
Ah yes, Minecraft. Nothing else can scratch my brain at the right spot like this fascinating lego video game.

Is Minecraft inherently autistic?

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Pretty much. At least 1.14 has mods and I can do some fun building shit. Just hope it doesn't take too long for a Chisel & Bits port, or port of Inventory and Mouse Tweaks.

I just built boxes, set the weather to Thunder storm, and cry...

>still no optifine for 1.14

Its been 10 years

you remember your first hut do you?

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the first time i played minecraft it was in alpha
it generated a winter world
i destroyed an ice block and drowned because the ice froze back

the 2nd time i played i jumped into my friends pool and drowned because i didn tknow how to swim up

Shame the game doesn't hit the same way anymore. I feel like I miss playing it but when I try, it isn't the same. Prealpha were magical times.

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how can it be autistic when the best thing out of it is playing with friends?

soon brother

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>Is Minecraft inherently autistic?
No, this is.

>there's literally no reason to make a building enterable if you aren't going to put something in it. see
Yes there is.
Some choices are better than others in video games.
Entering the house of a peasant to steal his wet socks, isn't equal to entering the house of a noble to steal his jewels.
Locking the door to the peasant house, and removing that bad choice and just leaving good choice isn't a good move, it just turns the game more closely to being on rails and baby'ing the player, removing their agency and
Books have no agency other than reading or not reading.
Sometimes finding where to go is part of the gameplay, having more wrong ways to go, like more doors that lead to nothing important(or nothing important for that specific objective) is good.
Maybe if you just play playstation movie games this is hard to understand for you.

There's also the immersion aspect. The house doesn't feel as real anymore if you can't enter it.

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What in the absolute fuck?!

I will always remember the first and my favorite song that played while I played on the minecraft.net browser demo

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minecraft feels more like mega bloks then legos

I've never played Minecraft before. Is it only worth checking out if you're interested in building stuff? I'm not too into that sort of thing.

i just like to build a house and look out the windows while the soundtrack plays

survival mode is more about exploration and looking for resources than building stuff, of course you start up building your "shelter" before upgrading it and all of the sudden you realize you've made a huge castle with a library and mechanic doors and shit

Survival mode sounds pretty alright then, thanks for the reply.

Minecraft is the comfiest game ever made. I’m playing it on my Switch while my brother plays on pc and we’re having a blast

i built it out of all cobblestone and i had a nether portal that you could walk through and on the other side was a nether wart farm. i also remember the chests were held vertically and it looked really strange

I remember. It was sometime before the Redstone Update, but not too far before that. It was on a coast, I think, built into a small hill. The world was abandoned soon after, but I have always preferred that kind of strat in survival.

Only going to pick this back up if they bring back proper custom biome settings

i don't know i feel like the core of the game never really changed, maybe we just changed

i don't get why they removed it, now they just have the one biome for the entire world buffet mode

You can play creative mode if you like to build shit you just fly around and have access to all the blocks and items

>tfw my imagination is capped at rectangular house with flat roof

Me too. Like, all the things they added overtime are optional, nobody forces you to use them.

I played some Minecraft for the first time in years today while visiting my mom. I have zero creativity so it wasn't all that exciting, but at least I made my little brother happy.

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same here, its alright

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Happens to me too but building underground bases and shit is a lot easier for me because I can just use the naturally generated caves to my advantage

the only thing i could see is when they added hunger bars to the game. and maybe the current combat system. but it doesn't completely shake the foundation, which is walking around in the blocky world with your blocks and placing blocks and fighting block monsters while listening to block music

I remember it was just built into a cave. Always done it as the first house and a hobbit hole mine thing ever since.

Most of my houses now are long and narrow with a cobblestone/mossy cobblestone basement built into a hill with bars on the walls for windows outside. I sleep downstairs in the basement on a white bed like a cot and work with smelting, crafting, and potion brewing upstairs.

I wish I could just build the first narrow house I made over again, but it was a spur of the moment thing so I can never get back that magic.

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and also mining and crafting blocks i dont know how i forgot that

Work your corners, try to make diagonals

silence smashfag

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The fact chisel&bits isn't a main feature is mindboggling

How do you git gud at building aesthetic houses? My houses always end up looking like soviet bloc buildings.

i just think about notch sitting in his big giant mansion with his m&m wall whenever i hear minecraft music like this one


it's kind of depressing

I usually just google something like 'English countryside manor' and work from that.

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Asian Jap here, learn color theory, shape symbolism and architecture design theory.

>tfw you'll never go back to alpha or beta times
modern minecraft is so soulless.

