Name a game that does this.
Name a game that does this
Other urls found in this thread:
Yoshi's Island
Mass Effect 1, 2, 3
Doom (2016)
Final Fantasy IX
final fantasy 10?
somebody fact check me on this
Far cry 1
most jrpgs
WarioWare, Inc.
Sin, Jecht, and Yevon were all kinda the same being, I dunno.
WarioWare has a final boss?
Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Colors DS
Super Paper Mario. The final boss was just a henchman of the leader of the villains.
Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of the First Sin
Most of the Pokemon games
Any of the Serious Sam games
Ace Combat Zero
Eternal Sonata
Stretch Panic
The main antagonist is the Church and Seymour really, Sin never actively does anything to fuck over the party
The Witcher 3
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky
Super Robot Wars Original Generation
The final boss on the true ending is a super weapon that triggers upon the death of the main antagonist of part 2.
Batman Arkham City
Mother 3
Invisible Inc.
Final Fantasy IV and IX
How exactly is eredin not the main antagonist? Witcher 1 and 2 actually did do this though
God, bayonetta
Borderlands, for what it's worth.
Every Shantae but the first
Avallach and the White Frost are main antagonists, plus in one of the endings the actual final boss are the Crones
Any JRPG where you randomly fight a god for no reason, like Persona 4
Bloodborne kinda. Laurance is pretty much the reason for the whole game and hes an optional dlc fight
Yakuza 0
That's completely wrong. Yu Yevon was the antagonist, because he essentially was Sin, and that's who everyone wanted to kill and the reason they set out.
Technically it's this guy
Mother 2
Majora's Mask
Dragon Quest VIII
Cave Story.
I mean I guess.
Dark Souls 3
7th Dragon 2020
How has no one mentioned Dragon's Dogma yet?
Sin, Jetch and Yu Yevon aren't the antagonists, the Church is.
Far Cry 3
Baiten Kaitos
Fary Cry 3
Dark Souls (though there isnt really a "bad guy"
Bioshock 2
Binding of Isaac
Stick of Truth
Borderlands 2
>Any of the Serious Sam games
Even though the games have next to no story and the story they do have is boring, that twist in 2's ending, followed by two prequels, pissed me off.
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 15 Ardyn did nothing wrong, Bahamut is the main antagonist
the final boss was that random guy, not vaas, but vaas was the antagonist that killed your brother and your friends.
You kill Vaas 2/3 into the game.
Most pre-pontaff 3D Sonics
Vass, the person marketed as the bad guy, gets killed like 40% into the game
Also, Final Fantasy XV.
The enemy empire that sacked your kingdom and harassed you for most of the game? Destroyed off screen from within by one guy who becomes the final boss by virtue of being the only badguy left.
Dark Souls handles it pretty well. The final bosses are important to the plot, but at the end of the day they're just another obstacle to step over to get what you want.
Ardyn ain't even the bad guy, he's literally Jesus that was betrayed even by God so he says fuck it.
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Sonic Generations, and it was fucking shit.
>every pokemon game except bw1
GTAIV, if you do the revenge ending
GTAV, if you choose to kill Michael or Trevor.
Do forgive me for interrupting the festivites, but I have a small announcement to make.
>Ardyn ain't even the bad guy, he's literally Jesus that was betrayed even by God so he says fuck it.
Considering all the shit he did in the game. he was a bad guy. Just because he is doing this to spite the gods (who are dicks) does not excuse his actions.
it's like how Solidus is still a bad guy, even when The Patriot AI Network is the biggest bad guy of MGS2
Fallout 2
Binary Domain
Human Revolution
Gears of War 2
Mass Effect 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Resident Evil
Syphon Filter 2
True Crime: Streets of LA
The Evil Within 2
Shadows of the Damned
Uncharted 3
Assassin's Creed Origins
>Considering all the shit he did in the game. he was a bad guy.
Play the DLC, litrerally everything he did was actually preordained by the Gods.
The Starscourge was CREATED by the Gods to wipe the planet and reset it because they consider it too fucked to bother fixing, Ardyn was preordained by the Gods to "fall".
He's the most tragic character in the entire story.
This. Justifiable motivations does not exempt one from being a bad guy.
Fire Emblems 2, 4, 6, 7, 10(debatable), and 2/3 of the routes in 14.
game of thrones
>Play the DLC
No way, /pol/
Nothing you are saying exempts him from being the bad guy.
