You do use and craft every weapon, right?
You do use and craft every weapon, right?
Every weapon type? I used to, but I got lazy.
Every single weapon? Ain't nobody got time for that.
Fuck no. I like to limit my experience to 1/16th of the gameplay.
I literally use hammers and nothing else.
Everything but LBG.
In what
There are people on Yea Forums who are proud that they heve never used any weapon in the game but the one they started with, and defend the inclusion of first generation monsters to the death.
I don't understand it. How many times can you fight Rathalos with GS before it gets stale? Surely somewhere around 5000 hours the fun must start to wane, right?
my nigga
I can proficiently use like 6 weapon types but I only ever use dual blades or the bow cause I like going fast.
I only really enjoy about seven of them. Great Sword, Hammer, and Hunting Horn are too slow for my liking, Charge Blade I find very one-note and boring (press the SAED-summoning buttons, then smash that SAED), and I could never get into any of the ranged options.
Nah, I use one or two weapon types per game. Currently played hammer, SA, lance, LS and GS, playing SnS in GU and GL in MHW now.
The ranged weapons feel like booty, so no
I really need to, but the HBG is just too much fun.
Weirdly I loved being a gunner in MHFU, but as of MHW I almost never touch the ranged weapons. Mainly stick to Gunlance, Lance, Insect Glaive or Hunting Horn, but I’ve been fucking around with Charge Blade and S&S and both are fucking fun
Can't stop won't stop
It's too much fun
>too slow
I really tried to get into the bow but just founds it the opposite of fast in every imaginable. For me, i much preferred using the insect glaive and the switch blade.
SA users have the biggest dicks and fuck the hottest chicks
prove me wrong
That sounds like a hack lot of wasted time
I used DB the entire time in World until I stopped playing post gay golden time limit dragon event. They were fun and I felt rewarded for good positioning. I pretty much never tripped up my teammates either because I knew which body part was my territory depending on the weapon the others were using.
Hell no
Honestly if you aren't autistic it gets boring fighting most none special ED/super monsters really quickly regardless of weapons in MHW.
my most used weapons in order are
or at least that's what I remember I don't bother using anything else unless I'm really bored
I also have crippling retardation
Usually? Yes.
It depends though, if they do something to completely screw with the balance, then I'll shy away from those weapons.
As an example, I dropped SnS in World. SnS and Greatsword have been my go 2 main weapons in every game, but SnS got hit hard. I like playing all the weapons all the time but I'm less inclined in these types of situations, like Gunlance in Gernations Vanilla. Valor Gunlance is my absolute jam, though.
Addmitedly, though, with recent tittles like GU and W, I've been spamming the most op weapons to fast track to end game and get stuff over with so I can actually get to the meat and potatoes [spoilers] joke's on me though, there wasn't much waiting me at the end of world
I haven’t played XX, but I loved prowling in MHX
of course.
About to have to start a third page for weapons in GU. Haven't felt like I had this much to do in a game since I was a little autist putting thousands of hours into Wind Waker and Pikmin 2. I hope Ichinose is working on something good.
>tfw too dumb to use Gunlance
Of course I fucking don't I'm not that retarded, my weapon usage record goes like this:
FU: Tried several weapons; GS, LS, SnS, DB, HH, GL, Bow, ultimately decided to stick to GL, GS and Bow but I didn't feel comfortable until I picked up LBG which I used for virtually every single quest.
On 3U I decided to try new weapons, I picked up hammer as well as my main weapon, LBG, had some real fun.
On 4U I decided to try the weapons again to see if I like them now, used Lance, Hammer, Bow, LBG, HBG, SA, IG and HH, mained them except Bow and HBG since LBG was still my favorite.
On GU I finally decided to make my mind and pick my other main weapon, one is the LBG since FU, the new one is Lance, I still like hammer but my performance with LBG and Lance is just superior, so hammer is only for fun, laid back hunts.
Haven't tried world because I don't play HR games.
shame no one else uses IG
flipping around in the air doing ninja shit is fun as fuck
too bad it's not that good tho
I use it almost exclusively. The valor hbg and gs made me use new weapons though.
Why do people play cats
Like what's the point? If you want support go HH, if you want two playstyles play SA, etc. What do cats even do?
I prefer to hunt with other people purely because playing solo makes me feel lonely and it feels more intense when you're all going at it
Feels bad being a shitter
They gave us too many i-frames and made monster attacks too weak. Gunning doesn't have that "one mistake away from death and you have to be at melee range for optimum damage" feel to it anymore.
I like valor glaive with bug majeur, watching the bug spazz out on the monster feels so good especially since it’s linked to your combos and takes no extra time.
