Give me one (UNO) excuse why you aren't playing Borderlands 2 right now after how hype the third game gameplay was.
I'm at work
Hi Randy
I have to finish BL1 first, but the random memory leaks in GOTY enhanced is absolute shit and makes the game almost unplayable.
Gunplay is abject shit
Did a playthrough of 2 after the 3 announcement.
Got cold feet whether to go into NG+ with mods or not.
Got distracted by something else shiny and now I'm just not in the mood.
3 seems better in every way, so I really don't think putting the time in now is worthwhile.
I played 270 hours of it.
After an endless repeat of my weapons being shit after 7 levels, I got tired.
Have to play through the story 3 times to get to the good shit
played a bit of was alright I guess. Probably would be better with friends If I had any.
>good shit
I no longer have my copy and fuck the writing was so bad I couldn't even stomach ALL the DLCs
Honestly why I'm just waiting on 3.
Instanced loot means I can go online with Randos and not have to worry about some asshole immediately grabbing all the good loot.
Hell, I'd probably go back and play the other games more if they implemented it.
I want to fist Gaige with her own robot arm
because its not borderlands 3?
tps is more fun as well as having Athena, the only character to actually be badass in the whole franchise
Oh but I am, r8
>change audio to japanese because listening to the same audio clips after 500 hours gets old
>start unironically missing Dameon Clarke's Jack, and to a lesser extent Torgue.
It's incredible how hard he carried the dialogue, but it's just not worth having to hear Tiny Tina ever again. Same for TPS and the STRAYA CUNTs
Randy Pitchford is a Cheapskate and a Pedophile
300+ hours
I'm waiting for 3
The humour is cringe. I can't deal with the forced humour.
look at me I'm dancin' I'm dancin' xDDD
I did literally everything in 1,2, and presequal back when the series was still extremely looked down upon. To make matters worse I did it all solo 99% of the time. Now whenever I launch one up, I almost always close and uninstall it after 2 hours tops.
Shit is so mind numbingly boring. When the third comes out I'll get it ya fucking shill but I am NOT going back.
I really like the characters in TPS but good god the level design sucks ass. Nisha is incredibly fun to play with as you hammer away at the fire button as fast as you can with a pair of jakobs pistols.
nisha and wilhelm are unironically the best BL player characters of all time
Nishas action skill is kinda boring desu
Wilhelms cool though
The scaling is so broken that you're pidgeonholed into boring specific guns and builds past TVHM.
I'd rather play TPS.
shit PC and don't have it.
Randy Pitchford.
i'm not a cuck
Because I'm not gonna buy 3 till it's on Steam, and perhaps even on Sale.
Pitchford is a nigger
I have never been interested in the F/TPS genre.
But I am as the best boy Axton
Shit-tier Maya, to be quite honest.
It's a bad game. Fuck off.
looks good, why you hating bruh
Maya's best heads are her default, admiral, pirates, and punk. You cannot dispute this.
its not fun alone and I dont have friends
borderlands exists for something to do in the background while talking to friends. Clicking AI heads isn't engaging on its own.
Because it's not BL3.
I'm platinuming BL1 right now and I can't decide on which class to make for 2. I'll probably end up just doing another Gaige run.
I've already beaten it a hundred times, I'm good man
So is everyone on here. Big whoop nigger lover.
Pre-Sequel > 2 every time. Chadtastic Voyage was the peak of the series.
I am, with Gaige in UVHM
>tfw you shoot the ground with a Rocket and one shot someone 30 feet way
At least you're admitting it now Randall
I'm waiting for the handsome collection to go on sale (I know I missed a huge chance to get it for cheap) so I'm just playing PSO for now.
Because I'm playing the pre-sequel
Why are so many legendaries shit in BL2? I got seven in normal vault hunter mode but three of them are pretty much useless, especially the madhous.
Who are you maining?
It's okay at worst though. Easily the best the genre has to offer
But 2 sorta sucks? I actually liked 1 better, and I didn't really like 1
3 is shaping up to look surprisingly decent though, I was all ready to shit on it before I watched some streams
I got a rifle which consumed 4 ammo per shot, fuck off with that shit
Depends on the skill tree, might main Amara to appreciate her porn more