>shitty, slow combat
>no healthbars
>need to grind so you dont get stomped
>shitty story
Why do people like this piece of shit series again
monster hunter thread
Shitty, slow combat
honestly i dont know
many people still seem to be playing it though
>your fave probably got gutted in Iceborne
>dlc is 40$
>only one map and a few monsters
I tried playing this game and got up to and killed that first big pink t rex
does it get any better cus holy shit it was boring.
your favorite monster was always shit
Gonna enjoy Iceborne, but I really hope for a MH on the Switch. Portable is too sweet, and I like the old-school arena-style boss fights better
It's not really a Narga anymore. They use the Odo/tobi skeleton for it in World.
Still can be good tho.
>MH is the series where major updates are sold as a new game in the series
>same as it ever was
Why is he the qtest boi lads
I never really understood the point of the endgame grind in these games.
So you kill the same monster over and over again. So that you can get a bitter better gear, to go kill the same monster again, now without any rewards?
>best selling Capcom game of all time
>still can't develop unique skeletons and end up reusing shit all the time
Did Charge Blade get anything cool since KT on PC? I stopped playing because the only gear I could get for an upgrade was like 3 artilleey decos.
>paying for new monsters
>no idea what they were saying though
hunters is the same
Some didn't even have new map (like 3G).
ATKT gives new elemental charge blades that are fantastic. Easy to build for too because all you need is capacity boost and elemental skills.
Because Capcom man
Woah shit, that’s rad. How’d they make elemental charge blades that are actually good? Just massive elemental damage to overcome the location penalty?
also i forgot
you want focus 3 for elemental charge blades too, just like for impact phials. not having it doesn't make it unplayable, but its considered best.
Have they announced anything good for hunting horn in iceborne? My baby needs a buff bad
>Steamroll through all of World with little trouble along with most additional content before AT Hazak
>stop playing for a while
>Go back for AT Niggergante
>he kicks my fucking ass multiple times and i still havent beaten him yet
As far as I'm aware, nothing has been said for HH changes yet.
It'll get something though.
Getting some new sexy armor or am i going to have to play through it naked again?
If they just make it do like 10% more damage and make it stun way harder it would be perfect. It's just so much weaker than comparable options now. Not even comparing it to some of the insane bows
The slow gameplay is sleep inducing
t. ADHD zoomer
I tried emulating but couldn't get far enough in it and got bored. 3U was really alot of fun though.
I'd like to play 4U and GU but apparently I have to join some discord server to get proper build for it and beg for event quests.
During last stream they said every weapon is going to get sort of new moves.
oh shit nice, is that retroactive? Like will old weapons get the new moves?
because people were just THAT desperate for a MH that wasn't condemned to handhold purgatory
Same, we always cart at around 20 minutes after he's been limping for around 5 minutes. Only beat him once.
I hate everything I need, I just hunt for the hell of it and for fun.
That's the true hunter's nirvana.
HAVE goddamit.
I just realized how badly I suck at this series now, the last one I played really was MHFU like well over a decade ago.
I can't even fucking kill the small monsters easily in MHGX
What's the best "you cannot fuck up this badly" weapon/style? I would still try to main hammer but like I said, I'm getting my ass kicked a lot
+2 health helps a LOT.
Don't know yet. Only ones I remember is Greatsword getting ability to do slinger blast while charging and LBG getting new mod that allows them to reload single shot while dodging.
HH needs double notes back badly
World was my first mh plz explain
>does it get any better
when you do
I liked the game
But it's dead as fuck on PS4 so I sold it
I SOS on non shit quests and get hits within 15 seconds, what are you talking about.
It's the fucking hitbox man, especially on his dive move, supermanning his combos is also a pain especially on the smaller lava area and the other lava area due to the elevated islands on the lava.
More like 15 minutes lol
>hit monster
>get doubled note
>doubling the whole song and it'll re-play the previous song you played as well, effectively removing the need for encores.
That seems incredibly good. Why do we not have this
I tried lance and my strategy generally consists of "not sheathing it because I'm not in the mood for that". Is this viable to play as solo
I take out the baby blankie on lava area because of what you said and because the red rapes my eyes. after getting +2 I started completeing quests much more easily because I avoided OHKOs.
Unless some faggot triple carts or something that is.
Same reason we didn't get SnS oils. Capcom hates those two weapons in particular.
The only weapon I find boring as solo are lbg/hbg and HH (because there's no one to buff ;_;)
Good joke, handheld was the reason the series started selling gangbusters to begin with and also what kept it going, need I remind you that 1, Dos and Tri all sold worse compared to their handheld counterparts? Dos and Tri especially sold like ass in comparison.
In fact Tri sold so poorly compared to both earlier and later entries they just gave up on making a home console MH for a fucking decade.
The real reason is advertising.
wrong thread?
what's your favorite monster user
you buff your soul
I want the song of my people to be heard, user.
I farmed lava to finally get those attack jewels.
Now all that's left is the shitty AT and behemoth
>I still have that shitty final fantasy music in Astera
rupture the monsters eardrums with me user. 1 monster at the time.
Basically Generations introduced a mechanic for Hunting Horns where hitting a monster with an attack causes whatever note you played to show up as rather than on the bar. If you do this for every note in a song then it'll give you the effects of both the song you just played and whichever song you played before it when you use the recital command. It was a great way to encourage more aggressive play with the weapon.
>Basically Generations introduced a mechanic for Hunting Horns where hitting a monster with an attack causes whatever note you played to show up as a conjoined pair of eighth notes rather than on a single eighth note on the bar
Yea Forums ate my note symbols
>Tri sold so poorly compared to both earlier and later entries they just gave up on making a home console MH for a fucking decade
Tri outsold MH, MHDos, and all versions of MHG COMBINED, but it was also during the height of capcom's "inflated numbers" phase coupled with the fact that they saw 2 million sales as a failure compared to the Portable series. Also they still put MH3G on home consoles and even made that version the only one that could play online.
