Whats the worst race in World of Warcraft?

Whats the worst race in World of Warcraft?

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Other urls found in this thread:

rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/vo/vo_hero/Zul'jin/Zul'jin - Default/ZuljinBase_Pissed11.ogg



and red pilled

blood elves

So these images aren't an april fools joke? They actually made 'amputee' as a race?


Is this gonna be a playable race or what?

Nothing playable, at least right now.
There is a new island of metal and robotic creatures, and this is an NPC race that lives there. They are like, half-mechagnomes. Many people believe they will be playable, but I have my doubts considering their model wouldn't be able to wear gloves/boots with their giant robot feet and clampy hands.

>but I have my doubts considering their model wouldn't be able to wear gloves/boots with their giant robot feet and clampy hands.
The textures can just be slightly altered for them, like how they are for Forsaken, what with their fleshless limbs and holes through the chest, stuff like that.

Blood elves with human close second. I'm not pretty irl so I'll self insert the races

I suppose they could, and I guess various other races can't wear shoes properly. I honestly wouldn't mind them as a race, but I hate how they expect you to grind for the new subraces reputation. It makes someone like me who has quit even less likely to come back, which seems like a weird choice.


You posted it

>always wanted mechanognomes
>always wanted the gnomes to explore more transhumanist themes

I got both wishes combined into one monkey-pawed abomination

They are gnomes that have intentionally replaced limbs and other things with robotic parts making themselves cyborgs.

Only manlets hate gnomes. As someone over 190cm i'm perfectly comfortable palying smol characters. Playing blood elf on the other hand makes you a giant faggot.

Yeah I would have just preferred de-cursed gnomes.
Then again, I don't actually know the story behind these lil' fellas.

>Pop in wow to check up on it.
>Even in the most populated RP servers the cities are empty.
>Saw one (1) female Kul Tiran the entire time
>0 dark iron dwarves
>Everyone is Void Elves, Femnelf Demon Hunters/Druids and female human lesbians.

Interestingly, horde is a lot more varied even if half the population is blood elves, but also the entire RP scene exists exclusively in an inn crammed in the corner of Org.

I didn't even see any Gnomes the entire time, who the fuck is going to play one of these?

>They have almost all new emote animations, new idle and walking animations, and several new attacking animations.
Thats a lot of work for a non-playable race. All the others usually just reuse old animations no matter how shit it looks. Weird.


Gnome RPers are weird. Not as fun loving as you would expect.
I tried RPing as an incompetent Wilfred Fizzlebang-like guy, and other gnomes got mad at me for ruining their brooding atmosphere. The ones I saw tended to focus on Gnomregan exploding, and the tragedy of loss and stuff, which seemed odd.
Maybe I am just bad at RP though.

would have been a mighty interesting storyline if an increasingly larger faction within the gnomish population realized the obvious fact: there's to few of them to survive just through biological reproduction anymore, especially because gnomes aren't the most reproductionally active species to begin with
so they figure out how to properly revert themselves to their mechanical forms without sacrificing their minds in the process and then reverse-engineer some titan equipment so they can start producing entirely new sapient mechanognomes

then build up that conflict in their society and the alliance as a whole, maybe even have some goblins start to worry because however small a production they have now, if the mechanognomes can roll new fully functional adults of a production line, the sheer explosive population growth could actually overwhelm other races

but instead we get island of amputees

blood elves

I want a Gnome wife

Attached: Gnome female.png (1080x1920, 2.38M)

maybe you just ran into a group of dedicated roleplayers trying to capture the whole "dying race" atmosphere
the fun-loving mad scientist gnomes tend to work better when they have some more level-minded other players to act as foil so maybe you'd be better off trying to take your rp to non-gnomish locales

You met shit RPers, then. Good Gnome RPers embrace the eccentricity and goofiness of the race.

I remember seeing a Male Draenei once with a turban who spoke in broken Common and would use Mind Vision to RP as a mind reader for a crowd.


does gnomish culture even have marriage?
would be in character for them to primarly have workplace romances that occasionally produced a baby, then split up when said kid built his first deathray

Wait, she has REAL arms and legs?
Fucking bigot.



Why would it not?

