Blizzard will hand you a check for 100 million dollars if you can make World of Warcraft profitable again...

Blizzard will hand you a check for 100 million dollars if you can make World of Warcraft profitable again, and not endlessly losing players.

What do you do?

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may as well ask me to raise the titanic

Create a 18+ edition for ERPing.

Use 100 million dollars to pay people to subscribe and stay subscribed.

release Classic lel

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I turn it into the horsecock futa porn mmo version of CoC but with warcraft lore

Endless cosmetics and a showcase mode along with challenge instances with no lockouts that require good players.

>all allied races are now customization options, you can mix and match their racials
>playable arrakoa, naga, ethereals and vrykul (they can be both factions; they are like pandaren)
>start bringing back old RPG stuff from vanilla, like how rogues could brew poisons and warlocks collected souls
>return of skill trees
>more abilities per level, but levels are squashed to 60 again
>Kel'thuzad is now the main villain and starts by bringing back the actual Lich King, Arthas
>make PvP great again

start hiring actual talent again with the goal of phasing out 90% of the dipshits who currently work there at the moment because they are literally incapable of making a good game despite having monster IPs.

>no playable ogres
>not the actual actual Lich King, Ner'zhul
That's gonna be an unsub from me, dawg.

DvZ, Dwarves vs Zombies, but with WoW characters, with like a bazillion different effects and destructible maps

Release an announcement that WoW will be closing all servers in 1 year. The influx of people trying to get back in before it was gone for good would be enormous.

Stop all ongoing stories. Scrub all new races. Hard reset Azeroth back to Warcraft 2 and go from there. Horde gets orcs, forest trolls, goblins and ogres. Alliance gets humans, dwarves, high elves and gnomes.

This is the only way. You know I'm right. Think about it logically.

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Have GMs given the freedom they were back in BC/Vanilla, before the list of things they can only talk about now.
Have more "fuck you this is fun" skills in.
Big 'ol Dwarf titties


Ogres and high elves are faction-exclusive.

free to play
cosmetic store with lootcrates

Make the game lewder.

Allow you to fuck the goblins

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I mean if the goal is purely profit and playerbase growth
>microtransactions that are p2w but sneaky about it
>tons of dumbed-down accessibility features
>some kind of battle royale mode
>lots of waifus
>borderline pornographic cosmetics that maintain a T rating
>put it on steam and EGS and pay for advertising
>faster early and midgame
>even more vectors for endgame grinding
>long timer-based crafting and resource gathering

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this is badly written and i didnt finish it

World of Warcraft 2

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>Make it so you can go anywhere in the world at any time and the monsters will be your level.
(Also have an option to turn this off.)
>Any level player can play with you and they will become the lowest level player in the party, they can use ALL current skills, but they are weakened to their level. (same for gear.)
>Quests can be taken from lower level players and give good drops for the higher player, even if done before. (IE shared)
>Add more mini games, and world events.
>Not be locked to areas because of quests.
>Do quests in any order as long as they aren't chain quests
>Needs casino of sorts
>Be able to que for any dungeon regardless of level, and same thing for loot/exp, and level scaling.

mission table(s) , followers , wife-bate gatcha , using the pet battle system to PvP with the with other players.

Also now will run only on phones.

>>not the actual actual Lich King, Ner'zhul
Ner'zhul doesn't exist anymore. Arthas killed his soul.

They've done everything there
personal loot
>microtransactions that are p2w but sneaky about it
tokens + a few BiS profession pieces(looking at your alchemy one)
>tons of dumbed-down accessibility features
General class and gameplay design for the last 10 years
>some kind of battle royale mode
Seething shore battleground
>lots of waifus
Sylvanas and Jaina
>>borderline pornographic cosmetics that maintain a T rating
Grandfathered in slutmogs from Vanilla
>>faster early and midgame
Leveling takes a 4th of the time it used to, and gearing at max level a 5th
>>even more vectors for endgame grinding
Practically everything awards gear lootboxes that can titanforge up to usable ilevels
>>long timer-based crafting and resource gathering
They did this exactly as described in WoD, but the BfA profession model has several tiers of different nether vortex/frozen orbs that you can only get by grinding out raids and mythic dungeons(which is close enough)

>Make it so you can go anywhere in the world at any time and the monsters will be your level
This is one of those things that sounds great but in practice becomes wildly tedious after even a week.
Same for sidekicking and it reinforces the diablo nature of loot as it is and the game doesn't need more of that.

