>Computer, engage a list of good Star Trek games.
Computer, engage a list of good Star Trek games
Other urls found in this thread:
>Holodeck remains empty
can you eat food in a Holodeck?
Commander, tell me about your sexual organs.
Elite Force
This expression indicates a traitor when confronted by Human domination. When confronted by the truth or Human domination, the traitor will "Muh Prime Directive!".
This is usually followed by pointing out that Romulans & Cardassians have an advantage over the war against Federation and recalling that he keeps the treaty intact.
25th Anniversary
Judgement Rites
A Final Unity
>Computer, create a two-to-one scaled copy of Deanna Troi, including all normal life functions and otherwise identical to a normal person. Give this copy a severe lactose intolerance, and simulate her having eaten several extra large chocolate sundaes several hours prior. Create an ordinary chair, tall enough for her to be seated on, and replace the center of the seat with a face cutout fit to one Reginald Barclay. Lock Holodeck doors and disengage safety protocols.
Star Trek Voyager : Elite Force was a great fuckin game, dont @ me
(the first one)
If you specifically enabled it to replicate edible food in the middle of all its fake holofuckery
Reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong
Elite Force + Expansion
Elite Force 2
Bridge Commander, blows the new vr game in every way
I forgot the 2 Next gen games on newgrounds, you know the ones
I went into DS9 expecting O'Brien to be the best character now that he had main billing, only to find the whole damn cast is great. Still top tier, though.
The one where Barclay rapes Geordi's holographic waifu?
Pretty much all of the strategy games were solid. Some were worse than others, but all of them were playable. Armada and Armada 2 are the ones I have nostalgia for. Starfleet Command and Empire at War were both good. New Worlds and Dominion Wars were just alright.
Honorable mention to Elite Force.
have you tried disabling the zoomer protocols?
>Broccoli is so fucking beta and spergy he answers even when someone fucks up his name
>even Picard ends up calling him Broccoli
Oh, those. RIP Rainbowanimations.
>Create a Columbine High School circa 1999
>Turn every male student into Rikers
>Turn every female student into Trois
>Disengage safety protocols
I think Barclay went too far when making a mockery of one of the greatest tragedies in America
Just play Mass Effect. ME2 even has the JJabrams lens flare
>tfw the fps 3d Star Trek titles are in licensing hell and will never appear on Steam/GOG
i want to play deep space nine the fallen because ds9. also elite force was made by the same people who made jedi academy, and quake engine, so it can't be bad.
We don't talk about JJ Abrams.
Mods have a habit of deleting them on sight. I mean, they still delete these threads when their panties get in a bunch but the Dukat ones stand out.
>playing anything past ME1
I want a Star Trek game with Dwarf Fortress tiers of autism, or at least a Star Trek roguelike.
>I want a Star Trek game with Dwarf Fortress tiers of autism
play the trek server for ss13
>Yea Forums is so shit right now that trek generals come to Yea Forums
i like this but i aint happy
i wish I had a holodeck so I permanently could live my perfect life
Yea Forums is literally nothing but Game of Thrones now, and I don't use the word 'literally' in a figurative way.
>right now
Yea Forums has had Trek threads for years
oh my god that looks so ridiculous
did std ever get good? i gave up after the finale of that season was the most retarded shit i'd seen since episode 8
Reminder that the Federation a shit
The holodeck used a combination of holograms and replicators so, when necessary, the things you interacted with would be real.
Get with the times, old man, we spin to win now
i just watched the first ep of TNG today, have episode 2 Q'ed up, liking it more than i thought i would
>Q'ed up
Dilithium crystals! YEEEEHAW!
JC Denton
in da fresh
his takedown silent
Even a loving relationship with a beautiful woman?
You haven't seen shit.
This is my wife, Seven of Nine. Say something nice about her!
I just want to explore and science anomalies.
If you're enjoying the first couple seasons, that's a good sign. They get better after Roddenberry kicked the bucket.
man, whata fucking cool episode
You wife was literally sold off to the first officer of Voyager because he was friends with the producer.
Seth MacfarTrek is unironically a better ST series than Discovery.
Ent-E a shit.
I was so happy I hadn't had that episode spoiled for me, I wound up reaching the "A-ha!" moment just a few seconds before PIcard and it felt so good.
Season 2 is just pretending to be Star Trek. Its really god awful.
I like to pretend that didn't happen, like I like to pretend the TNG movies don't exist.
Even ENT is better than STD, that doesnt say much. MacCucktar went too far with the cuck episodes and the gay alien episodes.
She's responsible for Obama!
>not the actual Attention Bajoran Workers scene
Fix it
>I like to pretend the TNG movies don't exist
my man
milk shuttle arrive
Attention Yea Forumsjoran workers, I will not tolerate this Federation propaganda being spread on the board! If you do not cease with your insistence that there are good Star Trek games, I will be forced to flood the thread with anesthizine gas!
He tainted his proud Cardassian image by making himself a Bajoran
Second one is miles better in every way, and I am a Raven fanboy.