About to start my yearly playthru of MHFU and I'm picking up lance for the first time ever. What are some good armor sets for this weapon? I know theres Hermatuar but I dont really dig the design. Also any tips for combos and such?
Guild GS just for the sake of learning fundamentals of positioning and timing, then branch out to whatever you want once you get comfortable.
>people ACTUALLY think World is hard
Post those killscreens! All games are welcome.
>do content drips
>make those drips limited time
fuck mhw
No such thing as guard lance in FU, you will be forced into evade lance, so anything with evade extender and evasion+ skills, Narga and lobster for example.
Fucking nice. I don't have any on my pc cause I'm a console fag.
I've played everything on the psp, at nergi kicks my teeth in nigger
Narga was always piss-easy to begin with
>have 500+ of each extract
>still too much of a cheapskate to use them for dash juice and mega buffs
Am I a bad person for wanting styles and arts to return?
>want to go back and play the older games after getting truly sick of World
>realize that 3U and 4U were almost made irrelevant due to GU containing most of both of those games meaningful content plus a lot of its own unique content
>go back to my GU save and get bored because that game is filled with gen 1+2 garbage that aren't fun to fight
What do?
Narga was only good in MHFU.
Game is piss easy... Only that faggot Niggergante has some dick moves that will fuck you up
Not really a killscreen but I had to get this shot.
sup 3u babby
Not really. They aren't inherently bad, just something that could use a rebalancing.
Hunt the 3 and 4 monsters instead
Kinda, however adept LBG gives me a boner.
world is trash, bring back REAL mh
Give china emulator to play online and event saves for XX. pls.
They're not doing shit like that, they're giving it new moves.
It'll either be interaction with the slinger or attacks that give the buffs based on what they showed for other weapons in the reveal.
I feel like they added in styles (mainly adept and valor) and arts to balance out the deviant EX monsters and HP bloated hyper monsters in GU. It wouldn't be a good idea if it was added into World. The Hunter already has a huge advantage with mantles,more freedom of movement, insane armour sets, and terribly small monster trip thresholds.
>Valor mode assault glutton
>Rate of fire increases that its basically wyvernheart
It's not. People only die to hitboxes, animations or map bullshit. See people die less on the Special Arena.
What a retard, you never played the game
Between having the most monsters missing from Gen/GU and having underwater fights, 3U is probably different enough to make it worth picking up.
>monsters clipping into each other and zipping around the zone
>Teostra in World
>Kushala Daora in World
>Even fucking Lunastra in World
>No Chameleos
What the fuck do they have against googly boy?
Monster Hunter newb here, asking a simple question: MHW is currently very cheap on PSN (20 euros), do I lose out on anything if I pick it up now and then pick Iceborne later on when it releases, assuming that I still want more of the game by then? It seems like Iceborne is adding mainly endgame stuff, so it really wouldn’t matter if I have it or not while playing the early-midgame stuff?
I have no shame being a 3U babby as its clearly the best overall MH experience.
Find a flaw.
IG mount spam
>tfw you cant draw parry with World LS
Stuck on 3DS
Shit weapon balance
Garbage 1st and 2nd gen mons
Je suis monte
Only end game is and that's only like 5% of the overall content.
It's called a flash drive.
Sadly it doesn't show the rocks actually crushing puff bat, but good enough.
ah yes, the laughably easy cannot lose low-rank and high-rank game.
if 3u didnt get hit with the 50 base defense it'd be great but the start is so bad compared to 4u and FU
Hollow maps were shit. Also muh gen 1 chicken mons
No all your stuff carries over. If anything its best to start right now so you will be ready for the dlc once it releases since people will start on G rank of immediately. It's also best to spend 20 now and realize you hate MH than spending over 60 later.
stuck on handheld
Didn't 3G have that jungle/forest?
>real MH
Well, you can't be talking about anything after 2G then, but you're gaijin so you're also not talking about Dos which is the only real MH game.
Thanks user, will pick it up then. I’d imagine that I will get more than enough content for that 20 eurobux as it is.
>maybe because of Germany
No/white blood is a jap thing. Damn slanteyes
I never did the KT quests. What do I need to do so I won't fuck up and annoy others?
>I'd like to play 4U and GU but apparently I have to join some discord server to get proper build for it and beg for event quests.
Do you even read your own posts?
What the fuck are you even about. Narga, Tigrex and Barrioth were using generic wyvern skeleton.
From MH3 to MH3U, Misty Peaks was added, but it's a map that was introduced in Portable 3rd which never came out outside Japan anyway.
I'm gonna say the N word
>no second DMC event with Yamato LS and Vergil costume
Missed potential
>try GU
>same fucking maps as 4U
i blame mounting
Maybe it was meant to be some kind of "Best Of"/Anniversary game?
The only map close to a jungle in 3U was Flooded Forest. Though I assume you're talking about Misty Peaks, which actually showed up in Portable 3rd years prior.
I was told that some discord has it's own build for emulator that performs better than canary/nightly ones and if I want to play events I either have to dump it from my own 3ds that I don't own or ask other people on servers but they are stingy about it.
>Volcanic/Sunken Hollow
>best anything
>MH will keep introducing more gimmicks to make new people go wow while actually being tiresome as fuck to anyone who gives a shit
>Yamato LS
>Not Red Queen that revs up as you gain spirit guage
This guy gets it
>Agnaktor in Volcanic Hollow
so it MHGU emulation any good? can you get it with mission packs and stuff on pc?
>hyper rathalos in area 8
You can't play 32bit games on NSW emulator.