More waifus. You faggots will play anything that has waifus because you're clinically retarded and emotionally undeveloped.

Nah he's just chillin' in the Blades of the Fallen Prince in my DK's bank.

It is. That's Elder Scrolls Online. Only raid bosses are fun now.

Gacha and more skinner boxes. Need to really get a grip on that OCD and addiction.

Ask for upfront payment, run away with money.

Delete WoW and the entirety of the garbage it introduced to the lore, and split from Activision.
Make Warcraft IV with Rob Pardo again as the lead designer.

>Bring back Arthas
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU I HATE YOU
Everything else sounds pretty good though

>convert it into an online ERPing eroge
>put lots of niche fetish content behind a paywall
>add more furfag races and other such autism
>replace all of the quest givers with big tiddy anime girls, bara hunks, traps and vampire lolis
The game will probably resume tanking long after the controversy wears off, but by then I'll have made 100 million dollars and will have commenced production on my secret passion project game about impregnating shortstacks

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Character customization expanded
>Weight slider
>Height slider
>Eye color not tied to face
Then just make Draenei women real so I can marry and impregnate one.

Release WoW Classic.

this is the dream.

i don't get it, why did you stop?

Add some more transmog and this is a decent go

Female goblins are now mating press-able

>tfw there will never be AAA NSFW MMO specifically designed to cater to a vast array of fetishes, providing content for all of them

There not being a single good MMO left is my fetish.

>Make consensual handholding and safe, loving impregnation waifu.
>Accidentally turn on PVP
>Futa scat penis vore guild shows up and locks me in the smegma dungeon.

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>accidentally consenting to being PvP'd
nice fetish

Make pvp balanced
Reduce healers opness
Go back to vanilla itemization
Closed servers
No flying

Thats it

A smut title with SS13-tier emergent retardation unironically sounds like a blast desu.

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Shut the servers down and make WoW 2.

Take the money and run

Allow full modding maybe some sex scenes
Then pocket the money

MMO xpacs should not add levels.

There should be an established level range. Expansions can still add endgame content. Gate the content with attunements, quest chains, whatever. Add the new zones into the leveling mix.

Why did they have to introduce boosts and free characters of X level? Because every expansion pushed a new character further and further away from experiencing "the content." Mainly because they invalidated their own content year after year. What was once simply the game you were playing became a burden, a hindrance, a hurdle you must jump over in order to get where everyone else is.

So as you'd imagine, people only stuck with their max characters (if they had one). Everything preceding the current expansion was empty and tedious. So they introduced systems like dungeon finder, RAF, heirlooms, etc. to help you "get past" leveling.

LEVELING IS THE FUCKING GAME. It's an MMO. Don't punish people for enjoying the quests and the dungeons, for exploring, for savoring the experience.

Split employees into two studios and ask them both to remake wow however they want, giving them full creative control and access to all sound and art assets
First one is all the men lead by metzen and second is all the women lead by christie golden
Just to see what happens

> game about impregnating shortstacks

I'd play this WOW

I shut the game down, sell off the developer computers, server equipment and office furniture, and give them whatever I get for it. That's pretty much all the profit they can hope for at this point.

This but I just want a Gnome wife.

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Nah my real fetish is shy/neutral girls wearing armor that exposes a lot of skin or especially leaves them barefoot because it's an objective upgrade, vital to what they do, or because it's the only option..

Accidental consent is fun though.

I'm surprised nobody copied second life for this shit. Just add the basic bitch MMO features and allow people to create/buy/ and sell lewd shit as much as they want.

Was he autistic?

Update the graphics to look like a game that was released this year to force retards to upgrade their computers and get rid of fat pauldrons. Reset the universe and remove anything warcraft related from it.

>cut flying mounts
>cut matchmaking dungeons and bgs
Game would still have lots of problems; but, this would take two minutes to implement and raise it from a 3/10 to a 6/10

>tfw balls deep in an autistic project about how an emerald dream expansion SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE instead of working on my own original projects.

I want to be balls deep in a Gnome

>Gnome women have dick shrinking rays.

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>It malfunctions and does the opposite

I agree. Arthas had a tragic ending and I really hope they don't do some stupid "redemption arc" on him. Him being a tragic character is what made him the only somewhat interesting thing in Warcraft.

Make a new game engine and make WoW 2
Make it a prequel and retcon all their stupid lore bullshit
Improved combat
No flying mounts no lfg no cross relms