If Seven of Nine heaves a sigh, what do you have?
that was a good use of the replicators. This was also before they started shoving dukat down the blatantly evil antichrist route
everyone went full retard in season 7
Voyager Elite Force
Star Trek Armada 1
Bridge Commander
Star Trek Online
Starfleet Command
Starfleet Command II
Starfleet Command III
Hidden Evil
Away Team
That gameboy TNG game
All the TOS based games
All the DS9 based games
>So shit it becomes good
TNG A Klingon Challenge - You need a VCR for this one
>when STO is less ridiculous than the actual show
You know you hit rock bottom
I don't know, what?
I shipped doctor and sevenmostly cause they were the only two good characters on voyager
>they were the only two good characters on voyager
that is the correct opinion
Haven't even bothered to watch much of STD. What is the reasoning in the show to jump around like that and shoot? It's not dodging anything
Season 2's finale was okay, but it felt not as interesting after the Khalon and the, uh, Bortis' race stuff.
to impress zoomers
And of course it's Wesley that blows up the damaged ship.If I remember correctly his orders where disable their weapons.
It's best not to know.
Ro's constant resting bitch face eyebrows do incredible things to my penis.
STO can be pretty good if you wannt to play dress up in the star trek universe.
The ground missions kinda suck but the space battles are very good. The best star trek game I've played so far.
granted it's a mmo, but it's just made to be played as a SP game witha lobby, there's not really a lot of things to do in multi.
The klingon academy games was okay too I heard.
I played both lite force games, and although they're okay, they're pretty much run of the mill FPS game where you have to find keys to progress, etc...
Starfleet is all about "disabling" ships.
IIRC in that episode that particular Enterprise has been fucked beyond belief by the borg and was practically held together by duct tape and spit. The lowest phaser setting from a hand phaser would probably blow it up too.
The ship has a magic drive instead of a warp drive that means it can "jump" anywhere in the universe. That's basically the whole plot.
You missed quite a few mate
Shattered Universe is average
Elite force 2 is good
The borg interactive movie is beyond hilarious
Don't forget the interactive Klingon movie from the same company that made the Borg one. What I have seen in youtube it's batshit insane. In a good way.
>All the TOS based games
Proof, if it were needed, that you haven't played any
The "hide in the event horizon of a black hole" nonsense bothered me more than anything in previous episodes.
Eh, it wasn't that bad all things considered, Trek has done sillier.
well in that episode those hostile ships were hundreds of years out of date and even their weakest weapons blew them up
>tfw the borg will never be threatening again
Bones > Spock > Chekov > Kirk > Scotty > Uhura > Sulu
Data > Worf > Picard > Troi > Geordi > Riker > Beverly > Wesley
Endgame was really fucking shit.
>Troi above anyone other than Wesley
For the most part I agree, but Troi that high? Really? She's barely better than Beverly
So they just ripped off the Heart of Gold's improbability drive?
>Every direction now points to the center singularity. Time literally flows towards the center and there is no way out. Even if you could go faster than the speed of light there would not be anywhere else to go.
That aside, I liked the episode. Yesterday's Enterprise was one was the higher rated early episodes of TNG and they clearly wanted to copy what worked.
no, after q who.
Can we all agree that Picard is the best captain?
>well read
>basically a weeaboo but for Klingons instead of Japan
>Elite Force
>Birth of the Federation
>Starfleet command
>Away team
>Bridge commander
>Dominion war
Bones > Spock > Kirk >> Chekov >>> Scotty >>> Uhura = Sulu
Data > Picard > Worf > Geordi >>> Tasha > Riker > Beverly > Wesley
They could still warp out. Since its a lot faster than light and warps time as well.
That being said the 2 part finale really wasn't nearly as good as Yesterday's Enterprise. Honestly the strength of the 2nd season was its interpersonal episodes like when the doctor was dating the robot.
stewarts performance was nothing short of historic man
captain picard is the only character i've seen in a show where i'm happy whenever he's on screen
What's wrong with Riker?
forgot Troi, who should be just below Beverly Crusher
where's armada 2? Oh, I forgot you can't even install it in modern systems.
Remember that time dukat started a space cult and knocked up one of the members only to assassinate her later and continue cucking everything in sight? I remember, what a swell guy.
Nothing, those anons are either beta losers or Rommies.
Riker is a complete fucking faggot but i get why Picard has him as second in command. He gets shit done when shit gets tough.
Ironically, the best thing about his character is showing how good Picard is as a leader.
Remember when Dukat tried to outdo Genghis Khan for "most conquered women impregnated"?
What the fuck Berman??
I thought this was a progressive show!!
>Computer, engage a list of good Star Trek games.
"A Star Trek game is like Star Wars, but without all the lightsaber magic,"
- David Gerrold
We're just trying to create some space to play,
- but what we don't have, we will use!
For instance, you can have a single session of Star Trek
with 20 different scenarios. If you play a scenario and never
have another, that's still the game on Star Trek! But if you have some Star Trek-themed activities with friends, or are the host of a group that gets together once a year, one of our games might be for you—or for your local group.
As we've said before, we're just hobbyists who want to play things they enjoy. The rules are just a bit too detailed for that type of play.