A Male Gnome married a Female Human as far back as WotLK, and Millhouse had an ex that was in the Legion version of Violet Hold

Every race in the Alliance at least, has marriage. I can't speak to the savage races in the Horde. For all I know trolls mate and the woman eats the male for sustenance to feed her growing child. Wouldn't surprise me given their cannibal origins.

well, it would have helped to introduce some more meaningful cultural distinctions between the various races
then again maybe that's to much to ask from Warcraft in terms of thematic complexity

Blood Elf women are for Human husbands so they have marriage, at least. Maybe Undead too, I don't know how the death and undeath of a loved one would affect a marriage.


Marriage is an institution, not a culture.

blood elves have marriages, only difference is that the bride status is not determined by gender but rather by whoever ends up on top during sex

I played a memegnome (Last name was literally Gyropimp lmao) for a long time, it's fun when they start to get edgy you absolutely BTFO them by acknowledging the edginess and moving past it. That character was fun as fuck, I was the sole comic relief in an extremely edgy and serious guild.

This is actually an extremely common thing.
Oh fuck I've seen that guy around. What a fucking legend.


institutions are a subset of culture, especially between different species

That transmoggable top hat from Island Expeditions made me want to RP my male Gnome Mage as a stage magician, but not only is it expensive as shit, it's only transmoggable at 120 and my Mage is like 112

So will Goblins start replacing their limbs, as to not be left behind?

what about gnomes that pull of the whole tragic clown thing where they publicly pull all kinds of wacky stunts to hide the fact their seemingly inevitable extinction weighs heavily on them?

No. They start adding limbs like sensible people.

Fuck you pal
Worgen are the best race in that entire game.

>but I have my doubts considering their model wouldn't be able to wear gloves/boots
>no playable naga or sethrak

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That sounds great my dude.

what if the gnomes then in return start adding mechanical limbs?
this is a dangerous precedent, it ends up with gnomes putting their brains in death robots and goblins putting their brains into mutant ogres

I know the feeling, friend.
I keep hoping in vain that one day, a glorious day, I will be able to play as an Ethereal.
I fear that day will always remain as it is, simply a dream. A figment of my desire.

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>Game is already garbage so even if we get them they'll be stuck in a shit game.

maybe there's hope for a WoW2

>alliance will get some stupid shit like mechagnomes instead of void elves bringing ethereals into the fold or sethrakk joining the alliance


the absolute best ERP'ers I've ever met in this game were gnomes

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>no naga
>no pirate class

Tell us more.

I just want a Void Elf wife.

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Why do people think anyone would play this?
>muh nostalgia

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rogues are the pirate class m8

>Covered in fel shit, an entirely different thing

I mean it makes sense when you consider it this way:
>"We're not getting them back, how can we force others to stay?"
>"Charge them for a new expac, then lock the new races behind daily quests that require a grind forcing them to pay for AT LEAST one extra month."
Like, I could get the allied races being locked behind a rep grind as a free means to get them, but people are paying money AND doing virtual chores just for these.

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>implying combat rogue is a pirate
I'll never accept what they did to my spec.

I just wonder if that idea had longevity. The sub numbers continue to drop, according to their recent sales figures. I wonder if they are gonna just let it crash and burn soon or continue trying to save it?

face it, they might as well rename combat to buccaneer

besides there's plenty of missed opportunities, like how engineering should have been the tinker class

But jolly roger and roll the bones. The quest to get the outlaw artifact. the main outlaw in the rogue order hall.
outlaw is pirates

Did you even fucking read what I typed?

Do they still constantly snort and sniffle? I hated that when I was playing as Alliance, hearing that annoying shit constantly in dungeons.

retail is doing decently for a modern MMO, its just that the audience is the complete opposite of its hardcore fans now

Guess you can't say NIGGERS on 4channel.
>think of the advertisers!
Fucking cuck mods.

>No tinkerer class
>No Turret Focused DPS class
>No utility belt focused support healer class
>No giant mech armor focused tanking class
The world hurts.

Actually now that I think about it, it's fucking genius for milking fans. This way they get all their longterm grinder fans back, and in a few more weeks when they make the races unlockable by paying for them they'll get the rich fags back, then in a few years they'll make them openly available to get that last trickle of people that MAAAYBE wanted to try them. They're not trickling out new content, just the same shit but making it more available.

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turrets + explosives and other goblin engineering gadgets as one spec
utility belt + gnomish gadgets for a more disc-style mitigation healing
and the giant mech tank class would have a different mech type for every race that can become a tinker and course, a "travel mode" transformation that works similar to the druid flight form where you fly around in your armor

The cyborg gnomes would look better if their robo limbs didn't look so disproportionate.

There is a thicker version with bulkier armor, and that looks a bit better.

