Why are russians online?

Why are russians online?

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It's Georgian second name you fucking burger

what's a georgian first name?

>Why are russians online?
Because there needs to be balance in the universe, and it wouldn't be the internet without scammers, hackers, and cheaters.

Anyway I have no idea what this thread is about or who Giorgi Ustiashvili is. Does this relate to video games at all?

Any Christian first name since they're Christians, I dunno about local ethnic names

t. burger

There are more Chinese cheaters and hackers than Russian people.

Why are Americans so uneducated? This is Georgian name, why would you think it's Russian.

t. too poor to afford a burger

A majority of Americans would be confused if you referred to Georgia as a country.

Not everyone on the internet is American.

Besides, considering this thread doesn't seem to relate to video games, it's probably just bait, and if so, then OP probably knows the name isn't Russian and implied otherwise just to get replies. Posting a Russian name and calling it a Russian name wouldn't be very good bait, would it?

georgians are just bootleg russians anyway

Aren't burgers the ones who live with the thought of credit score in the back of their head constantly?

If you pay all of your bills on time, then there's no reason to think about credit score at all, unless you think you might be the victim of identity theft.

Credit score is a meme. Now social security numbers and credit agencies are an identity theft nightmare.

Literally not even remotely Russian. Georgians are basically turks.

*all americans

Some people don't, then their lives are ruined without any second chances.

Why are Russians so smart?
There are so many great Russian writers

Nobody said America wasn't a one-chance Hell.

Fucking burger education, they're the separate group even by the language

I had to pay a collection, should I just commit suicide and start over?

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>Why are russians online?
because real life sucks бpaтaн

Oй дa лaднo тeбe. Пpocтo бyдь пpoщe.

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is life of boris an actual slav or just some western eurotrash playing up the memes?

He's Estonian, so it's not really much different from Russia.
- another Balt

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>that pic

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Пpoхoди нe зaдepживaйcя

well, what's your credit score?


they're not turks, that's azerbaijan
georgians are christian and speak a completely different language from muslamic ray guns

definitely fake slav

And yet they look like turks

Dude have you seen how fucking Russia looks? Of fucking course we're online. The alternative is slow suicide by vodka.

He says he's just working there. It does seem to me that he's a slav born somewhere in the butthurt belt. Only there would you find somebody with such a universal panslavic identity

Life is a meme in the Baltics. Please come and join us.

>He says he's just working there.
Kinda doubt that. He knows Estonian very well. Most people who come to the Baltics for work won't know the local languages.

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They have internet and some metal box that plays world of tanks

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>my crappy little city is a shithole so all of Russia is horrible
Stop being poor

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Well I live in SPb. Also stop spoiling the fun you dolt.

That looks comfy as fuck. Wanna trade places with me in my Baltic hellhole?

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Refugees refuse to live here because we make their life miserable as we should.
If it wasn't the Mongolians invading, genociding, enslaving, and raping from the East, it was fucking Muslim stink from the south.
Westcucks have a white guilt sourcing from unprovoked colonization of brown and black shitholes in Africa, so they kowtow to Muslim dogshit.
Eastern Europe neither held any colonies in Africa or Americas, nor has any fucking guilt towards genociding Muslims and in fact has a fucking legal and historical requirement to throw these dogshits out for their first aggression and the atrocities.
Hell, Mudslimes were allied with Hitler during WW2 so that only adds to the pile.
Mongols were absolved when Mongolia renounced Islam, adopted Buddhism, and had its terrotory taken into Slavic hands as reparation till the fucking Pacific for the 250 million deaths it caused all over Eurasia.

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That is a fact, I agree. However it's hard to ignore the fact that the Baltics seem to have a bleak economic future. I don't know much of the smaller details on Lithuania and Estonia, but Latvia's government's been taxing everyone through the ass. The old excuse of "our wages aren't as high as the other EU nations, but at least prices are smaller" doesn't really work anymore, in some cases things here are more expensive than even in powerhouses like Germany.
>cheap beer that used to cost 78 yuro cents now costs over a 1 and 9 cents
>government says that taxes will only go up through out the year

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>*1 yuro and 9 cents
Brain's lagging.

That's a Georgian name. If he were Russian his name would've been Ustiashenkov or some shit.

We've still got ways to go figure out Capitalism after the Communist dogshittery. Some ex-Soviet countries are already back at the pre-breakup stats, but there's lots of work left for all of us. The biggest issue now is education reform all over Eastern Europe, north to south, Baltics to Balkans. Our education systems are shit, and the younger generations are the first to experience it, ergo they see no future when the most core brain of a country is nonfunctional and the government doesn't do shit to focus on improving it. The 2nd litmus test younger generations do is the diaspora. If the diaspora isn't investing back into the country, then that means the diaspora doesn't see any effective use of its investments or rather sees that investments would be wasted by the government, partially caused by shitty education system.
So younger generations out equals to increased taxes to support the pensioners who are dumbfuck dinosaurs constantly voting in dumbfaggots based on numerical advantage over younger generation which results in a vicious circle.
If every country in Eastern Europe could get a government whose ONE and ONLY focus, and i mean 300 days out of a year, was education reform and update, and nothing else, things would start turning around sharply in 16 years when the first resulting cycle is producing results.

-kov is russified ukrainian name so not Russian either

The job market, not just in Eastern Europe, but in most of the world has gone to shit. You can get a decent degree and still ending up flipping burgers in your local MD. Well, maybe not that bad, but in a lot of cases when you finish higher education, you can't find a job for your speciality because often they require actual work experience which you can't get. Or in the case of, let's say, the medical field, you get education that is very expensive, if you didn't get on to the government budget program. For instance, if you want to go study to be a therapist, and don't get into the budget seats, for which there were only 2 places this year, out of 150 participants, you have to then go pay something around 4.5k yuros a year and study a minimum of 5 years. Whilst studying you are obligated to get actual "field" experience, which means you have to work for free. In quite a few cases you won't be able to do that in the capital, so you'll have to move to somewhere in bumfuck nowhere in the country side and also manage somehow to support yourself besides waging for free at the clinic there. Then on top of that when you finally do finish studying, chances are you'll be in debt, like a lot of med students often are and the actual pay for the job is somewhere a bit under 1k yuros maybe that same 1k yuros. It's not hard to see why in a lot of cases people decide to leave their own country and go abroad to study or work.

Is teaching english in another country a meme or a worthy profession


why doesn't everyone do it then

>everything is gray and lacks color, all buildings look the same
>russians walking around
pretty fucking bleak, desu

georgian here.

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how is 080808

кaк жизнь