The reason why the gaming industry is so shit right now is literally because of capitalism. No system would allow multi-million dollar to shamelessly squeeze every little penny out of the consumer's pocket while providing an ever worsening lineup of shitty games to be consumed by the brainless masses. Capitalism is also making the video game industry miserable. The free market is obviously a hilarious farce, who are you kidding? Take the final red pill user, the revolution awaits.
The reason why the gaming industry is so shit right now is literally because of capitalism...
Dead Cells has proven quality video games can be designed under communist principles.
>we need a revolution because lootboxes and DRM
off yourself
Corporatism, not Capitalism
>implying you would have videogames when you don't have computers or even food
>golden age of video games happened at a time when one of the world's superpowers was communist
>only game to come from them was tetris, and it had a hell of a time getting out
yeah, communism is definitely the answer
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?
Let's go to communism where barely any videogames exist instead.
>inb4 tetris
yeah but under communism people have to spend too much time generating enough food surplus to both not starve and feed the bourgeoisie (elite members of the party) to have leftover time to make video games
Maybe if people stopped buying these shitty AAA games then we wouldn't be having this thread.
Americans baffle me by pretending they don't live in a corporatocracy.
Americans are the most boot-licking, subservient corporatist cuckolds in the world. No wonder they pay so spend so much precious capital for such sub-standard healthcare and be fine with it.
You would think the free market would allow a natural demand for good games to be created, so then devs would have no choice but to make good games that people actually want to buy.
But no. What the fuck happened? They wouldn't be making garbage if people stopped buying. But people are buying. I think the real truth is that people don't know what they want, and allowing such clueless consumers to have a free market is a recipe for disaster.
If America is such a great, free-market driven country, why are they turning into a plutocracy?
If America is the richest and most capitalistic country in the world, why are they so poor?
Checkmate bootlickers
if things were different they sure would be different
why do working class leftists vote against their own self interest by voting for politicians who import low skilled third worlders? the (((fatcats))) profit while wages drop for the working class. that doesn't seem very pro-labor to me
What should I call myself if I just want a market economy that is sensibly regulated?
>Rich pay almost all taxes
>The tax cut effects rich people more
Looking at the information I have presented, how much more of a tax cut could poorer Americans get?
>working class does all the job
>businessmen never do anything but they get all the money
explain this, america?
if a man produces $100 he should be paid $100, not $25
No wonder it's so much less stressful to live in Europe or Australia than fucking America
no wonder you ameritards are so fat and angry
Because you're tracking income percentages instead of flesh and blood people
Income tax data released by the Internal Revenue Service seem to show the exact opposite: People in the bottom fifth of income-tax filers in 1996 had their incomes increase by 91 percent by 2005.
The top one percent — "the rich" who are supposed to be monopolizing the money, according to the left — saw their incomes decline by a whopping 26 percent.
Meanwhile, the average taxpayers' real income increased by 24 percent between 1996 and 2005.
How can this be? All the stats talk about brackets, and not flesh and blood people. Flesh and blood people move between brackets. The IRS follows flesh and blood people because it follows their tax returns.
Household income statistics are an obvious example. When we hear about how much more income the top 20 percent of households make, compared to the bottom 20 percent of households, one key fact is usually left out. There are millions more people in the top 20 percent of households than in the bottom 20 percent of households.
The number of households is the same but the number of people in those households is very different. In 2002, there were 40 million people in the bottom 20 percent of households and 69 million people in the top 20 percent.
A little over half of the households in the bottom 20 percent have nobody working. You don't usually get a lot of income for doing nothing. In 2010, there were more people working full-time in the top 5 percent of households than in the bottom 20 percent.
Following trends among income brackets over the years creates the illusion of following people over time. But the only way to follow people is to follow people.
>Rich people exist therefore we live in a Plutocracy
Yeah nah you're a retard
This is a lot of graphs and charts
Half or more of the electorate doesn't vote in every election.
Campaign finance is insanely corrupt, the vast majority of politicians are bought.
The newsmedia is increasingly consolidated and owned by big money interests that have a vested interest in the status quo.
Said interests also fund think tanks and astroturfing.
supporting the amerikkkan state's finances is antiproletarian
>muh communism muh capitalism
take the natsoc pill and forget all of that jewish garbage
reminder to report all posts that do not pertain to video games
there are many in this thread that don't even mention video games
>amerikkkan state's finances is antiproletarian
I only support America's state finances since they put sanctions against Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, and I have all 5 of these countries more than the US.
I hope the citizens flee those countries or starve.
I wouldn't mind moving away from the U.S, but the governments of European countries seem more oriented on accommodating refugees and taxing the daylights out of you.
truly a yankee patriot