>no necromancer class
I just want to summon an army of skeletons

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death knights were a lot more necromancier during WOTLK
like how they could turn dead players into ghouls

Too much overlap with Shadow Priest/Warlock/Death Knight

Thoughts on racial hero classes like:
:thinking: what Humans and Dwarves would be though...

they have by far the coolest backstory and intro zone of any race, and their faction leader is actually one of the least insufferable characters of nu-wow. and it's all complemented with the most god awful dogshit character models in the entire game. seriously LOOK AT THIS SHIT.


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>replacing your limbs
>choose to remain a manlet

just make it a full robot, why are blizzard such hopeless retards

To get necromancer away from warlock, you nix the fire spells (for frost) and the pets (summon ghouls like a druid's treants instead) and give the necro some support (e.g. resurrect, but it gives them an undead buff/debuff)

could have multiple races per hero class
humans and orcs (and undead sorta) have death knight
elves of all flavor have the demon hunter
tinker would be for gnomes, goblins and dwarves
you'd just need to figure out some other hero classes for the rest

>witch doctor

first we got the worgen for the furrys, but now we have to deal with the amputee midget community too. Thanks Blizz.

how can one man be so right

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Yeah, they really dropped the ball on their appearance and animations. If they looked anything like the official art they always do of them, they would definitely be up there on the racial tier list. But the males are weird, lanky, and their animations are so strange looking. They look weird doing half the actions in the game, and their melee animations never look like a feral animal. The females don't even look like the same thing, they just look like pissed deviantart furries.

Does WoW still have a monthly sub? Never played before.

based and shortpilled

>7 foot tall robognome
>Its just a gnome on Gekko legs.

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A bit difficult for trolls imo since witch doctor feels too close to shaman and something like shadow hunter is too close to shadow priest.
Hoping for a Classic+ that could make good hero classes but it just feels like it would be a slippery slope.

Yep. But if you make enough in game gold, you can pay with that.
Wouldn't recommend getting into it right now.

"WE BE SMOKING DA GANJA MON" is literally their fucking gimmick

Why is she so fat tho?
Did she lose her limbs to diabetes?

Why can't it just be robots, that would be cool. What the fuck were they thinking.

All gnomes are kinda pudgy. A majority of them just sit around building things.

do you not want chubby shortstacks that you can wear around as cocksleeves?

>Everyone is Void Elves, Femnelf Demon Hunters/Druids and female human lesbians.
I haven't done WoW erp in over 10 years now.
But when I was into it, over half of it was male and intersexed characters. They were using the female models, but they made it abundantly clear they were male or intersexed.
As the world has only become more tranny-accepting I expect that's only increased.
Are you sure that the RP areas are female now? If so, where did all the tranny chasers and bisexuals in denial go?

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>le meme toilet paper man
Never gonna happrn

Oh they still exist, but they tend to hang in specific places from what I can tell.
I saw someone whose RP profile was all about how they look like a female Draenei, but they had a cock and they also vored people. And then it had separate profiles for each person living in their stomach.

Their story is basically the same as Human Revolution. Replacing your limbs with augments is seen as progressive and a sign of status and power, so the poor people are kept outside the city in the junk heaps and forced to augment what little they can where the upper class are inside the city with most of their body, or in the case of the King, nearly all of it replaced with parts.

top kek

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>there's to few of them to survive just through biological reproduction anymore
They already have a solution for this. Three of them on three separate continents have independently invented a device which can turn you into a gnome as a malfunction.
All they have to do is make that the MAIN function, and they can create gnomes out of the existing population.

The real crisis is the Forsaken, who for some reason have a moral crisis about raising non-consenting Lordaeran corpses, rather than raising the thousands of Horde that die during conflicts and who'd be willing to be reanimated so they can keep fighting stuff.

a lot of actual females play them

and females who play them are the absolute biggest and dirtiest sluts I have ever met

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Yes. The pre-BFA book even introduced a Gnome who married her Goblin colleague.

Please tell me its /u/


>does gnomish culture even have marriage?
Gnomes in Gnomeregan got married. One you can talk to mentions a ceremony under the big gear where Viscidus Fallout now lives, prior to Gnomeregan's collapse.
Gnomes in Stormwind also get married.
That said, it wouldn't be at all surprising for two gnomes in a workplace environment to fuck, have a baby, realise that this baby is NOT world enlargers or rocket sleds, and send it off to someone else to be someone else's problem.

you can't see xer arms/legs under xer clothes you shitlord, why are you assuming xer limbs?