To add to this, the entire theme of FF15 is fate and how unchangeable it is, fate is an actual preordained and unavoidable thing in FF15 world.
Both Noctis and Ardyn are preordained to get fucked in order to reset the world.
Ardyn and Noctis are both effectively Jesus, though it's obvious Ardyn is the proper Jesus.
He's not a bad guy if he has no agenda because he's being controlled the entire time.
Also Ardyn's power is the same as the Oracle's, in fact Luna was turning into Ardyn 2.0 (by healing people just like he was) and that's why Ardyn killed her to spare her his fate.
Anyone else ever read this series as a kid. It blueballed me so hard on the final villain. I’ll try to summarize it for anyone who never read it
>it’s about cats living in a forest and they’re divided into 4 clans
>they have this religion where the leader cat actually has nine lives
>throughout the series, the main character works to uncover the treachery of the antagonist, named Tigerclaw
>they fight a few times and the main character always ends up losing but exposes Tigerclaw as a villain
>Tigerclaw gets ousted and becomes a feral cat with no clan
>eventually one of the clan is so sickened by disease that they have no choice but to accept Tigerclaw as their leader
>now he has nine lives and is leading a unfied clan to destroy the main character and his clan
>on the edge of my seat as a nine year old wondering how they’re going to beat him
>some outsider cat kills him and becomes the final boss in the final showdown
It was the first time a work of fiction had ever blueballed me.
Dragon's Dogma
Ao no Kiseki
>Nothing you are saying exempts him from being the bad guy.
What rule does it say that there can only be one bad guy in a game/movie/etc...? XV had Ardyn and the Empire
>He's not a bad guy
and yet his actions say otherwise.
Breath of Fire IV
>He's not a bad guy if he has no agenda because he's being controlled the entire time.
It's entirely his fucking choice to master-plan his own death-by-Noctis by being a bad enough guy to set that event up.
Play the DLC you dumb niggers.
every single persona game
OP said main antagonist not bad guy. Being the antagonist has nothing to do with morals. It just means the person who opposes the main character.
God Hand
If you argue that the antagonist of MGS4 is the Patriots, then you could count that.
And does he not oppose Noctis?
Jesus christ got gf the first book for some light reading(she really likes cats) but now I'm glad that I didn't get the rest of the series.
>tfw the Dawn of the Future book completely redeemed Ardyn
Get fucked libtards.
The Empire are the main antagonists for literally 12 out of 14 chapters in the game.
Lots of Final Fantasies do this.
if the FFXV fanbase wasn't bad enough. Now they are also /pol/tards
Mafia 1
Persona 2 definitely does not count.
How to spot a libcuck: he will announce himself
FFXIV when Hydaelyn gets revealed as the final boss.
Skies of Arcadia
I don't play MMOs hence why I didn't list 11 and 14, besides I don't think it would even be fair to list them as just 11 and 14, they should be divided into base games and expansions.
And then there's spinoffs which also have this trope a lot.
Star Fox Adventures
Starcraft, but the story gets super retarded after brood war
Path of Exile
The lack of self awareness is kind of funny.
Shadows of the Damned
Shadow of the Colossus
Sonic Unleashed
It’s great though. Your gf will love it.
solid snake has no antagonist, he's the player. liquid's antagonist is the player. solid is code for snake being the player, who in a sense unbreakable and undefeatable and who is the game, and liquid is also the game, but in an illusory sense, also intitiated by the player, but who believes he is the player, hence the proxy control of pmc armies in perpetual war for war's sake via nanonmachines, or the belief in such which is manifest as such. one of 4's masterstrokes was to exaggerate and overdramatise to a ridiculous degree the struggle which snake goes through as he makes his way through the microwave corridor and make it seem cinematic, contrasting the image of struggle and strife with the quicktime ease with which the player endures this section. also note that it is just a corridor. solid vs liquid liquid being the player but only as part of the game and an adversary in that he represents the player's belief in him, in the adversary who must be defeated, which is his own belief, which keeps him in conflict, eternal conflict, both of them. damn this has gone too far.