Citra works great and you can patch japanese XX to english version from GU.
hmmm ok ty
gore magala
>hyper rath-anything anywhere
that fag can fuck off, why did it of all things have to be the series mascot
Mounting was fine how they did it in GU since it didn't last long and you were now allowed to attack. World mounting is awful though from start to finish.
and that's a good thing
just learned about augments and gems I love this shit
got to end game arch tempered elder dragons with 300 defense lol
Did you know there is lifesteal in this game?
there's a lifesteal augment, it makes things even easier to kill
there is an mh on nsw tho
bro sustain is important when any stray weakest hit is 99.9% of your health
wish we got EX's wacky crossover skins in the mainline games, didn't they have some unique moves or attributes too?
I really don't think it's fine at all, considering it came with the implication of maps being made more vertical. World doubled down on it too with the sliding meme.
Besides, even if you can attack mounts they're still spazzing out and running across the map.
haven't played world lol. or you really suck. 15 min hunts are pretty unusual unless its some sort of event and even then you dont get rewards for joining that late
When is he coming back?
Never, Gore is a neet.
MH NXT (2020)
Sorry, but we do not have room for unrealistic designs in our new series, Monster Hunter World.
>MH Stories 2 never ever
After Alatreon
they sent the game out to be mediocre and had to suddenly pick up the slack when it became the best selling capcom game of all time. i bet their whole dev pipeline was all fucked up haha.
Please shut the fuck up, skeletonfag
Why doesn't this game have a demo?
Bring back farms
because demos are now called betas and exclusive to a single console for a very small time
just give it a pirate if you want to try it out
Kushala update never ever.
I mean Gen 1 map already had ledges and verticality to them, just look at Forest and Hills. Plus it allowed for monsters and mechanics we wouldn't otherwise have like Kecha's ability to from canopies. I do agree World's slopes are out of control though and need to be dialed back considerably. Personally I don't mind the vertical design so much since I felt Gen 3 was way too flat.
>Besides, even if you can attack mounts they're still spazzing out and running across the map
In World maybe. With 4U and GU monsters either spazz in the exact same spot they were mounted or maybe move a little bit to the left or right. The few exceptions being monsters such as Tigrex, Bulldrome, and Kirin.
Do you really want to fight this large fuck in the claustrophobic map known as Ancient Forest.
>never played MH
>friends keep badgering me to play World
>hear mixed things about World
should i jump the gun and play World?
pirate to try it out or emulate P3rd if you have a potato computer
Yeah man, do it. It's the easiest game to get into by far. Those mixed views are more from people that played prior games aren't that keen on the changes made. Either that or people that like causing arguments for the sake of it.
It's shit, don't bother jumping into a dying series.
Does the Android/IOS version of Stories have updates?
Is Dante armor and weapon good to use?
>He doesn't have the hacked patch that let's you have all the DLC in ENGLISH on his non JP .CIA/.3DS
I remember an English patch for 1.3 but i remember it was only partial, was it ever completed?
>already hate tigrex the most of any monster
>cheesed all his deviant quests in generations long ago, learned nothing
>mfw starting his deviants g-rank quests
Where do you even begin to learn fighting this fucker without resorting to being an adept/evasion art shitter? Theres so much fucking movement, tremors, insanely hard to dodge roars, spin attacks, and 99999 range turnaround attack. Is this one of those gunner only monsters like khezu?
>G rank shit tends to get new moves or habits
>G rank Odo is probably going to get a new move or two and actually go rage2 fucking ballistic more often
That motherfucker is scary on a full stomach.
Tigrex is a good boy, use lance.
>that discussion on the handler
Get a Great Sword or Hammer then proceed to win forever.
>Is this one of those gunner only monsters like khezu?
How bad at this game are you?
*bombs you*
Fuck off and don't leave your shit all over the place
*trip you 5 times in a row*
It was on 3dsiso or darkumbra last time I checked. I just remember it was retarded that all the DLC is translated and in the game but we didn't get the download that makes the DLC pop up.
>wasting your time with Khezu's aoe lightning attacks
fuck that
You gotta take potshots, that's why GS and hammer have always been the dominant weapons against it.
I agree it's really shitty design and firmly believe that people who like it have the mental capacity of children and go WOW ANGRY TREX TIGER.
>MonHun threads can't even get past 200 posts before dying
What went wrong?
>same as it ever was
>same as it ever was
>same as it ever was
>same as it ever was
you have to start a thread with console wars to get that far user
Damage horns when possible, break gold plating, collect footprints and gold/shiny drops, dont die.
I miss teaching new players how to hunt
>farm entire ATKT gamma set
>not even a single good Kjarr weapon from that
nexusmods here i come
I heard I should get bows (kodachi and legiana). I don't have many decorations and armor parts but I farmed Uragaan armor to get Partbreaking Lv3.
Otherwise I only have a few low skills like Attack 2 or Critical Eye 2 and that Rath set bonus for elemental damage but nobody in the session was doing the quest. It is late night on a monday here though
>mind my own business and hunt as I always do
>"hey dude, that was cool, tell me how to play your weapon"
Sometimes I was even called MVP, my friend list hit the limit and had a crap load of guild cards, I wonder if the online of 4U is still active, I haven't played MH is a long time.
MH soundtrack has been ruined by orchestra braps.
Do you think theyll fuck him up in Iceborne?
it'll be P3rd Tigrex all over again
>giant hitbox vs world mobility hunters
>those few monsters are still just repeats found in the base game with maybe ONE new move
he would be fucked up just by being in the game
why do people like the old trash monsters like tigrex and niggercougar?
Basically any weapon youre skilled with will do. Partbreaker is a good choice for armor skill. I personally use a lance with guard up and guard 5 among other things so i can just facetank his fire breath attacks.
