Best character is only playable in a 30 minute long DLC

>best character is only playable in a 30 minute long DLC

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Shorter and condensed things are better than artificially stretched out plot or storylines that take hours to resolve.

I still have that one shred of hope that we may get a MGR game with Sam as a protag

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Sam wouldn't work as a protag, he's perfect as the rival that fucks you up and you duel near the end.

the bosses in his DLC are fucking absurd though

Sadly he's dead forever. Even in a rising 2 I doubt he would return as a cyborg.
If we are lucky raiden will have the choice to have his old moveset or Sam moveset when switching between his and Sam Sword.

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They encourage you to dodge and taunt instead of just parry-spamming which lets you breeze through 90% of fights in the base game even on higher difficulties.
Jetstream's boss fights are GOAT.

I agree, his DLC should've been longer.

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dodging was already the way to go in the base game though

That's not Armstrong

You are talking like the main game isnt 4 hours long
Sam is just more fun to play, even with the smaller movelist

You literally cant dodge in the main game
No, backstep slash doesnt count

Thats like saying shuffle in dmc4/5 is a dodge

>no MGSR sequel
>no Vanquish sequel
>no Wonderful 101 sequel
>no Anarchy Reigns sequel

and a bunch of others. I think 70% of their output have been financial flops.

Are you mentally challenged or where did you get the impression that I've said that I dislike the base game for it's length? Because I never did.

what the fuck are you talking about
Defensive Offense can be used forward, backwards and sideways, and has massive iframes. If that isn't a dodge then Sam's isn't either. The button combination is literally the same.

It sure did sound to me that you were implying that MGR's main game was artificially stretched or something, compared to sam's dlc

How was Sam good enough to go toe to toe with Raiden, despite the fact that Raiden is so augmented he basically isn't a person at all, and the only cybernetics Sam had was one arm prosthetic? Raiden's reflexes and muscle are so chromed out that he can basically stop time and think about what he wants to do next.

Sam dlc armstron is absolutly broken, you literally need to have luck if you want S him.
Seriously those fucking charges that give you no hint before he starts them and have a broken hitbox... why platinum?

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>>no Anarchy Reigns sequel
That's fine. I was hyped as fuck and it ended up sucking. I don't see them suddenly perfecting it just because they get a sequel.

He has the power of testosterone

Git gud fag

What a strange assumption to make. I just made the statement that shorter games are better than the 80 hour minimum open world survival AAA games are.

Post you rank fag.

More than anything, I wish we would've been allowed to play as Sam outside of his campaign and in the VR missions, either as an option for them or as his own set of missions

i havent even completed the sam dlc lmao
got filtered by the wolf

Really nigga?
We here talking about how the dlc character is better than the actual game and its unreasonable for me to assume you are talking about the TOPIC AT HAND instead of some tangentially related shit?

ayy lmao.

>Perfectly dodge his charge, he flies past me
>Does an instant 180, slams into my back during the dodge recovery, and kills me from 70%

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One thing I never understood about MGRR is what causes those moments mid-combat where the game asks you to press B+Y (circle + triangle)? Is it counters? I know certain boss battles have shit like that scripted but I'd get it sometimes when fighting the two legged robots

Why the fuck is Sam still not playable in the main campain? Pc Modding master race my ass.

Learn to time

they didnt even bother to make a mod to skip the boot splash screens

Perfectly timed parries do that and also do a chunk of damage. If you play on Revengeance parry damage is insanely buffed to the point where just the parry damage will AoE oneshot kill everything near you or chunk a boss' health by like 40%. I don't know why, but it is.

I cleared full S Revengeance but I still never really got how to do a perfect parry, not even close.

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I don't believe you.

You manually dodge maybe jumping out of the way retard

By perfect parry I mean the ripostes, not blocking
It ain't that hard it just requires a lot of autism.
I did it a few years ago, but I remember the hardest parts were:
Anything involving the dumb robot birds
Monsoon sometimes chipping 0.1% hp with smokebomb, failing the no damage check
Sundowner requiring you to let him summon adds so you can zandatsu them for more good boy points
Armstrong's everything, needing to Zandatsu the Geckos that he summons, during the fist fight phase you can just run around focusing on dodging, mustn't fail a single debris-slicing
Keep in mind that secondary weapons can be used so a lot of bosses can be cheesed with the Pincers

>MGR2 literally never ever
>get blueballed in Ground Zeroes
>no mention of raiden ever again
It's over bros.

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>backstep slash doesn't count
lmao brainlet doesn't even know how it works. You can choose which direction you want to sidestep in, it's absolutely a dodge.


>game establishes that only attacks that flash yellow can be blocked/riposted
>breaks this rule in the very first boss, that has 0 yellow flashing attacks but they all can be blocked
nice one kamiya

Raiden has a move that functions like a dodge (Offensive Defense? something like that)
though hardly anyone uses it as a "dodge", they just use the bazillion i-frames on it to go through attacks
Sam has a similar attack that's quicker, that also means it has less i-frames for the player to use to cheese attacks though


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>j-just a anniversary bro!
Stop doing this to me user.