New metal gear teased again with a new song by Donna Burke

New metal gear teased again with a new song by Donna Burke.
3 possibilities : a mgsv sequel, mg1 retelling or mgs3 remake. ( I doubt a rising 2 would have Donna Burke and plat seem too busy right now.)

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God please no, let this franchise die already.

I hope its a ghost babel remake that overwrites all the MGSolid canon for good


can't wait to see how konami butchers the franchise

Because it has overstayed it's welcome for about 14 years now.
Not to mention the MGS community is absolute cancer and deserves to stay dead.

>literally not a single decent entry since 2005
>story was over back in 2008 already
Peace Walker, MGR and MGSV were completely unnecesary already, even Kojima didn't know what to do with MGS, why the fuck would you want any more?
Why can't things just end?
Why does every decent franchise have to be continue until everyone is begging the creators to stop?

Who gives a shit? Ground Zeroes nailed the gameplay and I wish to see more of it.

If it is a new MGS, people won't give a shit because Kojima isn't on board, even if they manage to make something good

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Ah yes, the game with regenerating health, the game with the dumbest AI of the franchise, the game with the worst physics, the game that has literally no technology moments, the game that turned MGS into a generic third person shooter.
This franchise is a has-been, like Tomb Raider or Gears of War.

if they remake mgs3 with improved graphics, a new feature here and there and maybe online play ill BUST A FUCKING NUT

>the game with the worst physics, the game that has literally no technology moments
You're retarded

>Why does every decent franchise have to be continue until everyone is begging the creators to stop?
Because no one else does that kind of gameplay? MGSV gameplay has a lot of potential ruined on great demo and shitty grindy open world meme.

I'm on board if it's more MGSV gameplay.

Survive sucked due to too much micromanagement and focus on shitty melee combat.

>Because no one else does that kind of gameplay?
What, stealth games?
MGS has always been on the lower end of the stealth genre and it's gameplay remained half assed from the beginning to the end of the franchise.
The fact that it's highest point was when they turned it into a Ubisoft open world game says a lot.


The game is set in between MGS1 and 2. It's about Hal and Snake going around the world destroying/exposing Metal Gears as part of Philanthropy. It's similar in structure to Hitman (self contained levels in which your objectives are to sneak in, get the job done and sneak out again).

Whatever it is, they won't make a game that they can't fill with microtransactions because it's 2019.
Which means grinding, which means more of MGSV, which means the best outcome is that MGS remains dead forever.

Ground Zeroes was more like Hitman than Far Cry.

It was the same as the rest of MGSV except in a smaller map.
There was no grinding, but they'll bring that back to get that mtx money.

>It was the same as the rest of MGSV except in a smaller map.
And that's exactly what doesn't make it Ubisoft clone, you absolute retard.

You know what? I'd give it a chance. Kojima didn't make the entire fucking series by himself. Metal Gear Survive was a pretty blatant attempt to recoup devtime and money put into MGSV assets, but I think with a brand new game they could make something good.

Imagine, after MGS4, PW, MGSV and MG Survive, still caring about this franchise.
Even Biodrones ended up rejecting Andromeda and letting Mass Effect die.

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MGSV wasn't really filled with too much mtx though
I mean you can say what you want about insurance, it was retarded and played into nervous/anxious retards
but just by signing in every day you'll usually get ~70 mb coins a week at least, I've bought MGO costumes and FOB's with the free stuff you get


>Metal Gear Survive was a pretty blatant attempt to recoup devtime and money put into MGSV assets
Recoup what?
MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day.

>Kojima didn't make the entire fucking series by himself
No, making the pieces of shit that MGS4, PW, MGSV and MG Survive have been was a collective effort from all the talentless hacks at Kojipro who have clearly no idea about gameplay.

Survive had far worse issues than that. The boring way the story was told, reused areas from V which weren't really interesting there either, and a lack of interesting characters or enemy variety in the early or mid game.
Wasn't really better or worse than 5 gameplay wise on the whole.

>MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day.
Yea Forums still unironically thinks MGSV flopped based only on the fact that people here didn't like it.

>MGSV wasn't really filled with too much mtx though
It had plenty and plenty of grinding.
Imagine now that Konami itself will have complete creative control.

If MGS continues, what will happen to the franchise is the same that happened to Assassins Creed with Origins and Odyssey: completely changing the formula of the game to pad it out, introduce leveled gear and lootboxes to bait people into paying for microtransactions.

Oh boy, you want Big Boss to get his regular bandana?
Well, buy this time limited lootbox that guarantees a LEGENDARY object every 5 boxes for a chance to get it!


God no, please no.

You know that whatever they remake, it will be worse than the original, right?

>even if they manage to make something good
just like they made a good silent hill game after 4, right? Just like how Survive was a good MGS game, right?

Give me Rising 2 or fuck off, mainline hasn't been any good in ages.

LMAO! She's probably trying to promote her own soundcloud profile and using her MGS history to play you faggots like a god damn fiddle!

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I just want Snake back. Fuck Big Boss.


no u

If it does happen, I hope you actually get to save the world instead of having to just clean up Big Boss' mess for like the seventh time. I get it WW2 vets > Cold War vets, but c'mon.

It's gonna be a Metal Gear 1 remake/retelling, it's the thing that makes the most sense.

>MGSV ends at the events of MG1. So it would be a direct sequel to MGSV.
>MG1 is originally a Kojima game which will make more people interested, lore is already established
>At the same time, MG1 is old as fuck and they can take a lot of creative liberties with it, since it has an incredibly barebones story and game design

They're going to follow the same overall plot events but it will essentially be a completely different game.

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Fuck Konami

>those red faces
They were probably drunk as fuck.
And Kiefer probably fucked Hayter's ass.

look mom! I said it!


I can't wait for the release in 2029

This is not a metal gear game. It's another thing.

However. A new mg could still be announced. Betting for Rising 2.

This is confirmed not a game but another thing.
I kinda want an anime but I doubt it will be that.

user survive isn't even a MGS game. And the sh games were made by western studios not Konami.

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>Hero? Girerumo San? Want Hanashi to me? We friends? Why no hanashi to me since Osukaru? Hero?

>Because it has overstayed it's welcome for about 14 years now.

Seems fair. MGS3 was easily the best game in the entire franchise.
But MGS5 is pretty fun to play, it doesn't have much of a great story but it makes up for it in gameplay.

Might get it used if it's a remake. I love Metal Gear but even i know MGS6 doesn't need to/probably shouldn't exist.

When MGR came out it reset so it has actually only overstayed by 6 years


Just let things end, games don't need to go on forever.

If anything, games are the one thing that -should- continue to be made.
It's not like a movie, tv show, or anime, that is supposed to have some artistic value present in its writing, directing, cast and style.

These are just .. games .. as long as they are FUN to play, it's alright

Daily reminder than even if it's not this. Rising 2 is coming.

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