
Be honest Yea Forums, would you have taken her offer?

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Madara Uchiha

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>20 years old
Ehhhhhhhhhh pass.

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Yes. And then I'd marry her to get my free ticket to the high society.

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>wanting to be part of high society after having just destroyed a cult that was specifically targeting high society

If I were Leon yeah. God knows he's never getting any from that bitch Ada.

No way.

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fake and gay, Ashley's panties are plain white

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Too old.

Implying that's Ashley

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Yeah, but it’d be kind of weird for me because she has the same name as my sister

Nope because all i hear is sandy cheeks

There is no such possibility, homosexual.

Go away, Anthony


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Only if she's pure. Is Ashley canonically a virgin? If not then that's a NWF from me.

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Only if she promised not to use contraceptives or protection.

I'd have never gotten the offer in the first place

You just know she has fucked every last Chad at her school

She's the presi's daughter though, don't you think everyone would be super overprotective of her?

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>I'd have never survived the guy in the first house swinging an axe at my head for B&E, let alone finding and saving the President's daugher

This. If I was Leon id probably be a big enough dick to sacrifice Ashley at some point. Not only would it send their plan to shit but no one will really know that I did it and it will just be a regular semi failed mission where I still get rewarded.

No Way Federation

Can that modder finally release the final version already. I want to replay the game one final time but not until that is released so at least to get a somewhat different experience.

Didn't Leon say he was assigned to her personal security detail and she was basically stolen right out from under his nose? It was his first job after completing his super agent training, and already in the doghouse with W.

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no way fag

hold it, I get that its saying lesbians are bad but what do the bars mean?

odds are shes more likely been whored out to the people (((in charge))) of america.


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because people like to have sex


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No way fag

because girls fuck at 16, if they dont, they are ugly

Fuck this world. I hate women so much.

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>paid OT by hour
>being with a girl in her best years
>she is the daughter of the president
>she is a solid 8/10

man you must be not Gay to pass on this

yeah i'm horny

my words will be remembered but will yours

why? because they arent virgin? so what? they deserve sex as much as a man

Non-virgins are fucking disgusting and useless. Not to mention the high risk of STDs, they could even be infecting you on purpose. Females are deceiving, blood-thirsty infernal creatures that will not rest until they've caused other people the most unimaginable pain and suffering possible.

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