>and females who play them are the absolute biggest and dirtiest sluts I have ever met
To be fair, if someone is willing to ERP on world of warcraft she's probably kinky and promiscuous.

The only good elf is a dead elf and even then... *spits*

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if they started raising horde corpses they'd get kicked out of the horde

>what Humans and Dwarves would be though
Dwarves have mountain kings and archaeologists.
Humans could become villagers. Build turrets, arcane vaults, and walls of farms in the middle of combat.

Literally already happened.

Yeah that sounds like what I used to find.

rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/vo/vo_hero/Zul'jin/Zul'jin - Default/ZuljinBase_Pissed11.ogg

Based and Jujupilled

Really makes you think.

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Poor Zul'jin, even him got ruined by WoW retardness.

Well what are they gonna do, replace their limbs with tall people so each gnome is now Voltron?

So wait who do the horde get?

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Vulpera, maybe
Mechagnomes share animations with gnomes, Vulpera with goblins

>muh factions

why ppl are excited about this? in the end it will always be dull and generic because of STATUE QUO
Nothing makes sense since vanilla

>people don't like junker gnomes
>purposefully posting ones without mecha heads

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WoWfags on suicide watch

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Mecha gnomes just goes to show how creatively bankrupt blizzard is and how little of a fuck they give for their own community.

>I tried RPing as an incompetent Wilfred Fizzlebang-like guy, and other gnomes got mad at me for ruining their brooding atmosphere.

What the fuck am I reading

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>human with shit attached
wow how does final faggotry do it

Half of your game are retards complaining about tanks and healers dealing damage and the other half are crossplayers.

>Mecha gnomes just goes to show how creatively bankrupt blizzard is
creates something entirely new

>and how little of a fuck they give for their own community


I mean these wow pics are pretty much warwick davis with some gears on top

Undead rogue 19 twink.

Not even, mecha gnomes is just being added in for another rep grind race to keep autismos subbed longer.

Meanwhile many races that already exist have a ton of issues.

I've played a lot of WoW and met a lot of people, and I can say that ugly people tend to play belfs and such and handsome lads play ugly races as trolls or orcs, I consider myself a 7/10 and I lile undeads and orcs.

No shit. Horde got Blood Elves cauz otherwise Asians wouldn't play Horde.

In Vanilla, basically all the 'looks' obsessed went Alliance and became humans or night-elves. So pre-BC Horde was literally the most humble/bro-like faction.

What if I actually like the Belf lore? They're mana junkies who will kill and cheat for just a little bit of magic. They also got as fucked as humans by Arthas during the events of Frozen Throne and trying to make a living in whatever is left of their civilization, they're goddamn starting zone is literally the ruins of what was once a great civilization, fuck Blizzard shouldn't have made them so fucking pretty.

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Beauty is addictive, and distracts from things that are going wrong or deteriorating.
This is why beauty should be controlled and restricted, to avoid becoming a shallow but widespread obsession.
Beauty still looks nice and should be available, but only after hard work on fixing actual problems, not just available from level 1 to an entire race.
If people can be beautiful without earning it, then not enough people get good.

So they got fucked by one undead human who was mind controlled by an Orc, that means that they must hate humans but side with the Orcs, a faction who fucked them as well but this time as an entire group?
What kind of logic is this?
Why WoW players are so retarde?

belf lore is great. they just don't make sense on the horde.

>Beauty is addictive, and distracts from things that are going wrong or deteriorating.
>This is why beauty should be controlled and restricted, to avoid becoming a shallow but widespread obsession.

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they hate humans because stormwind didn't offer any aid to lordaeron or quelthalas while they were getting fucked by the scourge.

I told ya there'd be some beauty addict showing up here.

It's been a while but didn't they side with Sylvanas in TFT to fuck up Garithos after he tried to murder them?

Nice headcanon. Nice to see that you switched your points now that you've been exposed as a retard.
Now concerning your new point which is another stupid headcanon, Stormwind didn't aid lordaeron either, it wasn't a thing during wc3 events.
Oh and quelthalas didn't help the humans getting rekt by the scourge either.

>muh death of the author the new lore isnt real

Nope. Garithos isn't never mentioned during tbc.
WoW writers simply made the alliance attack the blood elves for no reason as an excuse for them going to Horde.

Wtf are you barguing about

Gnomes only because the people who play them are fucking pieces of shit. Never met a gnome player that wasn’t either trying to ruin your fun or thinks he’s the shit. Lorewise their pretty alright though

The term “amputee” is offensive. The politically correct term is cyborg.