In the future of Star Trek and Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game, we don't want to just put something out every year, and hope people get into it. It's not worth the effort.
>complete fucking faggot
Riker got more ass than Kirk ever did.
Delete this post and learn how to fucking format a reply
yeah but kirk wasn't a faggot
Riker's character exists solely because Roddenberry realized that the Kirk being sent down on all the landing parties was really risky in TOS. Then they forgot to add anymore character to him so they created Troi to be his girlfriend despite her also having no character.
The method of communication requires a ton of effort to communicate simple ideas. How the fuck did they become spacefaring with such an inefficient language?
>trek thread
>no ferengi
Riker always struck me as a guy pretending to be tough in a tv show trying to emulate being tough for the character. It's so awkward, he works best when he's light hearted and more natural, never understood the bad boy persona.
The actor that played Troi is still salty over doing a rape scene in the Death Wish movie.
Even though she gets raped in the Trek movie and during several episodes.
Troi was created because psychology was the hip new thing at the time and they figured a ship in a utopian future would absolutely have a therapist aboard. But then they remembered in Gene's perfect future where no one argues and kids just accept their parent's deaths, a therapist would be pointless. So they gave her a telepathy gimmick. But that couldn't be too powerful or they'd have to write her plot foiling powers out of every episode. So all she does is sit around not treating anyone while getting vague feelings about what the bad guys are doing. And being mind raped because how else could a telepath suffer.
I apprecite how different the captains are from show to show.
>the adventurer
>the diplomat
>the soldier
>the psychopath
>the dumbass
How does this thing even work?
They click it and say "X to Y," and it instantly connects them to whoever was Y?
Riker and Beverly have the same problem. They're plain and boring next to guys like Data, Picard or even Geordi Urkel.
Not my fault if the computer generates unsatisfactory results, I just did what OP asked.
Riker is such a sly dog in that one
I've never got into star trek since there's so much media of it and all of it apparently widely varies in quality, is there a decent list of what to watch and in what order?
It just works.
They had some weird ideas early on. Like sections of the ship being filled with water and having dolphins and whales onboard.
Just watch TNG and DS9 in that order, everything else is optional. If you want to go retro watch the original and if you want a decent but flawed callback watch Enterprise.
watch all of TOS and the TOS movies, then move on to whatever you want
TOS is only 3 seasons and the dirt-worst horrible episodes are "Spock's Brain," and "The Way to Eden." You have to watch them anyway.
I always assumed it was an open comm. system. I don't remember anytime where multiple people where using the badge at the same time.
Mommie seven of nine hold me
>Please do not submit any 'street' types
The dolphins were crew and worked as navigators because they handled 3D space better than humans did
They never actually got rid of the idea, either. Geordi takes someone to "see the dolphins" in Season 4 or 5
Each show works on its own for the most part, but you might want to watch Original Series first to appreciate later developments. Pic related is a guide for TOS.
Computer, engage Touhou ichi chi hentai adventure setup I made a week ago, disengage all safety protocols.
What is Armada? What is Starfleet Command? What is Elite Force? What is Bridge Commander? What is...
Archer was a dumbass but he worked for me.
Bones > Kirk > Spock > Scotty > Chekov > Uhura > Sulu
Picard > Data > Riker > Worf > Geordi > Troi > Beverly > Wesley
Quark > Garak > Sisko > Nog > Odo > Worf > Kira > O'Brien > Bashir > Jake > Dax (Ezri) > Dax (Jadzia)
>The Naked Time
but that's the episode they first discover they can travel through time
>Conscience of the King not good
>Balance of Terror not great
I am upset, but apart from those its pretty solid.
>Quark > Garak > Sisko > Nog > Odo > Worf > Kira > O'Brien > Bashir > Jake > Dax (Ezri) > Dax (Jadzia)
Yikes. Who puts both dax's last, O'Brien in the middle, and nog anywhere but last
i don't like troi because for some reason i get the sense she thinks she's better than anyone else
i liked the episode where she lost her psychic abilities
true strength is in being able to give it up
>perfect diction
>Jamaican accent
I want Mommy Seven to drop that plump ass on my face and never get up.
I can't get through deep space 9 because i fucking hate Sisco so much. Like the actor who plays him always acts in this passionless tone that can't even be justified by his former trauma. I love basically all the other characters but I'm uninterested in it because Sisco has so much screen time.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Hey mi di chief enginea pan board di enterprise nice to meet yuh
i find her hotter than bev
fuck star trek
Literally how?
>muh symbiote
O'Brien is below the middle, and Nog has one of the best arcs in the show. youtube.com
Kira is a cute but that alternate version of her in latex is the shit
literally the peak of the series
>could have had spicy Latina security and girl Wesley
>the "alien look" for Troi they decided on was none whatsoever
Is FTL truly the best Star Trek game out there?
Wait, Murdock is in Star Trek?
What kind of sex nightmare would you make with the holodeck?
>losing the love of your life doesn't justify being passionless
Jake should be at the bottom. The actor didn't even try to be entertaining. I can't remember one funny or poignant thing he said or did
>Barclay? More like...