Tigrex is meme trash but Narga is the best monster in the series, apply yourself.
Of course they will, it will be slower, roar silently and not be fucking enraged 95% of the time.
On the weebness expectrum which one is the weebiest and embarasing , long sword or dual blades
>Those instant slams.
>Mfw he targets you with the double hitting slam right as you get up and there is nothing you can do but prepare for him to insert.
Obviously the big katana.
Long Sword due to its history of attracting people that actually have weeb names.
how many new shades of rathalos?
obligatory gold and silver as well as new ice variants for both
> imagine using this plebeian tool
You are not a nigger right ?
Can't be anymore than what we already have.
Soon maybe
but we already got Ice Rathalos
Not if they pull a behemoth on him.
>Retarded huge hitbox on charges and jumps
>Tigrex is a charging asshole
>Shitty instant roar to keep up with World's no windup attacks like Nerg's new dive
all of these are non issues. Slower combat has much more weight to it, meaning your strikes have to be deliberate and timed well.
It is a discount Khezu if it was the real deal it would roar the shit out of that faggot crossover shit.
In fact Khezu will win all it's turf wars against any monster, that's how strong it is.
Save your flash pods, life powder, and focus down the horrible Jagras
Bruh the worst part is that it's not even leshen who murder him but the jagras pack.
The absolute state of pukei-pukei.
That's just a celebration picture with all the flagships plus Fatty. Realistically the only ones in that picture that are missing from world returning, and not confirmed yet, are Fatalis, Tigrex, and Zinogre.
when the next traditional MH comes out
if they did it megaman style, I'd be fine with that
never ever
This is legitimately the worst game I've ever played. I gave it like 6 honest tries, played it for 150 hours, and it's just so bad for so many reasons. I'm convinced that the only reason people like this game is because it offers mobile like design in a console game, which makes people addicted to the game.
>wanting hot monkey dick to get casualized
Use the hunting horn and constantly spam the healing
What are you GS mains using for endgame armor? I just maxed out critical eye but I could probabaly do better.
or maybe you're just shit
Great refutation
>Rajang turf wars
I don't care about crippling monkey dick, I want to see that fucking horse getting bullied hard.
As expected, Narga got gutted in 3U as well, wish they would just respect the Narg and make him faster than your camera in every single game but the A team devs hate a monster being that fast for some reason
Implying there's a choice
should I buy world now that is 20 bucks?
I'm have been waiting to buy the complete edition, but knowing you need a certain HR to get the expansion content make me hesitate
>This is legitimately the worst game I've ever played.
Consider yourself lucky.
yeah, i paid 40 for it and felt like it was worth it
the endgame is pretty meh though
Seems like the right choice I think to get it now
Yeah I don't have any of those jewels. I can work on getting the armor though. Just missing the helm and boots.
>If Rajang encounters Kirin he will rip his fucking horn clean and throw Kirin at the player with extreme force
is this a website to calculate stats and armors?
can i have a link? i'm new to mh threads
Crit Eye is just a worse Weakness Exploit so switch to something centered around that and Quick Draw.
>Yeah I don't have any of those jewels.
Gotta farm the fatty
>For so many reasons
>Doesn't list any
>Mobile game design
Okay is this some copypasta I missed?
If you had to salvage a monster from the piece of shit that is Frontier what monster would it be?
Eh, i've don't that ton and I get sick of it. Really no other choice is there.
I want to see Rajang falling into a Gajalaka trap. Its always fun watching those little bastards light up Kirin and the other elders.
I didn't like both games but mhw was more fun than botw.
Longsword is literally called weebsword. Dual blades is just DB or dunce blades, which implies an ed edd n eddy relationship between hammer, charge blade, and dual blades.
The scorpion and the niggas who suck blood
thank you
is there one for gu
Didn’t they say his moveset is going to be bigger than it used to be?
Best skills for Insect Glaive? I was focusing on weakness exploit and critical boost. I also need something to prevent those annoying stuns but I dont know what to go. Tremor or Earplugs.
I think there's an Athena's ASS for GU/XX
>Posts non-Regi legendary
Yeah it's pretty fun and online is active. Shoot even 3ds online is active.
Your choices are tempered investigations (preferably level 2 HR30) or farming jagras or lavasioth. Farming the later will be extremely faster. The events will end in the 16th so make use of them while they're still up
Use drachen like everyone else
>Joined a AT Vaal SoS for shits and giggles
>Host is there waiting for Vaal to go down the ramp to the acid pools
>The moment Vaal reaches the ramp he sees the host
>Can't even roar as the gajalaka nearby fucking spring on him with rocket barrages and bombs
They are fucking brutal.
tfw missed so many events
someone free me from work and college
just use the event unlocker mods, fuck games that force you to play on their time and that games as a service garbage
how about luna?
luna is bullshit, user.
>AT Vaal
Speaking of AT Vaal, is he a joke? I mean, seriously. This fight is so braindead easy I had to check for a moment if I wasn't doing normal Vaal. Level 3 miasma + clearmind charm and it becomes one of the game's easiest fight. Health steal augment is just the cherry on top.
Terribly AT version. I'm glad they took their time with Xeno at least - new moves and more aggressive. I'm curious to see what they did with Nergi. PCfag, gotta wait until June 10th
lol imagine still struggling with luna. The only thing she has is some unfortunate nova situations that will kill you from full health but those are rare.
>He uses DB or LS
>yet another Kushala skeleton monster
Yikes, I want this silly looking Ukanlos.
Reminder Iceborne will either be completely based or absolutely shit depending entirely on whether or not it bring back leviathans.
>still struggling with luna
Her supernova is absolute bullshit
> just spam dive bro
Always hated it. Shit game.