>Lego Batman 3 (villain is Brainiac, final boss is Superman)
>Conker's Bad Fur Day (villain is Panther King, final boss is Heinrich the Xenomorph)
>No More Heroes (villain is Sylvia Crystal, final boss is Jeane Touchdown)
>F-Zero GX (villain is Deathborn, final bosses are some creator god things)
And is he not part of the empire?
basically every toho game
so in a sense the only enemy in the game is the idea that you're not the player, but some character in the game who has freedom within the game, and not of the game. man kojima is a genius.
It's to shoot your parents for buying it for you.
I guess Monster Hunter World? The main antagonist if we're talking monsters is probably just nerg.
Mario & Luigi: Partners in time!
The final boss of NMH is Henry, you cretin
>contrasting the image of struggle and strife with the quicktime ease with which the player endures this section
Says you, that shit broke my fucking thumb. That's way more effort than I usually put into vidya
so thats how brazil has so many guns. fucking nintendo!
it's actually a nes clone
yeah but you're just pressing the button over and over. not my fault you've got a weak thumb. don't complain to me about your faulty thumb liquid.
How can you even call this man a villain?
He did literally nothing wrong prior to getting corrupted by space-aids that the gods themselves created
>33 years old at the time of his "death" (same as Jesus)
>persecuted by the ancient insomnia (same as Jesus who was persecuted by ancient romans, also ancient insomnia is modelled on ancient rome)
>Chosen by Gods (same as Jesus who was the God's chosen son)
>Healer of the people (same as Jesus)
>literally looks like Jesus
>stabbed with a spear in the abdomen (same as Jesus)
>crucified (same as Jesus)
>dies for sins of mankind aka starscourge as a symbolic sacrificial lamb (same as Jesus)
>his symbol is wine and waffers which you can see in his room (same as Jesus)
>out of all the meals laid out to him by Verstael, he chooses bread which is another symbol of Jesus
>prays before eating (like Jesus)
Fuck anyone that is unironically against Ardyn.
No, he actively sabotages the Empire and kills the Imperial leaders for you and literally rolls out a red carpet towards the Crystal which he hands you on a silver platter.
Metroid Fusion
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
You do get to kill all the Lords of Shadow (except Patrick Stewart but I don't really remember how he makes it back for the sequel), but then Satan shows up seconds before the final boss fight against him with no ties to the plot apart from setting up the sequel (which may have the worst ending of any game).
>tried to destroy the world and personally murder MC and his friends
>but he has a lot of jesus parallels, so you MUST love him
Baiten Kaitos kinda subverts the trope since the last boss is the main antagonist but it's the betrayed main antagonist of the first part of the game, not the later half.
Vass isn't the main antagonist. He's a tool. Hoyt is the guy pulling all the strings. Vass is basically Darth Vader.
Dragon Age: Origins
I would say Loghain is the main villain. You barely see the archdemon.
But Saren was the main antagonist, the short conversation with Sovereign doesn't really count
Mother 3
the last of us. joel was the bad guy the whole time
>How can you even call this man a villain?
His actions during the game.
Just because the DLC reconnected his actions into "for the greater good" does not lessen his role as a villain
Also most your list is basically "He's just like Jesus". So?
You kinda misunderstood the plot.
Zobek shows up at the end revealing that he is in fact the final Lord of Shadow, Death himself, but he's wearing the Satan Mask (opposite of God Mask) which turns out allows Satan to influence the person wearing it.
That's why Gabriel kills all the waifus in the game under its influence
>tried to destroy the world
No he didn't, Bahamut explicitly stated that the Endless Night will happen regardless of what Ardyn will or will not do, the nights were already getting longer before Ardyn was even broken out of his stasis by Verstael, Ignis even points it out that it has been going on for decades in the Chapter 11 train ride but nobody noticed "until now" since it was so slow.
The only thing Ardyn tries to do is kill Noctis as a fuck you to the gods and Crystal to show them that he, as the original chosen one, is superior to the fake, usurper chosen one.
Bahamut LITERALLY, EXPLICITLY flat out says that the Scourge will happen and cover the world, Ardyn's objective is to harvest the daemons that will come from it into himself and then willingly sacrifice himself to Noctis.
Ardyn refuses to be a willing sacrificial lamb and attempts to kill Noctis and ONLY Noctis.
He never tries to kill Noctis' crew, only fucks with them but actively helps them support their "king".
This. I wanted to fight General Scales, not Andross damnit.