Pulsar and Star control 2 come to mind as well.
Yeah. Plays a character the total opposite of Mad Dog and does a good job, too.
Jake existing gave us The Visitor
Never seen this episode, holy damn I had no idea Bev was so juicy
I get why she has fans now
Fuck I forgot my image. Joke ruined
Technically they're disabled if they're in pieces
I heard the two best trek games are also the most obscure ones:
-ds9 the fallen
-away team
best tng doctor
>I get why she has fans now
I like her mommy bubbies and her cheekbones.
Maybe not hotter, but certainly a more interesting character and better doctor.
Nice. Also plays Mung, apparently
Away team is not a very good game in my opinion. I think it is little more than a star trek themed tactical mission game from a time when those games had their prime (commandos, desperados, robin hood, etc.)
Star Trek Online was not bad till you have to do ground combat the ships look nice if nothing else.
A few intelligent anons posted Birth of the Federation, where Ferengi were one of the 5 powers in the quadrant
It was a different time
If that's the episode I think it is it legit made me cry like a fag transvestite
>that banner
That kinda makes sense since the had the sentient dolphin Xindi race in enterprise. Those ships always looked like instant death when they got destroyed
you just described a game that I want to play
i heard season 3 sucks. is it really that bad besides those two episodes? i know they had budget problems then. i watched up through season 2 then just moved on to TNG because i didnt want my impression spoiled
I never had that appreciation until I saw the episodes of TOS she was on. Now I can never unsee how hot she was
>Computer, make another computer that I can sit at and load Yea Forums.
>Computer, tendies, chicken, hot.
Yeah but they were meant to be actual dolphins. From Earth. I think they had special devices to let them communicate with people
How does Yea Forums feel about Armada 3?
just play STO
Their budget went straight into the gutter and the writing was abysmal. The only thing Season 3 did of any value was give TOS the minimum episode count required for syndication, which is what ultimately led to TNG ever being considered
>It's an Alexander episode
Currently watching DS9 and I'm glad they learned from their mistake, Jake is much more likable than Wesley.
Just watched the episode where he goes with Bashir on a field hospital overrun by klingons and sees war up close in season 5.
Isn't that just Seaquest DSV?
so do i have to watch it? any point? i love me some kirk+spock+bones. any clue where i can stream the movies, i hate downloads. TNG is great so far but i dunno how to feel about the ferengi
>It's another Janeway get's the entire ship in trouble again episode with bonus time paradox
>tfw besides the leggings, those were basic gymware in the 80s
fuck i miss the 80s
I bet you weren't even born in the 80s you faggot zoomer.
Picard, just get rid of the fucking Indians.
Ferengi become just a recurring thing as TNG progresses. They get a lot more focus and become a lot more interesting in DS9
fuck YOU zoomer
i bet YOU weren't even a thought before your father fucked up
and sadly, here you are...
Admiral, think of their ancient casino culture, you can't deny them that.
Recommend me some games with this Paul Chadeisson aesthetic that all of the old Star Trek stations had. I don't know what it's called but I need more of it, only thing I can think of is Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm but I've played those both to death.
DS9 is easily the best star trek series. Its unfortunate that it doesn't get more love from the larger culture the way TOS and next gen do. Funny enough i think it would do way better airing today than it did in the 90's given continuity heavy serious character piece shows are more popular than ever.
holograms of the future will look convincing and have a tactile feel when touched, they already have tiny millimeter sized ones in japan. the visual will look perfect eventually i'm sure, the real question is how realistic the tactile feel will be
>TNG is great so far but i dunno how to feel about the ferengi
TNG fucked up by making the Ferengi major villains. DS9 made them anti-heroes and it worked out better
props. this game was legit. Michael Dorn even voices Worf.
DS9 picked up in popularity when the video and DVD box sets came out. It's much better watched in your own time rather than as a regular TV show. Making it more serialised with every season, so that you needed to watch episodes in order, made it unpopular with TV stations who prefer to just air shit and and when they like.
Loved this game even though I hate Star Trek in general. How was the sequel?
TNG fucked up by trying to make the Ferengi the replacements for the Klingons as the major antagonist race, when they had no idea what to do with them other than "they're evil capitalists!" and 30 minutes of Gene Roddenberry describing all the sex positions their men can do with their giant dicks
If it doesn't look like a ship anymore, it's disabled.
>and 30 minutes of Gene Roddenberry describing all the sex positions their men can do with their giant dicks
What ?
It's not magic, it can only create things that could possibly exist. As we all know women are incapable of love.
>One influence on the Ferengi was what Herb Wright described as Gene Roddenberry's "sex fetish." In early first season discussions between them about developing the Ferengi, Roddenberry let Wright know it was his intention to make the species well-endowed. "He wanted to put a gigantic codpiece on the Ferengi," Wright stated. "He spent 25 minutes explaining to me all the sexual positions the Ferengi could go through. I finally said, 'Gene, this is a family show, on at 7:00 on Saturdays. He finally said, 'Okay, you're right.'"
overlooked and extremely underrated, I wonder why so few people know about it.