>never liked range weapons
>"user you like shotguns right? Use LBG with spread with optional Doomguy mod"
>Shit this is fun
>"Slap an impact mantle on"
> just spam dive bro
yes. it only takes two dives and then you heal afterwards. its piss easy to deal with.
Four, at least.
How the FUCK am I supposed to beat at nerg solo when he's literally immortal
god astera really does suck
Didn't the devs say they were planning on adding the same amount of launch monsters as the base game in the expansion? Do you think they'll even go above 10 additional monsters?
wow it looks so hard to mash x
>Regiposting on a MH thread
You're out of your element, pocket rock. Dragon trio is superior, day of elderposting soon. I'm enjoying a lot that MHW online is still somewhat alive
Pretty much the same as regular vaal, except with extra spice around him. You manage effluvia and suddenly the fight is simple as fuck. Without proper gear he is a OHKOfest though, and the effluvia eats through flesh. Doesn't stop randoms from getting carted by the dozens to it though.
After shit like Behemoth and luna AT nergi is a rabid asshole, get ready for some cheap combos and instant dives. Also a fuckton of HP.
How the FUCK do I get weapon streamstones wtf
I'm no wise guy or anything but are the engines used by Capcom for their latest games pretty similar? If so would that mean you could rip the "skeletons" of shit like Mr. X or some DMC5 bosses and slap them into world so we could get more unique monsters?
>Elder dragon whose gimmick is regenerating
>They give HP regeneration to a gay ass purple cow instead
use a mod to add them to the item shop
absolutely not
World uses MT Framework, DMC5 and REmake2 are RE engine, as for the skeleton stuff i doubt that's doable, or atleast easy
World still uses MT Frameworks, DMC5 and RE2R use RE Engine, but there have been a few attempts at custom monsters on the nexus, they mostly boil down to adding random elements to attacks and stuff, I don't think people have figured out how to add different attacks and animations
No, and they have in fact repeatedly told people to temper expectations.
We know that:
are coming from the trailer. There's a snake-looking monster that was datamined from the website, probably from an alternate trailer that they're saving for later. Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon are confirmed from the list of leaked monsters for the base game. They didn't come out, so they were certainly held back for Iceborne. That's 8 monsters, and I'm willing to be generous to say there will be another to bring the amount of ice biome monsters to 5. I feel like 9 is a realistic expectation, as disappointing as it is.
Tempered Elders. Arch-Tempered Elders shit them out but that requires you to get good or get carried like a little bitch.
that snake was from assassin's creed that someone shopped onto a rotten vale picture
Just let me fight brachydios, crapcom
That snake thing that was datamined from the website was just a closeup of one of the wingdrakes.
Is World worth the $20 or should I just stick to Gen U?
>No golems in MH
You can make them operated by an ant or something too if they needed a biological explanation kind of like the junkyard mecha in GU/XX.
Dragon's Dogma collab with monsters never EVER.
Oh fuck, it looked seriously legit. My bad. So, probably 8 mons, only about half of which are new. Even worse.
XX has a mantis piloting a mech, close enough
World is alright. $20 seems like a fair price for it, especially since Capcom seems to want to turn this into Frontier and just keep releasing expansions.
You don't really need to sheathe now that I think about it, you can charge with Lance (which is faster than running normally at the cost of stamina and turn rate) to get to places and since the monster is going on you in solo, you don't need to chase it much so you can just keep spamming thrusts, counter-thrusts and power guards.
It's really cathartic to play once you get into the rhythm of not giving a fuck and blocking every roar, attack, projectile and whatever the monster is trying to fling at you.
Do it bitch. Even if you dont like it thats a steal
World doesn't add from GU besides a few QoL. You're better off waiting til Iceborne for actual content.
Really liked this one from my first time playing the Witcher DLC.
>God Eater and Toukiden ported to PC
>MHW announced and released for PC
>Dauntless absolutely BTFO, still in beta when MHW released
>now they decided to just take the Epic Game Store chinkbucks and give up on competing
The absolute state of Dauntless.
no one cares about your gameboy. grow up
>Waiting to get GU until new switch model comes out
>Switch model gets delayed
>GU was on sale just the other day ago
Oh come on by the time I finally get it online will be (slightly) dead, who am I kidding monster hunter's online stays stupid active for a good time. Though it would be nice to play a portable that has a bigger resolution than the 3ds.
It was fucking shit, even if MHW, God Eater and Toukiden weren't on PC, I doubt it would retain a decent player base long term.
you can emulate xx with the english patch if you have a good computer
killed by screen
ded thred
Aisha best girl
such is the fate of a thread actually talking about things and not console warring
This but unironically.
I'm able to emulate, my big thing is I work night security with a lot of time to dick off so I play handhelds or watch Gundam.
I dropped World after like 30 hours, what the fuck is this shit
>said all the updates to come will be free
behemoth, FF crossover monster, hope you like aoe attacks out the ass and a one-hit kill move that can hit you across the map
Behemoth from FFXIV. The Witcher and FFXIV collab are pretty fun, FFXIV being fun if you have friends/competent people and Witcher being fun if you've played the series before.
>like Chamleos' design
>like his theme
>hate his armor
I just fucking hate the stupid big booty waist thing going on.
>I dropped World after like 30 hours
>TFW hyped for Iceborne
>TFW no time play Iceborne because of Classic WoW
Who with me?
behemoth is the best fight in all of MH
We got played like a fiddle
>the best fight in all of MH
You called?
I too wanna fuck the cute bat monster
>hears you fighting Anjanath in the Ancient Forest
"yare yare daze"
Chameleos could benefit a lot from being added to World in theory with his invisibility and all. Make him unable to be tracked by Scoutflys and give him new attacks where he uses the environment like Tobi.
pukie-pukie ;)
bubble dragon is best fated four
Dante's sword is a decent CB with Thunder. His pants are his best armor piece I believe.
so much this
Didn't like it compared to other MonHuns, Looks pretty good and some decent QOL changes but that's about it.