Persona 4, Persona 5
Starfox Adventures
People give Naruto a bad rap for being a shitty manga but 90% of teenager series in the west our about clans and wars.
you know and the fact that they're brothers and clones at war with each other says something too. it's all meta. the conflict is entirely illusory as it is all initiated by the player playing the game and the player can only be defeated within the parameters of the game, which is initiated by the player.
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, if you consider Sauron the main antagonist.
Portal 2
Link to the Past
Every single Ninja Gaiden game
Devil survivor
the antagonist was Micolash, actually
he was the one spearheading the ritual, remember? you needed to stop the ritual by killing Mergo
the ritual is the epicenter of everything going to shit in yharnam
Xenoblade. They just hamfisted the "final boss is god" trope at the last second.
so therefore liquid is you and cannot defeat you, as he is just a character in the game which is started by you, the player, and liquid believes he is the character in the game when really he is just the player, which is solid snake, and so all of the other conflicts in the game are proxy conflicts caused by liquid's belief in his causing them rather than them being of the game. the game is the player. i'm stuck in a endless loop.
>Link to the Past
No, though? Even if Agahnim wasn't just Ganon in disguise, he'd still just be an intermediary antagonist who kicked the plot into action, while the actual main antagonist, Ganon, is introduced well before Agahnim's "defeat".
Fou Lu did nothing wrong.
so you only play the game because you want to.
so anyone who complains about metal gear solid 4 is essentially liquid snake.
Arguably Jak 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Oh, look, it's a brainlet that doesn't understand BB's plot.
Moon Presence is the antagonist and final boss. Mergo and the Yahar'Ghul ritual are just obscuring the Moon Presence. The Moon Presence directs the Hunter to kill Mergo and end the Ritual, along with the various other Great Ones or Kin, both so the Hunter can become strong enough to become a Surrogate Child and so that the Moon Presence can manifest itself more powerfully.
No, dude, it's the "guy you thought was final boss was just fighting a bigger evil" trope. And although it was a great, seemingly out-of-nowhere reveal, upon retrospect there was a lot setting it up throughout the story, and if the game really just ended with Egil, there would be a lot of unexplained/unaddressed shit.
Xenogears, after Deus you fight Feminism in the form of a giant mecha snake
Half-Life 2 just makes you fight a couple of helicopters. You do fuck up Breen in the process, though.
Persona 4, Nier Automata.
The Minish Cap
Monster Hunter World.
The Handler is the mastermind making you to kill any monster who dares to oppose her and her forced cutscenes.
Dragon's Dogma.
Secret of Mana is the best example. Can't believe nobody mentioned it.
Mega Man V on Gameboy
Is there something I'm forgetting? Vaati was 100% the final boss, was he not?
Final boss is sovereign
You talking about the Einst moon or dark brain?
Ace Combat Zero and Twilight Princess.
So the final boss was the main antagonist.
but then in a sense...liquid snake did nothing wrong..
Yu Yevon isn't the antagonist though, he's just the party's goal (or rather eliminating him is). He doesn't do anything to actively hinder the party until the very end. Seymour is the main antagonist up until the very end.
Which boss are you referring to in binding of isaac?
Unironically this
Dragon's Dogma
Just look at the tvtropes page user
>GTAV, if you choose to kill Michael or Trevor
Disagree. It's hard to say that either of the two are really "bosses". They don't do anything to you to prevent you from killing them.
Devil May Cry 3
Witcher 2
Bravely Default
>Main antagonist is Olivia
>Final Boss is Olivia turned into a demon
Even if Samuel betrays you he's not the main villian
Suikoden II
never finished the first so who knows
There wasn't really an established antagonist in Generations though?
Go back and finish it. You still got half of the game left after fighting Luca
sorry, i meant the first suikoden, i finished suikoden II with the bad ending sadly
never got around to finish that again because i cryed like a little bitch when nanami saves you from the ambush
Mega Man X8
Non-canon alternate reality like the canceled Noctis and Luna dlc
The "reset the planet using the scourge" bit is exclusive to Bahamut's motivations in Dawn of the Future and is not the same as Bahamut's motivations in the game proper. The scourge was so potent it would affect the Astrals as well (see: Ifrit) and the point was to get rid of it (it could be argued that Ifrit brought the scourge with Meteor, but that's only in one translation and still doesn't mean Bahamut brought the scourge himself). Basically priority number one was to get rid of the scourge but this was beyond the scope of the gods themselves, so Bahamut laid the blueprints to use the Lucis Caelum family as the conduit of ridding the planet of the scourge (ultimately for the good of everyone). He's still a dick because he did so with pretty much no regards for individual tragedy, but he's not blatantly evil. DotF Bahamut viewed the scourge and humanity as one in the same ("darkness") which is why he sought to eliminate them both, and not just the scourge.