It was also hell scary
I just finished tng and loved it. Now I'm watching ds9 and it feels cheesy and dumb. Does it get better? I like seeing what happens with keikos relationship, it's sweet.
the absolute madman
I knew he was a horny dog around women, but, fuck.
ds9 is a babylon 5 rip-off
I read the memoirs, Klingons do not have penises, nor do they have a history of penis-flicking, and were once considered "a race of monsters." It just so happened that the Klingons would use a new language, called XO (a tongue-in-cheek pun on the word "oxygen"), that implied that they were actually very, very big, in the sense that they wanted all the other races to believe that they are; hence why they started calling their species the "Dickies," and so on. At one point the Klingons are referred to simply as "Calydonians," after some kind of ancient mythological race of boars which appeared long before humanity.
that is unfortunately not a joke. Gene had some weird fetishes and had his own sexual headcannon of sorts that everyone else working on the show convinced him not to include in the actual show.
i recommend this guy if you are curious about the production side of star trek
DS9 improves once the Dominion show up.
>tfw no B5 game.
>There are no such games in existence, please adjust parameters.
Sigh, play Vixens of Risa 4, disengage holodeck safeties.
What is Yea Forums so good at talking about Science Fiction television programming?
Star Trek and Stargate threads are both always a great time. Easily the best threads on the board.
>worf above Picard
The concept of Risa was invented by Ira Steven Behr, who based the script for the episode "Captain's Holiday" on it. Gene Roddenberry approved of the idea of the "pleasure planet" but wanted to radically change Risa's culture to incorporate extremely graphic depictions of homosexual behavior, which Rick Berman advised Behr to ignore.
why isn't Mike talking about this shit?
it sounds like GOLD coming out of his stupid 40 yr old geek fatman mouth
Because Yea Forums can have civil discussion about anything that isn't videogames.
>Yet another episode where Riker wants to bang something
I'd fuck Grilka desu
Hey I thought Tom was pretty good most of the time except that terrorism episode
there has never been a star trek with a good first season save maybe TOS. Go back and watch an episode from early TNG again and youll realize you forgot how awkward and kind of bad it often was
Dax looks so good even in this scene with her sexy long legs.
Thank god star trek was made when it was, I think literally half the female characters would have been censored or something horrible. 7 of 9 wouldn't have survived in her original form that's for sure.
I'd pay good money to see Lursa and B'etor spitroast her with oversized strapons
Here's your """klingon""" ""woman"" bro.
Mistakes were made
At least it has hair
The Fuck? Is Star Trek Dead?
I mean (((Journalists))) like it. But not many else.
>not the Klingon sister with the CLEAVAGE HOLE
To be fair ENT tried to explain that shit. Either way Changing how they look doesn't matter, but fucking up their lore and whatnot made me mad. "We need to get the corpses!" and whatnot. "Oh, there is a fucking mine of """"TIME GEMS"""" on a Klingon world, but its cool, the Klingons refuse to use them as a weapon."
Yea Forums almost always has good quality off-topic discussions better than the boards the posts should actually be on.
>that episode of voyager where neelix and tuvok get fused to together into a new being
>the ending where he begs for his life on the bridge and absolutely no one defends him or sees anything wrong with him dying
It's more than just Yea Forums being good at off-topic. These threads specifically are usually outright spectacular.
The EMH defended him, then Janeway turned him the fuck off.
I love no morals Janeway episodes.
>when chromatic aberration was a special effect
That poor Oberth shitheap
following up, i just watched episode 2 and am now fully committed to the rest of TNG youtube.com
I love Klingon honor. Using cloaked vessels to sneak up on defenseless science ships and blow them out of the sky.
>There is nothing more honorable than victory
Brockley became an underrated 10/10 character in this series.
Everytime I see Bashir, I remember the episode with his mother, the actress looked horny most of the scenes they were together.
>take off your clothes ben
>please take off your clothes ben, here's a whore to help you
>take off your clothes ben or I'll torture O'Brien
>take off your clothes or I'll torture you again
>ben pls, I need the BBC
This is why I love Sisko
At least if you're a chad like Riker, they're good drinking buddies
Well they only attract Sci Fi fans, and we are the best.
This thing was good.
>tfw you're in a nearly century old Miranda class ship and you have to punch through an enemy fleet along side a Defiant class ship.
>Tuvok is easily the best vulcan
>Is literally laughed at for most of the show
Poor guy
The worst part about Tuvix dying is that Neelix got to live.
Thank god for the Orville, someone needs to continue on with Star Trek's legacy. And it sure a fuck isn't Alex Kurtzman.
Klingon Honor Guard?
You're wrong user.
Women love money and things.
>Seth Mcfarlane
I still can't believe she set the phaser to kill and ruined the whole plan (even if it was a dumb plan). What a fucking horrible character.
Yeah fuck I know right? At least he cares, and hired a bunch of Star Trek writers.
All right fucks, take your bets
Oh god I forgot there were two of them. Command is a bunch of assholes.
It has more Star Trek alumni than actual Star Trek.
