have mentioned plans to make their own android store, that could be pretty neat.
doesn't make it untrue.
>admits to be spreading baseless propaganda
>still uses the word truth
>phones are actually more filthy than a toilet seat
Tablets don't and won't raise the bar. 1st parties would have to drastically change their monetary incentives and customer data sharing structures and that's never going to happen.
I hope so. I've been hoping for Steam to make a proper store on android.
Everyone is a victim to it in some form. Those with any senses anyway. That's what makes humans so entertaining to watch. Their own perception is the only reality they can understand.
>What would need to change to get the mobile market to stop pushing shovelshit?
Nothing short of full fledged eugenics programs and genocide.
Holy shit it's Sideshow Bob
>the shackles of racism
>taking one second out of your day to call dumb niggers niggers
Oh no, will I ever be free from these horrible shackles?
I'm sure if you took an honest look at your life you'd find that it's a bit more than that. Instead of instinctively throwing your hands to the keyboard to go all "nuh uh", just think about it for the next couple of days.
>60% Smartphone
>52% PC
>49% Console
Nigga, you clearly don't understand how percentages work. Also, that first line of "60% Smartphone" makes every other statistic in their entire display skewed/broken/inaccurate/unusable.
>Imagine how free your thoughts could be freed from the shackles of racism?
it's kinda hard not to judge an entire population when the majority of those people are the perpetrators of problems. for instance, why is it that black people are almost always represented when it comes to gang or street culture? why are young individuals from this demographic more receptive to "gangster culture"?
Same reason you're such an unpleasant turd: the racism. Everyone's a victim.
user... what if the survey said "check all that apply"
you cant call it baseless since he actually presented a source for each claim
>source means truth!
thats not what I said brainlet
no he did not
tactile feedback is a glorious thing. Whether or not you can live without it, there's no denying that physical buttons that respond to the touch and confirm they've been pressed by feel are vastly superior to tapping a flat surface.
Like most things in life, physical buttons/knobs/switches were done away with to save production costs and sold to the public as "this space age flat panel ultra wow tech oh my!" There's a reason that the stoves in a restaurant still have knobs, but the one in your kitchen has some flimsy plastic button panel. Because people that know their shit, know what works best. I can set my oven (which I paid $2200 for just to have knobs, btw) to preheat in 1/10th the time it takes a zoomer to punch it in on the little buttons.
Physical buttons is the game changer phones need. Touch controls are a mistake on every level. It sickens me to see kids growing up with tablet games and knowing nothing but rubbing their fucking screens.
>ad personam fallacy
believe me, I try my hardest not to hastily judge non-white people but even in my country there is quite a lot of crime comitted by some of them.
Some times your best isn't good enough, as they say. You need to get better.
This post made me not want to read anymore
too many big words, kiddo? go back to your smartphone game.
>brainwash yourself, dammit!
why doesn't someone make a gaming phone with buttons? I know snoy tried but it was retarded and not what it should have been.
>don't mess with my brainwashing!
he's going to have to because your propagandists are terrible at their "jobs"
quotes because we all know you do it for free
>no u
who are you quoting
Hey if 2k spinny knobs get you going I shouldn't be a dick about it. I'm sorry user. You do you my erectile dysfunctional friend.
*According to people dumb enough to respond to a survey
saying absolute nonsense and then mocking your interlocutor's intelligence when he asks for clarification is not a new trick user. you need to do better.
Because they're all busy trying to make phones that are just screens and nothing else.
I wish I had stayed in school. I think designing a phone with actual buttons and shit wouldn't be that hard and would be a hit. Fuck apple and google. I'd make that shit a windows phone and make sure steam, gog, etc run on it. You might not be able to play witcher on it but you could probably play a shitload of other games like divinity or mount n blade.
This thread is pretty fucking bad huh
or you could just sell a controller that plugs into established brands
wait this has been an industry for ten years now
Take a look at the hatred Dominicans have against Haitians. Dominicans aren't purely black but they're pretty fucking close.and they hate black Haitians more than white people do.
>saying absolute nonsense
The intention was clear, don't post with sub 70 IQ
Yeah. Let's get out of here, bruh.
Start the car
listen mate, if you want to redpill the normies, acting like this isn't helping.
i suggest going back to school, you may need it
>tfw black and don't like white women
do white guys still like white women? I see more white dudes with black/asian women these days.