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My first world was a snow world and I lost my way pre-maps and compass :(

My second world was where I built a 10x10 wooden house. Over time, I expanded this house into a cave. I spent countless hours in that world, it was over a couple gigs in size pre-scaevolus mod. I lost that world after 2 years in a HDD crash :(

it is a little soulless, but i try not to think about it for too long
it's still alright, in fact i feel like it might be improving

>2010 me
>finally get minecraft after all my friends talk about it
>join their hamachi server
>build my first home in the side of a mountain
>tricked out that home with all the fixings
It was a dream. The game will never lose its magic.

You realize the launcher allows installing legacy builds dating back to the shitty classic versions with barely any content, right?

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Built this the other day on my friend's survival realm

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Yes, but thats what makes it fascinatingly alluring

>hamachi server
Fuck user you just took me back

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What's the best modpack on the technic launcher?

>barely any content
that's why I can't play them anymore. sure, modern versions have more shit, but they lack the beauty of the old versions. I just wish that notch never had given up on the game and kept the same feel of beta.

Start by copying some buildings from pics and you'll slowly learn from that to create ypur how shit. It worked for me.

Found pics of my old house actually.

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I just dug a hole on the side of a mountain and slapped a door in there.

Do you remember when you found your first diamond, anons?
>dig as far down as I could
>dig in zigzags
>find my first diamond over a lava pit

yes it was a cave house in the side of a cliff. i miss that place

Someone give me a quick rundown of redstone

Everyone talks about a patch fucking up worldgen to make it more boring. Can someone explain to me in detail what happened exactly?

>Is Minecraft inherently autistic?
have you seen the four arms post

When it glows it means it's working.

It's just people complaining about a problem that doesn't exist

i dont know why they complain theres an option for extreme world gen i always use that. much more interesting than any old default world

Notch himself didn't care a lot about Minecraft and he mostly just used it as a dumping ground for whatever random shit he thought might be neat to try making. It was kind of obvious Notch was preparing for getting rid of the game in the late beta versions with how he cobbled together all the 1.0 shit.

Now whether or not that was what made Minecraft unique is up to you. It was just inevitable that Notch was going to sell it eventually regardless of how much money he could pull developing it himself.

What mods should I be running? I have a fairly beefy computer (i7/2070) so I can handle probably anything

Yes, a hollow in the mouth of a peninsula. Needless to say I turned the peninsula into a castle soon enough.

It's beta 1.8. Notch made everything into their own biomes, but all the terrain became very repetitive. Old cliffs and mountains are gone. Beaches became really fucking ugly. Nice green grass turned to ugly biome colors. Now it's all plains everywhere.

Minecraft is the one game me and my friends can go back and play and it still feels the same magical way
But minecraft always feel good.

it looks like blood splats if you place a few unconnected ones around

>almost a month for 30%
Define "soon"

Post your current base, anons. Modded or Vanilla, it doesn't matter

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just started a new world. how can i remove lava pools? my whole mineshaft system is hitting lava all around it

Any way I can revert it back to that?

It's a pain in the ass because I can't make any circuits work I just make compasses for maps out of it.


>trek in one direction for the whole day
>find a nice flat area
>cobblestone rectangle
>later die to creeper and have absolutely no memory of which way I went

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Found this neat-ass world seed with a natural harbor area right next to a ravine and a perfect spot for a lighthouse. Gonna muck with it after work tomorrow. This game somehow keeps pulling me back in.

The only way I can think of is to create a world in an older version and the jumping to the new version

Those blocks around the pool threw me off for a second

Minecraft is objectively the greatest game ever made. It is truly an ingenious idea. It appeals to people from 3-100+ years old. It also has high therapeutic value.
Notch should have held on to it for a while longer. He could have sold it for $10B instead of $1B

I built it out of sand before sand fell

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Here's my humble abode

seed pl0x

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It was in 1.2 and I spawned in a jungle and I built a small castle

A lot of projects half-done, but it's a start.

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>build house into a small cave
>really big and nice for a first house
>multiple rooms
>no coal so no torches
>dark as fuck in house
>go out gathering resources and hunting
>find coal so now I can light my house
>come back
>open door
>creeper had spawned in my house while I was gone
And that's how my first 30 mins or so of playing Minecraft went.

aye I do, on my old 360 lol

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how do you find pillagers

Imo that much cobblestone with nothing breaking it up looks bad.

I used to be obsessed with automating everything. I would spend days carving out massive rooms deep underground as monster spawners and think of ways to corral them into one spot so that I could systematically kill them with the press of a button using some kind of redstone contraption, and I would do the same on the surface with animal farms. I had huge veggie farms that I could harvest with a push of a button and all of the crops would auto drop into railcars which would transport them to a warehouse which was designed in a way for the railcars to automatically deposit their contents in chests and then come right back. I would eventually complete all of these projects and then I would be bored after a brief moment of intense satisfaction because my game was now playing itself for me. The only thing left to do was mine for diamonds, and shit if there was a way to automate mining without mods I would have done that too.