Star Rats has my vote.
I like watching it with my parents when I'm visiting. They were big fans of TNG and say it's "like going home." I don't feel quite as strongly, but I don't regret watching it.
Active RFID or futuristic comparable. Clicking it signals the computer to listen to the next command. "X to Y". Computer voice recognition opens communication to Y and relays the message. Slight delay at first for initial communication, but then real time
There are no Star Trek Alumni left in STD, they all left for the Orville.
Like, they had Darmok's writer, who fucking left after they rewrote his episode and went strait to the Orville.
>tfw relate to Rom as my younger self
I wish there was more Janeway murdering
>2 Trois
No thanks. Kerttrek has my choice.
As a fan of both, not really.
I wish there were more silly Janeway deaths.
8 pip Picard with double Data and double Geordi vs 0 pip Picard with double Worf/Riker/Wesley?
Star Rats the Next Gig would win for sure.
>Is Star Trek Dead?
It's been dead since like Nemesis dude.
Do the two Trois do anything or do they just trib all day?
>star rats has double troi
>Kerttrek has double Riker&Worf
Kerttrek wins easy
wait, is that Cassidy Yates?
None at all? HA!
which ep was that from
Kerttrek has double wesley, it negates everything.
Meanwhile Data&Geordi salvage Star Rats on their own since troi is neutral.
Yeah but it's TNG Worf, that's a demerit.
was watching enterprise not too long ago and laughed hard when i saw seth macfarlane as an extra in two episodes.
>double Wesley
>double Polanski
I don't like this alternate reality
Imagine Ro Laren with Seven of Nine's body
Worst Case Scenario. Another holodeck malfunction episode.
I think it was the one where they find the holodeck program tuvok wrote meant to be a training exercise in case of a mutiny, and Seska sabotaged it.
Kirttrek has 2 Datas also, it wins hands down.
the one where they find tuvok's maquis rebellion scenario and think its a holonovel.
They have this one at my local arcade. Its badass. You can shoot the ball out of a little runabout.
those are the best kinds of episodes along with the data/quark/doctor/7o9 episodes
2 Data
2 Geordi
2 Troi
2 Riker w/ Beard
2 Worf
2 Wesley
2 Pulaski
2 Data
Kerttrek takes this.
I don't know if this is sad or hilarious.
My first shitty webm, I'm this close to being proud
The black and ginger are my favorite characters. They have good chemistry
How is Stargate?
Anyone got any primo Seven tits?
Of the 4 major Stars (Trek, Wars, Gate, Search) it's easily my 3rd favorite.
Not enough time to read any of that, but it looks like you were just skipping through. Other than that, looks good.
Great. Except for Universe. It's not STD bad, but it's pretty bad.
Seeing a fellow constitution class die is always a bit painful
Fuck Ro
And fuck Bajorans
But most importantly FUCK PROPHETS
bad games
Very good. Not perfect, hits its stride around season 2 or 3 of SG1, then runs on fantastic up until near the end of Atlantis, where it gets shakey. The Ori arc was pretty dumb, but it's still quality television and doesn't actually break much, it just feels a bit rushed. Don't watch Universe. You won't miss anything and it's stupid anyway.
>ten standard personnel shuttles, ten cargo shuttles, and five special purpose craft
>total of 25
In an emergency situation do you really think they're not going to make use of every possible shuttle because "oh sorry guys this one doesn't have regulation seatbelts" or some shit?
>And fuck Bajorans
Easy Dukat
Are you of Bajor? What a coincidence, I am also a fan of Bajor.
Peldor Joi, my name is Dukat-Skrain-Gul.
I’m a 47 year old Cardassian ridj'feevr (Bajor fan for you Fedtrons). I draw Bajoran glyphs and ideographs on my PADD, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Bajoran holoprograms (Fire Cave Hike, Musilla Province Paradise, Orb series).
I train with my Bajoran phaser rifle every day, this superior weapon can melt clean through steel because it radiates nadions over a thousand times per second, and is vastly superior to any other weapon in the quadrant. I earned my phaser license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Bajoran fluently, both modern and the B'hala dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Bajoran history and their D'jarra code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Bajoran visa, I am moving to the capital to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an overseer for a labor camp or a prefect!
I own several vedek robes, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Bajor, so I can fit in easier. I grab my elders' and seniors' ears to feel their paghs, and speak Bajoran as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck on Bajor!
Why are there more shuttles than people on the ship? Bitch I did my fucking research, there is well over 200 shuttles there and STD has a crew smaller than 150
That doesn't look like the Enterprise-D. That looks like a Constitution class that only carries 4 shuttles.
Oh the prophets I remember that episode.
>So you'll follow what the emissary says no matter what?
You're right, its just an example of how FEW Shuttles they should have.
It might be extremely efficient. The only reason it sounds so long-winded to us was because the universal translator couldn't decipher it, and so it was spitting out the closest English approximations it could find
Is it that unbelievable? I mean there's a hymn people still sing today glorifying Jesus going up to random strangers and asking them to completely abandon their lives, careers and families to follow him.
The episode had me laughing like crazy.