>just does hit and runs on you
>steals your items and runs of to camo again.
Heeeey wait, that isn't Molten Tigrex!
Are there any Deviant weapons worth using? I mostly use Hammer, Swaxe, and Gunlance.
I bet too many bads would complain about his item steal.
it wouldn't matter in World since you can just restock your items whenever
>MH Stories never got the 1.3 update in english
it's such a fun game too god damnit
>It camps out your camp and waits for you to come outside your tent
behemoth is still the only monster I have yet to beat. I normally main CB, should I just go ranged?
shit, I don't even think that World maps have places to recover stolen items since nigger cats are gone, they'd just be gone forever unless they added stuff in
cluster HBG shits on behemoth, but you can beat him with anything, even solo if you get good enough patterns
>slow deliberate combat with tons of weight (not the bugspear)
>Health bars are innecesary, experience lets you read monsters animations and states to figure out damage and exhaustion
>get good, no grinding needed really, most armor doesn't require huge grinding either
>eh... story, worse than bad, shit characters and the handler is cute but retarded
Has anyone here used the all items available in the shop mod to cheat all their console stuff onto PC? How is MHW in general when it comes to cheating and mod use?
there's a "save transfer" tool that you can just use if you want, it just sets your HR and gives you gear and shit, but there's mods for pretty much everything in relation to getting gear and items for free
Lol why the fuck wouldn't you, it's shit
Good stuff, any chance of being banned or is capcom sleeping on moderating the PC port?
has this been posted ?
>MHW is shi-
no chance of bans, they don't care
I know you ain't talking shit about my mage armor. G rank armor is so disappointing.
Now that's what I like to hear. Good looks user, I'm gonna go cheat all my shit back in.
MHW is my first MonHun and Ill admit Im bad. I feel like I should be able to block more of his attacks than I can with CB when Im guarding and that's what usually kills me.
Dont bother he probably will go back to play nier automata and mash buttons doing flashy combos with one input
Nothing will bother me more than when you attack a monster in World and you get pixie dust, why didn't they just add the satisfying blood trails like in FU?
do you think they'll stick with the World subtitle in future games?
My guess is that it will split into numbered games (MH5) for the handhelds and world games (MHW2) for PC/consoles.
I think they said that to appeal to westerners and newcomers all future titles will just be subtitled instead of numbered, but who knows how long they'll stick with that idea
ruh roh thread is dead
Ziggy is a good dog.
What are you hoping to see in the next switch monhun?
I want to see Tonfa in
A release date
For it to not be like World.
It will be in Iceborn, r-right ?
I like World but I would have prefered a comfy, cartoony looking game just like every MH before it.
Yeah, but Capcom is trying to westernize all their series, aesthetically. See also: DMC5.
hell yeah he fucking is
No, but there will probably be some shitty knockoff like with Zamtrios
Pikl HBG fucks his shit up. If you can sleep him under boulders at the start it makes the fight a cakewalk assuming you're not playing with shitters who can't stay alive. You can sleep him 3 times and mega barrels + cluster gets rid of his horns super fast which means his face doesn't reflect damage anymore. Taking out his tail helps too if possible though most times he or the randos are long dead before then. Any class that can guard all his shit is probably the best then you just have to not be a retard and wait til he's attacking someone else before hitting or shooting him.
There’s no confirmation but his skeleton is already in the game and it’s an ice themed expansion. It has a fair chance.
>I think they said that to appeal to westerners and newcomers
MH went to complete shit with the introduction of arts & styles but this still upsets me. Money ruins everything.
Some Arch tempereds are hard as balls, namely Luna, Kushala, Nerg and Xeno
I don't understand how people can keep playing World, the endgame grind is so fucking boring
>no healthbars
If youre on console.
Thanks to mods you can fix some of MHW problems, like modding in health bars for every single part of the nsoters and many more useful fetures. Also there isn o ban for doing so in the game.
Max Might
Power Prolonger
Xeno is a cakewalk if you cheese him with the Support gun and have heat guard and Kush is more annoying than difficult
>they will add Ultimate features with DLC, you will not have to rebuy the game like in the past.
>"Ultimate" DLC update cost like a new complete game
I hope those people realized they are actually retards for beliving that.
Almost tempted to get the android version, but regrinding my monsties would take some Hitler leveled eugenics.
I would get it on Android too but the game doesnt work on my crusty ass Moto X Play from 2015
I hope the AT Nerg victory music is what they use for beating the other elders in Iceborne. I’ve actually been very satisfied with nearly all the music that’s been added since launch.
>we may never get good girls again after World
What did we do to deserve this? At least the hub lasses are nice.
You guys mind of I post the best monster ever created? Thanks.
He's the best thing to come out of World
switch axe is a great all rounder weapon, its usually my go to for goin through story
Hey, it's not bed time yet.
Good to see that the thread is on life support
I can't believe we finally got an actual new MH game without any recycled models and they didn't even put in a new weapon.
>World killed these threads so hard they dont even reach bump limit anymore
Not wrong.
git gud noob
A shitty port of a game that largely draws on 4U, yeah.
Tfw the shitty port is still the best installment so far
why does this game make Yea Forums seethe so fucking much?
i fucking hope not
Your Smart user the fucking mega juices make me go farm every time i use all of them or trade materials it's the fucking worse
>why doesn't Yea Forums eat shit just because it's a shiny new thing?
Metal Rathalos
Baby Rathalos
Pink Gold Rathalos
Cat Rathalos
GU threads are even worse then this. They don't even reach 200+ posts most of the time
I'm really worried about what he will be like in World.
Just from the trailer his tail slam looked to be noticeably slower than any previous version.