I walked outside once and they were there just staring at me so I killed them

It's not really a finished house, I just mined the shit out of a mountainside and used the cobblestone for the base design. I think I've been on that world for about 3 hours

I remember when Notch used to post daily updates here and I called him a faggot for making a shitty infiniminer clone. Before Mojang, before the billions. Those were the days, fren.

I never actually picked up MC until after M$ bought it.

You can literally play any version, and find a server for that version. Select it on the launcher, nigga.

I didn't have a hut, I was too busy being a Vietcong fighter in a jungle and mountain biome after I got chased out of my Friend's village for blowing it up
fuck I miss Lan parties

dumping my current house. havent shown anyone before. this is a couple months of work. Maybe someone will take an idea from it.

First off is a little workshop i made in the front. It has my anvil and grindstone and a stone cutter in front. has a little pool of lava where the iron fence is like a little forge

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>Spend four hours caving
>mentally exhausted from all of the resource gathering and creeper heart attacks
>finally hear that old crunchy grass-block breaking and see day light
>youtube.com/watch?v=qq-RGFyaq0U&t starts playing
>post yfw

Meant to also say its my first house and current buildings. I havent played minecraft in years since just a few months ago when i re bought it.

Next the front, Ill show what everything looked before i started at the end to compare. But everything was covered with trees so i cleared it all out and recently put in the nice stone stairs.

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I plan on building little houses over each animal stable instead of just fences. To the left past the bamboo farm i have a sheep pen with a plethora of colors to sheer.

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Have you ever played Factorio? It sounds like you'd love it if you haven't

Pretty comfy user, good work

Fair enough. If it's any consolation I like the design.

I dug up much of the ground to get the ravine this deep. there wasnt the water pool there before. also below is my cave to the nether. Ill probably move the pumpkins elsewhere. also best flag for best country

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I agree with you honestly it's bland as fuck and I've been meaning to change it, I want some stone to cut but dont have the materials yet for it.


play factorio dude, see you in 2000 hours

Thank you. Im very happy with it. It started off with just the floating house but Its grown very well over time.

Past the house Im making a library with my enchanting table and brewing stands. Taking time to get all the quartz. going to make it pretty tall.

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What's a good, small modpack that won't break a toaster but still give me a good amount of machinery and progression to fuck around with?

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Inside the building i was standing on previously, i have my furnaces and smokers from when i began the base. also have my chests and ender chest in that alcove.

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FTB used to have one specifically for this purpose, don't remember the name though

First base? Dug a hole in the side of a gigantic mountain.
First hut? Built it on top of the mountain once I got enough wood, I couldn't make it taller than 4 blocks because I had unknowingly hit the old world height limit.

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Above my in progress tower, you can see the dark oak observatory that im going to make at the top of the mountain. Going to make a large glass dome overhanging the mountain and put a large wall of item frames and make a large map of the surrounding area.

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Behind the quartz library leads back down to the ground via some platforms and i planted a bunch of bamboo from the new update that i had to go find.

And finally this is what it all looked like before. Thankfully with the timber mod, it didnt take too long to clear out the trees. going to build some sort of road at some point.

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minecraft and early adventure time is pure zoomercore kino

oh and before i forget, this is the cave thats by the pumpkin patch, it used to be just this area with a water pool but i dug it all out.

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It leads down a bit further to where i put my nether portal. i like the trees i put around it and the cobble walls to act as stalagmites

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I really love all the things that exist in Minecraft now but I miss the first world I ever generated. I happened to be very lucky and it was absolutely beautiful. Gone forever.

>back when the recipe book didn't exist
>I had a shit tier Internet connection
>Literally didn't know how to make Jack beyond what I figured out myself
>tfw boarding myself up with dirt and waiting for day

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Shit man you make me miss my old world.

The first time I played I completely lost track of time and played for 9 hours straight. Also yes I do remember my first hut and trying to navigate caves leaving signs with arrows everywhere

>trying to navigate caves leaving signs with arrows everywhere
Lmao I used to to this too.

>getting lost until you learned the cave system by heart

What are some essential mods.
No adding stuff, only shit lile minimap/map, crafting recipes, more UI info etc.

no such thing as an 'essential' mod, but here you go:

JEI (NEI if earlier version)

Some user told me a good system, torches on right for entering and then you'll know you're on the right track if they're on your left exiting