>Those damn stinky barbaric Klingon!
>Worf raise eyebrow
>woops sorry
>bashir: don't take it personally, I like your musk, kinda like lilac
Then O'brien drag it on during the whole episode.
to main viewscreen
>It might be extremely efficient
It's literally nothing but metaphor. It's such a bad system of communication it could never happen. Not in a society of people that grow old and die.
If Yea Forums users became immortal and did nothing but shitpost on Yea Forums for the next hundred years then maybe they'd have something equivalent
>tfw no musky klingon gf
How far into DS9 are you? he gets better when he's allowed to raise his voice.
Thanks Anons, great knowledge. Reading the plot just made me laugh, what a classic
>dax in pantyhose during that episode
My penis sure was happy
Good till the ori arc then it becomes FarScape Lite
Atlantis is literally "dont touch that LOL OK *touches*" the show till the women gets pregnant then she is jesus for some reason
Universe is STD levels of train wreck but with MORE GRITTY PERSONAL DRAMA
DS9 is 90s cheese, not as good quality and relevant as TNG, but enjoyable, clean and comfy, you watch a couple episodes a day after a long day and don't get too involved into the stupid plot.
Don't touch voyager at any price, it's absolute garbage from start to end.
If you want the best watch Babylon 5 (endure through the first season, it's worth it)
when YouTube had annotations, you were able to play Star Trek Klingon and Star Trek Borg on there and they were fantastic.
The Star Trek Klingon game on YouTube was especially impressive because the screen was full of diehard Trekkie information. There was an annotation about the lore of everything going on and accurate "Klingon to English" translations.
For both of those, you made decisions by clicking an annotation during a part in the game when they want you to make a decision and it jumps to the video for the decision you made
>voy is bad
charge the death ray...
even though ST has been shit on by jewjew abrams and that nu show garbage, it's still not a valid reason to abandon the whole trek universe and start again with a stupid ripoff show, with stupid jokes from that zoomer-quality author
Mass Effect was, until they ruined it.
>then it becomes FarScape Lite
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>despite being only 13% of the galaxy's population...
that butt jiggle
Keiko becomes a non-character halfway through.
It is. Season 9 and 10 are garbage tier rehashes of 1-8 and didn't need to happen.
Only good thing out of them was 200
Outta my way you Ori fucking shits.
Cept with Alex Kurtzman as show runner its all going to be trash. Even with some shitty jokes, the Orville has Star Trek Writers, not writers from fucking Prison Break.
its more 70s sci fi inspired so you have lots of TOS moments.
and then it turns into TTGL in the second half
>disengage safety protocols
Wait... what is going on in this .gif?
No, you used Farscape as an insult, and that cannot stand. I don't care that you added the lite. You will be punished for your crimes.
Wouldn't the gravitational pull of the sun at that proximity be ridiculously strong?
How do I get a Klingon wife with a jiggly butt?
So is Voyager supposed to be bad because I really like it so far.
It's not that it's awful, it just never lived up to it's true potential. Also, some of the episodes get really bad, especially anything relating to ACOOCHIEMOYA
Janeway is just really inconsistent as a captain and some supporting characters like Choco Taco are near Wesley tier, not to mention some really bad writing on some of the episodes
I suppose you like the
>it's a space anomaly episodes
and the
>it's a holodeck incident episodes
on every episode and the whole situation reverts to normal at the end with practically zero character or plot progression between episodes
Some people say the CG is dated
But the battles in B5 out class anything ive ever seen in a sci fi show....the ships take visceral damage, move in 3 dimensions all the time because its fucking space and have so many varied designs for each space race.
The wet fart splosion looks really bad after you watch B5
Nothing beats a Shadow ship reeeing at everyone.
I wish Space opera made a comeback in Jrpgs.
>tfw spent hours reading memory-alpha and i have to be up for work in 4 hours
fuck you guys this is all your fault
It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose
Should have read it in bed and fall asleep.
Have some tribbles and for good powernap
Make sure to read the page about Buck Bokai
Mass Effect 1 is utter shit tho
Shadows are legit fucking spooky. Full on purge mode Vorlons are still scarier, though.
Ages of The Federation just released a beta.
How do you feel about the Thirdspace aliens?
Beam us up, Scotty!
Why play Sins trek when we have stellaris trek now.
Shame its outdated, last i heard.
It got updated 10 days ago m8
Based Australian shitposter
Is that real?
Any Star Trek video games where whales are the supreme overlords?
>tfw no Caitian gf
...why is there such a fucking detailed career history of just Keone Young waddling his chunky ass into Sisko's office in a jersey?
Cuz world building.
Yeah but they don't actually do it these days.
There are still people who choose to becomes monks and nuns and leave their old lives behind to live in monasteries and convents and devote themselves to doing what they think Jesus wants them to do with their lives. It's not as popular these days but they've never really gone away.
kinda boring and generic.
>that armor
>not the coolest shit ever
fuck off shitter
>not posting the based mirror TNG comic
make it swole #1
Why does Mirror Data look like a Borg?
