That your boy? Niko?

assvvrvvf f ggbgbfbbthhnynynynyhyyynyy Respect, defvrfvgbtbtnhtbtgbtbbytnyhnhynytnnyn, my youth, fvrbgtbybybthnynmki,muygr

Attached: Real_Badman,_GTA.png (812x791, 638K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wahgwan Niko meh buah
Rasclot bumbaclot ting an ting seen
One love star


i unironically love Jamaican dialect. because if you really really listen close enough it really is still english and just slanged to fucking hell and back. no amount of ebonics even comes close.

>that scene where jacob tries to tell niko michelle's a fed and niko tells him to lay off the fucking weed

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If this game was released in 2019 he'd be a tranny

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>tfw I understood what he said

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Tfw killed Dwayne on my first playthough.
I still feel bad.

>tfw I'm so whitewashed I can't even speak Patois without sounding white

>kill Dwayne
>get a decent paycheck
>rob bank a few missions later, get all the money you could need

>kill Playboy
>get top-tier apartment
>can have another car
>new friend with possible bonus


ja mon dee mon ya, ponna corna mon ja lemme explain ja mon ya my youth yay yah yuh ay likkle jacob lemme hit dat ya ya.

ITT bumbaclots

righteous, youth

if it released as is we'd have KuntKatu articles like
>GTA 4 has problematic stereotype of gay man

fucking Yea Forums

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Bernie was a cool guy

>GTA IV is 11 Years old

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I want to replay this game but I remember having problems with it on PC back in 2014, anyone have a pack to patch back in the removed songs?

I love GTA IV!

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i used to think it was the shit but now i work with an obnoxious jamaican woman whose whiny voice and even more whiny personality made me understand how kids can torture pathetically cute animals to death.

god bless these jacob and his bros though, they're the kind of bros you can only dream of having

Niko is my fav GTA protagonist. Maybe because I'm a Slav.

I don't even know how this is a decision. Who would side with a nigger douchebag over a bro like Dwayne? Not to mention killing PlayBoy nets you the ability to call in bodyguards, one of the best abilities in the game.

i replayed it recently. I still like it. The DLCs are good too.

thats just women bro

Three Leaf Clover is still the best mission in the entire series

it really is great. t. Jamaican.

it's just some retards yelling

>he breaks character when Roman calls him Florian

i know. but it's retards yelling... in patois.

I really like his esl dialogue.

>liked The Lost and Damned more than The Ballad of Gay Tony even back then
>replaying it after V

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if you say so...

scat music?

they feel like two completely different series honestly.

namefag retard

I do say so, and yes, I would like some scat music, thanks, user.

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get rekt faggot

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I rather have ska music