DotF canon =/= Main Game canon.
The real red-pill is that Bahamut is a Fal'Cie, and soldier of Etro. FFXV Bahamut is Versus Noctis.
He blows shit up and is responsible for their motivation though, due to things that happened before the story started.
He doesn't do anything to actively hinder the characters because that IS his character, he's essentially a rogue AI. But he's still the main antagonist because defeating the church gained the characters nothing, in fact it probably would have hindered them long term without killing Sin because temporary calm was still better than no clam, while Seymour is still a secondary antagonist.
How was the Grand french title guy not an antagonist? Actually, who the fuck even was the antagonist in W1?
If my memory of it is correct, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Arvis and Julius were bad guys but it was Manfroy pulling the strings
Borderlands and Borderlands 2
And Pre-Sequel.
double whammy
>final boss is already close to killing Carlito by the time you arrive
>final final boss is man Frank hasn't met before
Final Fantasy XIII. While the Cocoon Fal’cie were the main antagonistic force of the plot, nothing indicates that Orphan itself masterminded the plot or anything. Rather, it just happened to be the critical piece that you have to face the last, while Barthandelus was the one who set it all up.
He's not the main antagonist because he doesn't take the role of an antagonist, Seymour does. Sin doesn't actively oppose the player throughout the game, in fact he does the opposite even during the final confrontation.
Pretty much every 3D Sonic game since Adventure 1
Fallout 2. Horrigan is just the dumb muscle of the Enclave who does just as he’s told, and you could have just ignored him if it weren’t for the fact that he happens to stand in front of your only escape route.
You mean almost every 3D Sonic game released from 1998 to 2008.
Titanfall 2
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2
Dead Space 1 (?)
Dead Space is kinda dodgy when every Necromorph is just a part of one big superorganism-style hive mind.
Dragon Age II counts, I’d guess? You probably could say that the entire game didn’t really have a main antagonist until the head templar goes all bonkers.
???? explain this?
>baby bowser commands kamek to capture babies
>kamek steals baby luigi
>go through island to reach baby bowser
>fight and beat baby bowser
kamek isn't the main antagonist, he's just a servant to baby bowser.
Any World War II game
Painkiller you weren't even supposed to fight Lucifer.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, featuring Marche "Lay the Blame on the Lame" Radiuju.
>f-zero gx
>boss is god...kinda
????????? fuckin what mate? Why? How? It's a fucking racing game. damn it japan.
Zelda II
>Arvis and Julius were bad guys but it was Manfroy pulling the strings
Mostly correct. Manfroy was completely pulling the strings with Arvis, though he let Arvis feel like he was in charge. When Julius was born, Manfroy gave him the Loptus/Loptyr tome which turnes Julius into the Demonic Dragon puppet. After that, Manfroy became an advisor of Julius, not the one in control though
Most jrpg honestly, and it sucks.
>fell dragon
>world goes to shit anyways
> don't fell dragon, take bargain
>world keeps going
>try to fell dragon, die
>world ends
there's no winning
does chrono trigger count? been a while since i played but i remember magus as being the antagonist and lavos is the final boss. already answered this in a thread with a different function and it already fit perfectly, wtf
Magus is beaten halfway through the game.
yes but magus was the one summoning lavos, wasn't he? and jumping through time too to make it happen or something. idk. it's been almost 15 years since i played.
The Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky FC.
Magus was just a dumbass trying to do the same thing you are: kill Lavos.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and oh boy how it does it in the most nonsensical blueballing way ever.
>the main human antagonist is in completely different place altogether
>the local deity appears and just shits some random dragon to fight you
>kill the dragon
>meanwhile the deity goes and zaps the human villain
Golden Sun was full of shitty writing all the way, but god damn that takes the cake.
I remember reading about this and going "what"
Camelot loves convoluted plots.
Skies of Arcadia
Paper Mario TTYD can also be this, since the final boss was resurrected by (and then promptly destroyed) the main antagonist
Were you even following the plot, dipshit?