GU finally made support Palico viable.
Support but better.
Dual Blades but not cancer.
They have the best outfits.
invincibility for shitters too
I don’t think I’ve ever messed around with HH or IG. I’m quite good with a handful of weapons, mediocre with most of the others, and absolute garbage with a few.
Why do Charge Blade users get so much shit? Are you other weaponfags really that mad we're that much better than you?
Just like LS they're more focused on getting their combos off then not getting carted.
I've used pretty much every weapon type before endgame but since the decorations RNG is that fucking rigged against you, I was kinda limited to one thing in endgame and that was meta gear builds
Since you need multiple attack and/or crit decorations (neither of which I have any after about 200 hours of just tempered farming) to make anything decent I gave up and now I'm using the true gae bolg with the behemoth set because its good enough without decorations.
There's 2 types of players, the ones who exploited bugs and other shit to duplicate decorations and the ones that played the game legit and began to hate it
>mfw I duped a shit ton of decorations on PS4 before they patched it
Should've specified I'm talking about MH World
Only big dick hunters may post after this point
Fuck bow.
Fuck lbg.
Fuck hbg.
Fuck prowler.
Hey, thats me.
Who doesn't like doing massive damage to the monster?
Fuck you!
the only way to play.
It is a mystery user
I only enjoy greatsword. I've tried other weapons but nothing else does it for me. Too many of the weapons rely on some gimmick, meter, or stacks. I like GS because I can swing it, block with it, and super armor through attacks. No meter or stacks to worry about. Being capable of blocking is a big thing for me. I think the only other weapon I'd give a serious try at some point is SnS.
GLed my way through the game but I've branched out since and put 150 quests into CB, SA, GS and I'm working on my hammer. Also the occasional Lance for shit like tempered pickle and AT Xeno.
Unga, and Bungapilled
I like greatsword for everything except cunty aggresive monsters like diablos where I use the gunlance
I use just under half. It just so happened that they ended up being one of the two for each streamstone type, which is neat. No LS/GS though, don't like either.
*runs you over*
Where is your DPS now?
It truly is, user. Perhaps they do not know of our savior, high explosive ordnance?
GS is fun against diablo, feels great tackling the fuck out of its charges.
On the monsters face, waiting to explode.
Too bad there's no reason to Support Palico, and they nerfed the absolute fuck out of Prowlers in GU for no reason, so minmaxed Prowlers have worse damage and defense than they did in Generations.
Literally the dumbest shit
Nope, I mostly use greatsword, lance, and the sword & shield.
>gs with a taste of valor
>hbg but valor only
>status lbg if needed
>cat (with a cute name)
>funtime with anything else
giga chad here
GS, Hamer, Lance/GL I suck at not being in the monsters face spinning, charging and looking cool. And also getting tripped by LS
Gunlance is the true patrician's choice.
>forget my combines
>fuck up my registered item set
>go valor hbg
>someone ate for insurance
>proceed to quad cart to event ahtal-ka everytime it targets my general area
>those guys will forever remember me as a quad carter
>some of them hadn't even unlocked a fatalis yet
i was supposed to be their leader and i failed them miserably
how do i deal with this shame
I make them up to a certain point in rarity for all the weapons but I don't use most of them
gunner weapons are a waste of space
>Using a weapon type that is easy to play, overpowered and unfair
>Big dick
But user, that image is showing HBG, not LS or IG
MH4U is dead. Let it go.
You are a waste of oxygen.
ig is only op in 4U and ls is only op in world
HBG is top tier in every single game including 4U and world.
Hackers and losers do not make up a real online playerbase. They make up a cesspool of cancer and you should move on to anything else.
Hammer is the only weapon worth using. You hit them on the head, and they die. What else do you need?
>gunners needing help with nerg
Is it stuffy in that closet boy?
LBG does the same amount of damage and can actually move.
unless you're cluster bomb spamming in which case fuck off.
I bounce around between GS, DB, and Bow in most of the games.
Please explain the proper way to use Prowlers so I can use them as well
I use pretty much everything and try to find a place for all of them to use, making a set and some variations for every weapon.
That said though, GS will always be my favourite.
keep twirling homo, enjoy your marketing gimmick
>needing help
Good gunners are scary user, I have seen some absolutely shitting on monsters without getting touched a single time, shit's basically MH's ultra instinct.
I figured it was implying if you're shit you should just try bowgun.
>good ig users
Stop using that mirror in the middle of the hunt faggot. You're supposed to hit the monster in the head not let its head up your ass.
i really want to learn how to be a gunner but wasting on bullets feel like i might run out of money and ammo
Well yeah, that's what endgame is about, making a shit load of builds.