Always liked this one.
One of my favorites.
I just started playing world a couple of days ago(conservatively), completely new to the series. love the concept, but goddamit it's so fucking annoying when I'm just fucking trying to kill a fucking Pukei Pukei and Anjanath decides he'd like to make it a threesome.
Tips for Nergigante? Gonna take on that big jerk today with my shitty dual blades so that'll be a ride
Just be yourself.
>Tips for Nergigane?
I'd advise uninstalling
Remember that delaying your wakeup might just save your life
>that anons who desperate to keep this thread alive by trying to create a fanbase wars with world.
no wonder this series dead.
Am I hearing things wrong or is the quality of this kind of ass
It sounds like it was recorded from outside the room
What the fuck, dude.
Who #rememberDauntless here?
>We will never released on other platform like steam
>game dying
>accept epic money.
Isn't that shit headed to consoles now or something?
AT Xeno makes me wish for death.
I'll never get that commission layered armor
Holy fuck I remember this
Game faded into obscurity fast as fuck afterwards, bit of a shame because they could have been a decent F2P MH clone
No kidding? I thought they still used their own launcher.
It was fun until World came out.
Though I do find it a little fun still sometimes. Warpikes are neat.
Chameleos entire gimmick would have to change with how world works with tracking monsters and having such dense maps now.
Try with a kinsect glaive and just spam air attack in his wings. This is the easiest way I found to beat him.
Chameleos is kind of like Ceadeus, in that his fight is trash but everything else about him is great. Great theme, great armor, great weapons, great design, etc., but actually fighting him is just dull.
world is fun and I'm glad mh is back on decent hardware
I got my first quest against Kirin and it's making me feel like shit, I was doing so fine until now.
I don't even know if his fight is good, but he's a motherfucking walrus.
That bloodsucking dude looks interesting and down to earth enough that it could fit in mainline without too many tweaks
Also this thing because it looks stupid but I like whales
>Tigrex will probably be butchered in Iceborne
I hope they don't fuck up
Even the grind, just to piss off everybody.
Because it's fun.
Capcom gonna milked World engine to death just like their old game, right?
Lance, shit's fun. You can tank attacks all day and poke monsters up their bums.
>relic system
>shitty gen 1-2 monsters over gen 3
>recycle a bit too much stuff from old games and it doesn't introduce as much content as gen 2 or 3 (monster subspecies in vanilla 4, no new map in 4U, ecc)
Still one of the best
It's like looking at us
I do. I had fun with it before MHW came out. Might give it another go when they add enough new monsters.
>MH went to complete shit with the introduction of mounting but this still upsets me. Money ruins everything.
Barely any of those here bud. If you read up all the complainers so far itt are people who never touched Mh and think it should have healthbars and be "less grindy"
I hate himb ecause he spits on me though
get baited pussy
>retarded version of jho is supposed to be something one looks forward to in this shit game
How the mighty have fallen.
play real games bro idk what to tell you teehee
What i love about him is how when Bazelgeuse is in the same area, he spits hot fire at him to show him that Bazel is his bitch
Except the previous game had blood and was largely a jap focused game. In comes "we want the fortnite audience" focused game and blood is removed.
You're joking now, but I'm sure all those things will slowly creep into the series now that they've seen giving in to the casuals demands sells more copies.
>PC caught up with Consoles on content now i guess
>lol PC version of Iceborne coming fucking whenever after Console
how can you be this fucking incompetent
Its good for solo and single player but the endgame falls flat and ranges between boring repetitive grind of the same monsters and events that are often just "bullshit" hard instead of challenging hard
You deserve it for modding the game uncultured swines
It's about progression and sense of achievement i.e a sort of "skinner box". As long as you are being rewarded you feel good, as long as there's a goal(shinier gear) there's a reward at the end of it, rinse and repeat till it no longer stimulates you and you feel "bored".
No matter what environment you are placed your brain will always form goals(part of survival hardwiring) in this case this nature is also happening while playing the game. Everything we do is motivated by this system even stopping to glance at the reflection of a window. When you lose this motivation you no longer "feel" compelled(sort of like hard drug addicts that fuck up their brains reward system enough and don't even have the motivation to get up in the morning). TL;DR it's just taking advantage of the biological machine that is your body. I enjoy MH games and I'm playing MHGU with my mate right now
What the fuck monhun team always gives small details first. It's confirmed that there's a lot more monsters
This nigger for his theme alone
Bundle him with Akantor and Ukanlos in World
I really hate the time limited event quests
>Need some random piece of armor to complete your set?
I can understand if the festivals and delivery quests for layered armors are limited, but fuck off for gating most of the endgame behind time gated quests
They're probably hoping we get impatient and buy a switch to play GU. Jokes on them I enjoy 144p 3ds double cross with translation patch that let's me still go online.
I modded for the sake of fashion and making the handler into anything I want
Keen as a bean
>They're probably hoping we get impatient and buy a switch to play GU.
Ahtal Ka was fun.
it's their solution to artificially extend the life of their game, so instead of having new content available forever like a typical monster hunter, if you say, want the Dante gear you have to wait until they decide to put it back up and shit.
>Cheese him with support gun
Not him but tell me more
For me, Endgame is like a kind of sandbox.
While playing the main game, it isn't really worth it to build complex sets and try too many weapons, as your armor becomes outdated in a heartbeat.
In the endgame, you can finally do whatever you want, create all kinds of sets, try different weapons without worrying about your sets becoming outdated.
unless you're playing world where every new event will completely outdate all of your stuff
Abuse xeno being huge and use piercing rounds. He's one of few monsters piercing is better than normal or spread.
The thing is this is ironically making me play less.
I have stuff to do and i don't feel like being forced to grind something while it is available.