Any elf

What the fuck are you smoking?

Belf first side with humans (and even get their own bulding in the faction) but then split, half of them run away with Illidan while the other half (the playable race) stay and try to rebuild their empire, they somehow get on good terms with the forsaken for reasons that I never gave a fuck about.

I love how they made Sethrak exclusively Horde after Alliance wanted them

>What the fuck are you smoking?
I'm not smoking anything.
Do you or do you not see the obvious fucking problem in letting people be attractive without having to work for it?

Well this is a videogame we're talking about, a role-playing videogame, I see no inherent problem with letting people be pretty. It does break WoW but not because "let's people be pretty without effort"... Oh wait, you mean you worked hard for those purples and now nobody gives a fuck because Belf are pretty without trying? Is that what you're mad about?

>I see no inherent problem with letting people be pretty.
With no more effort than making a level 1 character and running it to Stormwind or Silvermoon.
When they COULD be motivated to put in some actual bloody effort, but they aren't.
It's the same process by which welfare traps people in mediocrity.

>Oh wait, you mean you worked hard for those purples and now nobody gives a fuck because Belf are pretty without trying? Is that what you're mad about?
First of all I'm not a woman.
I don't give a flying fuck about social shaming so you can shove that shit up your ass.
But if you rewrite "nobody gives a fuck" to the correct language, then yes. Let me fix it for you.

>You mean you worked hard for those purples, and it's disappointing in the long-term for your group's prospects, because Belf are pretty without trying? Is that what you're mad about?
Yes. They could be encouraged to git gud, but they aren't. That's a problem because they won't get good.

wait maybe I'm missing something
are you actually upset some races in WoW are more attractive than others?

They literally said they are an allied race at blizzcon

No, I'm upset that beauty can be achieved with very little effort as that means people will simply get used to being beautiful without thinking of effort as a requirement for it (because as it is now, effort is NOT a requirement).
The "effort is not a requirement" mindset will result in people thinking it's okay to not put in effort.
And if people think it's okay to not put in effort, they won't put in effort.
And that's bad because effort is how you get good, and I'd want people to get good.

If Beauty were skillgated or hell, even grindgated it wouldn't be a problem. But it's not gated at all.

Look, I know you probably don't understand, but I'll try to explain:

People can change themselves for the better, by putting in some work.
If you encourage them to put in that work, they're more likely to change for the better.
If you declare that people are perfectly fine as they are now and don't have to change for the better, they're less likely to do so.

Does this make any sense to you?
Do you believe that mountaintops exists and you can climb to reach them?
Or is it just easier to disbelieve the concept of mountains and declare where-ever you are at to be the new mountaintop?

I think you should take a break from the internet for a little while

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The internet is MY space. YOU fuck off.

>its a far more effective raid machine

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Fucking coming in here and trying goddamn WOMAN tactics on me, who the fuck do you think you are?

Zandalari Trolls because they ruined Paladin lore.
t. every human male paladin online

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Zandalari are the ultimate alpha males and can do whatever the fuck they want.

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I like the idea of angering people by just playing my character, even after all these years, it makes me feel good inside.

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Not with that ass.

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I like this too, but it depends on who you're angering.
If you're angering the DPS warriors, guild leaders' girlfriends, ERPers, Undead rogues, casual gamers, or anyone who plays Arathi Basin just to camp at mine or lumbermill, then fuck yeah
Though I prefer pink haired gnome with twintails who is a frost mage. Really good for making people upset.

I want a pink-haired Gnome wife

Blood elves

Wasn't there supposed to be a model update for them?


Tauren, by a mile.

>hmm... should I be the warrior, the warlock or the villager?

Ooh wow really, snowflake?
Well now we know :)

If you can connect praising your spiritual ancestors with light and holy power, be my guest. You'll have to deal with Holy Priest Orc for now.

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I think that was actually thrown in due to the Shadowmoon Orcs doing void shit.

That could mean brown orc priests should have shadow as only available spec, but Blizzard wouldn't dare trying that.

This is what happens when you stop hiring for competence and start hiring minorities with mental disorders

why? Orcs are the same as humans in lore. descendants of titan constructs.