>only using one weapon
Normal and pierce are enough for most things and are dirt cheap.
>unless you're cluster bomb spamming in which case fuck off.
if you're going to play a weapon that takes absolutely no skill to play and never have to think or strategize you may as well go all out and make the hunts quicker. you were never going to have fun anyway or do anything beyond standing in one place and tapping the attack button anyway
>GS, Lance and Hammer main
at last I truly see
The weapons I use most often are GS, LS, HH, Hammer. SA, DB,and CB. I've tried using the lances and I do want to use them more. The gunner weapons I've barely used because having to craft a separate armor set just for them was time I didn't want to spend, but maybe I'll do it eventually. I have never touched SnS or IG. Also, how alive is GU's multiplayer? Thinking about picking it up soon.
If you like MHW you need to excommunicate yourself from existence.
Stocking up on even thousands of the few kinds of bullets you actually need is actually pretty cheap.
Can't wait for that MH5 on the switch bro
How do you guys deal with every fight needing fire resistance and all the good armor sets having negative FR? Just budget for a FR charm?
I don't get hit
>nintendo boogeyman
I have a set for the Lions otherwise you really don't need any against the other trash including Kulve.
I use guard lance to counter, block everything and LBG to never get touched.
>Monster Hunter World PC experience
I mostly use SnS because it's the most comfortable weapon but since we got the Kulve Taroth Event with the Kjarr weapons I also learned to use the Switch Axe and a bit of Insect Glaive.
The only weapons I really do not get how to use are the Lance and the Gun Lance, with the others I am mediocre at best.
You need to learn like three weapons with the gunlance but seriously playing Lance good is so braindead compared to SnS I seriously don't know how you manage that.
lance is all about constant unrelenting pressure and abusing counterthrust so you NEVER have to stop hitting the monster
its also for targeting weak points as its extremely precise.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Lance being simple, it makes Guard lance very fun to use since all you need to manage is your guard options.
My usual playstyle with SnS is running towards the monster and mount the shit out of him and if I need, run away so I can catch my breath. I do not really like the stay still like a rock playstyle.
I used the lance only against the Extremoth as I was the only one willing to go for a tank build, the only thing I was doing (aside from giving stamina to the mounter) was only counterthrust and nothing else. I felt pretty useless and annoyed most of the times
How did you choose the weapon(s) you use the most?
Dual blades because I like going full rip and tear and constantly attacking
Bow because I liked the moveset
Lance because I just like lances in general and I'm fucking shit at the game
I don't. I use one weapon almost exclusively. I know I shouldn't do this, but I really do like the way I slot into a team, and since I play the game almost exclusively with other people (because I like co-op in games so much), I feel I don't much much incentive to go to what I feel are slightly-less-fun weapons, and that using them would require me to change my position in a team setup.
I'm usually good to do that in games like TF2 and the like - switching from support to frontline tanking, damage, smash and grab, shock and awe, and so on - but in Monster Hunter it doesn't quite appeal as much. And it also feels like that, without someone doing what I do, a team is less likely to succeed in any hunt.
Can you guess my weapon?
I like guns and I like polearms so much that I will use those weapon types over any other weapon type in any vidya, Lance and LBG happen to be exactly what I want.
worldlet here so take my opinion with a grain of salt
>Glaive because zipping around in the air is always fun as fuck in action games though the damage output was low so I went to
>Long sword cause it has some sexy ass moves (Spirit thrust makes me cum everytime), and overall better range, speed and damage on the ground
>charge blade, saw some nigga online use it and it looked fun as fuck. it is. also the only heavy weapon I've used, might try out greatsword later but doing a whole hunt with a heavy weapon seems just a bit too much
>did bow for a while but it just isnt all that satisfying to use, hopefully higher rarity ones with more phial variety will make it better
emergency retreat or soothing roll, Big Boomerangs and Pierce Boomerangs are a must since all the prowler types except Beast use ranged attacks sometimes in conjunction with their melee. the only skill you "need" imo is boomerang pro. Use whatever skills and moves you think are fun after you get those main ones.
Beyond that depending on what kind of cat you want to play determines what weapon type you should use, I love playing as a Protection cat and they should use balanced weapons since they're allowed to be risky with adept guard.
they can use melee attacks as often as they can use ranged.
My favorite weapons are SnS, Lance, and Charge Blade. I like shields.
I use hammers whenever I can in vidya and I can honestly MH is where it's most satisfying.
>DB and bow
This but great sword
faggotmoth isnt a good example
Wanna try hammer next then lance