Yeah and why do you think people don't buy those? They aren't exactly flying off the shelves.
The reason is because nobody wants to carry around an extra peripheral just to play games on their phone. If you want physical controllers to work they have to be built into the phone.
Stellar Wanderer.
just trying to help. if you want to stomp your feet and take your ball home please do.
but then you get a phone that's either xboxhuge or shit as a phone
dude you don't wanna go back to nokia menus, trust me
Black women would be ok but their faces are fucked and their hair looks like pubic hair gone wild. Asians is nasty.
WTF!? Who is supposed to fuck my wife then!?
Where can I play as a smokin' hot black lady?
Based European white person.
Anime games where they have black/brown skin but white faces and straight hair.
>shackles of racism
Races are real. They can be genetically traced, they have an actual effect on the biology of the human, they have an effect on IQ and much more. Maybe you should free yourself from the shackles of your jewish master you fucking retard and read some genetics journals.
Phones are already huge. We don't need every square millimeter of the phone's face taken up with screen. You make the same size phone with a smaller screen and buttons on the top and bottom. Or you design the phone to slide out a controller like the old sony ones. Or you develop the phone alongside a case that has the controller built in.
I know all these are things that have been done, but no modern phone is designed with them in mind.
those are not commies
just unemployed starbucks baristas
at least give the real commies some respect
>jewish masters
>white people actually control the world
Oh no it is retarded!
user, i'm talking about white men with black women. i'll admit you white chaps only go for the top tier black ladies, not our lower tier gorilla faced ones.
Hoping the race war comes soon so we can kill these kikes
they're huge, and yet nobody wants to give up any screen space for buttons. the solution? an accessory. sorry mate. if you want a game machine buy a 3ds.
Those are ugly
Yes, he did.
no he didn't. we should all know what a propagandist's relationship with context is.
>hoping the race war comes soon so I can hide in my mom's basement like the coward I am and not kill anyone
Well would YOU buy a phone with a slightly smaller screen, same size, but with sticks and buttons on it?
I know I would. And I think a lot of other people would too. Nobody is even buying new phones anymore because they're all the same shit. Give them something new and I'm sure it'd do ok.
That sounds awful, no thank you.
no I would not. I would buy an accessory for my established brand. that way I get to keep my large screen.
but really I would just play 3DS.
What is racism and why is it bad?
The answer is neither. The future is corporations. Nexus: The Jupiter Incident here we come.
I just noticed that we are the only people staying on topic.
Cheers m8
>no he didn't. we should all know what a propagandist's relationship with context is.
Yes, he actually made a claim and provided multiple sources for that claim. Please fuck off.
no he did not. feel free to restate anything you feel I might have missed.
Diversity is destructive to society and civic life.
Any person who has lived or been raised in such communities knows this to be fact.
You sound upset since you have no actual sources or arguments to back a claim that diversity or multiculturalism actually improved overall quality of life.
"selling burgers?"
I just read the article. It was good. It's also 12 years old. Pay attention to the last few paragraphs by the way, mate. I know you lads have an unfortunate tendency to only read the headlines.
>Then it won't matter if they discover white pride or swastikas, because the actualisation of those memes are incompatible with what they look like.
Retarded, a good bunch of mutts, like 56% of /pol/ worship the aryan civilization and society. Blacks are racist against mutts that are whiter than them. Indians are racist against blacks, asians are racist against everyone.
Don't remind me man.
Because culture is genetic.
Huh, funny, it's almost like "whiteness" is a codeword for "civilized", and neither niggers nor arabs fit the description.
when is the next hitler rising up
Oh no blacks are taking the fat and old white women >: (((((
just stop dude
I think that is a good point.
Now perhaps we should offer people of minority races in each country, such as whites in Asia, to either leave to a white majority country or face a more final solution.
As long as you continue to export your entertainment we're golden.
These numbers mean literally nothing. Case and point, every game made by EA, Ubishit, Activision/Blizzard over the last decade. All they do is focus on these numbers, and the consequence is nothing but shit games that appeal to no one.
>No ethnicity, no racism.
Only white people are dumb enough to believe this stupid bullshit.
Go google colorism you fucking mongoloid.
>why end anti-semitism when we can just end the construct of jewishness itself?
the tiny voice of truth
Literally every one of those statements are factually and demonstrably true and not at all bullshit
How your dilation goes?