It's because of the ORC BAD HUMAN GOOD mindset most players have

If Orcs could become the same symbols of justice and righteousness that humans can become then the swarms of human pallies will kill themselves in protest

Look at blizz forum posts about orc paladins. It's filled with human paladin mains saying GREEN MAN BAD

I'll never forget the day when Human a Male Paladins got blown the fuck out by confirmation of playable Zandalari Paladins.

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>hack off arms and legs
>replace with with metal
>call it a new race
they just keep getting more and more lazy.

>get gnomes
>give them prothestics
>its somehow, a new race

Alliance cant be more keked than this

Blood elves without a doubt
They literally ruined the horde

Add couple new hairstyles and it'll attract some to keep active subscribers grinding for something. This method would be most effective with delivering High Elves, but Blizzard decided Alliance should have Void Elves instead.

i don't find that offensive since is technically correct. However, if people start calling you cyborg for being an amputee, it think that it's very cool

>get Tauren
>give them moose antlers
>get Draenei
>give them tattoos
>get Orcs
>make them brown
>get Humans
>make them fat
>get Blood Elves
>make them purple
>get Dwarves
>make them grey
>get Trolls
>make them Chad
>get Night Elves
>make them ugly



I've been searching for an MMO to play, what's the best option besides Warframe?

Anu belore dela'na

Still better than final fantasy new furshit race

FF14, ESO, or WoW.

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What advantage does that aug lower jaw even give? Why

So first they give alliance ugly fat people as a race now cripples?|
What's next, trannies?

yes. some 2 years ago.

Those are the only options right now you little faggot

>legion had tons of hints at void ethereal being a possibility
>lol nope we invented a splinter faction of elves so we don't need to make armor work on a mummy
>racial and heritage armor still heavily ethereal influenced

Basically they were nearby and also killing the scourge. Other than that sultanas was a pretty famous elf

Zandalari warlocks put their head on the chopping block to generate this salt, and I gotta say it was worth it


What's the issue with Zandalari Paladins?

It's debatable but both are godawful.

Al diel shala

You're getting fucking humans with bunny ears and pick related, at least wow makes some of their races not just a different shape of human and do cool monster stuff like goblins and when they do furshit they don't immedietly try to make them as human as possible


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You would have more of a point if wow's artstye wasn't absolute trash

>new blizz is far too lazy to actually flesh out the differences between paladins, prelates, exarches, sunwalkers and blood knights
Everyone line up for a hammer, a book and generic holy plate armor, we gotta be shipped before the priests arrive for pruning

it's really sad how playing wow fall from being a nice game to being pathetic addict asylum in the spam of a single year.

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Well, you have to think about the braindead retards that play WoW who wouldn't be able to understand that all those classes are just paladins with different names.

WoW has always been fisher price's my first MMO.

Legion has us dealing with so much void crap on Argus even meeting one of the few friendly Ethereals who's mastered void, just a setup for more elf pandering I'd even settle for Krokul who we even meet but nope more elf shit.

I miss that ability so much.

Yeah they claims its coming but they even said it would happen before and never did and the time before that and it never did, who's to say it will be any different this time.

It wasn't practical at all. But yeah, I liked it too.

All I know is the best race isn’t getting in.

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Looks like shes wearing a diaper

Mad? you're just the npc race dude. You're a nobody. My no Elf guild makes the game amazing. You remove 90% of the trannies and women that way besides the tauren milfs. Been going 3 xpacs, not even a faggot demon huntard.

I wish Gnolls were playable.

Femgnomes are for loving.

Based and gnollpilled
The best fantasy creatures have been unplayable in games for too long

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>My no Elf guild
now this is a new level of autism

It's blizzard, they just add shit if it looks cool.

do you also wan't manlet sons

sexy legs

I would main an arrakoa warlock in a heartbeat desu

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Zandalari can't even be warlocks, but humans and other paladin races can.

I don't care, I want a 3 foot tall wife to pick up and kiss and cuddle.

I don't see the difference

>restrictions are autistic cause reasons
Back that claim up faggot. Ilvl? That’s what I thought
T. Blood elf hunter

>WoW will never have these kind of races

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The hair

How can Trolls be priests but Orcs can't?

it's a game, who gives a shit who plays what. if it's for some dumb roleplay reasons sure, but otherwise you're just being an edgy cunt. I also stopped playing this garbage heap years ago, but to each their own I guess.

>I'll never forget the day when Human a Male Paladins got blown the fuck out by confirmation of playable Zandalari Paladins.
i think you mean by playable blood elf paladins in tbc when faction identity died

Are you face-blind?

real mistake was including fucking gnomes as a race in the first place