Games this kino?
Games this kino?

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literally who gives a shit. Go back to Yea Forums

cool vidyer



What a shitshow this episode was.

I'm so happy this retarded show is ending soon. GoT fans are the Rick and Morty fans of live action drama.

>sucking janny cock this hard

The make up work is awful. The Hound had better makeup in earlier seasons.

Go spam this shit on Yea Forums you literal child
>boohoo he doesn't care about my shitty soap opera
jesus fuck

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Looks like Dark Souls aesthetic

>Not watching to shitpost about it

They killed this series.

>not just shitposting about it without watching

Literally me, but with video games on Yea Forums
Haven't even played the game that's being discussed (nor do I know much about in general) but I'll still call it shit and argue with people defending it.

>Something happens
>Camera has to cut to an out-of-context extreme close-up of that thing happening

Apologize to /ourguys/

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whichever action director popularized this 20 cuts in 6 seconds to give the fight a feeling a freneticness is a fucking idiot. it would be so much better with 1/4th of that amount of cuts in that amount of seconds.

What's his name again?

They can go fuck themselves and you can go join them.

why didn't they hire a writer when they ran out of source material?

Seething leftie mad YASSS QUEEN went mad


as bad as the episode was, this shit was tight as fuck. Battling on a tower stairway while dragons flying overhead and when the hound decks his brother off the tower both falling to a fiery death

Are either of those GoT mods for warband any good?

>save slaves and treat them with respect
>run around talking about freedom from Tyrants
>cross the ocean with a big fucking army and dragons
>people across the ocean are kind of hesitant to trust some literal who whose only claim to fame is her family member being an asshole
>"everyone hates me and they killed my friends :( nobody knows the pain of losing family ;("
>kill everyone because that'll show everyone shes not like the mad king

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>everyone on Yea Forums

>'we didn't want Jon to be the one that killed the Night King because it was just too obvious'
>hurr durr what is foreshadowing

>Man i cannot wait to eat a bowl of cereals!
>segregated forever to reddit.
Thanks fucker

She was always a crazy bitch, her beta orbiter's just kept her in check. See 3:00

What are some games where the female lead gets killed out of nowhere in the last scene?

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No, faggot, they had a good source material that they didn't use, also you shouldn't be calling others trannies when you're defending a bunch of feminist pushing faggots, muh goblin face Arya, muh Sansa, muh Season 5 women empowerment, eat shit tranny.

>a story about Jon and Dany
>ruin it
It's like these two faggots didn't even understand the story, could be because Arya chick is dating one of these two dumbasses.

>episode 4 make us hate Cersei
>episode 5 try to make us like Cersei
What did they mean by this?

>wasting time watching this shit show

There's been 7 seasons of this show before the current one, with plenty of examples of Dany being unstable and easy to anger, and yet you managed to pick the least convincing one. By this point in season 2 her "khalasar" has been wandering for who knows how long, her bloodriders are all dead, they're all starving and thirsty and they have no other alternative of survival other than Qarth, it's completely understandable that anyone, psychotic or not, would get desperate and angry when faced with their inevitable demise, specially after having salvation both offered and denied so quickly by the same group of people.
Also D&D rushed the shit out of her descent into madness, no foreshadowing justifies the sudden 180ยบ turn she went through in the last 2 episodes.

plenty of examples of Dany being unstable and easy to anger
Post them.

>Crucifying all the masters
>Burning the kahls alive with her
>That entire Mereen arc

The problem is that they started gradual so she was like 20% unstable, then over the course of 2 episodes upped it to 99%.

I genuinely don't understand why they wasted time with new additions like Euron and that littlefinger winterfell drama when they knew they needed to build to this. Like, genuinely removing those two fixes all the problems.

>Littlefinger scurries off to king's landing
>Poisons Cersei against the war in the north to try and claim power
>Use the newfound 4 hours of air time to build up to Dany's descent and Cersei's downfall (and give Cersei a better reason for blindly thinking all would work out for her)

The only way to kill the Mountain is with fire, the Hounds biggest fear. The Hound in order to overcome the Mountain must also overcome his greatest fear. Pure kino.

Keep telling yourself that, this what faggots tell themselves at night to defend the shitty feminist D&D.