Is Mirror Barclay just as continually beta as he looks there? That's fucking hilarious. Everyone else is ripped and wearing Feddie tanktops and sporting facial hair and implants and he looks like he's wearing a raincoat and is sad he just missed the bus.
this shit gets me everytime
borg implants allow him to perform his killbot functions better
Star trek bridge commander
>even mirror Barkley is too socially awkward to enjoy a good ol' mutiny fight with the others and hangs back
All women deserve to be beat into submission for humanity's sake
whats a matter bitch?
cant handle the teleport space ship combos?
Is there a mirror Tasha Yar?
Name a more comfy episode
If you want to read it. It's a story of Mirror Picard organising a mutiny to steal the Enterprise from Mirror Jellico, when the Terran Empire got the shit kicked out of it because of Emperor Spock's newfound pacifism.
Luckily for you, I overheard the top secret Cardassian Military clearance codes while sewing some pants.
Sun's out, guns out
Don't forget the best part.
>swole yar arms
>fucking with barclay again
the faces look so weird, it's like they just traced over headshots from the show and pasted them on bodies that they already made
cubefags btfo
That's exactly what they did.
They totally did. It would take about five minutes, tops, to find the reference screengrabs for everything.
Ask the Chinese. Their language heavily relies on metaphors.
In the pale moonlight made him terrifying. What a great episode.
delete this immediately
TNG would have been much better if Picard had done this at least once
you know i liked that early episode where dax curzon had to help her old klingon friends get revenge on an unsanctioned mission.
Old hand emotionless dax with many years advising sisko was better than quirky jadzia dax down the line.
>ywn bashir's imaginary bimbo dax
>ywn Mirror Ezri
legitimately had to stop myself from pausing the video and beating one out to her the first time I bothered to watch that episode
Is it still a German suplex when it's a Frenchman doing it?
i'd rather a bimbo seven
they spoke in memes, they were Yea Forums if Yea Forums did something constructive instead of shitpost
I like Star Trek: Generations
>tfw enjoyed Elite Force 2 more than 1
Reminds me of captain marvel, actually.
>six borgs
>two wesleys
I'll take the Borg
So...what season(s) should I watch first to get into Star Trek?
Original Series season 1, stupid.
I kek'd irl
1-7 TNG
1-7 DS9
>Don't touch voyager at any price, it's absolute garbage from start to end.
>wanting to fuck Majel Barrett
>not wanting to fuck Majel Barrett
>Munro, repel the Idryll before the warp core goes critical!
>that Voyager episode where the doctor disproves the holocaust
How can Berman keeps getting away with it?
No wonder shills kept saying me to skip Voyager.
>10% of population
>80% of space in prison
shit, maybe they're just bigger
>that Voy episode where the Doctor works with the Cardassian Josef Mengele
I think you see a door labelled Cetacean Ops in one episode.
Hologram Moset did nothing wrong. Literally. Fucking bajorans and maki terrorists.
But using knowledge gained from immoral human experimentation is wrong!
Except when America does it, of course.
Nigga I'm talking about America giving Unit 731 amnesty for turning over their medical research gained from unethical, lethal human experimentation
who cares about the goys?
damn, that's fucked up, no wonder most asia can't avoid being resentful toward the japanese, I'm pretty sure next world war is going to rain fire over their island, if they do anything but remain neutral.
I just wish Bridge Crew wasn't dead in the after hours. Pretty much stuck having to play it around 4-6pm Pacific time to get a room of VR users together, with the odd desktop player, hopefully using a mic.
FUCK Cardassians.
REMOVE HASPERAT remove hasperat
you are worst bajoran. you are the bajoran idiot you are the bajoran smell. return to federation. to our dominion cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bajor we will never forgeve you. resistance rascal FUck but fuck asshole bajoran stink prophet sqhipere shqipare..bajoran genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kai..ahahahahahBAJOR WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget occupation. bajor we kill the first minister , federation return to your precious terok nor….hahahahaha idiot bajoran and federation smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE HASPERAT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. cardassia+dominion+pah wraiths=kill bajor…you will occupation/ gul dukat alive in cardassia gul dukat making album of cardassia . fast rap gul dukat cardassia. we are rich and have latinum now hahahaha ha because of gul dukat… you are ppoor stink bajoran… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
gul dukat alive numbr one #1 in cardassia ….fuck dominin ,..FUCKk ashol bajorans no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and planet. gul dukat aliv and real strong wizard kill all the bajoran farm aminal with pah wraith magic now we the cardassian rule .ape of the zoo presidant jarseh-inyo fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bajor wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of vole. cardassia greattst empire
I really liked Star Trek Legacy. had a good OST too.
when I re-watched the show years later I lost my shit laughing for like twenty minutes at this goofy shit
>ywn have jamaharon with two risean jaffa
>create replica of the character rumia
>complete with hunger for human flesh
>multiply height by factor of two
>multiply hunger by factor of ten
>create fire pit and eating utensils in center of holodeck
>disengage safety protocol
Any of these Star Trek games compatible with a gamepad?
They are all Padd exclusives.
I just can't stand padd controls, sorry user.