This made me fall behind the curve because now i feel like when a new event is released, i lack the resources and armor sets to tackle it and just ignore it. Making me fall even more behind.
I don't want to schedule my spare time around some artificial gated content
Yeah I'm in the same boat. I never wanted to try other weapons but after getting decent decos (or drops from piece of shit mommy) I'm starting to have a blast with weapons I'd never imagined liking such as funlance and dual blades
Go away fag. You ain't Anthem'ing MHW. That only works on EA games.
Makes sense. I'll try that out
To get better at killing the monsters.
Once in MH4U a HR999 dual blade frenchfag joined my room and almost singlehandedly took down furious rajang twice, cutting off both horns, and without carting. It was simply because I asked him to.
There is nothing
Real talk, I agree with everything on the OP post aside the story part, because I don't played the game.
I tried one on Wii and one on PSP, I don't know which one, sorry.
I like the gigantic creatures and not care about the story if the gameplay loop keep me engaged.
This one looks different enough from the other games, should I give this a try?
I know there are people who thinks this one is dumbed down but honestly, this could be the thing that get me into the series, but I am afraid that the game is more similar to the ones I played than I imagined.
Also, the events they had with special gears and monsters and crossovers were timed or it's all in the game still?
Tri did well just look it up, it was supposed to be a PS3 game but developing for it proved too expensive so they switched to Wii development. The game did very well on Wii and got us 3U for Wii U(this is the one failed miserably) rest is history.
>when you get bodied by the OG chads so hard that you sell your soul to the chinks
The absolute state.
It's a good intro, despite the numerous QoL stuff it adds compared to previous games.
The MH dev team(B team) that added SnS oils, HH double notes etc. is a different team -they did MH freedom, MH portable and generations- than the team that did 3, 4, World(A team). I personally like to think A team is a bit prideful because some of the stuff B does is for the better yet A team just says fuck it and does its own thing. I think it's difference on design philosophy honestly, World did get certain things from MHGU though.
"The absolute state."
Taken out of context, that is a very busy state, logistically.
Was 3U not doing well because of the Wii U? I remember a lot of confused boomers thinking the wii u was just the pad itself so they didn't buy it.
I miss miiverse
Shh user no lewds. This game is a western AAA series now.
>haven't played for months, check AT Xeno
>get rekt
>craft some clownset for Kulve Pierce gun
>get absolutely shitstomped into the ground like 10 fucking times over
>grab IG, put her down
I feel kinda sad about wasting materials on gunner set, it's like I forgot that i literally can't deal with her as a gunner for some reason as I already had similar spectacular fail against regular Xeno.
Oh well
>Was 3U not doing well because of the Wii U
Yes, specially since it was a double release(Wii U/3DS) and 3ds version sold a shitload. It didn't help that was just a handheld game running on higher resolution with a few graphical changes but I'd blame it mostly on Wii U being a catastrophe.
>I know there are people who thinks this one is dumbed down but honestly, this could be the thing that get me into the series, but I am afraid that the game is more similar to the ones I played than I imagined.
It's likely you'll like the game based on this quote. Go for it, if u got a PC pick the game up there and don't look back.
Event quests have always been this way on home console entries. You could download them on handhelds only because they didn't have native online play (which was added in 4) and you weren't expected to always play at home.
>need to grind so you dont get stomped
What? this have to be the less grindy MH ever except for the gems
Events cycle weekly, you don't have to wait for festivals.
>Going through all this bullshit to play the 3ds version
>Not just buying it on switch and playing it with a pro controller
Event rewards were never particularly good before World. Usually joke weapons and costumes with shit like fortify.
Effectively, yeah. Wasn't a great port either, although still functional.
As a port it was okay. But it really showed all the visual effects from tri that were cut or downgraded to get it running on the 3DS
Odogoron is faster than your camera
Third worlder desu. Nintendo isn't officially available here and it costs way too much to import.
I heard something about Deviljho having some physics effects on its body in Tri. Guess World didn't pick those back up?
There's around 50 armor perks that you can customize / make different combinations with for synergy between different perks. Essentially customizing the gameplay to make a fresh experience. Assuming you enjoy the gameplay to begin with, the possibilities are huge and you're only limited by your imagination. It goes a lot deeper than just "better gear".
Ah np then
just buy physical it'll be same price as sale would be on eshop
Kirin is bitch in World
Didn't B team make iceboner?
Maybe they'll add those things to the game now to spice it up, not sure how to feel about all the attention they're giving to he sling
it was already gutted in 3rd gen
why is user so retarded he thinks Yea Forums is a singular entity?
>Didn't B team make iceboner
Leaks are pointing to B team working on a Switch title in the case World failed like previous console MHs, B team has been known as the handheld team too so it wouldn't be out of character. Can't say the status of such game but I can imagine they likely changed the design a bit after World sold 12mil and all.
How am I supposed to evade attacks with the switch axe when sheathing it takes forever and its run speed is subpar?
Longsword on the other hand has fast run speed, fast sheathing and a iframes move built in
Who pushed this garbage argument when we have all kinds of stupid shit like lazor dragon and zombie dragon?
Even funnier, people were sperging about G being frontier garbage before World was announced.
Already played 4U to death, so GU offers few new incentives ro start over. And it fucked up a lot of things
Evasion +25
>burned out after playing for a few hundred hours on launch
>come back
>"new monsters"
>Arch tempered monsters are the same shit but with modified values
>at least we get this kulve tarot thing
>"only available when we say so"
I thought we were done with this shit over a decade ago
Who thinks this forced event scarcity bullshit is a good idea, it didn't feel good in the past and it doesn't feel good now, just let me play the damn game
Get a Charge Blade and learn guard points. It'll mitigate his entire moveset, including his OHKO dive.
I wish the gunlance was more fun to play as the lance